unit MyController2U; interface uses System.Generics.Collections, MVCFramework, MVCFramework.Commons, MVCFramework.Swagger.Commons, MVCFramework.Serializer.Commons, MVCFramework.Middleware.Authentication.RoleBasedAuthHandler, MVCFramework.Nullables; type [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TAddress = class(TInterfacedObject) private FStreet: string; FNumber: Integer; FCity: string; FPostalCode: NullableString; public property Street: string read FStreet write FStreet; property Number: Integer read FNumber write FNumber; property City: string read FCity write FCity; property PostalCode: NullableString read FPostalCode write FPostalCode; end; [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TPhone = class private FDescription: string; FNumber: string; public property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription; property Number: string read FNumber write FNumber; end; [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TPhones = class(TObjectList) end; TGender = (Male, Female); [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TPerson = class private FName: string; FAge: Integer; FCountry: string; FCode: Integer; FAddress: TAddress; FPhones: TPhones; FGender: TGender; FArrayField: TArray; FListField: TList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; [MVCSwagJsonSchemaField(stInteger, 'code', 'person id', True, False)] property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode; [MVCSwagJsonSchemaField('name', 'person name', True, False, 5, 100)] property Name: string read FName write FName; [MVCSwagJsonSchemaField('gender', 'person gender', True, False)] [MVCEnumSerialization(estEnumName)] property Gender: TGender read FGender write FGender; [MVCSwagJsonSchemaField('age', 'person age', True, False)] property Age: Integer read FAge write FAge; [MVCSwagJsonSchemaField('country', 'Nationality of the person', True, False, 0, 100)] property Country: string read FCountry write FCountry; property Address: TAddress read FAddress write FAddress; property Phones: TPhones read FPhones write FPhones; [MVCSwagJsonSchemaField(stArray, 'arrayfield', 'Array Field', True, False)] property ArrayField: TArray read FArrayField write FArrayField; [MVCSwagJsonSchemaField(stArray, 'listfield', 'List Field', True, False)] property ListField: TList read FListField write FListField; end; [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TPeople = class(TObjectList) end; // [MVCSwagIgnorePath] { Ignore all methods of controller } [MVCPath('/people')] [MVCSwagAuthentication(atJsonWebToken)] TMyController2 = class(TMVCController) public [MVCPath('')] [MVCHTTPMethod([httpGET])] [MVCSwagSummary('People', 'List all persons', 'getPeople')] [MVCSwagParam(plQuery, 'per_page', 'Items per page', ptInteger, False, '50')] [MVCSwagParam(plQuery, 'enumparam', 'Enum param sample', ptString, False, 'enumvalue1', 'enumvalue1,enumvalue2,enumvalue3,enumvalue4')] [MVCSwagResponses(200, 'Success', TPerson, True)] [MVCSwagResponses(500, 'Internal Server Error')] procedure GetAllPeople; [MVCPath('/($Id)')] [MVCHTTPMethod([httpGET])] [MVCSwagSummary('People', 'List Persons by Id', 'getPersonById')] [MVCSwagParam(plPath, 'Id', 'Person id', ptInteger)] [MVCSwagResponses(200, 'Success', TPerson)] [MVCSwagResponses(500, 'Internal Server Error')] procedure GetPerson(const Id: Integer); // [MVCSwagIgnorePath] { Ignore this method only } [MVCPath('')] [MVCHTTPMethod([httpPOST])] [MVCSwagSummary('People', 'Insert Person', 'createPerson')] [MVCSwagParam(plBody, 'entity', 'Person object', TPerson)] [MVCSwagResponses(201, 'Created')] [MVCSwagResponses(401, 'Requires Authentication')] [MVCSwagResponses(500, 'Internal Server Error')] [MVCConsumes(TMVCMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)] procedure InsertPerson; end; implementation uses MVCFramework.Controllers.Register; { TMyController2 } procedure TMyController2.GetAllPeople; var LPerson: TPerson; LPersons: TObjectList; begin LPersons := TObjectList.Create; LPerson := TPerson.Create; LPerson.Code := 1; LPerson.Name := 'João Antônio Duarte'; LPerson.Age := 26; LPerson.Country := 'Brasil'; LPersons.Add(LPerson); Render(LPersons); end; procedure TMyController2.GetPerson(const Id: Integer); var LPerson: TPerson; begin LPerson := TPerson.Create; LPerson.Code := Id; LPerson.Name := 'João Antônio Duarte'; LPerson.Age := 26; LPerson.Country := 'Brasil'; Render(LPerson); end; procedure TMyController2.InsertPerson; var LPerson: TPerson; begin LPerson := Context.Request.BodyAs; Render(LPerson); ResponseStatus(201, 'Created'); end; { TPerson } constructor TPerson.Create; begin inherited; FAddress := TAddress.Create; FPhones := TPhones.Create; end; destructor TPerson.Destroy; begin FAddress.Free; FPhones.Free; inherited; end; initialization //TControllersRegister.Instance.RegisterController(TMyController2, 'MyServerName'); end.