from invoke import task, context, Exit import os import subprocess from colorama import * import glob from shutil import copy2, rmtree, copytree from datetime import datetime import pathlib from typing import * from pathlib import Path init() g_output = "bin" g_output_folder = "" # defined at runtime g_version = "DEV" delphi_versions = [ {"version": "10.0", "path": "17.0", "desc": "Delphi 10 Seattle"}, {"version": "10.1", "path": "18.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.1 Berlin"}, {"version": "10.2", "path": "19.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.2 Tokyo"}, {"version": "10.3", "path": "20.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.3 Rio"}, {"version": "10.4", "path": "21.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.4 Sydney"}, {"version": "11.0", "path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11 Alexandria"}, {"version": "11.1", "path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11.1 Alexandria"}, {"version": "11.2", "path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11.2 Alexandria"}, {"version": "11.3", "path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11.3 Alexandria"}, {"version": "12.0", "path": "23.0", "desc": "Delphi 12 Athens"}, ] projects = [ ("samples\\01_global_logger\\global_logger.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\02_file_appender\\file_appender.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\02a_simple_file_appender\\simple_file_appender.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\03_console_appender\\console_appender.dproj", "Win32"), ( "samples\\04_outputdebugstring_appender\\outputdebugstring_appender.dproj", "Win32", ), ("samples\\05_vcl_appenders\\vcl_appenders.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\08_email_appender\\email_appender.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\10_multiple_appenders\\multiple_appenders.dproj", "Win32"), ( "samples\\15_appenders_with_different_log_levels\\multi_appenders_different_loglevels.dproj", "Win32", ), ("samples\\20_multiple_loggers\\multiple_loggers.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\50_custom_appender\\custom_appender.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\60_logging_inside_dll\\MainProgram.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\60_logging_inside_dll\\mydll.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\70_isapi_sample\\loggerproisapisample.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\90_remote_logging_with_redis\\REDISAppenderSample.dproj", "Win32"), ( "samples\\90_remote_logging_with_redis\\redis_logs_viewer\\REDISLogsViewer.dproj", "Win32", ), ("samples\\100_udp_syslog\\udp_syslog.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\110_rest_appender\RESTAppenderSample.dproj", "Win32"), ("samples\\110_rest_appender_mobile\RESTAppenderMobileSample.dproj", "Android"), ( "samples\\120_elastic_search_appender\\ElasticSearchAppenderSample.dproj", "Win32", ), ("samples\\130_simple_console_appender\SimpleConsole_appender.dproj", "Android"), ("samples\\rest_logs_collector\RESTLogsCollector.dproj", "Win32"), ] def get_delphi_projects_to_build(): global projects return projects def get_best_delphi_version_available() -> (dict, str): global delphi_version found = False rsvars_path = None i = len(delphi_versions) while (not found) and (i >= 0): i -= 1 delphi_version = delphi_versions[i] version_path = delphi_version["path"] rsvars_path = f"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\{version_path}\\bin\\rsvars.bat" if os.path.isfile(rsvars_path): found = True else: rsvars_path = f"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\{version_path}\\bin\\rsvars.bat" if os.path.isfile(rsvars_path): found = True if found: return delphi_version, rsvars_path else: raise Exception("Cannot find a Delphi compiler") def build_delphi_project( ctx: context.Context, project_filename, config="DEBUG", platform="Win32" ): delphi_version, rsvars_path = get_best_delphi_version_available() print("\nBUILD WITH: " + delphi_version["desc"]) cmdline = ( '"' + rsvars_path + '"' + " & msbuild /t:Build /p:Config=" + config + f' /p:Platform={platform} "' + project_filename[0] + '"' ) r =, hide=True, warn=True) if r.failed: print(r.stdout) print(r.stderr) raise Exit("Build failed for " + delphi_version["desc"]) def build_delphi_project_list(ctx, projects, config="DEBUG", filter=""): ret = True for delphi_project in projects: if filter and (not filter in delphi_project): print(f"Skipped {os.path.basename(delphi_project[0])}") continue msg = f"Building: {os.path.basename(delphi_project[0])} ({config})" print(Fore.RESET + msg.ljust(90, "."), end="") try: build_delphi_project(ctx, delphi_project, "DEBUG") print(Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Fore.RESET) except Exception as e: print(Fore.RED + "\n\nBUILD ERROR") print(Fore.RESET) print(e) # if res.ok: # print(Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Fore.RESET) # else: # ret = False # print(Fore.RED + "\n\nBUILD ERROR") # print(Fore.RESET + res.stdout) # print("\n") return ret @task() def tests(ctx): """Builds and execute the unit tests""" import os apppath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) res = True testclient = r"unittests\UnitTests.dproj" print("\nBuilding Unit Tests") build_delphi_project( ctx, (testclient, "Win32"), config="CI" ) import subprocess print("\nExecuting tests...") r =[r"unittests\Win32\CI\UnitTests.exe"]) if r.returncode != 0: return Exit("Compilation failed: \n" + str(r.stdout)) if r.returncode > 0: print(r) print("Unit Tests Failed") return Exit("Unit tests failed") @task(post=[tests]) def build(ctx, version="DEBUG"): """Builds LoggerPro""" delphi_projects = get_delphi_projects_to_build() ret = build_delphi_project_list(ctx, delphi_projects, version) if not ret: raise Exit("Build failed") def get_home() -> str: return str(Path(__file__).parent) def inc_version(): global g_version home = get_home() from datetime import datetime with open(Path(home).joinpath("VERSION.TXT"), "r") as f: v = f.readline().strip() pieces = v.split(".") if len(pieces) != 3: raise Exception("Invalid version format in VERSION.TXT") g_version = ".".join(pieces[:-1]) + "." + str(int(pieces[2]) + 1) print(f"INC VERSION [{v}] => [{g_version}]") with open(Path(home).joinpath("VERSION.TXT"), "w") as f: f.write(g_version) f.write("\nBUILD DATETIME : " + + "\n") @task(pre=[tests, build]) def release(ctx, skip_build=False, no_git=False): """Builds all the projects, executes unit/integration tests and create release""" global g_version print(Fore.RESET) if not no_git: inc_version() tag_name = g_version.replace(".", "_").replace(" ", "_") print("Creating Git tag " + tag_name) if not"git add -u "): raise Exception("Cannot add files to git") if not"git tag {tag_name}"): raise Exception("Cannot create git tag") if not'git commit -m "{tag_name}"'): raise Exception("Cannot commit on git") if not"git push origin"): raise Exception("Cannot push") if not"git push origin {tag_name}"): raise Exception("Cannot push tag") inc_version() # generates dev build version