Daniele Teti 71907802f0 ADDED SEMANTIC VERSION (DMVCFRAMEWORK_VERSION const in MVCFramework.Commons.pas hold the current version)
Updated the IDE Expert to show the current version of the framework
FIX to the mapper about the datasets null values (needs to be chack in old Delphi versions)
FIX to the dataset boolean values
ADDED more unit tests about nullability
2017-01-29 16:11:14 +01:00

274 lines
11 KiB

// ***************************************************************************
// Delphi MVC Framework
// Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team
// ***************************************************************************
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This IDE expert is based off of the one included with the DUnitX
// project. Original source by Robert Love. Adapted by Nick Hodges.
// The DUnitX project is run by Vincent Parrett and can be found at:
// ***************************************************************************
unit DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.Templates;
{ Delphi template code }
// 0 - project name
// 1 - http/s port
sDMVCDPR = 'program %0:s;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
' {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}' + sLineBreak +
'' + sLineBreak +
'uses' + sLineBreak +
' System.SysUtils,' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework.Logger,' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework.Commons,' + sLineBreak +
' Winapi.Windows,' + sLineBreak +
' Winapi.ShellAPI,' + sLineBreak +
' ReqMulti, {enables files upload}' + sLineBreak +
' Web.WebReq,' + sLineBreak +
' Web.WebBroker,' + sLineBreak +
' IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;' + sLineBreak +
'' + sLineBreak +
'{$R *.res}' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure RunServer(APort: Integer);' + sLineBreak +
'var' + sLineBreak +
' LInputRecord: TInputRecord;' + sLineBreak +
' LEvent: DWord;' + sLineBreak +
' LHandle: THandle;' + sLineBreak +
' LServer: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' Writeln(''** DMVCFramework Server ** build '' + DMVCFRAMEWORK_VERSION);' + sLineBreak +
' Writeln(Format(''Starting HTTP Server on port %%d'', [APort]));' + sLineBreak +
' LServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(nil);' + sLineBreak +
' try' + sLineBreak +
' LServer.DefaultPort := APort;' + sLineBreak +
' LServer.Active := True;' + sLineBreak +
' LogI(Format(''Server started on port %d'', [APort]));' + sLineBreak +
' { more info about MaxConnections ' + sLineBreak +
+ sLineBreak +
' LServer.MaxConnections := 0;' + sLineBreak +
' { more info about ListenQueue ' + sLineBreak +
+ sLineBreak +
' LServer.ListenQueue := 200;' + sLineBreak +
' { Comment the next line to avoid the default browser startup }' + sLineBreak +
' ShellExecute(0, ''open'', PChar(''http://localhost:'' + inttostr(APort)), nil, nil, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);'
+ sLineBreak +
' Writeln(''Press ESC to stop the server'');' + sLineBreak +
' LHandle := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);' + sLineBreak +
' while True do' + sLineBreak +
' begin' + sLineBreak +
' Win32Check(ReadConsoleInput(LHandle, LInputRecord, 1, LEvent));' + sLineBreak +
' if (LInputRecord.EventType = KEY_EVENT) and' + sLineBreak +
' LInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown and' + sLineBreak +
' (LInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = VK_ESCAPE) then' + sLineBreak +
' break;' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
' finally' + sLineBreak +
' LServer.Free;' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;' + sLineBreak +
' IsMultiThread := True;' + sLineBreak +
' try' + sLineBreak +
' if WebRequestHandler <> nil then' + sLineBreak +
' WebRequestHandler.WebModuleClass := WebModuleClass;' + sLineBreak +
' WebRequestHandlerProc.MaxConnections := 1024;' + sLineBreak +
' RunServer(%1:d);' + sLineBreak +
' except' + sLineBreak +
' on E: Exception do' + sLineBreak +
' Writeln(E.ClassName, '': '', E.Message);' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
'end.' + sLineBreak;
// 0 - Unit Name
// 1 - Class Name
// 2 - Sample Methods - Interface
// 3 - Sample Methods - Implementation
// 4 - Action Filters - Interface
// 5 - Action Filters - Implementation
sControllerUnit = 'unit %0:s;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'interface' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'uses' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework, MVCFramework.Commons;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'type' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
' [MVCPath(''/'')]' + sLineBreak +
' %1:s = class(TMVCController) ' + sLineBreak +
' public' + sLineBreak +
'%2:s' +
'%4:s' +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'implementation' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak +
'uses' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework.Logger;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'%3:s' + sLineBreak +
'%5:s' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'end.' + sLineBreak;
sIndexMethodIntf =
' [MVCPath(''/'')]' + sLineBreak +
' [MVCHTTPMethod([httpGET])]' + sLineBreak +
' procedure Index;' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak +
' [MVCPath(''/hellos/($FirstName)'')]' + sLineBreak +
' [MVCHTTPMethod([httpGET])]' + sLineBreak +
' procedure GetSpecializedHello(const FirstName: String);' + sLineBreak;
// 0 - Class Name
sIndexMethodImpl =
'procedure %0:s.Index;' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' //use Context property to access to the HTTP request and response ' + sLineBreak +
' Render(''Hello DelphiMVCFramework World'');' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak +
'procedure %0:s.GetSpecializedHello(const FirstName: String);' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' Render(''Hello '' + FirstName);' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak;
sActionFiltersIntf =
' protected' + sLineBreak +
' procedure OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string; var Handled: Boolean); override;'
+ sLineBreak +
' procedure OnAfterAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string); override;' +
sActionFiltersImpl =
'procedure %0:s.OnAfterAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string); ' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' { Executed after each action }' + sLineBreak +
' inherited;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure %0:s.OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string; var Handled: Boolean);'
+ sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' { Executed before each action' + sLineBreak +
' if handled is true (or an exception is raised) the actual' + sLineBreak +
' action will not be called }' + sLineBreak +
' inherited;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak;
sDefaultControllerName = 'TMyController';
sDefaultWebModuleName = 'TMyWebModule';
sDefaultServerPort = '8080';
// 0 = unit name
// 1 = webmodule classname
// 2 = controller unit
// 3 - controller class name
sWebModuleUnit =
'unit %0:s;' + sLineBreak +
'' + sLineBreak +
'interface' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'uses System.SysUtils,' + sLineBreak +
' System.Classes,' + sLineBreak +
' Web.HTTPApp,' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'type' + sLineBreak +
' %1:s = class(TWebModule)' + sLineBreak +
' procedure WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
' procedure WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
' private' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC: TMVCEngine;' + sLineBreak +
' public' + sLineBreak +
' { Public declarations }' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'var' + sLineBreak +
' WebModuleClass: TComponentClass = %1:s;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'implementation' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'{$R *.dfm}' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'uses %2:s, MVCFramework.Commons;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure %1:s.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC := TMVCEngine.Create(Self,' + sLineBreak +
' procedure(Config: TMVCConfig)' + sLineBreak +
' begin' + sLineBreak +
' //enable static files' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DocumentRoot] := ExtractFilePath(GetModuleName(HInstance)) + ''\www'';'
+ sLineBreak +
' // session timeout (0 means session cookie)' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.SessionTimeout] := ''0'';' + sLineBreak +
' //default content-type' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DefaultContentType] := TMVCConstants.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;' +
sLineBreak +
' //default content charset' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DefaultContentCharset] := TMVCConstants.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET;' +
sLineBreak +
' //unhandled actions are permitted?' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.AllowUnhandledAction] := ''false'';' + sLineBreak +
' //default view file extension' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DefaultViewFileExtension] := ''html'';' + sLineBreak +
' //view path' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.ViewPath] := ''templates'';' + sLineBreak +
' //Enable STOMP messaging controller' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.Messaging] := ''false'';' + sLineBreak +
' //Enable Server Signature in response' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.ExposeServerSignature] := ''true'';' + sLineBreak +
' // Define a default URL for requests that don''t map to a route or a file (useful for client side web app)' +
sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.FallbackResource] := ''index.html'';' + sLineBreak +
' end);' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC.AddController(%3:s);' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure %1:s.WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC.Free;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'end.' + sLineBreak;
sWebModuleDFM =
'object %0:s: %1:s' + sLineBreak +
' OldCreateOrder = False' + sLineBreak +
' OnCreate = WebModuleCreate' + sLineBreak +
' OnDestroy = WebModuleDestroy' + sLineBreak +
' Height = 230' + sLineBreak +
' Width = 415' + sLineBreak +