mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 07:45:54 +01:00
242 lines
8.9 KiB
242 lines
8.9 KiB
from invoke import task, context
import os
import subprocess
from colorama import *
import glob
from shutil import copy2, rmtree
from datetime import datetime
# import markdown
# from markdown.extensions.tables import TableExtension
# from markdown.extensions.toc import TocExtension
# from markdown.extensions.fenced_code import FencedCodeExtension
# from markdown.extensions.codehilite import CodeHiliteExtension
from pathlib import Path
g_releases_path = "releases"
g_output = "bin"
g_output_folder = "" # defined at runtime
g_version = 'DEV'
def get_delphi_projects_to_build(which='', delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
projects = []
dversion = 'd' + delphi_version.replace('.','')
if not which or which == 'core':
projects += glob.glob(r"packages\{dversion}\*.groupproj".format(dversion=dversion))
if not which or which == 'tests':
projects += glob.glob(r"unittests\**\*.dproj")
if not which or which == 'samples':
projects += glob.glob(r"samples\**\*.dproj")
return projects
def build_delphi_project(ctx: context.Context, project_filename, config='DEBUG', delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
delphi_versions = {
"10.1": {"path": "18.0", "desc":"Delphi 10.1 Seattle"},
"10.2": {"path": "19.0", "desc":"Delphi 10.2 Tokyo"},
"10.3": {"path": "20.0", "desc":"Delphi 10.3 Rio"},
assert delphi_version in delphi_versions, "Invalid Delphi version: " + delphi_version
print("[" + delphi_versions[delphi_version]["desc"] + "] ", end="")
version_path = delphi_versions[delphi_version]["path"]
rsvars_path = f'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\{version_path}\\bin\\rsvars.bat'
if not os.path.isfile(rsvars_path):
rsvars_path = f'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\{version_path}\\bin\\rsvars.bat'
if not os.path.isfile(rsvars_path):
raise Exception("Cannot find rsvars.bat")
cmdline = '"' + rsvars_path + '"' + " & msbuild /t:Build /p:Config=" + config + " /p:Platform=Win32 \"" + project_filename + "\""
return ctx.run(cmdline, hide=True, warn=True)
def zip_samples(version):
global g_output_folder
cmdline = "7z a " + g_output_folder + f"\\..\\dmvcframework_{version}_samples.zip -r -i@7ziplistfile.txt"
return subprocess.call(cmdline, shell=True) == 0
def create_zip(ctx, version):
global g_output_folder
archive_name = r"..\dmvcframework_" + version + ".zip"
switches = ""
files_name = "*"
cmdline = f"..\\..\\7z.exe a {switches} {archive_name} *"
with ctx.cd(g_output_folder):
ctx.run(cmdline, hide=False)
def copy_sources():
global g_output_folder
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\sources", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\ideexpert", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\packages", exist_ok=True)
# copying main sources
print("Copying DMVCFramework Sources...")
src = glob.glob("sources\\*.pas") + glob.glob("sources\\*.inc")
for file in src:
print("Copying " + file + " to " + g_output_folder + "\\sources")
copy2(file, g_output_folder + "\\sources\\")
# copying ideexperts
print("Copying DMVCFramework IDEExpert...")
src = glob.glob("ideexpert\\*.pas") + \
glob.glob("ideexpert\\*.dfm") + \
glob.glob("ideexpert\\*.ico") + \
for file in src:
print("Copying " + file + " to " + g_output_folder + "\\ideexpert")
copy2(file, g_output_folder + "\\ideexpert\\")
# copying packages
print("Copying DMVCFramework Delphi 10.1 Seattle packages...")
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d101", exist_ok=True)
copy2(r"packages\d101\dmvcframeworkRT.dpk", g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d102")
copy2(r"packages\d101\dmvcframeworkRT.dproj", g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d102")
# copying packages
print("Copying DMVCFramework Delphi 10.2 Tokyo packages...")
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d102", exist_ok=True)
copy2(r"packages\d102\dmvcframeworkRT.dpk", g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d102")
copy2(r"packages\d102\dmvcframeworkRT.dproj", g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d102")
print("Copying DMVCFramework Delphi 10.3 Rio packages...")
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d103", exist_ok=True)
copy2(r"packages\d103\dmvcframeworkRT.dpk", g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d103")
copy2(r"packages\d103\dmvcframeworkRT.dproj", g_output_folder + "\\packages\\d103")
def copy_libs():
global g_output_folder
# loggerpro
print("Copying libraries: LoggerPro...")
curr_folder = g_output_folder + "\\lib\\loggerpro"
os.makedirs(curr_folder, exist_ok=True)
src = glob.glob("lib\\loggerpro\\*.pas")
for file in src:
print("Copying " + file + " to " + curr_folder)
copy2(file, curr_folder)
copy2("lib\\loggerpro\\License.txt", curr_folder)
copy2("lib\\loggerpro\\VERSION.TXT", curr_folder)
# dmustache
print("Copying libraries: dmustache...")
curr_folder = g_output_folder + "\\lib\\dmustache"
os.makedirs(curr_folder, exist_ok=True)
src = glob.glob("lib\\dmustache\\*.pas") + \
for file in src:
print("Copying " + file + " to " + curr_folder)
copy2(file, curr_folder)
copy2("lib\\dmustache\\README.md", curr_folder)
def printkv(key, value):
print(Fore.RESET + (key + ': ').ljust(50) + Fore.GREEN + value + Fore.RESET)
def init_build(version):
"""Required by all tasks"""
global g_version
global g_output_folder
global g_releases_path
g_version = version
g_output_folder = g_releases_path + "\\" + g_version
printkv("BUILD VERSION", g_version)
printkv('Output path', g_output_folder)
rmtree(g_output_folder, True)
os.makedirs(g_output_folder, exist_ok=True)
f = open(g_output_folder + "\\version.txt", "w")
f.write("VERSION " + g_version + "\n")
f.write("BUILD DATETIME " + datetime.now().isoformat() + "\n")
copy2("README.md", g_output_folder)
copy2("3_0_0_breaking_changes.md", g_output_folder)
copy2("3_1_0_breaking_changes.md", g_output_folder)
copy2("License.txt", g_output_folder)
def build_delphi_project_list(ctx, projects, config="DEBUG", filter='', delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
ret = True
for delphi_project in projects:
if filter and (not filter in delphi_project):
print(f"Skipped {os.path.basename(delphi_project)}")
msg = f"Building: {os.path.basename(delphi_project)} ({config})"
print(Fore.RESET + msg.ljust(70, '.'), end="")
res = build_delphi_project(ctx, delphi_project, 'DEBUG', delphi_version)
if res.ok:
print(Fore.GREEN + 'OK' + Fore.RESET)
ret = False
print(Fore.RED + "\n\nBUILD ERROR")
print(Fore.RESET + res.stdout)
return ret
def tests(ctx, delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
"""Builds and execute the unit tests"""
import os
apppath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
res = True
tests = [
testsexe = [
i = 0
for test_project in tests:
res = build_delphi_project(ctx, test_project, 'CI', delphi_version) and res
if res:
exename = apppath + "\\" + testsexe[i]
printkv("Running", exename)
res = ctx.run(exename, hide=False)
if not res:
print("UnitTest execution failed!")
return False
i = i + 1
return res
def release(ctx, version="DEBUG", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION, skip_build=False):
"""Builds all the projects, executes integration tests and prepare the release"""
if not skip_build:
delphi_projects = get_delphi_projects_to_build('', delphi_version)
build_delphi_project_list(ctx, delphi_projects, version, '', delphi_version)
create_zip(ctx, version)
def build_samples(ctx, version="DEBUG", filter="", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
"""Builds samples"""
delphi_projects = get_delphi_projects_to_build('samples', delphi_version)
build_delphi_project_list(ctx, delphi_projects, version, filter, delphi_version)
def build_core(ctx, version="DEBUG", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
"""Builds core packages extensions"""
delphi_projects = get_delphi_projects_to_build('core', delphi_version)
build_delphi_project_list(ctx, delphi_projects, version, '', delphi_version)