mirror of
synced 2024-11-16 00:05:53 +01:00
531 lines
21 KiB
531 lines
21 KiB
from invoke import task, context, Exit
import os
import subprocess
from colorama import *
import glob
from shutil import copy2, rmtree, copytree
from datetime import datetime
import pathlib
from typing import *
from pathlib import Path
g_releases_path = "releases"
g_output = "bin"
g_output_folder = "" # defined at runtime
g_version = "DEV"
def get_delphi_projects_to_build(which="", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
projects = []
dversion = "d" + delphi_version.replace(".", "")
if not which or which == "core":
projects += glob.glob(
projects += glob.glob(r"tools\entitygenerator\MVCAREntitiesGenerator.dproj")
if not which or which == "tests":
projects += glob.glob(r"unittests\**\*.dproj")
if not which or which == "samples":
projects += glob.glob(r"samples\**\*.dproj")
projects += glob.glob(r"samples\**\**\*.dproj")
projects += glob.glob(r"samples\**\**\**\*.dproj")
return sorted(projects)
def build_delphi_project(
ctx: context.Context,
delphi_versions = {
"10": {"path": "17.0", "desc": "Delphi 10 Seattle"},
"10.1": {"path": "18.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.1 Berlin"},
"10.2": {"path": "19.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.2 Tokyo"},
"10.3": {"path": "20.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.3 Rio"},
"10.4": {"path": "21.0", "desc": "Delphi 10.4 Sydney"},
"11": {"path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11 Alexandria"},
"11.1": {"path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11.1 Alexandria"},
"11.2": {"path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11.2 Alexandria"},
"11.3": {"path": "22.0", "desc": "Delphi 11.3 Alexandria"},
assert delphi_version in delphi_versions, (
"Invalid Delphi version: " + delphi_version
print("[" + delphi_versions[delphi_version]["desc"] + "] ", end="")
version_path = delphi_versions[delphi_version]["path"]
rsvars_path = (
f"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\{version_path}\\bin\\rsvars.bat"
if not os.path.isfile(rsvars_path):
rsvars_path = f"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\{version_path}\\bin\\rsvars.bat"
if not os.path.isfile(rsvars_path):
raise Exception("Cannot find rsvars.bat")
cmdline = (
+ rsvars_path
+ '"'
+ " & msbuild /t:Build /p:Config="
+ config
+ f' /p:Platform={platform} "'
+ project_filename
+ '"'
print("\n" + "".join(cmdline))
r = ctx.run(cmdline, hide=True, warn=True)
if r.failed:
raise Exit("Build failed for " + delphi_versions[delphi_version]["desc"])
def zip_samples(version):
global g_output_folder
cmdline = (
"7z a "
+ g_output_folder
+ f"\\..\\{version}_samples.zip -r -i@7ziplistfile.txt"
return subprocess.call(cmdline, shell=True) == 0
def create_zip(ctx, version):
global g_output_folder
archive_name = "..\\" + version + ".zip"
switches = ""
files_name = "*"
cmdline = f"..\\..\\7z.exe a {switches} {archive_name} *"
with ctx.cd(g_output_folder):
ctx.run(cmdline, hide=False)
def copy_sources():
global g_output_folder
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\sources", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\ideexpert", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\packages", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + "\\tools", exist_ok=True)
# copying main sources
print("Copying DMVCFramework Sources...")
src = glob.glob("sources\\*.pas") + glob.glob("sources\\*.inc")
for file in src:
print("Copying " + file + " to " + g_output_folder + "\\sources")
copy2(file, g_output_folder + "\\sources\\")
# copying tools
print("Copying tools...")
copytree("tools\\entitygenerator", g_output_folder + "\\tools\\entitygenerator")
# copytree('tools\\rql2sql', g_output_folder + "\\tools\\rql2sql")
# copying ideexperts
print("Copying DMVCFramework IDEExpert...")
src = (
+ glob.glob("ideexpert\\*.dfm")
+ glob.glob("ideexpert\\*.ico")
+ glob.glob("ideexpert\\*.bmp")
for file in src:
print("Copying " + file + " to " + g_output_folder + "\\ideexpert")
copy2(file, g_output_folder + "\\ideexpert\\")
files = [
folders = ["d100", "d101", "d102", "d103", "d104","d110","d111","d112","d113"]
for folder in folders:
print(f"Copying DMVCFramework Delphi {folder} packages...")
for file in files:
os.makedirs(g_output_folder + f"\\packages\\{folder}", exist_ok=True)
rf"packages\{folder}\{file}", g_output_folder + rf"\packages\{folder}"
# copy2(
# rf"packages\common_contains.inc", g_output_folder + rf"\packages"
# )
# copy2(
# rf"packages\common_defines.inc", g_output_folder + rf"\packages"
# )
# copy2(
# rf"packages\common_defines_design.inc", g_output_folder + rf"\packages"
# )
def copy_libs(ctx):
global g_output_folder
# swagdoc
print("Copying libraries: SwagDoc...")
curr_folder = g_output_folder + "\\lib\\swagdoc"
os.makedirs(curr_folder, exist_ok=True)
if not ctx.run(rf"xcopy lib\swagdoc\*.* {curr_folder}\*.* /E /Y /R /V /F"):
raise Exception("Cannot copy SwagDoc")
# loggerpro
print("Copying libraries: LoggerPro...")
curr_folder = g_output_folder + "\\lib\\loggerpro"
os.makedirs(curr_folder, exist_ok=True)
if not ctx.run(rf"xcopy lib\loggerpro\*.* {curr_folder}\*.* /E /Y /R /V /F"):
raise Exception("Cannot copy loggerpro")
# dmustache
print("Copying libraries: dmustache...")
curr_folder = g_output_folder + "\\lib\\dmustache"
os.makedirs(curr_folder, exist_ok=True)
if not ctx.run(rf"xcopy lib\dmustache\*.* {curr_folder}\*.* /E /Y /R /V /F"):
raise Exception("Cannot copy dmustache")
def printkv(key, value):
print(Fore.RESET + key + ": " + Fore.GREEN + RightValue.rjust(60) + Fore.RESET)
def init_build(version):
"""Required by all tasks"""
global g_version
global g_output_folder
global g_releases_path
g_version = version
g_output_folder = g_releases_path + "\\" + g_version
print(Fore.RESET + Fore.RED + "*" * 80)
print(Fore.RESET + Fore.RED + " BUILD VERSION: " + g_version + Fore.RESET)
print(Fore.RESET + Fore.RED + " OUTPUT PATH : " + g_output_folder + Fore.RESET)
print(Fore.RESET + Fore.RED + "*" * 80)
rmtree(g_output_folder, True)
os.makedirs(g_output_folder, exist_ok=True)
f = open(g_output_folder + "\\version.txt", "w")
f.write("VERSION " + g_version + "\n")
f.write("BUILD DATETIME " + datetime.now().isoformat() + "\n")
copy2("README.md", g_output_folder)
copy2("3_0_0_breaking_changes.md", g_output_folder)
copy2("3_1_0_breaking_changes.md", g_output_folder)
copy2("3_2_0_breaking_changes.md", g_output_folder)
copy2("License.txt", g_output_folder)
def build_delphi_project_list(
ctx, projects, config="DEBUG", filter="", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION
ret = True
for delphi_project in projects:
if filter and (not filter in delphi_project):
print(f"Skipped {os.path.basename(delphi_project)}")
msg = f"Building: {os.path.basename(delphi_project)} ({config})"
print(Fore.RESET + msg.ljust(90, "."), end="")
build_delphi_project(ctx, delphi_project, "DEBUG", delphi_version)
print(Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Fore.RESET)
except Exception as e:
print(Fore.RED + "\n\nBUILD ERROR")
# if res.ok:
# print(Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Fore.RESET)
# else:
# ret = False
# print(Fore.RED + "\n\nBUILD ERROR")
# print(Fore.RESET + res.stdout)
# print("\n")
return ret
def clean(ctx, folder=None):
global g_output_folder
import os
import glob
if folder is None:
folder = g_output_folder
print(f"Cleaning folder {folder}")
output = pathlib.Path(folder)
to_delete = []
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.exe", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.dcu", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.stat", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.res", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.map", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.~*", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.rsm", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.drc", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.log", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.local", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.gitignore", recursive=True)
to_delete += glob.glob(folder + r"\**\*.gitattributes", recursive=True)
for f in to_delete:
print(f"Deleting {f}")
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\Win32", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d100\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d100\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d101\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d101\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d102\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d102\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d103\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d103\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d104\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d104\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d110\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d110\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d111\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d111\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d112\__history", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\loggerpro\packages\d112\Win32\Debug", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\dmustache\.git", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\swagdoc\lib", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\swagdoc\deploy", True)
rmtree(folder + r"\lib\swagdoc\demos", True)
def tests32(ctx, delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
"""Builds and execute the unit tests"""
import os
apppath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
res = True
testclient = r"unittests\general\Several\DMVCFrameworkTests.dproj"
testserver = r"unittests\general\TestServer\TestServer.dproj"
print("\nBuilding Unit Test client")
build_delphi_project(ctx, testclient, config="CI", delphi_version=delphi_version, platform="Win32")
print("\nBuilding Test Server")
build_delphi_project(ctx, testserver, config="CI", delphi_version=delphi_version, platform="Win32")
# import subprocess
# subprocess.run([r"unittests\general\TestServer\Win32\Debug\TestServer.exe"])
# os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, r"unittests\general\TestServer\Win32\Debug\TestServer.exe")
import subprocess
print("\nExecuting tests...")
subprocess.Popen([r"unittests\general\TestServer\bin\TestServer.exe"], shell=True)
r = subprocess.run([r"unittests\general\Several\bin32\DMVCFrameworkTests.exe"])
if r.returncode != 0:
return Exit("Compilation failed: \n" + str(r.stdout))
subprocess.run(["taskkill", "/f", "/im", "TestServer.exe"])
if r.returncode > 0:
print("Unit Tests Failed")
return Exit("Unit tests failed")
def tests64(ctx, delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
"""Builds and execute the unit tests"""
import os
apppath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
res = True
testclient = r"unittests\general\Several\DMVCFrameworkTests.dproj"
testserver = r"unittests\general\TestServer\TestServer.dproj"
print("\nBuilding Unit Test client")
build_delphi_project(ctx, testclient, config="CI", delphi_version=delphi_version, platform="Win64")
print("\nBuilding Test Server")
build_delphi_project(ctx, testserver, config="CI", delphi_version=delphi_version, platform="Win64")
# import subprocess
# subprocess.run([r"unittests\general\TestServer\Win32\Debug\TestServer.exe"])
# os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, r"unittests\general\TestServer\Win32\Debug\TestServer.exe")
import subprocess
print("\nExecuting tests...")
subprocess.Popen([r"unittests\general\TestServer\bin\TestServer.exe"], shell=True)
r = subprocess.run([r"unittests\general\Several\bin64\DMVCFrameworkTests.exe"])
if r.returncode != 0:
return Exit("Compilation failed: \n" + str(r.stdout))
subprocess.run(["taskkill", "/f", "/im", "TestServer.exe"])
if r.returncode > 0:
print("Unit Tests Failed")
return Exit("Unit tests failed")
@task(pre=[tests32, tests64])
def tests(ctx, delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
def release(
ctx, version="DEBUG", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION, skip_build=False, skip_tests=False
"""Builds all the projects, executes integration tests and prepare the release"""
if not skip_tests: tests(ctx, delphi_version)
if not skip_build:
delphi_projects = get_delphi_projects_to_build("", delphi_version)
if not build_delphi_project_list(
ctx, delphi_projects, version, "", delphi_version
return False # fails build
create_zip(ctx, version)
def build_samples(
ctx, version="DEBUG", filter="", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION
"""Builds samples"""
delphi_projects = get_delphi_projects_to_build("samples", delphi_version)
return build_delphi_project_list(
ctx, delphi_projects, version, filter, delphi_version
def build_core(ctx, version="DEBUG", delphi_version=DEFAULT_DELPHI_VERSION):
"""Builds core packages extensions"""
delphi_projects = get_delphi_projects_to_build("core", delphi_version)
ret = build_delphi_project_list(ctx, delphi_projects, version, "", delphi_version)
if not ret:
raise Exit("Build failed")
def parse_template(tmpl: List[str]):
main_tmpl = []
intf_tmpl = []
impl_tmpl = []
state = "verbatim"
for row in tmpl:
if row.upper().strip() == "///INTERFACE.BEGIN":
state = "parsing.interface"
if row.upper().strip() == "///IMPLEMENTATION.BEGIN":
state = "parsing.implementation"
if row.upper().strip() in ["///INTERFACE.END", "///IMPLEMENTATION.END"]:
if state == "parsing.interface":
if state == "parsing.implementation":
state = "verbatim"
if state == "parsing.interface":
elif state == "parsing.implementation":
elif state == "verbatim":
return main_tmpl, intf_tmpl, impl_tmpl
def generate_nullables(ctx):
import pathlib
src_folder = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("sources")
template_unitname = src_folder.joinpath("MVCFramework.Nullables.pas.template")
output_unitname = src_folder.joinpath("MVCFramework.Nullables.pas")
with open(template_unitname, "r") as f:
rows = f.readlines()
main_tmpl, intf_tmpl, impl_tmpl = parse_template(rows)
delphi_types = [
["String", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["Currency", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["Boolean", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["TDate", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t (DateToISODate(LeftValue.Value) = DateToISODate(RightValue.Value)))"],
["TTime", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t (TimeToISOTime(LeftValue.Value) = TimeToISOTime(RightValue.Value)))"],
["TDateTime", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t (DateTimeToISOTimeStamp(LeftValue.Value) = DateTimeToISOTimeStamp(RightValue.Value)))"],
["Single", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t SameValue(LeftValue.Value, RightValue.Value, 0.000001))"],
["Double", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t SameValue(LeftValue.Value, RightValue.Value, 0.000000001))"],
["Extended", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and \n\t SameValue(LeftValue.Value, RightValue.Value, 0.000000001))"],
["Int16", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["UInt16", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["Int32", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["UInt32", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["Int64", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["UInt64", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
["TGUID", "(LeftValue.IsNull and RightValue.IsNull) or ((LeftValue.HasValue and RightValue.HasValue) and (LeftValue.Value = RightValue.Value))"],
str_main_tmpl = "".join(main_tmpl)
str_intf_tmpl = "".join(intf_tmpl)
str_impl_tmpl = "".join(impl_tmpl)
intf_out = ""
impl_out = ""
enum_declaration = ["ntInvalidNullableType"]
enum_detect_line = []
for delphi_type, type_compare in delphi_types:
enum_declaration.append('ntNullable' + delphi_type)
enum_detect_line.append(f" if aTypeInfo = TypeInfo(Nullable{delphi_type}) then \n Exit(ntNullable{delphi_type}); ")
intf_out += (
f"//**************************\n// ** Nullable{delphi_type}\n//**************************\n\n"
+ str_intf_tmpl.replace("$TYPE$", delphi_type)
impl_out += str_impl_tmpl \
.replace("$TYPE$", delphi_type) \
.replace("$COMPARE$", type_compare) + "\n"
enum_declaration = ' TNullableType = (\n ' + '\n , '.join(enum_declaration) + ');\n\n'
enum_detect_function = []
enum_detect_function.append("function GetNullableType(const aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo): TNullableType;")
enum_detect_function.append(" Result := ntInvalidNullableType;")
intf_out += enum_declaration + "\n"
intf_out += enum_detect_function[0] + "\n"
impl_out += "\n".join(enum_detect_function) + "\n"
str_main_tmpl = str_main_tmpl \
.replace("$INTERFACE$", intf_out) \
.replace("$IMPLEMENTATION$", impl_out) \
+ "\n"
with open(output_unitname, "w") as f:
with open(src_folder.joinpath("main.out.txt"), "w") as f:
with open(src_folder.joinpath("interface.out.txt"), "w") as f:
with open(src_folder.joinpath("implementation.out.txt"), "w") as f: