unit uPSUtils; {$I PascalScript.inc} interface uses Classes, SysUtils {$IFDEF VER130}, Windows {$ENDIF}; const PSMainProcName = '!MAIN'; PSMainProcNameOrg = 'Main Proc'; PSLowBuildSupport = 12; PSCurrentBuildNo = 23; PSCurrentversion = '1.31'; PSValidHeader = 1397769801; PSAddrStackStart = 1610612736; PSAddrNegativeStackStart = 1073741824; type TbtString = {$IFDEF DELPHI2009UP}AnsiString{$ELSE}String{$ENDIF}; TPSBaseType = Byte; TPSVariableType = (ivtGlobal, ivtParam, ivtVariable); const btReturnAddress = 0; btU8 = 1; btS8 = 2; btU16 = 3; btS16 = 4; btU32 = 5; btS32 = 6; btSingle = 7; btDouble = 8; btExtended = 9; btString = 10; btRecord = 11; btArray = 12; btPointer = 13; btPChar = 14; btResourcePointer = 15; btVariant = 16; {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64} btS64 = 17; {$ENDIF} btChar = 18; {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING} btWideString = 19; btWideChar = 20; {$ENDIF} btProcPtr = 21; btStaticArray = 22; btSet = 23; btCurrency = 24; btClass = 25; btInterface = 26; btNotificationVariant = 27; btUnicodeString = 28; btType = 130; btEnum = 129; btExtClass = 131; function MakeHash(const s: TbtString): Longint; const { Script internal command: Assign command
Command: TPSCommand;
VarDest, // no data
VarSrc: TPSVariable;
} CM_A = 0; { Script internal command: Calculate Command
Command: TPSCommand;
CalcType: Byte;

0 = +
1 = -
2 = *
3 = /
4 = MOD
5 = SHL
6 = SHR
7 = AND
8 = OR
9 = XOR

VarDest, // no data
VarSrc: TPSVariable;

} CM_CA = 1; { Script internal command: Push
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable;
} CM_P = 2; { Script internal command: Push Var
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable;
} CM_PV = 3; { Script internal command: Pop
Command: TPSCommand;
} CM_PO = 4; { Script internal command: Call
Command: TPSCommand;
ProcNo: Longword;
} Cm_C = 5; { Script internal command: Goto
Command: TPSCommand;
NewPosition: Longint; //relative to end of this instruction
} Cm_G = 6; { Script internal command: Conditional Goto
Command: TPSCommand;
NewPosition: LongWord; //relative to end of this instruction
Var: TPSVariable; // no data
} Cm_CG = 7; { Script internal command: Conditional NOT Goto
Command: TPSCommand;
NewPosition: LongWord; // relative to end of this instruction
Var: TPSVariable; // no data
} Cm_CNG = 8; { Script internal command: Ret
Command: TPSCommand;
} Cm_R = 9; { Script internal command: Set Stack Type
Command: TPSCommand;
NewType: LongWord;
OffsetFromBase: LongWord;
} Cm_ST = 10; { Script internal command: Push Type
Command: TPSCommand;
FType: LongWord;
} Cm_Pt = 11; { Script internal command: Compare
Command: TPSCommand;
CompareType: Byte;

0 = >=
1 = <=
2 = >
3 = <
4 = <>
5 = =

IntoVar: TPSAssignment;
Compare1, Compare2: TPSAssigment;
} CM_CO = 12; { Script internal command: Call Var
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable;
} Cm_cv = 13; { Script internal command: Set Pointer
Command: TPSCommand;
VarDest: TPSVariable;
VarSrc: TPSVariable;
} cm_sp = 14; { Script internal command: Boolean NOT
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable;
} cm_bn = 15; { Script internal command: Var Minus
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable; } cm_vm = 16; { Script internal command: Set Flag
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable;
DoNot: Boolean;
} cm_sf = 17; { Script internal command: Flag Goto
Command: TPSCommand;
Where: Cardinal;
} cm_fg = 18; { Script internal command: Push Exception Handler
Command: TPSCommand;
ExceptionOffset, // FinallyOffset or ExceptionOffset need to be set.
EndOfBlock: Cardinal;
} cm_puexh = 19; { Script internal command: Pop Exception Handler
Position: Byte;
0 = end of try/finally/exception block;
1 = end of first finally
2 = end of except
3 = end of second finally

} cm_poexh = 20; { Script internal command: Integer NOT
Command: TPSCommand;
Where: Cardinal;
} cm_in = 21; {Script internal command: Set Stack Pointer To Copy
Command: TPSCommand;
Where: Cardinal;
} cm_spc = 22; {Script internal command: Inc
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable;
} cm_inc = 23; {Script internal command: Dec
Command: TPSCommand;
Var: TPSVariable;
} cm_dec = 24; {Script internal command: nop
Command: TPSCommand;
} cm_nop = 255; { Script internal command: Pop and Goto
Command: TPSCommand;
NewPosition: Longint; //relative to end of this instruction
} Cm_PG = 25; { Script internal command: Pop*2 and Goto
Command: TPSCommand;
NewPosition: Longint; //relative to end of this instruction
} Cm_P2G = 26; type TbtU8 = Byte; TbtS8 = ShortInt; TbtU16 = Word; TbtS16 = SmallInt; TbtU32 = Cardinal; TbtS32 = Longint; TbtSingle = Single; TbtDouble = double; TbtExtended = Extended; tbtCurrency = Currency; {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64} tbts64 = int64; {$ENDIF} tbtchar = {$IFDEF DELPHI4UP}AnsiChar{$ELSE}CHAR{$ENDIF}; {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING} tbtwidestring = widestring; tbtunicodestring = {$IFDEF DELPHI2009UP}UnicodeString{$ELSE}widestring{$ENDIF}; tbtwidechar = widechar; tbtNativeString = {$IFDEF DELPHI2009UP}tbtUnicodeString{$ELSE}tbtString{$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} IPointer = PtrUInt; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF CPUX64} IPointer = IntPtr; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF CPU64} IPointer = LongWord;{$ELSE} IPointer = Cardinal;{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} TPSCallingConvention = (cdRegister, cdPascal, cdCdecl, cdStdCall, cdSafeCall); const PointerSize = IPointer({$IFDEF CPU64}8{$ELSE}4{$ENDIF}); PointerSize2 = IPointer(2*PointerSize); MaxListSize = Maxint div 16; type PPointerList = ^TPointerList; TPointerList = array[0..MaxListSize - 1] of Pointer; TPSList = class(TObject) protected FData: PPointerList; FCapacity: Cardinal; FCount: Cardinal; FCheckCount: Cardinal; private function GetItem(Nr: Cardinal): Pointer; procedure SetItem(Nr: Cardinal; P: Pointer); public {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} procedure Recreate; {$ENDIF} property Data: PPointerList read FData; constructor Create; function IndexOf(P: Pointer): Longint; destructor Destroy; override; property Count: Cardinal read FCount; property Items[nr: Cardinal]: Pointer read GetItem write SetItem; default; function Add(P: Pointer): Longint; procedure AddBlock(List: PPointerList; Count: Longint); procedure Remove(P: Pointer); procedure Delete(Nr: Cardinal); procedure DeleteLast; procedure Clear; virtual; end; TIFList = TPSList; TPSStringList = class(TObject) private List: TPSList; function GetItem(Nr: LongInt): TbtString; procedure SetItem(Nr: LongInt; const s: TbtString); public function Count: LongInt; property Items[Nr: Longint]: TbtString read GetItem write SetItem; default; procedure Add(const P: TbtString); procedure Delete(NR: LongInt); procedure Clear; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; TIFStringList = TPSStringList; TPSUnitList = class; TPSUnit = class(TObject) private fList : TPSUnitList; fUnits : TPSList; fUnitName : TbtString; procedure SetUnitName(const Value: TbtString); public constructor Create(List: TPSUnitList); destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddUses(pUnitName: TbtString); function HasUses(pUnitName: TbtString): Boolean; {$WARNINGS OFF} property UnitName: TbtString read fUnitName write SetUnitName; {$WARNINGS ON} end; TPSUnitList = class private fList: TPSList; function Add: TPSUnit; public constructor Create; function GetUnit(UnitName: TbtString): TPSUnit; destructor Destroy; override; end; type TPSPasToken = ( CSTI_EOF, CSTIINT_Comment, CSTIINT_WhiteSpace, CSTI_Identifier, CSTI_SemiColon, CSTI_Comma, CSTI_Period, CSTI_Colon, CSTI_OpenRound, CSTI_CloseRound, CSTI_OpenBlock, CSTI_CloseBlock, CSTI_Assignment, CSTI_Equal, CSTI_NotEqual, CSTI_Greater, CSTI_GreaterEqual, CSTI_Less, CSTI_LessEqual, CSTI_Plus, CSTI_Minus, CSTI_Divide, CSTI_Multiply, CSTI_Integer, CSTI_Real, CSTI_String, CSTI_Char, CSTI_HexInt, CSTI_AddressOf, CSTI_Dereference, CSTI_TwoDots, CSTII_and, CSTII_array, CSTII_begin, CSTII_case, CSTII_const, CSTII_div, CSTII_do, CSTII_downto, CSTII_else, CSTII_end, CSTII_for, CSTII_function, CSTII_if, CSTII_in, CSTII_mod, CSTII_not, CSTII_of, CSTII_or, CSTII_procedure, CSTII_program, CSTII_repeat, CSTII_record, CSTII_set, CSTII_shl, CSTII_shr, CSTII_then, CSTII_to, CSTII_type, CSTII_until, CSTII_uses, CSTII_var, CSTII_while, CSTII_with, CSTII_xor, CSTII_exit, CSTII_class, CSTII_constructor, CSTII_destructor, CSTII_inherited, CSTII_private, CSTII_public, CSTII_published, CSTII_protected, CSTII_property, CSTII_virtual, CSTII_override, //CSTII_default, //Birb CSTII_As, CSTII_Is, CSTII_Unit, CSTII_Try, CSTII_Except, CSTII_Finally, CSTII_External, CSTII_Forward, CSTII_Export, CSTII_Label, CSTII_Goto, CSTII_Chr, CSTII_Ord, CSTII_Interface, CSTII_Implementation, CSTII_initialization, //* Nvds CSTII_finalization, //* Nvds CSTII_out, CSTII_nil ); TPSParserErrorKind = (iNoError , iCommentError , iStringError , iCharError , iSyntaxError ); TPSParserErrorEvent = procedure (Parser: TObject; Kind: TPSParserErrorKind) of object; TPSPascalParser = class(TObject) protected FData: TbtString; FText: {$IFDEF DELPHI4UP}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}; FLastEnterPos, FRow, FRealPosition, FTokenLength: Cardinal; FTokenId: TPSPasToken; FToken: TbtString; FOriginalToken: TbtString; FParserError: TPSParserErrorEvent; FEnableComments: Boolean; FEnableWhitespaces: Boolean; function GetCol: Cardinal; // only applicable when Token in [CSTI_Identifier, CSTI_Integer, CSTI_Real, CSTI_String, CSTI_Char, CSTI_HexInt] public property EnableComments: Boolean read FEnableComments write FEnableComments; property EnableWhitespaces: Boolean read FEnableWhitespaces write FEnableWhitespaces; procedure Next; virtual; property GetToken: TbtString read FToken; property OriginalToken: TbtString read FOriginalToken; property CurrTokenPos: Cardinal read FRealPosition; property CurrTokenID: TPSPasToken read FTokenId; property Row: Cardinal read FRow; property Col: Cardinal read GetCol; procedure SetText(const Data: TbtString); virtual; property OnParserError: TPSParserErrorEvent read FParserError write FParserError; end; function FloatToStr(E: Extended): TbtString; function FastLowerCase(const s: TbtString): TbtString; function Fw(const S: TbtString): TbtString; function IntToStr(I: LongInt): TbtString; function StrToIntDef(const S: TbtString; Def: LongInt): LongInt; function StrToInt(const S: TbtString): LongInt; function StrToFloat(const s: TbtString): Extended; function FastUpperCase(const s: TbtString): TbtString; function GRFW(var s: TbtString): TbtString; function GRLW(var s: TbtString): TbtString; const FCapacityInc = 32; {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} FMaxCheckCount = (FCapacityInc div 4) * 64; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER130} function WideUpperCase(const S: WideString): WideString; function WideLowerCase(const S: WideString): WideString; {$ENDIF} implementation {$IFDEF DELPHI3UP } resourceString {$ELSE } const {$ENDIF } RPS_InvalidFloat = 'Invalid float'; {$IFDEF VER130} function WideUpperCase(const S: WideString): WideString; var Len: Integer; begin // CharUpperBuffW is stubbed out on Win9x platofmrs if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PWideChar(S), Len); if Len > 0 then CharUpperBuffW(Pointer(Result), Len); end else Result := AnsiUpperCase(S); end; function WideLowerCase(const S: WideString): WideString; var Len: Integer; begin // CharLowerBuffW is stubbed out on Win9x platofmrs if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PWideChar(S), Len); if Len > 0 then CharLowerBuffW(Pointer(Result), Len); end else Result := AnsiLowerCase(S); end; {$ENDIF} function MakeHash(const s: TbtString): Longint; {small hash maker} var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 1 to Length(s) do Result := ((Result shl 7) or (Result shr 25)) + Ord(s[I]); end; function GRFW(var s: TbtString): TbtString; var l: Longint; begin l := 1; while l <= Length(s) do begin if s[l] = ' ' then begin Result := copy(s, 1, l - 1); Delete(s, 1, l); exit; end; l := l + 1; end; Result := s; s := ''; end; function GRLW(var s: TbtString): TbtString; var l: Longint; begin l := Length(s); while l >= 1 do begin if s[l] = ' ' then begin Result := copy(s, l+1, MaxInt); Delete(s, l, MaxInt); exit; end; Dec(l); end; Result := s; s := ''; end; function StrToFloat(const s: TbtString): Extended; var i: longint; begin Val(string(s), Result, i); if i <> 0 then raise Exception.Create(RPS_InvalidFloat); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function IntToStr(I: LongInt): TbtString; var s: tbtstring; begin Str(i, s); IntToStr := s; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function FloatToStr(E: Extended): TbtString; var s: tbtstring; begin Str(e:0:12, s); result := s; end; function StrToInt(const S: TbtString): LongInt; var e: Integer; Res: LongInt; begin Val(string(S), Res, e); if e <> 0 then StrToInt := -1 else StrToInt := Res; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function StrToIntDef(const S: TbtString; Def: LongInt): LongInt; var e: Integer; Res: LongInt; begin Val(string(S), Res, e); if e <> 0 then StrToIntDef := Def else StrToIntDef := Res; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor TPSList.Create; begin inherited Create; FCount := 0; FCapacity := 16; {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} FCheckCount := 0; {$ENDIF} GetMem(FData, FCapacity * PointerSize); end; function MM(i1,i2: Integer): Integer; begin if ((i1 div i2) * i2) < i1 then mm := (i1 div i2 + 1) * i2 else mm := (i1 div i2) * i2; end; {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} procedure TPSList.Recreate; var NewData: PPointerList; NewCapacity: Cardinal; I: Longint; begin FCheckCount := 0; NewCapacity := mm(FCount, FCapacityInc); if NewCapacity < 64 then NewCapacity := 64; GetMem(NewData, NewCapacity * PointerSize); for I := 0 to Longint(FCount) -1 do begin NewData^[i] := FData^[I]; end; FreeMem(FData, FCapacity * PointerSize); FData := NewData; FCapacity := NewCapacity; end; {$ENDIF} //------------------------------------------------------------------- function TPSList.Add(P: Pointer): Longint; begin if FCount >= FCapacity then begin Inc(FCapacity, FCapacityInc);// := FCount + 1; ReAllocMem(FData, FCapacity * PointerSize); end; FData[FCount] := P; // Instead of SetItem Result := FCount; Inc(FCount); {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} Inc(FCheckCount); if FCheckCount > FMaxCheckCount then Recreate; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TPSList.AddBlock(List: PPointerList; Count: Longint); var L: Longint; begin if Longint(FCount) + Count > Longint(FCapacity) then begin Inc(FCapacity, mm(Count, FCapacityInc)); ReAllocMem(FData, FCapacity *PointerSize); end; for L := 0 to Count -1 do begin FData^[FCount] := List^[L]; Inc(FCount); end; {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} Inc(FCheckCount); if FCheckCount > FMaxCheckCount then Recreate; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TPSList.DeleteLast; begin if FCount = 0 then Exit; Dec(FCount); {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} Inc(FCheckCount); if FCheckCount > FMaxCheckCount then Recreate; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TPSList.Delete(Nr: Cardinal); begin if FCount = 0 then Exit; if Nr < FCount then begin {dec count first, so we move one element less in the move below} Dec(FCount); {only move if we aren't deleting the last element} if Nr < FCount then Move(FData[Nr + 1], FData[Nr], (FCount - Nr) * PointerSize); {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} Inc(FCheckCount); if FCheckCount > FMaxCheckCount then Recreate; {$ENDIF} end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TPSList.Remove(P: Pointer); var I: Cardinal; begin if FCount = 0 then Exit; I := 0; while I < FCount do begin if FData[I] = P then begin Delete(I); Exit; end; Inc(I); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TPSList.Clear; begin FCount := 0; {$IFNDEF PS_NOSMARTLIST} Recreate; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TPSList.Destroy; begin FreeMem(FData, FCapacity * PointerSize); inherited Destroy; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TPSList.SetItem(Nr: Cardinal; P: Pointer); begin if (FCount = 0) or (Nr >= FCount) then Exit; FData[Nr] := P; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function TPSList.GetItem(Nr: Cardinal): Pointer; {12} begin if Nr < FCount then GetItem := FData[Nr] else GetItem := nil; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function TPSStringList.Count: LongInt; begin count := List.count; end; type pStr = ^TbtString; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function TPSStringList.GetItem(Nr: LongInt): TbtString; var S: PStr; begin s := List.GetItem(Nr); if s = nil then Result := '' else Result := s^; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TPSStringList.SetItem(Nr: LongInt; const s: TbtString); var p: PStr; begin p := List.GetItem(Nr); if p = nil then Exit; p^ := s; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TPSStringList.Add(const P: TbtString); var w: PStr; begin new(w); w^ := p; List.Add(w); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TPSStringList.Delete(NR: LongInt); var W: PStr; begin W := list.getitem(nr); if w<>nil then begin dispose(w); end; list.Delete(Nr); end; procedure TPSStringList.Clear; begin while List.Count > 0 do Delete(Pred(List.Count)); end; constructor TPSStringList.Create; begin inherited Create; List := TPSList.Create; end; destructor TPSStringList.Destroy; begin while List.Count > 0 do Delete(0); List.Destroy; inherited Destroy; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function Fw(const S: TbtString): TbtString; // First word var x: integer; begin x := pos(tbtstring(' '), s); if x > 0 then Fw := Copy(S, 1, x - 1) else Fw := S; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function FastUpperCase(const s: TbtString): TbtString; {Fast uppercase} var I: Integer; C: tbtChar; begin Result := S; I := Length(Result); while I > 0 do begin C := Result[I]; if c in [#97..#122] then Result[I] := tbtchar(Ord(Result[I]) -32); Dec(I); end; end; function FastLowerCase(const s: TbtString): TbtString; {Fast lowercase} var I: Integer; C: tbtChar; begin Result := S; I := Length(Result); while I > 0 do begin C := Result[I]; if C in [#65..#90] then Result[I] := tbtchar(Ord(Result[I]) + 32); Dec(I); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- type TRTab = record name: TbtString; c: TPSPasToken; end; const KEYWORD_COUNT = 65; //*NVDS LookupTable: array[0..KEYWORD_COUNT - 1] of TRTab = ( (name: 'AND'; c: CSTII_and), (name: 'ARRAY'; c: CSTII_array), (name: 'AS'; c: CSTII_as), (name: 'BEGIN'; c: CSTII_begin), (name: 'CASE'; c: CSTII_case), (name: 'CHR'; c: CSTII_chr), (name: 'CLASS'; c: CSTII_class), (name: 'CONST'; c: CSTII_const), (name: 'CONSTRUCTOR'; c: CSTII_constructor), (name: 'DESTRUCTOR'; c: CSTII_destructor), (name: 'DIV'; c: CSTII_div), (name: 'DO'; c: CSTII_do), (name: 'DOWNTO'; c: CSTII_downto), (name: 'ELSE'; c: CSTII_else), (name: 'END'; c: CSTII_end), (name: 'EXCEPT'; c: CSTII_except), (name: 'EXIT'; c: CSTII_exit), (name: 'EXPORT'; c: CSTII_Export), (name: 'EXTERNAL'; c: CSTII_External), (Name: 'FINALIZATION'; c : CSTII_finalization),//* Nvds (name: 'FINALLY'; c: CSTII_finally), (name: 'FOR'; c: CSTII_for), (name: 'FORWARD'; c: CSTII_Forward), (name: 'FUNCTION'; c: CSTII_function), (name: 'GOTO'; c: CSTII_Goto), (name: 'IF'; c: CSTII_if), (name: 'IMPLEMENTATION'; c: CSTII_Implementation), (name: 'IN'; c: CSTII_in), (name: 'INHERITED'; c: CSTII_inherited), (Name: 'INITIALIZATION'; c: CSTII_initialization), //* Nvds (name: 'INTERFACE'; c: CSTII_Interface), (name: 'IS'; c: CSTII_is), (name: 'LABEL'; c: CSTII_Label), (name: 'MOD'; c: CSTII_mod), (name: 'NIL'; c: CSTII_nil), (name: 'NOT'; c: CSTII_not), (name: 'OF'; c: CSTII_of), (name: 'OR'; c: CSTII_or), (name: 'ORD'; c: CSTII_ord), (name: 'OUT'; c: CSTII_Out), (name: 'OVERRIDE'; c: CSTII_override), //(name: 'DEFAULT'; c: CSTII_default), //Birb (if added, don't forget to increase KEYWORD_COUNT) (name: 'PRIVATE'; c: CSTII_private), (name: 'PROCEDURE'; c: CSTII_procedure), (name: 'PROGRAM'; c: CSTII_program), (name: 'PROPERTY'; c: CSTII_property), (name: 'PROTECTED'; c: CSTII_protected), (name: 'PUBLIC'; c: CSTII_public), (name: 'PUBLISHED'; c: CSTII_published), (name: 'RECORD'; c: CSTII_record), (name: 'REPEAT'; c: CSTII_repeat), (name: 'SET'; c: CSTII_set), (name: 'SHL'; c: CSTII_shl), (name: 'SHR'; c: CSTII_shr), (name: 'THEN'; c: CSTII_then), (name: 'TO'; c: CSTII_to), (name: 'TRY'; c: CSTII_try), (name: 'TYPE'; c: CSTII_type), (name: 'UNIT'; c: CSTII_Unit), (name: 'UNTIL'; c: CSTII_until), (name: 'USES'; c: CSTII_uses), (name: 'VAR'; c: CSTII_var), (name: 'VIRTUAL'; c: CSTII_virtual), (name: 'WHILE'; c: CSTII_while), (name: 'WITH'; c: CSTII_with), (name: 'XOR'; c: CSTII_xor)); function TPSPascalParser.GetCol: Cardinal; begin Result := FRealPosition - FLastEnterPos + 1; end; procedure TPSPascalParser.Next; var Err: TPSParserErrorKind; FLastUpToken: TbtString; function CheckReserved(Const S: ShortString; var CurrTokenId: TPSPasToken): Boolean; var L, H, I: LongInt; J: tbtChar; SName: ShortString; begin L := 0; J := S[0]; H := KEYWORD_COUNT-1; while L <= H do begin I := (L + H) shr 1; SName := LookupTable[i].Name; if J = SName[0] then begin if S = SName then begin CheckReserved := True; CurrTokenId := LookupTable[I].c; Exit; end; if S > SName then L := I + 1 else H := I - 1; end else if S > SName then L := I + 1 else H := I - 1; end; CheckReserved := False; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- function _GetToken(CurrTokenPos, CurrTokenLen: Cardinal): TbtString; var s: tbtString; begin SetLength(s, CurrTokenLen); Move(FText[CurrTokenPos], S[1], CurrtokenLen); Result := s; end; function ParseToken(var CurrTokenPos, CurrTokenLen: Cardinal; var CurrTokenId: TPSPasToken): TPSParserErrorKind; {Parse the token} var ct, ci: Cardinal; hs: Boolean; p: {$IFDEF DELPHI4UP}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}; begin ParseToken := iNoError; ct := CurrTokenPos; case FText[ct] of #0: begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_EOF; CurrTokenLen := 0; end; 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_': begin ci := ct + 1; while (FText[ci] in ['_', '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) do begin Inc(ci); end; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; FLastUpToken := _GetToken(CurrTokenPos, CurrtokenLen); p := {$IFDEF DELPHI4UP}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}pchar{$ENDIF}(FLastUpToken); while p^<>#0 do begin if p^ in [#97..#122] then Dec(Byte(p^), 32); inc(p); end; if not CheckReserved(FLastUpToken, CurrTokenId) then begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Identifier; end; end; '$': begin ci := ct + 1; while (FText[ci] in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) do Inc(ci); CurrTokenId := CSTI_HexInt; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; end; '0'..'9': begin hs := False; ci := ct; while (FText[ci] in ['0'..'9']) do begin Inc(ci); if (FText[ci] = '.') and (not hs) then begin if FText[ci+1] = '.' then break; hs := True; Inc(ci); end; end; if (FText[ci] in ['E','e']) and ((FText[ci+1] in ['0'..'9']) or ((FText[ci+1] in ['+','-']) and (FText[ci+2] in ['0'..'9']))) then begin hs := True; Inc(ci); if FText[ci] in ['+','-'] then Inc(ci); repeat Inc(ci); until not (FText[ci] in ['0'..'9']); end; if hs then CurrTokenId := CSTI_Real else CurrTokenId := CSTI_Integer; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; end; #39: begin ci := ct + 1; while true do begin if (FText[ci] = #0) or (FText[ci] = #13) or (FText[ci] = #10) then Break; if (FText[ci] = #39) then begin if FText[ci+1] = #39 then Inc(ci) else Break; end; Inc(ci); end; if FText[ci] = #39 then CurrTokenId := CSTI_String else begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_String; ParseToken := iStringError; end; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct + 1; end; '#': begin ci := ct + 1; if FText[ci] = '$' then begin inc(ci); while (FText[ci] in ['A'..'F', 'a'..'f', '0'..'9']) do begin Inc(ci); end; CurrTokenId := CSTI_Char; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; end else begin while (FText[ci] in ['0'..'9']) do begin Inc(ci); end; if FText[ci] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_'] then begin ParseToken := iCharError; CurrTokenId := CSTI_Char; end else CurrTokenId := CSTI_Char; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; end; end; '=': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Equal; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; '>': begin if FText[ct + 1] = '=' then begin CurrTokenid := CSTI_GreaterEqual; CurrTokenLen := 2; end else begin CurrTokenid := CSTI_Greater; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; end; '<': begin if FText[ct + 1] = '=' then begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_LessEqual; CurrTokenLen := 2; end else if FText[ct + 1] = '>' then begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_NotEqual; CurrTokenLen := 2; end else begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Less; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; end; ')': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_CloseRound; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; '(': begin if FText[ct + 1] = '*' then begin ci := ct + 1; while (FText[ci] <> #0) do begin if (FText[ci] = '*') and (FText[ci + 1] = ')') then Break; if FText[ci] = #13 then begin inc(FRow); if FText[ci+1] = #10 then inc(ci); FLastEnterPos := ci +1; end else if FText[ci] = #10 then begin inc(FRow); FLastEnterPos := ci +1; end; Inc(ci); end; if (FText[ci] = #0) then begin CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_Comment; ParseToken := iCommentError; end else begin CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_Comment; Inc(ci, 2); end; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; end else begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_OpenRound; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; end; '[': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_OpenBlock; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; ']': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_CloseBlock; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; ',': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Comma; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; '.': begin if FText[ct + 1] = '.' then begin CurrTokenLen := 2; CurrTokenId := CSTI_TwoDots; end else begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Period; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; end; '@': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_AddressOf; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; '^': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Dereference; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; ';': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Semicolon; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; ':': begin if FText[ct + 1] = '=' then begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Assignment; CurrTokenLen := 2; end else begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Colon; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; end; '+': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Plus; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; '-': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Minus; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; '*': begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Multiply; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; '/': begin if FText[ct + 1] = '/' then begin ci := ct + 1; while (FText[ci] <> #0) and (FText[ci] <> #13) and (FText[ci] <> #10) do begin Inc(ci); end; if (FText[ci] = #0) then begin CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_Comment; end else begin CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_Comment; end; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; end else begin CurrTokenId := CSTI_Divide; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; end; #32, #9, #13, #10: begin ci := ct; while (FText[ci] in [#32, #9, #13, #10]) do begin if FText[ci] = #13 then begin inc(FRow); if FText[ci+1] = #10 then inc(ci); FLastEnterPos := ci +1; end else if FText[ci] = #10 then begin inc(FRow); FLastEnterPos := ci +1; end; Inc(ci); end; CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_WhiteSpace; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct; end; '{': begin ci := ct + 1; while (FText[ci] <> #0) and (FText[ci] <> '}') do begin if FText[ci] = #13 then begin inc(FRow); if FText[ci+1] = #10 then inc(ci); FLastEnterPos := ci + 1; end else if FText[ci] = #10 then begin inc(FRow); FLastEnterPos := ci + 1; end; Inc(ci); end; if (FText[ci] = #0) then begin CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_Comment; ParseToken := iCommentError; end else CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_Comment; CurrTokenLen := ci - ct + 1; end; else begin ParseToken := iSyntaxError; CurrTokenId := CSTIINT_Comment; CurrTokenLen := 1; end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------- begin if FText = nil then begin FTokenLength := 0; FRealPosition := 0; FTokenId := CSTI_EOF; Exit; end; repeat FRealPosition := FRealPosition + Cardinal(FTokenLength); Err := ParseToken(FRealPosition, Cardinal(FTokenLength), FTokenID); if Err <> iNoError then begin FTokenLength := 0; FTokenId := CSTI_EOF; FToken := ''; FOriginalToken := ''; if @FParserError <> nil then FParserError(Self, Err); exit; end; case FTokenID of CSTIINT_Comment: if not FEnableComments then Continue else begin SetLength(FOriginalToken, FTokenLength); Move(FText[CurrTokenPos], FOriginalToken[1], FTokenLength); FToken := FOriginalToken; end; CSTIINT_WhiteSpace: if not FEnableWhitespaces then Continue else begin SetLength(FOriginalToken, FTokenLength); Move(FText[CurrTokenPos], FOriginalToken[1], FTokenLength); FToken := FOriginalToken; end; CSTI_Integer, CSTI_Real, CSTI_String, CSTI_Char, CSTI_HexInt: begin SetLength(FOriginalToken, FTokenLength); Move(FText[CurrTokenPos], FOriginalToken[1], FTokenLength); FToken := FOriginalToken; end; CSTI_Identifier: begin SetLength(FOriginalToken, FTokenLength); Move(FText[CurrTokenPos], FOriginalToken[1], FTokenLength); FToken := FLastUpToken; end; else begin FOriginalToken := ''; FToken := ''; end; end; Break; until False; end; procedure TPSPascalParser.SetText(const Data: TbtString); begin FData := Data; FText := Pointer(FData); FTokenLength := 0; FRealPosition := 0; FTokenId := CSTI_EOF; FLastEnterPos := 0; FRow := 1; Next; end; function TPSList.IndexOf(P: Pointer): Longint; var i: Integer; begin for i := FCount -1 downto 0 do begin if FData[i] = p then begin result := i; exit; end; end; result := -1; end; { TPSUnitList } function TPSUnitList.Add: TPSUnit; begin result:=TPSUnit.Create(Self); fList.Add(result); end; constructor TPSUnitList.Create; begin fList:=TPSList.Create; end; destructor TPSUnitList.Destroy; var Dummy: Integer; begin for Dummy:=0 to fList.Count-1 do TObject(fList[Dummy]).Free; FreeAndNil(fList); inherited; end; function TPSUnitList.GetUnit(UnitName: TbtString): TPSUnit; var Dummy: Integer; begin UnitName:=FastUpperCase(UnitName); for Dummy:=0 to fList.Count-1 do begin if TPSUnit(fList[Dummy]).UnitName=UnitName then begin result:=TPSUnit(fList[Dummy]); exit; end; end; result:=Add; result.UnitName:=UnitName; end; { TPSUnit } procedure TPSUnit.AddUses(pUnitName: TbtString); var UsesUnit: TPSUnit; begin UsesUnit:=fList.GetUnit(pUnitName); fUnits.Add(UsesUnit); end; constructor TPSUnit.Create(List: TPSUnitList); begin fUnits:=TPSList.Create; fList:=List; end; destructor TPSUnit.Destroy; begin FreeAndNIl(fUnits); inherited; end; function TPSUnit.HasUses(pUnitName: TbtString): Boolean; var Dummy: Integer; begin pUnitName:=FastUpperCase(pUnitName); if fUnitName=pUnitName then begin result:=true; exit; end; result:=false; for Dummy:=0 to fUnits.Count-1 do begin result:=TPSUnit(fUnits[Dummy]).HasUses(pUnitName); if result then exit; end; end; procedure TPSUnit.SetUnitName(const Value: TbtString); begin fUnitName := FastUpperCase(Value); end; end.