Occurs at compile-time.property OnCompilerProgress: TOnCompilerProgress; where TPaxCompilerNotifyEvent = procedure (Sender: TPaxCompiler) of object; TOnCompilerProgress = TPaxCompilerNotifyEvent;
procedure TForm1.PaxCompiler1CompilerProgress(Sender: TPaxCompiler); begin Application.ProcessMessages; end;
Occurs when compiler processes the uses clause, it allows you to assign source code of unit at compile-time.property OnUsedUnit: TPaxCompilerUsedUnitEvent type TPaxCompilerUsedUnitEvent = function (Sender: TPaxCompiler; const UnitName: String; var SourceCode: String): Boolean of object;
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, PaxProgram, PaxCompiler, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; PaxCompiler1: TPaxCompiler; PaxPascalLanguage1: TPaxPascalLanguage; PaxProgram1: TPaxProgram; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); function PaxCompiler1UsedUnit(Sender: TPaxCompiler; const UnitName: String; var SourceCode: String): Boolean; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin PaxCompiler1.Reset; PaxCompiler1.RegisterLanguage(PaxPascalLanguage1); PaxCompiler1.AddModule('main', 'Pascal'); PaxCompiler1.AddCode('main', 'uses SomeUnit;'); PaxCompiler1.AddCode('main', 'begin'); PaxCompiler1.AddCode('main', ' P;'); PaxCompiler1.AddCode('main', 'end.'); if PaxCompiler1.Compile(PaxProgram1) then begin PaxProgram1.Run; end else ShowMessage(PaxCompiler1.ErrorMessage[0]); end; function TForm1.PaxCompiler1UsedUnit(Sender: TPaxCompiler; const UnitName: String; var SourceCode: String): Boolean; begin if UnitName = 'SomeUnit' then begin result := true; SourceCode := 'unit SomeUnit;' + #13#10 + 'interface' + #13#10 + 'procedure P;' + #13#10 + 'implementation' + #13#10 + 'procedure P;' + #13#10 + 'begin' + #13#10 + ' ShowMessage(''Hello'');' + #13#10 + 'end;' + #13#10 + 'end.' + #13#10; end else result := false; // default processing end; initialization RegisterHeader(0, 'procedure ShowMessage(const Msg: string);', @ShowMessage); end.
Occurs when paxCompiler saves compiled unit.property OnSavePCU: TPaxCompilerSavePCUEvent; TPaxCompilerSavePCUEvent = function (Sender: TPaxCompiler; const UnitName: String ): TStream of object;By default, paxCompiler saves compiled units on disk. Use this event to redirect saving pcu to a stream to avoid disk operations.
Occurs when paxCompiler tries to load pcu-file.property OnLoadPCU: TPaxCompilerLoadPCUEvent; TPaxCompilerLoadPCUEvent = function (Sender: TPaxCompiler; const UnitName: String ): TStream of object;By default, paxCompiler loads pcu-files from disk. Use this event to load pcu from a stream.
Occurs when paxCompiler tries to load an included file.property OnInclude: TPaxCompilerIncludeEvent; TPaxCompilerIncludeEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; const FileName: String; var Text: String) of object;By default, paxCompiler loads included files from disk. Use this event to assign content of included file.
Occurs when paxCompiler processes a define directive.property OnDefineDirective: TPaxCompilerDirectiveEvent; TPaxCompilerDirectiveEvent = procedure (Sender: TPaxCompiler; const Directive: String; var ok: Boolean) of object;
Occurs when paxCompiler processes an undefine directive.property OnUndefineDirective: TPaxCompilerDirectiveEvent; TPaxCompilerDirectiveEvent = procedure (Sender: TPaxCompiler; const Directive: String; var ok: Boolean) of object;
Occurs when paxCompiler processes an unknown directive.property OnUnknownDirective: TPaxCompilerDirectiveEvent;