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; File:
; io.asm
; Description:
; DOS-C I/O Subsystem
; Copyright (c) 1998
; Pasquale J. Villani
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of DOS-C.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; $Header$
; $Log$
; Revision 1.4 2000/05/26 19:25:19 jimtabor
; Read History file for Change info
; Revision 1.3 2000/05/25 20:56:21 jimtabor
; Fixed project history
; Revision 1.2 2000/05/08 04:30:00 jimtabor
; Update CVS to 2020
; Revision 2000/05/06 19:34:53 jhall1
; The FreeDOS Kernel. A DOS kernel that aims to be 100% compatible with
; MS-DOS. Distributed under the GNU GPL.
; Revision 1.3 2000/03/09 06:07:11 kernel
; 2017f updates by James Tabor
; Revision 1.2 1999/08/10 17:57:12 jprice
; ror4 2011-02 patch
; Revision 1999/03/29 15:41:07 jprice
; New version without IPL.SYS
; Revision 1.1 1999/02/08 05:55:57 jprice
; Added Pat's 1937 kernel patches
; $EndLog$
%include ""
extern ConTable:wrt TGROUP
extern LptTable:wrt TGROUP
extern ComTable:wrt TGROUP
extern uPrtNo:wrt TGROUP
extern CommonNdRdExit:wrt TGROUP
extern _NumFloppies:wrt DGROUP
extern blk_stk_top:wrt DGROUP
extern clk_stk_top:wrt DGROUP
extern _blk_driver:wrt TGROUP
extern _clk_driver:wrt TGROUP
; Device entry points
; This really should be a struct and go into a file
cmdlen equ 0 ; Length of this command
unit equ 1 ; Subunit Specified
cmd equ 2 ; Command Code
status equ 3 ; Status
media equ 13 ; Media Descriptor
trans equ 14 ; Transfer Address
count equ 18 ; Count of blocks or characters
start equ 20 ; First block to transfer
vid equ 22 ; Volume id pointer
huge equ 26 ; First block (32-bit) to transfer
; The following is the "array" of device driver headers for the internal
; devices. There is one header per device including special aux: and prn:
; pseudo devices. These psuedo devices are necessary for printer
; redirection, i.e., serial or parallel ports, and com port aux selection.
; The devices are linked into each other and terminate with a -1 next
; pointer. This saves some time on boot up and also allows us to throw all
; device initialization into a single io_init function that may be placed
; into a discardable code segmemnt.
segment _IO_FIXED_DATA
; The "CON" device
; This device is the standard console device used by
; DOS-C and kernel
global _con_dev
_con_dev equ $
dw _prn_dev,TGROUP
dw 8013h ; con device (stdin & stdout)
dw GenStrategy
dw ConIntr
db 'CON '
; Generic prn device that can be redirected via mode
global _prn_dev
_prn_dev dw _aux_dev,TGROUP
dw 0A040h
dw GenStrategy
dw PrnIntr
db 'PRN '
; Generic aux device that can be redirected via mode
global _aux_dev
_aux_dev dw _Lpt1Dev,TGROUP
dw 8000h
dw GenStrategy
dw AuxIntr
db 'AUX '
; Printer device drivers
_Lpt1Dev dw _Lpt2Dev,TGROUP
dw 0A040h
dw GenStrategy
dw Lpt1Intr
db 'LPT1 '
_Lpt2Dev dw _Lpt3Dev,TGROUP
dw 0A040h
dw GenStrategy
dw Lpt2Intr
db 'LPT2 '
_Lpt3Dev dw _Com1Dev,TGROUP
dw 0A040h
dw GenStrategy
dw Lpt3Intr
db 'LPT3 '
; Com device drivers
_Com1Dev dw _Com2Dev,TGROUP
dw 8000h
dw GenStrategy
dw AuxIntr
db 'COM1 '
_Com2Dev dw _Com3Dev,TGROUP
dw 8000h
dw GenStrategy
dw Com2Intr
db 'COM2 '
_Com3Dev dw _Com4Dev,TGROUP
dw 8000h
dw GenStrategy
dw Com3Intr
db 'COM3 '
_Com4Dev dw _clk_dev,TGROUP
dw 8000h
dw GenStrategy
dw Com4Intr
db 'COM4 '
; Header for clock device
global _clk_dev
_clk_dev equ $
dw _blk_dev,TGROUP
dw 8004h ; clock device
dw GenStrategy
dw clk_entry
db 'CLOCK$ '
; Header for device
global _blk_dev
_blk_dev equ $
dd -1
dw 00c2h ; block device with ioctl
dw GenStrategy
dw blk_entry
global _nblk_rel
_nblk_rel db 4
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
; Temporary table until next release
segment _IO_FIXED_DATA
DiskTable db 0
; Local storage
segment _BSS
blk_dos_stk resw 1
blk_dos_seg resw 1
clk_dos_stk resw 1
clk_dos_seg resw 1
segment _IO_TEXT
global _ReqPktPtr
_ReqPktPtr dd 0
uUnitNumber dw 0
; Name:
; GenStrategy
; Function:
; Store the pointer to the request packet passed in es:bx
; Description:
; Generic strategy routine. Unlike the original multitasking versions,
; this version assumes that no more thank one device driver is active
; at any time. The request is stored into memory in the one and only
; location available for that purpose.
mov word [cs:_ReqPktPtr],bx
mov word [cs:_ReqPktPtr+2],es
; Name:
; XXXXIntr
; Function:
; Individual Interrupt routines for each device driver
; Description:
; This is actually a single routine with entry points for each device.
; The name used for the entry point is the device name with Intr
; appended to it.
; Funtionally, each device driver has an entry and an associated
; table. The table is a structure that consists of a control byte
; followed by an array of pointers to C functions or assembly
; subroutines that implement the individual device driver functions.
; This allows the usage of common error dummy filler code to be used.
; It also allows standardization of the calling procedure for these
; internal device driver functions.
; Assembler call/return convention:
; Each driver function is entered by a jump into the function and
; exits by a jump to the appropriate success or error exit routine.
; This speeds up the call and return and helps to minimize the stack
; useage. The contents of the request packet are passed to each
; routine in registers as follows:
; Register Function Description
; -------- -------- -----------
; al unit Subunit Specified
; ah media Media Descriptor
; cx count Count of blocks or characters
; dx start First block to transfer
; es:di trans Transfer Address
; ds:bx reqptr Request pointer
; cs kernel code segment
; ds kernel data segment
; The exit routines generally set the status based on the individual
; routine. For example, _IOSuccess will clear the count where
; _IOErrCnt will subtract the remaining amount in cx from the original
; count. See each utility routine for expectations.
; C call/return convention:
; The C calling convention simply sets up the C stack and passes the
; request packet pointer as a far pointer to the function. Although
; the utility routine names are such that they are accesible from the
; C name space, they are cannot used. Instead, the common interrupt
; code expects a return status to set in the request packet. It is up
; to the device driver function to set the appropriate fields such as
; count when an error occurs.
; How to differntiate between the two calling conventions:
; This code is entirely table driven. The table is a structure that
; is generally in the _IO_FIXED_DATA segment. It consists of a flag
; byte followed by short pointers to the driver functions. Selecting
; a driver type is accomplished by setting the type bit in the flag
; (see below).
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; | | | | | | | | |
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; | | | |--- Number of table entries
; | | +-------------------+
; | | |----------------------- Reserved
; | +-------+
; +--------------------------------- type bit (1 == C / 0 == asm)
push si
mov si,ConTable
jmp short CharIntrEntry
push si
push ax
xor ax,ax
jmp short LptCmnIntr
push si
push ax
xor al,al
mov ah,1
jmp short LptCmnIntr
push si
push ax
mov al,1
mov ah,2
jmp short LptCmnIntr
push si
push ax
mov al,2
mov ah,3
mov si,LptTable
mov [cs:uPrtNo],ah
jmp short DiskIntrEntry
push si
push ax
xor al,al
jmp short ComCmnIntr
push si
push ax
mov al,1
jmp short ComCmnIntr
push si
push ax
mov al,2
jmp short ComCmnIntr
push si
push ax
mov al,3
jmp short ComCmnIntr
mov si,ComTable
jmp short DiskIntrEntry
push si
mov si,DiskTable
push ax
push cx
push dx
push di
push bp
push ds
push es
push bx
mov byte [cs:uUnitNumber],al
lds bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr]
test byte [cs:si],80h
je AsmType
mov al,[bx+cmd]
cmp al,[cs:si]
ja _IOCommandError
shl ax,1
add si,ax
xchg di,ax
push ds
push bx
mov bp,sp
mov ax,DGROUP
mov ds,ax
call word [cs:si+1]
pop cx
pop cx
jmp short StoreStatus
AsmType: mov al,[bx+unit]
mov ah,[bx+media]
mov cx,[bx+count]
mov dx,[bx+start]
xchg di,ax
mov al,[bx+cmd]
cmp al,[cs:si]
ja _IOCommandError
shl ax,1
add si,ax
xchg di,ax
les di,[bx+trans]
push ax
mov ax,DGROUP
mov ds,ax
pop ax
jmp word [cs:si+1]
; Name:
; Function:
; Exit routines for internal device drivers.
; Description:
; These routines are the exit for internal device drivers. _IOSuccess
; is for read/write functions and correctly returns for a successful
; read/write operation by setting the remainng count to zero. _IOExit
; simply sets success bit and returns. _IODone returns complete and
; busy status. _IOCommandError returns and error status for invalid
; commands. _IOErrCnt corrects the remaining bytes for errors that
; occurred during partial read/write operation. _IOErrorExit is a
; generic error exit that sets done and error.
global _IOSuccess
lds bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr]
xor ax,ax
mov [bx+count],ax
global _IOExit
mov ah,1
lds bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr]
mov [bx+status],ax
pop bx
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
pop si
global _IODone
mov ah,3
jmp short StoreStatus
global _IOCommandError
mov al,3
global _IOErrCnt
lds bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr]
sub [bx+count],cx
global _IOErrorExit
mov ah,81h
jmp short StoreStatus
; Name:
; GetUnitNum
; Function:
; Return the internally set unit number.
; Description:
; Simply return the contents of uUnitNumber. This version relies on
; no segment registers and makes a safe call regardless of driver
; state.
global GetUnitNum
mov dx,[cs:uUnitNumber]
; These are still old style DOS-C drivers. I'll replace
; them in the next release
; block device interrupt
; NOTE: This code is not standard device driver handlers
; It is written for sperate code and data space.
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
; small model
mov ax,DGROUP ; correct for segments
mov ds,ax ; ax to carry segment
mov word [blk_dos_stk],sp ; use internal stack
mov word [blk_dos_seg],ss
pushf ; put flags in bx
pop bx
cli ; no interrupts
mov ss,ax
mov sp,blk_stk_top
push bx
popf ; restore interrupt flag
mov bp,sp ; make a c frame
push word [cs:_ReqPktPtr+2]
push word [cs:_ReqPktPtr]
call _blk_driver
pop cx
pop cx
les bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr] ; now return completion code
mov word [es:bx+status],ax ; mark operation complete
cli ; no interrupts
mov sp,[blk_dos_stk] ; use dos stack
mov ss,[blk_dos_seg]
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; clock device interrupt
; NOTE: This code is not standard device driver handlers
; It is written for sperate code and data space.
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
; small model
mov ax,DGROUP ; correct for segments
mov ds,ax ; ax to carry segment
mov word [clk_dos_stk],sp ; use internal stack
mov word [clk_dos_seg],ss
pushf ; put flags in bx
pop bx
cli ; no interrupts
mov ss,ax
mov sp,clk_stk_top
push bx
popf ; restore interrupt flag
mov bp,sp ; make a c frame
push word [cs:_ReqPktPtr+2]
push word [cs:_ReqPktPtr]
call _clk_driver
pop cx
pop cx
les bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr] ; now return completion code
mov word [es:bx+status],ax ; mark operation complete
cli ; no interrupts
mov sp,[clk_dos_stk] ; use dos stack
mov ss,[clk_dos_seg]
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax