/****************************************************************/ /* */ /* chario.c */ /* DOS-C */ /* */ /* Character device functions and device driver interface */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1994 */ /* Pasquale J. Villani */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* This file is part of DOS-C. */ /* */ /* DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */ /* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */ /* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version */ /* 2, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but */ /* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See */ /* the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public */ /* License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not, */ /* write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, */ /* Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* */ /****************************************************************/ #include "portab.h" #ifdef VERSION_STRINGS static BYTE *charioRcsId = "$Id$"; #endif #include "globals.h" STATIC int CharRequest(struct dhdr FAR *dev) { CharReqHdr.r_unit = 0; CharReqHdr.r_status = 0; CharReqHdr.r_length = sizeof(request); execrh(&CharReqHdr, dev); if (CharReqHdr.r_status & S_ERROR) { charloop: switch (char_error(&CharReqHdr, dev)) { case ABORT: case FAIL: return DE_INVLDACC; case CONTINUE: CharReqHdr.r_count = 0; return 0; case RETRY: return 1; default: goto charloop; } } return 0; } long BinaryCharIO(struct dhdr FAR * dev, size_t n, void FAR * bp, unsigned command) { int err = SUCCESS; do { CharReqHdr.r_command = command; CharReqHdr.r_count = n; CharReqHdr.r_trans = bp; } while ((err = CharRequest(dev)) == 1); return err == SUCCESS ? CharReqHdr.r_count : err; } /* STATE FUNCTIONS */ STATIC struct dhdr FAR *idx_to_dev(int sft_idx) { sft FAR *s = idx_to_sft(sft_idx); if (FP_OFF(s) == (size_t)-1 || (s->sft_mode & SFT_MWRITE) || !(s->sft_flags & SFT_FDEVICE)) return syscon; else return s->sft_dev; } /* if sft_idx is invalid, then we just monitor syscon */ STATIC BOOL Busy(int sft_idx) { sft FAR *s = idx_to_sft(sft_idx); if (s->sft_flags & SFT_FDEVICE) { struct dhdr FAR *dev = idx_to_dev(sft_idx); do { CharReqHdr.r_command = C_ISTAT; } while(CharRequest(dev) == 1); if (CharReqHdr.r_status & S_BUSY) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } else return s->sft_posit >= s->sft_size; } BOOL StdinBusy(void) { return Busy(get_sft_idx(STDIN)); } STATIC void Do_DosIdle_loop(int sft_idx) { /* the idle loop is only safe if we're using the character stack */ if (user_r->AH < 0xd) while (Busy(sft_idx)) DosIdle_int(); } /* get character from the console - this is how DOS gets CTL_C/CTL_S/CTL_P when outputting */ STATIC int ndread(int sft_idx) { struct dhdr FAR *dev = idx_to_dev(sft_idx); do { CharReqHdr.r_command = C_NDREAD; } while(CharRequest(dev) == 1); if (CharReqHdr.r_status & S_BUSY) return -1; return CharReqHdr.r_ndbyte; } STATIC int con_get_char(int sft_idx) { unsigned char c; BinaryCharIO(idx_to_dev(sft_idx), 1, &c, C_INPUT); if (c == CTL_C) handle_break(sft_idx); return c; } STATIC void con_hold(int sft_idx) { int c; if (control_break()) handle_break(-1); c = ndread(sft_idx); if (c == CTL_S) { con_get_char(sft_idx); Do_DosIdle_loop(sft_idx); /* just wait */ c = con_get_char(sft_idx); } if (c == CTL_C) { con_get_char(sft_idx); handle_break(sft_idx); } } BOOL con_break(void) { if (ndread(-1) == CTL_C) { con_get_char(-1); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /* OUTPUT FUNCTIONS */ #ifdef __WATCOMC__ void int29(char c); #pragma aux int29 = "int 29h" parm[al] modify exact [bx] #endif /* writes a character in raw mode; use int29 if possible for speed */ STATIC int raw_put_char(int sft_idx, int c) { struct dhdr FAR *dev = idx_to_dev(sft_idx); unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)c; if (PrinterEcho) DosWrite(STDPRN, 1, &ch); if (dev->dh_attr & ATTR_FASTCON) { #if defined(__TURBOC__) _AL = ch; __int__(0x29); #elif defined(__WATCOMC__) int29(ch); #elif defined(I86) asm { mov al, byte ptr ch; int 0x29; } #endif return 0; } c = (int)BinaryCharIO(dev, 1, &ch, C_OUTPUT); if (c < 0) return c; else return ch; } /* writes a character in cooked mode; maybe with printer echo; handles TAB expansion */ STATIC int cooked_put_char(int sft_idx, int c) { int err = 0; /* Test for hold char */ con_hold(sft_idx); switch (c) { case CR: scr_pos = 0; break; case LF: case BELL: break; case BS: if (scr_pos > 0) scr_pos--; break; case HT: do err = raw_put_char(sft_idx, ' '); while (err >= 0 && ((++scr_pos) & 7)); break; default: scr_pos++; } if (c != HT) err = raw_put_char(sft_idx, c); return err; } long cooked_write(int sft_idx, size_t n, char FAR *bp) { size_t xfer; int err = SUCCESS; for (xfer = 0; err >= SUCCESS && xfer < n && *bp != CTL_Z; bp++, xfer++) err = cooked_put_char(sft_idx, *bp); return err < SUCCESS ? err : xfer; } /* writes character for disk file or device */ void write_char(int c, int sft_idx) { unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)c; DosRWSft(sft_idx, 1, &ch, XFR_FORCE_WRITE); } void write_char_stdin(int c) { write_char(c, get_sft_idx(STDIN)); } #define iscntrl(c) ((unsigned char)(c) < ' ') /* this is for handling things like ^C, mostly used in echoed input */ STATIC int echo_char(int c, int sft_idx) { if (iscntrl(c) && c != HT && c != LF && c != CR) { write_char('^', sft_idx); write_char(c + '@', sft_idx); } else write_char(c, sft_idx); return c; } int echo_char_stdin(int c) { return echo_char(get_sft_idx(STDIN), c); } STATIC void destr_bs(int sft_idx) { write_char(BS, sft_idx); write_char(' ', sft_idx); write_char(BS, sft_idx); } /* READ FUNCTIONS */ STATIC int raw_get_char(int sft_idx, BOOL check_break) { unsigned char c; int err; Do_DosIdle_loop(sft_idx); if (check_break) con_hold(sft_idx); err = (int)BinaryCharIO(idx_to_dev(sft_idx), 1, &c, C_INPUT); return err < 0 ? err : c; } long cooked_read(int sft_idx, size_t n, char FAR *bp) { unsigned xfer = 0; int c; while(n--) { c = raw_get_char(sft_idx, TRUE); if (c < 0) return c; *bp++ = c; xfer++; if (bp[-1] == CTL_Z) break; } return xfer; } unsigned char read_char(int sft_idx, BOOL check_break) { unsigned char c; sft FAR *s = idx_to_sft(sft_idx); if ((FP_OFF(s) == (size_t) -1) || (s->sft_flags & SFT_FDEVICE)) return raw_get_char(sft_idx, check_break); DosRWSft(sft_idx, 1, &c, XFR_READ); return c; } STATIC unsigned char read_char_check_break(int sft_idx) { return read_char(sft_idx, TRUE); } unsigned char read_char_stdin(BOOL check_break) { return read_char(get_sft_idx(STDIN), check_break); } void KbdFlush(int sft_idx) { struct dhdr FAR *dev = idx_to_dev(sft_idx); do { CharReqHdr.r_unit = 0; CharReqHdr.r_status = 0; CharReqHdr.r_command = C_IFLUSH; CharReqHdr.r_length = sizeof(request); } while (CharRequest(dev) == 1); } /* reads a line (buffered, called by int21/ah=0ah, 3fh) */ void read_line(int sft_in, int sft_out, keyboard FAR * kp) { unsigned c; unsigned cu_pos = scr_pos; unsigned count = 0, stored_pos = 0; unsigned size = kp->kb_size, stored_size = kp->kb_count; BOOL insert = FALSE; if (size == 0) return; /* the stored line is invalid unless it ends with a CR */ if (kp->kb_buf[stored_size] != CR) stored_size = 0; do { unsigned new_pos = stored_size; c = read_char_check_break(sft_in); if (c == 0) c = (unsigned)read_char_check_break(sft_in) << 8; switch (c) { case CTL_F: continue; case RIGHT: case F1: if (stored_pos < stored_size && count < size - 1) local_buffer[count++] = echo_char(kp->kb_buf[stored_pos++], sft_out); break; case F2: case F4: /* insert/delete up to character c */ { unsigned char c2 = read_char_check_break(sft_in); new_pos = stored_pos; if (c2 == 0) { read_char_check_break(sft_in); } else { char FAR *sp = fmemchr(&kp->kb_buf[stored_pos], c2, stored_size - stored_pos); if (sp != NULL) new_pos = (FP_OFF(sp) - FP_OFF(&kp->kb_buf[stored_pos])) + 1; } } /* fall through */ case F3: if (c != F4) /* not delete */ { while (stored_pos < new_pos && count < size - 1) local_buffer[count++] = echo_char(kp->kb_buf[stored_pos++], sft_out); } stored_pos = new_pos; break; case F5: fmemcpy(kp->kb_buf, local_buffer, count); stored_size = count; write_char('@', sft_out); goto start_new_line; case INS: insert = !insert; break; case DEL: stored_pos++; break; case LEFT: case CTL_BS: case BS: if (count > 0) { unsigned new_pos; char c2 = local_buffer[--count]; if (c2 == HT) { unsigned i; new_pos = cu_pos; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (local_buffer[i] == HT) new_pos = (new_pos + 8) & ~7; else if (iscntrl(local_buffer[i])) new_pos += 2; else new_pos++; } do destr_bs(sft_out); while (scr_pos > new_pos); } else { if (iscntrl(c2)) destr_bs(sft_out); destr_bs(sft_out); } } if (stored_pos > 0) stored_pos--; break; case ESC: write_char('\\', sft_out); start_new_line: write_char(CR, sft_out); write_char(LF, sft_out); for (count = 0; count < cu_pos; count++) write_char(' ', sft_out); count = 0; stored_pos = 0; insert = FALSE; break; case F6: c = CTL_Z; /* fall through */ default: if (count < size - 1 || c == CR) local_buffer[count++] = echo_char(c, sft_out); else write_char(BELL, sft_out); if (stored_pos < stored_size && !insert) stored_pos++; break; } } while (c != CR); fmemcpy(kp->kb_buf, local_buffer, count); /* if local_buffer overflows into the CON default buffer we must invalidate it */ if (count > LINEBUFSIZECON) kb_buf.kb_size = 0; /* kb_count does not include the final CR */ kp->kb_count = count - 1; } /* called by handle func READ (int21/ah=3f) */ size_t read_line_handle(int sft_idx, size_t n, char FAR * bp) { char *bufend = &kb_buf.kb_buf[kb_buf.kb_count + 2]; if (inputptr == NULL) { /* can we reuse kb_buf or was it overwritten? */ if (kb_buf.kb_size != LINEBUFSIZECON) { kb_buf.kb_count = 0; kb_buf.kb_size = LINEBUFSIZECON; } read_line(sft_idx, sft_idx, &kb_buf); bufend = &kb_buf.kb_buf[kb_buf.kb_count + 2]; bufend[-1] = echo_char(LF, sft_idx); inputptr = kb_buf.kb_buf; if (*inputptr == CTL_Z) { inputptr = NULL; return 0; } } if (inputptr > bufend - n) n = bufend - inputptr; fmemcpy(bp, inputptr, n); inputptr += n; if (inputptr == bufend) inputptr = NULL; return n; } /* * Log: chario.c,v - for newer logs do "cvs log chario.c" * * Revision 1.7 2000/03/09 06:07:10 kernel * 2017f updates by James Tabor * * Revision 1.6 1999/09/23 04:40:45 jprice * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.4 1999/08/25 03:18:07 jprice * ror4 patches to allow TC 2.01 compile. * * Revision 1.3 1999/04/16 12:21:21 jprice * Steffen c-break handler changes * * Revision 1.2 1999/04/04 18:51:42 jprice * no message * * Revision 1999/03/29 15:41:45 jprice * New version without IPL.SYS * * Revision 1.5 1999/02/09 02:54:23 jprice * Added Pat's 1937 kernel patches * * Revision 1.4 1999/02/04 03:18:37 jprice * Formating. Added comments. * * Revision 1.3 1999/02/01 01:43:28 jprice * Fixed findfirst function to find volume label with Windows long filenames * * Revision 1.2 1999/01/22 04:15:28 jprice * Formating * * Revision 1999/01/20 05:51:00 jprice * Imported sources * * * Rev 1.9 06 Dec 1998 8:43:36 patv * changes in character I/O because of new I/O subsystem. * * Rev 1.8 11 Jan 1998 2:06:08 patv * Added functionality to ioctl. * * Rev 1.7 08 Jan 1998 21:36:40 patv * Changed automatic requestic packets to static to save stack space. * * Rev 1.6 04 Jan 1998 23:14:38 patv * Changed Log for strip utility * * Rev 1.5 30 Dec 1997 4:00:20 patv * Modified to support SDA * * Rev 1.4 16 Jan 1997 12:46:36 patv * pre-Release 0.92 feature additions * * Rev 1.3 29 May 1996 21:15:12 patv * bug fixes for v0.91a * * Rev 1.2 01 Sep 1995 17:48:42 patv * First GPL release. * * Rev 1.1 30 Jul 1995 20:50:26 patv * Eliminated version strings in ipl * * Rev 1.0 02 Jul 1995 8:05:44 patv * Initial revision. * */