When country was converted to a submodule (by me) the production installation target was hacked onto the kernel subdirectory Makefile which wasn't ideal. Introduce a production target into the country Makefile that does the installation. Since we want the submodule to be buildable standalone, we can't include the variable definitions from the upper level, such as $(DIRSEP) and $(CP), so the caller has to pass those in at build time if using the production target. Tested on Linux (GCC + Watcom) and DOS (Watcom)
164 lines
6.2 KiB
164 lines
6.2 KiB
# Makefile for kernel.sys (originally for Borland C/C++ 3.1)
!include "../mkfiles/generic.mak"
LIBS=..$(DIRSEP)lib$(DIRSEP)device.lib ..$(DIRSEP)lib$(DIRSEP)libm.lib
# *List Macros*
# Only 8 files per definition; this is limitation of DOS batch
# files (only 9 directly accessible parameters).
OBJS1=kernel.obj entry.obj io.obj console.obj serial.obj printer.obj dsk.obj \
OBJS2=asmsupt.obj execrh.obj nlssupt.obj procsupt.obj dosidle.obj int2f.obj \
OBJS3=apisupt.obj intr.obj irqstack.obj blockio.obj chario.obj systime.obj \
OBJS4=break.obj dosfns.obj fatdir.obj fatfs.obj fattab.obj fcbfns.obj \
OBJS5=ioctl.obj memmgr.obj task.obj newstuff.obj nls.obj network.obj
OBJS6=prf.obj misc.obj strings.obj syspack.obj lfnapi.obj iasmsupt.obj memdisk.obj
OBJS7=main.obj config.obj initoem.obj inithma.obj dyninit.obj iprf.obj
OBJS8=initdisk.obj initclk.obj cpu.obj
OBJS=$(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJS4) $(OBJS5) $(OBJS6) $(OBJS7) $(OBJS8)
# *Explicit Rules*
production: ../bin/$(TARGET).sys
../bin/$(TARGET).sys: kernel.sys
$(CP) kernel.sys ..$(DIRSEP)bin
$(CP) kernel.sys ..$(DIRSEP)bin$(DIRSEP)$(TARGET).sys
$(CP) kernel.map ..$(DIRSEP)bin$(DIRSEP)$(TARGET).map
# -S to avoid showing expected relocations
# 0x10 & 0x78 or 0x79 depending on compilation options
kernel.sys: kernel.exe ../utils/exeflat.exe ../utils/upxentry.bin ../utils/upxdevic.bin
..$(DIRSEP)utils$(DIRSEP)exeflat.exe kernel.exe kernel.sys $(LOADSEG) -S0x10 -S0x78 -S0x79 -E..$(DIRSEP)utils$(DIRSEP)upxentry.bin -D..$(DIRSEP)utils$(DIRSEP)upxdevic.bin $(UPXOPT) $(XUPX)
kernel.exe: $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
$(LINK) @$(TARGET).lnk;
clobber: clean
-$(RM) kernel.exe kernel.sys status.me
-$(RM) *.obj *.bak *.crf *.xrf *.map *.lst *.cod *.err *.lnk
# XXX: This is a very ugly way of linking the kernel, forced upon us by the
# inability of Turbo `make' 2.0 to perform command line redirection. -- ror4
$(TARGET).lnk: turboc.cfg makefile ../mkfiles/generic.mak ../mkfiles/$(COMPILER).mak
-$(RM) *.lnk
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS1)+
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS2)+
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS3)+
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS4)+
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS5)+
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS6)+
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS7)+
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk $(OBJS8)
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk kernel.exe
$(ECHOTO) $(TARGET).lnk kernel.map
# *Individual File Dependencies*
apisupt.obj: apisupt.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
asmsupt.obj: asmsupt.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
console.obj: console.asm io.inc $(TARGET).lnk
cpu.obj: cpu.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
dosidle.obj: dosidle.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
entry.obj: entry.asm segs.inc $(HDR)stacks.inc $(TARGET).lnk
execrh.obj: execrh.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
int2f.obj: int2f.asm segs.inc $(HDR)stacks.inc $(TARGET).lnk
intr.obj: intr.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
io.obj: io.asm segs.inc $(HDR)stacks.inc $(TARGET).lnk
irqstack.obj: irqstack.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
kernel.obj: kernel.asm segs.inc ludivmul.inc $(TARGET).lnk
memdisk.obj: memdisk.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
nls_hc.obj: nls_hc.asm segs.inc $(TARGET).lnk
nlssupt.obj: nlssupt.asm segs.inc $(HDR)stacks.inc $(TARGET).lnk
printer.obj: printer.asm io.inc $(TARGET).lnk
procsupt.obj: procsupt.asm segs.inc $(HDR)stacks.inc $(TARGET).lnk
serial.obj: serial.asm io.inc $(TARGET).lnk
$(HDR)portab.h $(HDR)device.h $(HDR)mcb.h $(HDR)pcb.h \
$(HDR)fat.h $(HDR)fcb.h $(HDR)tail.h $(HDR)time.h $(HDR)process.h \
$(HDR)dcb.h $(HDR)sft.h $(HDR)cds.h $(HDR)exe.h $(HDR)fnode.h \
$(HDR)dirmatch.h $(HDR)file.h $(HDR)clock.h $(HDR)kbd.h $(HDR)error.h \
$(HDR)version.h dyndata.h
HEADERS=$(HDRS) globals.h proto.h
INITHEADERS=$(HDRS) init-mod.h init-dat.h
blockio.obj: blockio.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
break.obj: break.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
chario.obj: chario.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
dosfns.obj: dosfns.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
dsk.obj: dsk.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
error.obj: error.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
fatdir.obj: fatdir.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
fatfs.obj: fatfs.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
fattab.obj: fattab.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
fcbfns.obj: fcbfns.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
inthndlr.obj: inthndlr.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
ioctl.obj: ioctl.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
memmgr.obj: memmgr.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
misc.obj: misc.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
lfnapi.obj: lfnapi.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
newstuff.obj: newstuff.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
network.obj: network.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
nls.obj: nls.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
prf.obj: prf.c $(HDR)portab.h $(TARGET).lnk
strings.obj: strings.c $(TARGET).lnk
sysclk.obj: sysclk.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
syspack.obj: syspack.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
systime.obj: systime.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
task.obj: task.c $(HEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
# now the funny stuff :-)
# Files in the INIT segment
# XXX: Special handling for initialization modules -- this is required because
# TC 2.01 cannot handle `#pragma option' like TC 3 can. -- ror4
config.obj: config.c $(INITHEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj
initoem.obj: initoem.c $(INITHEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj
main.obj: main.c $(INITHEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj
inithma.obj: inithma.c $(INITHEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj
dyninit.obj: dyninit.c $(INITHEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj
initdisk.obj: initdisk.c $(INITHEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj
initclk.obj: initclk.c $(INITHEADERS) $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj
#the string functions for INIT_TEXT
iasmsupt.obj: asmsupt.asm $(TARGET).lnk
$(NASM) -D$(COMPILER) -D_INIT -f obj $(NASMFLAGS) -o $@ asmsupt.asm
#the printf for INIT_TEXT - yet another special case, this file includes prf.c
iprf.obj: iprf.c prf.c $(HDR)portab.h $(TARGET).lnk
$(CC) $(INITCFLAGS) $*.c
$(INITPATCH) $*.obj