2001-03-24 22:13:05 +00:00

667 lines
20 KiB

; File:
; entry.asm
; Description:
; System call entry code
; Copyright (c) 1998
; Pasquale J. Villani
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of DOS-C.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; $Id$
; $Log$
; Revision 1.6 2001/03/24 22:13:05 bartoldeman
; See history.txt: dsk.c changes, warning removal and int21 entry handling.
; Revision 1.4 2001/03/21 02:56:25 bartoldeman
; See history.txt for changes. Bug fixes and HMA support are the main ones.
; Revision 1.3 2000/05/25 20:56:21 jimtabor
; Fixed project history
; Revision 1.2 2000/05/08 04:29:59 jimtabor
; Update CVS to 2020
; Revision 2000/05/06 19:34:53 jhall1
; The FreeDOS Kernel. A DOS kernel that aims to be 100% compatible with
; MS-DOS. Distributed under the GNU GPL.
; Revision 1.5 2000/03/20 03:15:49 kernel
; Change in Entry.asm
; Revision 1.4 1999/09/23 04:40:46 jprice
; *** empty log message ***
; Revision 1.2 1999/08/10 17:57:12 jprice
; ror4 2011-02 patch
; Revision 1999/03/29 15:40:53 jprice
; New version without IPL.SYS
; Revision 1.4 1999/02/08 05:55:57 jprice
; Added Pat's 1937 kernel patches
; Revision 1.3 1999/02/01 01:48:41 jprice
; Clean up; Now you can use hex numbers in config.sys. added config.sys screen function to change screen mode (28 or 43/50 lines)
; Revision 1.2 1999/01/22 04:13:25 jprice
; Formating
; Revision 1999/01/20 05:51:01 jprice
; Imported sources
; Rev 1.1 06 Dec 1998 8:48:40 patv
; New int 21h handler code.
; Rev 1.0 07 Feb 1998 20:42:08 patv
; Modified stack frame to match DOS standard
; $EndLog$
%include ""
%include ""
segment HMA_TEXT
extern _int21_syscall:wrt HGROUP
extern _int21_service:wrt HGROUP
extern _int25_handler:wrt HGROUP
extern _int26_handler:wrt HGROUP
extern _set_stack:wrt HGROUP
extern _restore_stack:wrt HGROUP
extern _error_tos:wrt DGROUP
extern _char_api_tos:wrt DGROUP
extern _disk_api_tos:wrt DGROUP
extern _lpUserStack:wrt DGROUP
extern _user_r:wrt DGROUP
extern _ErrorMode:wrt DGROUP
extern _InDOS:wrt DGROUP
extern _cu_psp:wrt DGROUP
extern _MachineId:wrt DGROUP
extern critical_sp:wrt DGROUP
extern _api_sp:wrt DGROUP ; api stacks - for context
extern _api_ss:wrt DGROUP ; switching
extern _usr_sp:wrt DGROUP ; user stacks
extern _usr_ss:wrt DGROUP
extern int21regs_seg:wrt DGROUP
extern int21regs_off:wrt DGROUP
extern _dosidle_flag:wrt DGROUP
extern _Int21AX:wrt DGROUP
global reloc_call_cpm_entry
global reloc_call_int20_handler
global reloc_call_int21_handler
global reloc_call_low_int25_handler
global reloc_call_low_int26_handler
global reloc_call_int27_handler
; MS-DOS CP/M style entry point
; cpm_entry(iregs UserRegs)
; This one is a strange one. The call is to psp:0005h but it returns to the
; function after the call. What we do is convert it to a normal call and
; fudge the stack to look like an int 21h call.
; Stack is:
; return offset
; psp seg
; 000ah
push bp ; trash old return address
mov bp,sp
xchg bp,[2+bp]
pop bp
pushf ; start setting up int 21h stack
; now stack is
; return offset
; psp seg
; flags
push bp
mov bp,sp ; set up reference frame
; reference frame stack is
; return offset bp + 6
; psp seg bp + 4
; flags bp + 2
; bp <--- bp
push ax
mov ax,[2+bp] ; get the flags
xchg ax,[6+bp] ; swap with return address
mov [2+bp],ax
pop ax ; restore working registers
pop bp
; Done. Stack is
; flags
; psp seg (alias .COM cs)
; return offset
cmp cl,024h
jbe cpm_error
mov ah,cl ; get the call # from cl to ah
jmp short reloc_call_int21_handler ; do the system call
cpm_error: mov al,0
; Restart the int 21h system call. Call never returns.
; RestartSysCall(VOID);
; NOTE: On exit, DS must point to kernel stack, SS:SP user stack after
; PUSH$ALL and BP == SP.
cli ; no interrupts
mov bp,word [_lpUserStack+2] ;Get frame
mov ss,bp
mov bp,word [_lpUserStack]
mov sp,bp
POP$ALL ; get the original regs
jmp short int21_reentry ; restart the system call
; Terminate the current process
; int20_handler(iregs UserRegs)
mov ah,0 ; terminate through int 21h
; MS-DOS system call entry point
; int21_handler(iregs UserRegs)
; Create the stack frame for C call. This is done to
; preserve machine state and provide a C structure for
; access to registers.
; Since this is an interrupt routine, CS, IP and flags were
; pushed onto the stack by the processor, completing the
; stack frame.
; NB: stack frame is MS-DOS dependent and not compatible
; with compiler interrupt stack frames.
; Create kernel refernce frame.
; NB: At this point, SS != DS and won't be set that way
; until later when which stack to run on is determined.
mov dx,DGROUP
mov ds,dx
cmp ah,33h
je int21_user
cmp ah,50h
je int21_user
cmp ah,51h
je int21_user
cmp ah,62h
jne int21_1
mov bp,sp
push ss
push bp
call _int21_syscall
pop cx
pop cx
jmp int21_ret
; normal entry, use one of our 4 stacks
; AX=userSS
; BX=userSP
mov ax,ss ; save user stack, to be retored later
mov bx,sp
; Now DS is set, let's save our stack for rentry (???TE)
; I don't know who needs that, but ... (TE)
mov word [_lpUserStack+2],ss
mov word [_user_r+2],ss
mov word [_lpUserStack],sp ; store and init
mov word [_user_r],sp ; store and init
; Decide which stack to run on.
; Unlike previous versions of DOS-C, we need to do this here
; to guarantee the user stack for critical error handling.
; We need to do the int 24h from this stack location.
; There are actually four stacks to run on. The first is the
; user stack which is determined by system call number in
; AH. The next is the error stack determined by _ErrorMode.
; Then there's the character stack also determined by system
; call number. Finally, all others run on the disk stack.
; They are evaluated in that order.
cmp byte [_InDOS],0
jne int21_onerrorstack
cmp byte [_ErrorMode],0
je int21_2
mov cx,_error_tos
mov ss,dx
mov sp,cx
push ax ; user SS:SP
push bx
call _int21_service
jmp short int21_exit_nodec
int21_2: inc byte [_InDOS]
cmp ah,0ch
mov cx,_char_api_tos
jle int21_normalentry
call dos_crit_sect
mov cx,_disk_api_tos
mov ss,dx
mov sp,cx
; Push the far pointer to the register frame for
; int21_syscall and remainder of kernel.
push ax ; user SS:SP
push bx
call _int21_service
int21_exit: dec byte [_InDOS]
; Recover registers from system call. Registers and flags
; were modified by the system call.
pop bx ; get back user stack
pop ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,bx
int21_ret: POP$ALL
; ... and return.
; end Dos Critical Section 0 thur 7
mov [_Int21AX],ax ; needed!
push ax ; This must be here!!!
mov ah,82h ; re-enrty sake before disk stack
int 2ah ; Calling Server Hook!
pop ax
; Terminate the current process
; int27_handler(iregs UserRegs)
; First convert the memory to paragraphs
add dx,byte 0fh ; round up
rcr dx,1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
; ... then use the standard system call
mov ax,3100h
jmp reloc_call_int21_handler ; terminate through int 21h
; I really do need to get rid of this because it's the only thing stopping
; us from being ROMABLE.
stkframe dd 0
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push sp
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov word [cs:stkframe], sp ; save stack frame
mov word [cs:stkframe+2], ss
mov ax, DGROUP
mov ds, ax
mov word [_api_sp], _disk_api_tos
mov word [_api_ss], ds
call _set_stack
push word [cs:stkframe+2]
push word [cs:stkframe]
call _int25_handler
add sp, byte 4
call _restore_stack
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx ; pop off sp value
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
retf ; Bug-compatiblity with MS-DOS.
; This function is supposed to leave the original
; flag image on the stack.
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push sp
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
mov word [cs:stkframe], sp ; save stack frame
mov word [cs:stkframe+2], ss
mov ax, DGROUP
mov ds, ax
mov word [_api_sp], _disk_api_tos
mov word [_api_ss], ds
call _set_stack
push word [cs:stkframe+2]
push word [cs:stkframe]
call _int26_handler
add sp, 4
call _restore_stack
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx ; pop off sp value
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
CONTINUE equ 00h
RETRY equ 01h
ABORT equ 02h
FAIL equ 03h
OK_IGNORE equ 20h
OK_RETRY equ 10h
OK_FAIL equ 08h
PSP_PARENT equ 16h
PSP_USERSP equ 2eh
PSP_USERSS equ 30h
; CriticalError(COUNT nFlag, COUNT nDrive, COUNT nError, struct dhdr FAR *lpDevice);
global _CriticalError
; Skip critical error routine if handler is active
cmp byte [_ErrorMode],0
je CritErr05 ; Jump if equal
mov ax,FAIL
; Do local error processing
; C Entry
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
; Get parameters
mov ah,byte [bp+4] ; nFlags
mov al,byte [bp+6] ; nDrive
mov di,word [bp+8] ; nError
; make bp:si point to dev header
mov si,word [bp+10] ; lpDevice Offset
mov bp,word [bp+12] ; lpDevice segment
; Now save real ss:sp and retry info in internal stack
mov es,[_cu_psp]
push word [es:PSP_USERSS]
push word [es:PSP_USERSP]
push word [_MachineId]
push word [int21regs_seg]
push word [int21regs_off]
push word [_api_sp]
push word [_api_ss]
push word [_usr_sp]
push word [_usr_ss]
push word [_user_r+2]
push word [_user_r]
mov [critical_sp],sp
; do some clean up because user may never return
inc byte [_ErrorMode]
dec byte [_InDOS]
; switch to user's stack
mov ss,[es:PSP_USERSS]
mov sp,[es:PSP_USERSP]
; and call critical error handler
int 24h ; DOS Critical error handler
; recover context
mov bp, DGROUP
mov ds,bp
mov ss,bp
mov sp,[critical_sp]
pop word [_user_r]
pop word [_user_r+2]
pop word [_usr_ss]
pop word [_usr_sp]
pop word [_api_ss]
pop word [_api_sp]
pop word [int21regs_off]
pop word [int21regs_seg]
pop word [_MachineId]
mov es,[_cu_psp]
pop word [es:PSP_USERSP]
pop word [es:PSP_USERSS]
sti ; Enable interrupts
; clear flags
mov byte [_ErrorMode],0
inc byte [_InDOS]
; Check for ignore and force fail if not ok
jne CritErr10 ; not ignore, keep testing
test bh,OK_IGNORE
jnz CritErr10
mov al,FAIL
; Check for retry and force fail if not ok
cmp al,RETRY
jne CritErr20 ; not retry, keep testing
test bh,OK_RETRY
jnz CritErr20
mov al,FAIL
; You know the drill, but now it's different.
; check for fail and force abort if not ok
cmp al,FAIL
jne CritErr30 ; not fail, do exit processing
test bh,OK_FAIL
jnz CritErr30
mov al,ABORT
; OK, if it's abort we do extra processing. Otherwise just
; exit.
cmp al,ABORT
je CritErrAbort ; process abort
xor ah,ah ; clear out top for return
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; Abort processing.
mov ax,[_cu_psp]
mov es,ax
cmp ax,[es:PSP_PARENT]
mov al,FAIL
jz CritErrExit
mov bp,word [_user_r+2] ;Get frame
mov ss,bp
mov es,bp
mov bp,word [_user_r]
mov sp,bp
mov byte [_ErrorMode],1 ; flag abort
mov ax,4C00h
mov [es:reg_ax],ax
jmp int21_reentry ; restart the system call