Bart Oldeman 9b5b2e7d60 Create init varieties for unsigned long helper functions.
An INITPATCH is used to make sure the correct symbols are used.
The GCC kernel now shows the copyright string and boots a little further.
2018-01-11 17:50:31 -05:00

1156 lines
40 KiB

; File:
; kernel.asm
; Description:
; kernel start-up code
; Copyright (c) 1995, 1996
; Pasquale J. Villani
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of DOS-C.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; $Id: kernel.asm 1705 2012-02-07 08:10:33Z perditionc $
%include ""
%include ""
%include ""
segment PSP
extern _ReqPktPtr
STACK_SIZE equ 384/2 ; stack allocated in words
; KERNEL BEGINS HERE, i.e. this is byte 0 of KERNEL.SYS
%ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, obj
jmp short realentry
; this is copied up on the very beginning
; it's a good idea to keep this in sync with KConfig.h
global _LowKernelConfig
db 'CONFIG' ; constant
dw configend-configstart; size of config area
; to be checked !!!
DLASortByDriveNo db 0 ; sort disks by drive order
InitDiskShowDriveAssignment db 1 ;
SkipConfigSeconds db 2 ;
ForceLBA db 0 ;
GlobalEnableLBAsupport db 1 ;
BootHarddiskSeconds db 0 ;
; The following VERSION resource must be keep in sync with VERSION.H
Version_OemID db 0xFD ; OEM_ID
Version_Major db 2
Version_Revision dw 41 ; REVISION_SEQ
Version_Release dw 1 ; 0=release build, >0=svn#
; KERNEL real entry (at ~60:20)
; moves the INIT part of kernel.sys to high memory (~9000:0)
; then jumps there
; to aid debugging, some '123' messages are output
; this area is discardable and used as temporary PSP for the
; init sequence
cpu 8086 ; (keep initial entry compatible)
realentry: ; execution continues here
push ax
push bx
mov ax, 0e31h ; '1' Tracecode - kernel entered
mov bx, 00f0h
int 010h
pop bx
pop ax
jmp IGROUP:kernel_start
beyond_entry: times 256-(beyond_entry-entry) db 0
; scratch area for data (DOS_PSP)
segment INIT_TEXT
extern _FreeDOSmain
extern _query_cpu
; kernel start-up
push bx
mov ax, 0e32h ; '2' Tracecode - kernel entered
mov bx, 00f0h
int 010h
pop bx
mov ax,I_GROUP
mov ss,ax
mov sp,init_tos
int 12h ; move init text+data to higher memory
mov cl,6
shl ax,cl ; convert kb to para
mov dx,15 + INITSIZE
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl
sub ax,dx
mov es,ax
mov dx,INITTEXTSIZE ; para aligned
shr dx,cl
add ax,dx
mov ss,ax ; set SS to init data segment
sti ; now enable them
mov ax,cs
mov dx,__HMATextEnd ; para aligned
shr dx,cl
%ifdef WATCOM
add ax,dx
mov ds,ax
mov si,-2 + INITSIZE; word aligned
lea cx,[si+2]
mov di,si
shr cx,1
std ; if there's overlap only std is safe
rep movsw
; move HMA_TEXT to higher memory
sub ax,dx
mov ds,ax ; ds = HMA_TEXT
mov ax,es
sub ax,dx
mov es,ax ; es = new HMA_TEXT
mov si,-2 + __HMATextEnd
lea cx,[si+2]
mov di,si
shr cx,1
rep movsw
%ifndef WATCOM ; for WATCOM: CS equal for HMA and INIT
add ax,dx
mov es,ax ; otherwise CS -> init_text
push es
mov ax,cont
push ax
cont: ; Now set up call frame
mov ds,[cs:_INIT_DGROUP]
mov bp,sp ; and set up stack frame for c
push bx
mov ax, 0e33h ; '3' Tracecode - kernel entered
mov bx, 00f0h
int 010h
pop bx
mov byte [_BootDrive],bl ; tell where we came from
;!! int 11h
;!! mov cl,6
;!! shr al,cl
;!! inc al
;!! mov byte [_NumFloppies],al ; and how many
call _query_cpu
%if XCPU != 86
%if XCPU < 186 || (XCPU % 100) != 86 || (XCPU / 100) > 9
%fatal Unknown CPU level defined
cmp al, (XCPU / 100)
jb cpu_abort ; if CPU not supported -->
cpu XCPU
mov [_CPULevel], al
mov ax,ss
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
jmp _FreeDOSmain
%if XCPU != 86
cpu 8086
mov ah, 0Fh
int 10h ; get video mode, bh = active page
call .first ; print string that follows (address pushed by call)
%define LOADNAME "FreeDOS"
db 13,10 ; (to emit a blank line after the tracecodes)
db 13,10
db LOADNAME, " load error: An 80", '0'+(XCPU / 100)
db "86 processor or higher is required by this build.",13,10
db "To use ", LOADNAME, " on this processor please"
db " obtain a compatible build.",13,10
db 13,10
db "Press any key to reboot.",13,10
db 0
mov ah, 0Eh
mov bl, 07h ; page in bh, bl = colour for some modes
int 10h ; write character (may change bp!)
db 0A8h ; [test al,imm8] skip "pop si" [=imm8] after the first iteration
pop si ; (first iteration only) get message address from stack
cs lodsb ; get character
test al, al ; zero ?
jnz .display ; no, display and get next character -->
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
int 13h ; reset floppy disks
xor ax, ax
mov dl, 80h
int 13h ; reset hard disks
; this "test ax, imm16" opcode is used to
db 0A9h ; skip "sti" \ "hlt" [=imm16] during first iteration
hlt ; idle while waiting for keystroke
mov ah, 01h
int 16h ; get keystroke
jz .wait ; none available, loop -->
mov ah, 00h
int 16h ; remove keystroke from buffer
int 19h ; reboot
jmp short $ ; (in case it returns, which it shouldn't)
cpu XCPU
%endif ; XCPU != 86
; the NUL device
segment CONST
; NUL device strategy
global _nul_strtgy
extern GenStrategy
jmp LGROUP:GenStrategy
; NUL device interrupt
global _nul_intr
push es
push bx
mov bx,LGROUP
mov es,bx
les bx,[es:_ReqPktPtr] ;es:bx--> rqheadr
cmp byte [es:bx+2],4 ;if read, set 0 read
jne no_nul_read
mov word [es:bx+12h],0
or word [es:bx+3],100h ;set "done" flag
pop bx
pop es
segment _LOWTEXT
; low interrupt vectors 10h,13h,15h,19h,1Bh
; these need to be at 0070:0100 (see RBIL memory.lst)
global _intvec_table
_intvec_table: db 10h
dd 0
db 13h
dd 0
db 15h
dd 0
db 19h
dd 0
db 1Bh
dd 0
; floppy parameter table
global _int1e_table
_int1e_table: times 0eh db 0
segment _FIXED_DATA
; Because of the following bytes of data, THIS MODULE MUST BE THE FIRST
; IN THE LINK SEQUENCE. THE BYTE AT DS:0004 determines the SDA format in
; use. A 0 indicates MS-DOS 3.X style, a 1 indicates MS-DOS 4.0-6.X style.
dos_data db 0
dw kernel_start
db 0 ; padding
dw 1 ; Hardcoded MS-DOS 4.0+ style
times (0eh - ($ - DATASTART)) db 0
global _NetBios
_NetBios dw 0 ; NetBios Number
times (26h - 0ch - ($ - DATASTART)) db 0
; Globally referenced variables - WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE ORDER
global _NetRetry
_NetRetry dw 3 ;-000c network retry count
global _NetDelay
_NetDelay dw 1 ;-000a network delay count
global _DskBuffer
_DskBuffer dd -1 ;-0008 current dos disk buffer
global _inputptr
_inputptr dw 0 ;-0004 Unread con input
global _first_mcb
_first_mcb dw 0 ;-0002 Start of user memory
global _DPBp
global MARK0026H
; A reference seems to indicate that this should start at offset 26h.
MARK0026H equ $
_DPBp dd 0 ; 0000 First drive Parameter Block
global _sfthead
_sfthead dd 0 ; 0004 System File Table head
global _clock
_clock dd 0 ; 0008 CLOCK$ device
global _syscon
_syscon dw _con_dev,LGROUP ; 000c console device
global _maxsecsize
_maxsecsize dw 512 ; 0010 maximum bytes/sector of any block device
dd 0 ; 0012 pointer to buffers info structure
global _CDSp
_CDSp dd 0 ; 0016 Current Directory Structure
global _FCBp
_FCBp dd 0 ; 001a FCB table pointer
global _nprotfcb
_nprotfcb dw 0 ; 001e number of protected fcbs
global _nblkdev
_nblkdev db 0 ; 0020 number of block devices
global _lastdrive
_lastdrive db 0 ; 0021 value of last drive
global _nul_dev
_nul_dev: ; 0022 device chain root
extern _con_dev
dw _con_dev, LGROUP
; next is con_dev at init time.
dw 8004h ; attributes = char device, NUL bit set
dw _nul_strtgy
dw _nul_intr
db 'NUL '
global _njoined
_njoined db 0 ; 0034 number of joined devices
dw 0 ; 0035 DOS 4 pointer to special names (always zero in DOS 5)
setverPtr dw 0,0 ; 0037 setver list
dw 0 ; 003B cs offset for fix a20
dw 0 ; 003D psp of last umb exec
global _LoL_nbuffers
_LoL_nbuffers dw 1 ; 003F number of buffers
dw 1 ; 0041 size of pre-read buffer
global _BootDrive
_BootDrive db 1 ; 0043 drive we booted from
global _CPULevel
_CPULevel db 0 ; 0044 cpu type (MSDOS >0 indicates dword moves ok, ie 386+)
; unless compatibility issues arise FD uses
; 0=808x, 1=18x, 2=286, 3=386+
; see cpu.asm, use >= as may add checks for 486 ...
dw 0 ; 0045 Extended memory in KBytes
global _firstbuf
_firstbuf dd 0 ; 0047 disk buffer chain
dw 0 ; 004B Number of dirty buffers
dd 0 ; 004D pre-read buffer
dw 0 ; 0051 number of look-ahead buffers
global _bufloc
_bufloc db 0 ; 0053 00=conv 01=HMA
global _deblock_buf
_deblock_buf dd 0 ; 0054 deblock buffer
times 3 db 0 ; 0058 unknown
dw 0 ; 005B unknown
db 0, 0FFh, 0 ; 005D unknown
global _VgaSet
_VgaSet db 0 ; 0060 unknown
dw 0 ; 0061 unknown
global _uppermem_link
_uppermem_link db 0 ; 0063 upper memory link flag
_min_pars dw 0 ; 0064 minimum paragraphs of memory
; required by program being EXECed
global _uppermem_root
_uppermem_root dw 0ffffh ; 0066 dmd_upper_root (usually 9fff)
_last_para dw 0 ; 0068 para of last mem search
;; FreeDOS specific entries
;; all variables below this point are subject to relocation.
;; programs should not rely on any values below this point!!!
global _os_setver_minor
_os_setver_minor db 0
global _os_setver_major
_os_setver_major db 5
global _os_minor
_os_minor db 0
global _os_major
_os_major db 5
_rev_number db 0
global _version_flags
_version_flags db 0
global os_release
extern _os_release
os_release dw _os_release
global _winStartupInfo, _winInstanced
_winInstanced dw 0 ; set to 1 on WinInit broadcast, 0 on WinExit broadcast
dw 0 ; structure version (same as windows version)
dd 0 ; next startup info structure, 0:0h marks end
dd 0 ; far pointer to name virtual device file or 0:0h
dd 0 ; far pointer, reference data for virtual device driver
dw instance_table,seg instance_table ; array of instance data
instance_table: ; should include stacks, Win may auto determine SDA region
; we simply include whole DOS data segment
dw 0, seg _DATASTART ; [SEG:OFF] address of region's base
dw markEndInstanceData wrt seg _DATASTART ; size in bytes
dd 0 ; 0 marks end of table
patch_bytes: ; mark end of array of offsets of critical section bytes to patch
dw 0 ; and 0 length for end of instance_table entry
global _winPatchTable
_winPatchTable: ; returns offsets to various internal variables
dw 0x0006 ; DOS version, major# in low byte, eg. 6.00
dw save_DS ; where DS stored during int21h dispatch
dw save_BX ; where BX stored during int21h dispatch
dw _InDOS ; offset of InDOS flag
dw _MachineId ; offset to variable containing MachineID
dw patch_bytes ; offset of to array of offsets to patch
; NOTE: this points to a null terminated
; array of offsets of critical section bytes
; to patch, for now we just point this to
; an empty table, purposely not _CritPatch
; ie we just point to a 0 word to mark end
dw _uppermem_root ; seg of last arena header in conv memory
; this matches MS DOS's location, but
; do we have the same meaning?
;; The first 5 sft entries appear to have to be at DS:00cc
times (0cch - ($ - DATASTART)) db 0
global _firstsftt
dd -1 ; link to next
dw 5 ; count
; Some references seem to indicate that this data should start at 01fbh in
; order to maintain 100% MS-DOS compatibility.
times (01fbh - ($ - DATASTART)) db 0
global MARK01FBH
MARK01FBH equ $
global _local_buffer ; local_buffer is 256 bytes long
; so it overflows into kb_buf!!
; only when kb_buf is used, local_buffer is limited to 128 bytes.
_local_buffer: times 128 db 0
global _kb_buf
_kb_buf db 128,0 ; initialise buffer to empty
times 128+1 db 0 ; room for 128 byte readline + LF
; Variables that follow are documented as part of the DOS 4.0-6.X swappable
; data area in Ralf Browns Interrupt List #56
; this byte is used for ^P support
global _PrinterEcho
_PrinterEcho db 0 ;-34 - 0 = no printer echo, ~0 echo
global _verify_ena
_verify_ena db 0 ; ~0, write with verify
; this byte is used for TABs (shared by all char device writes??)
global _scr_pos
_scr_pos db 0 ; Current Cursor Column
global _switchar
_switchar db '/' ;-31 - switch char
global _mem_access_mode
_mem_access_mode db 0 ;-30 - memory allocation strategy
global sharing_flag
sharing_flag db 0 ; 00 = sharing module not loaded
; 01 = sharing module loaded, but
; open/close for block devices
; disabled
; FF = sharing module loaded,
; open/close for block devices
; enabled (not implemented)
global _net_set_count
_net_set_count db 1 ;-28 - count the name below was set
global _net_name
_net_name db ' ' ;-27 - 15 Character Network Name
db 00 ; Terminating 0 byte
; Variables contained the the "STATE_DATA" segment contain
; information about the STATE of the current DOS Process. These
; variables must be preserved regardless of the state of the INDOS
; flag.
; All variables that appear in "STATE_DATA" **MUST** be declared
; in this file as the offsets from the INTERNAL_DATA variable are
; critical to the DOS applications that modify this data area.
global _ErrorMode, _InDOS
global _CritErrLocus, _CritErrCode
global _CritErrAction, _CritErrClass
global _CritErrDev, _CritErrDrive
global _dta
global _cu_psp, _default_drive
global _break_ena
global _return_code
global _internal_data
global _CritPatch
_CritPatch dw 0d0ch ;-11 zero list of patched critical
dw 0d0ch ; section variables
dw 0d0ch
dw 0d0ch
dw 0d0ch
db 0 ;-01 - unknown
_internal_data: ; <-- Address returned by INT21/5D06
_ErrorMode db 0 ; 00 - Critical Error Flag
_InDOS db 0 ; 01 - Indos Flag
_CritErrDrive db 0 ; 02 - Drive on write protect error
_CritErrLocus db 0 ; 03 - Error Locus
_CritErrCode dw 0 ; 04 - DOS format error Code
_CritErrAction db 0 ; 06 - Error Action Code
_CritErrClass db 0 ; 07 - Error Class
_CritErrDev dd 0 ; 08 - Failing Device Address
_dta dd 0 ; 0C - current DTA
_cu_psp dw 0 ; 10 - Current PSP
break_sp dw 0 ; 12 - used in int 23
_return_code dw 0 ; 14 - return code from process
_default_drive db 0 ; 16 - Current Drive
_break_ena db 1 ; 17 - Break Flag (default TRUE)
db 0 ; 18 - flag, code page switching
db 0 ; 19 - flag, copy of 18 on int 24h abort
global _swap_always, _swap_indos
global _Int21AX
_Int21AX dw 0 ; 1A - AX from last Int 21
global owning_psp, _MachineId
owning_psp dw 0 ; 1C - owning psp
_MachineId dw 0 ; 1E - remote machine ID
dw 0 ; 20 - First usable mcb
dw 0 ; 22 - Best usable mcb
dw 0 ; 24 - Last usable mcb
dw 0 ; 26 - memory size in paragraphs
dw 0 ; 28 - unknown
db 0 ; 2A - unknown
db 0 ; 2B - unknown
db 0 ; 2C - unknown
global _break_flg
_break_flg db 0 ; 2D - Program aborted by ^C
db 0 ; 2E - unknown
db 0 ; 2F - not referenced
global _DayOfMonth
_DayOfMonth db 1 ; 30 - day of month
global _Month
_Month db 1 ; 31 - month
global _YearsSince1980
_YearsSince1980 dw 0 ; 32 - year since 1980
daysSince1980 dw 0FFFFh ; 34 - number of days since epoch
; force rebuild on first clock read
global _DayOfWeek
_DayOfWeek db 2 ; 36 - day of week
_console_swap db 0 ; 37 console swapped during read from dev
global _dosidle_flag
_dosidle_flag db 1 ; 38 - safe to call int28 if nonzero
_abort_progress db 0 ; 39 - abort in progress
global _CharReqHdr
global _ClkReqHdr
_ClkReqHdr times 30 db 0 ; 3A - Device driver request header
dd 0 ; 58 - pointer to driver entry
global _MediaReqHdr
_MediaReqHdr times 22 db 0 ; 5C - Device driver request header
global _IoReqHdr
_IoReqHdr times 30 db 0 ; 72 - Device driver request header
times 6 db 0 ; 90 - unknown
global _ClkRecord
_ClkRecord times 6 db 0 ; 96 - CLOCK$ transfer record
dw 0 ; 9C - unknown
global __PriPathBuffer
__PriPathBuffer times 80h db 0 ; 9E - buffer for file name
global __SecPathBuffer
__SecPathBuffer times 80h db 0 ;11E - buffer for file name
global _sda_tmp_dm
_sda_tmp_dm times 21 db 0 ;19E - 21 byte srch state
global _SearchDir
_SearchDir times 32 db 0 ;1B3 - 32 byte dir entry
global _TempCDS
_TempCDS times 88 db 0 ;1D3 - TemporaryCDS buffer
global _DirEntBuffer
_DirEntBuffer times 32 db 0 ;22B - space enough for 1 dir entry
global _wAttr
_wAttr dw 0 ;24B - extended FCB file attribute
global _SAttr
_SAttr db 0 ;24D - Attribute Mask for Dir Search
global _OpenMode
_OpenMode db 0 ;24E - File Open Attribute
times 3 db 0
global _Server_Call
_Server_Call db 0 ;252 - Server call Func 5D sub 0
db 0
; Pad to 05CCh
times (25ch - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
global _tsr ; used by break and critical error
_tsr db 0 ;25C - handlers during termination
db 0 ;25D - padding
global term_psp
term_psp dw 0 ;25E - 0??
global int24_esbp
int24_esbp times 2 dw 0 ;260 - pointer to criticalerr DPB
global _user_r, int21regs_off, int21regs_seg
int21regs_off dw 0 ;264 - pointer to int21h stack frame
int21regs_seg dw 0
global critical_sp
critical_sp dw 0 ;268 - critical error internal stack
global current_ddsc
current_ddsc times 2 dw 0
; Pad to 059ah
times (27ah - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
global current_device
current_device times 2 dw 0 ;27A - 0??
global _lpCurSft
_lpCurSft times 2 dw 0 ;27e - Current SFT
global _current_ldt
_current_ldt times 2 dw 0 ;282 - Current CDS
global _sda_lpFcb
_sda_lpFcb times 2 dw 0 ;286 - pointer to callers FCB
global _current_sft_idx
_current_sft_idx dw 0 ;28A - SFT index for next open
; used by MS NET
; Pad to 05b2h
times (292h - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
dw __PriPathBuffer ; 292 - "sda_WFP_START" offset in DOS DS of first filename argument
dw __SecPathBuffer ; 294 - "sda_REN_WFP" offset in DOS DS of second filename argument
; Pad to 05ceh
times (2aeh - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
global _current_filepos
_current_filepos times 2 dw 0 ;2AE - current offset in file
; Pad to 05eah
times (2cah - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
;global _save_BX
;global _save_DS
save_BX dw 0 ;2CA - unused by FreeDOS, for Win3.x
save_DS dw 0 ; compatibility, match MS's positions
dw 0
global _prev_user_r
global prev_int21regs_off
global prev_int21regs_seg
prev_int21regs_off dw 0 ;2D0 - pointer to prev int 21 frame
prev_int21regs_seg dw 0
; Pad to 05fdh
times (2ddh - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
global _ext_open_action
global _ext_open_attrib
global _ext_open_mode
_ext_open_action dw 0 ;2DD - extended open action
_ext_open_attrib dw 0 ;2DF - extended open attrib
_ext_open_mode dw 0 ;2E1 - extended open mode
; Pad to 0620h
times (300h - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
global apistk_bottom
; use bottom of error stack as scratch buffer
; - only used during int 21 call
global _sda_tmp_dm_ren
_sda_tmp_dm_ren:times 21 db 0x90 ;300 - 21 byte srch state for rename
global _SearchDir_ren
_SearchDir_ren: times 32 db 0x90 ;315 - 32 byte dir entry for rename
; stacks are made to initialize to no-ops so that high-water
; testing can be performed
times STACK_SIZE*2-($-apistk_bottom) db 0x90
;300 - Error Processing Stack
global _error_tos
times STACK_SIZE dw 0x9090 ;480 - Disk Function Stack
global _disk_api_tos
times STACK_SIZE dw 0x9090 ;600 - Char Function Stack
global _char_api_tos
db 0 ; 780 ???
_VolChange db 0 ;781 - volume change
_VirtOpen db 0 ;782 - virtual open flag
; controlled variables end at offset 78Ch so pad to end
times (78ch - ($ - _internal_data)) db 0
; end of controlled variables
segment _BSS
;!! global _NumFloppies
;!!_NumFloppies resw 1
;!!intr_dos_stk resw 1
;!!intr_dos_seg resw 1
; mark front and end of bss area to clear
segment IB_B
global __ib_start
segment IB_E
global __ib_end
;; do not clear the other init BSS variables + STACK: too late.
; kernel startup stack
global init_tos
resw 512
; the last paragraph of conventional memory might become an MCB
resb 16
global __init_end
segment _DATA
; blockdev private stack
global blk_stk_top
times 256 dw 0
; clockdev private stack
global clk_stk_top
times 128 dw 0
; Dynamic data:
; member of the DOS DATA GROUP
; and marks definitive end of all used data in kernel data segment
segment _DATAEND
; we don't know precisely what needs to be swapped before this, so set it here.
; this is just after FIXED_DATA+BSS+DATA and before (D)CONST+BSS
; probably, the clock and block stacks and disktransferbuffer should go past
; _swap_indos but only if int2a ah=80/81 (critical section start/end)
; are called upon entry and exit of the device drivers
times 96 dw 0x9090 ; Process 0 Stack
global _p_0_tos
segment DYN_DATA
global _Dyn
DynAllocated dw 0
markEndInstanceData: ; mark end of DOS data seg we say needs instancing
segment ID_B
segment ID_E
global __INIT_DATA_END
global __InitTextStart
__InitTextStart: ; and c version
global __InitTextEnd
__InitTextEnd: ; and c version
; start end end of HMA area
global __HMATextAvailable
global __HMATextStart
; the HMA area is filled with 1eh+3(=sizeof VDISK) = 33 byte dummy data,
; so nothing will ever be below 0xffff:0031
segment HMA_TEXT
times 10h db 0 ; filler [ffff:0..ffff:10]
times 20h db 0
db 0
; to minimize relocations
global _DGROUP_
%ifdef WATCOM
; 32 bit multiplication + division
global __U4M
global __U4D
%ifdef gcc
global %1udivsi3
%1udivsi3: call %1ldivmodu
ret 8
global %1umodsi3
%1umodsi3: call %1ldivmodu
mov dx, cx
mov ax, bx
ret 8
%1ldivmodu: LDIVMODU
global %1ashlsi3
%1ashlsi3: LSHLU
global %1lshrsi3
%1lshrsi3: LSHRU
times 0xd0 - ($-begin_hma) db 0
; reserve space for far jump to cp/m routine
times 5 db 0
;End of HMA segment
segment HMA_TEXT_END
global __HMATextEnd
__HMATextEnd: ; and c version
; The default stack (_TEXT:0) will overwrite the data area, so I create a dummy
; stack here to ease debugging. -- ror4
segment _STACK class(STACK) nobits stack
segment CONST
; dummy interrupt return handlers
global _int22_handler
global _int28_handler
global _int2a_handler
global _empty_handler
global _initforceEnableA20
call near forceEnableA20
global __HMARelocationTableStart
global _int2f_handler
extern reloc_call_int2f_handler
_int2f_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_int2f_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _int20_handler
extern reloc_call_int20_handler
_int20_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_int20_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _int21_handler
extern reloc_call_int21_handler
_int21_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_int21_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _low_int25_handler
extern reloc_call_low_int25_handler
_low_int25_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_low_int25_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _low_int26_handler
extern reloc_call_low_int26_handler
_low_int26_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_low_int26_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _int27_handler
extern reloc_call_int27_handler
_int27_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_int27_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _int0_handler
extern reloc_call_int0_handler
_int0_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_int0_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _int6_handler
extern reloc_call_int6_handler
_int6_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_int6_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _int19_handler
extern reloc_call_int19_handler
_int19_handler: jmp 0:reloc_call_int19_handler
call near forceEnableA20
global _cpm_entry
extern reloc_call_cpm_entry
_cpm_entry: jmp 0:reloc_call_cpm_entry
call near forceEnableA20
global _reloc_call_blk_driver
extern _blk_driver
jmp 0:_blk_driver
call near forceEnableA20
global _reloc_call_clk_driver
extern _clk_driver
jmp 0:_clk_driver
call near forceEnableA20
global _CharMapSrvc ; in _DATA (see AARD)
extern _reloc_call_CharMapSrvc
_CharMapSrvc: jmp 0:_reloc_call_CharMapSrvc
call near forceEnableA20
global _init_call_p_0
extern reloc_call_p_0
_init_call_p_0: jmp 0:reloc_call_p_0
call near forceEnableA20
global __HMARelocationTableEnd
; if we were lucky, we found all entries from the outside to the kernel.
; if not, BUMS
; this routine makes the HMA area available. PERIOD.
; must conserve ALL registers
; will be only ever called, if HMA (DOS=HIGH) is enabled.
; for obvious reasons it should be located at the relocation table
global _XMSDriverAddress
dw 0 ; XMS driver, if detected
dw 0
global _ENABLEA20
mov ah,5
push bx
call far [cs:_XMSDriverAddress]
pop bx
global _DISABLEA20
mov ah,6
jmp short UsingXMSdriver
dslowmem dw 0
eshighmem dw 0ffffh
global forceEnableA20
push ds
push es
push ax
mov ds, [cs:dslowmem]
mov es, [cs:eshighmem]
mov ax, [ds:00000h]
cmp ax, [es:00010h]
jne forceEnableA20success
mov ax, [ds:00002h]
cmp ax, [es:00012h]
jne forceEnableA20success
mov ax, [ds:00004h]
cmp ax, [es:00014h]
jne forceEnableA20success
mov ax, [ds:00006h]
cmp ax, [es:00016h]
jne forceEnableA20success
; ok, we have to enable A20 )at least seems so
jmp short forceEnableA20retry
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
; global f*cking compatibility issues:
; very old brain dead software (PKLITE, copyright 1990)
; forces us to execute with A20 disabled
global _ExecUserDisableA20
cmp word [cs:_XMSDriverAddress], byte 0
jne NeedToDisable
cmp word [cs:_XMSDriverAddress+2], byte 0
je noNeedToDisable
push ax
pop ax
; Default Int 24h handler -- always returns fail
; so we have not to relocate it (now)
FAIL equ 03h
global _int24_handler
_int24_handler: mov al,FAIL
; this makes some things easier
segment _LOWTEXT
segment INIT_TEXT
%ifdef gcc