Bart Oldeman 7bf4b77233 ia16-elf-gcc port: compile all asm files with -f elf.
Because ia16-elf-gcc and the GNU linker do not understand OMF we
need to use ELF everywhere.
This also means we cannot use "wrt", "seg" and "call/jmp far".
Most wrt's are superfluous, and seg and call/jmp far can be
replaced by explicit ?GROUP references (to be defined in the
linker script).
2018-01-11 17:50:31 -05:00

301 lines
8.7 KiB

; File:
; procsupt.asm
; Description:
; Assembly support routines for process handling, etc.
; Copyright (c) 1995,1998
; Pasquale J. Villani
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of DOS-C.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; $Id: procsupt.asm 1591 2011-05-06 01:46:55Z bartoldeman $
%include ""
extern _user_r
extern _break_flg ; break detected flag
extern _int21_handler ; far call system services
%include ""
segment HMA_TEXT
extern _DGROUP_
; Special call for switching processes
; void exec_user(iregs far *irp, int disable_a20)
global _exec_user
; mov ds,[_DGROUP_]
; cld
pop ax ; return address (unused)
pop bp ; irp (user ss:sp)
pop si
pop cx ; disable A20?
or cx,cx
jz do_iret
mov ss,si
mov sp,bp ; set-up user stack
extern _ExecUserDisableA20
jmp DGROUP:_ExecUserDisableA20
extern _int21_iret
jmp _int21_iret
segment _LOWTEXT
;; Called whenever the BIOS detects a ^Break state
global _got_cbreak
push ds
push ax
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
or byte [71h], 80h ;; set the ^Break flag
pop ax
pop ds
segment HMA_TEXT
; Special call for switching processes during break handling
; void interrupt far spawn_int23()
; +---------------+
; | flags | 22
; +---------------+
; | cs | 20
; +---------------+
; | ip | 18
; +---------------+
; | es | 16
; +---------------+
; | ds | 14
; +---------------+
; | bp | 12
; +---------------+
; | di | 10
; +---------------+
; | si | 8
; +---------------+
; | dx | 6
; +---------------+
; | cx | 4
; +---------------+
; | bx | 2
; +---------------+
; | ax | 0 <--- bp & sp after mov bp,sp
; +---------------+
global _spawn_int23
;; 1999/03/27 ska - comments: see cmt1.txt
mov ds, [cs:_DGROUP_] ;; Make sure DS is OK
mov bp, [_user_r]
; restore to user stack
cli ;; Pre-8086 don't disable INT autom.
; CtrlC at DosInput (like C:>DATE does)
; Nukes the Kernel.
; it looks like ENTRY.ASM+PROCSUPT.ASM
; got out of sync.
; spawn_int() assumes a stack layout at
; usr_ss:usr:sp. but usr:ss currently contains 0
; this patch helps FreeDos to survive CtrlC,
; but should clearly be done somehow else.
mov ss, [_user_r+2]
; get all the user registers back
;; Construct the piece of code into the stack
;; stack frame: during generation of code piece
;; <higher address>
;; BP | SP | Meaning
;; 7 | 11 | offset CALL FAR will push onto stack
;; 5 | 9 | CALL FAR segment
;; 3 | 7 | CALL FAR offset
;; 2 | 6 | CALL FAR ??regain_control_int23 | instruction byte
;; 0 | 4 | INT 23 <<should-be value of SP upon return>>
;; -2 | 2 | segment of address of INT-23 \ To jump to INT 23
;; -4 | 0 | offset of address of INT-23 / via RETF
;; Upon return from INT-23 the CALL FAR pushes the address of
;; the byte immediately following the CALL FAR onto the stack.
;; This value POPed and decremented by 7 is the value SP must
;; contain, if the INT-23 was returned with RETF2/IRET.
sub sp, byte 8 ;; code piece needs 7 bytes --> 4 words
push ss ;; prepare jump to INT-23 via RETF
push bp ;; will be offset / temp: saved BP
mov bp, sp
add bp, byte 4 ;; position BP onto INT-23
mov word [bp], 23cdh ;; INT 23h
mov byte [bp+2], 9ah ;; CALL FAR immediate
mov word [bp+3], ??regain_control_int23
mov word [bp+5], cs
;; complete the jump to INT-23 via RETF and restore BP
xchg word [bp-4], bp
clc ;; set default action --> resume
; invoke the int 23 handler its address has been constructed
;; on the stack
;; stack frame: constructed on entry to INT-23
;; <higher address>
; BP | SP | Meaning
;; 7 | 11 | offset CALL FAR will push onto stack
;; 5 | 9 | CALL FAR segment
;; 3 | 7 | CALL FAR offset
;; 2 | 6 | CALL FAR ??regain_control_int23 | instruction byte
;; 0 | 4 | INT 23 <<should-be value of SP upon return>>
;; -2 | 2 | segment of address of INT-23 \ To jump to INT 23
;; -4 | 0 | offset of address of INT-23 / via RETF
;; Upon return from INT-23 the CALL FAR pushes the address of
;; the byte immediately following the CALL FAR onto the stack.
;; This value POPed and decremented by 7 is the value SP must
;; contain, if the INT-23 was returned with RETF2/IRET.
;; stack frame: used during recovering from INT-23
;; <higher address>
;; BP | Meaning
;; 1 | <<next word onto stack, or value SP has to become>>
;; 0 | <<return address from CALL FAR>>
;; -1 | saved BP
;; -3 | saved AX
;; -7 | INT 23 <<should-be value of SP upon return>>
;; Somewhere on stack:
;; SP | Meaning
;; 4 | segment of return address of CALL FAR
;; 2 | offset of return address of CALL FAR
;; 0 | saved BP
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov bp, [bp+2] ;; get should-be address + 7
mov word [bp-3], ax ;; save AX
pop ax ;; old BP
mov word [bp-1], ax ;; preserve saved BP
mov ax, bp
dec ax ;; last used word of stack
dec ax ;; Don't use SUB to keep Carry flag
dec ax
xchg ax, sp ;; AX := current stack; SP corrected
;; Currently: BP - 7 == address of INT-23
;; should be AX + 4 --> IRET or RETF 2
;; ==> Test if BP - 7 == AX + 4
;; ==> Test if AX + 4 - BP + 7 == 0
pushf ;; preserve Carry flag
add ax, byte 4 + 7
sub ax, bp ;; AX := SP + 4
pop ax ;; saved Carry flag
jz ??int23_ign_carry ;; equal -> IRET --> ignore Carry
;; Carry is already cleared
push ax
popf ;; restore Carry flag
pop ax ;; Restore the original register
jnc ??int23_respawn
;; The user returned via RETF 0, Carry is set
;; --> terminate program
;; This is done by set the _break_flg and modify the
;; AH value, which is passed to the _respawn_ call
;; into 0, which is "Terminate program".
push ds ;; we need DGROUP
mov ds, [cs:_DGROUP_]
inc byte [_break_flg]
pop ds
xor ah, ah ;; clear ah --> perform DOS-00 --> terminate
pop bp ;; Restore the original register
jmp DGROUP:_int21_handler
; interrupt enable and disable routines
; public _enable
;_enable proc near
; sti
; ret
;_enable endp
; public _disable
;_disable proc near
; cli
; ret
;_disable endp
extern _p_0_tos,_P_0
; prepare to call process 0 (the shell) from P_0() in C
global reloc_call_p_0
pop ax ; return address (32-bit, unused)
pop ax
pop ax ; fetch parameter 0 (32-bit) from the old stack
pop dx
mov ds,[cs:_DGROUP_]
mov ss,[cs:_DGROUP_]
mov sp,_p_0_tos ; load the dedicated process 0 stack
push dx ; pass parameter 0 onto the new stack
push ax
call _P_0 ; no return, allow parameter fetch from C