git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/freedos/svn/kernel/trunk@427 6ac86273-5f31-0410-b378-82cca8765d1b
613 lines
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613 lines
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; File:
; int2f.asm
; Description:
; multiplex interrupt support code
; Copyright (c) 1996, 1998
; Pasquale J. Villani
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of DOS-C.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; $Id$
%include "segs.inc"
%include "stacks.inc"
segment HMA_TEXT
extern _cu_psp:wrt DGROUP
extern _syscall_MUX14:wrt HMA_TEXT
global reloc_call_int2f_handler
sti ; Enable interrupts
cmp ah,11h ; Network interrupt?
jne Int2f3 ; No, continue
or al,al ; Installation check?
jz FarTabRetn ; yes, just return
mov ax,1 ; TE 07/13/01
; at least for redirected INT21/5F44
; --> 2f/111e
; the error code is AX=0001 = unknown function
retf 2 ; Return far
cmp ah,16h
je FarTabRetn ; Win Hook return fast
cmp ah,12h
je IntDosCal ; Dos Internal calls
cmp ah,10h ; SHARE.EXE interrupt?
je Int2f1 ; yes, do installation check
cmp ah,08h
je DriverSysCal ; DRIVER.SYS calls
cmp ah,14h ; NLSFUNC.EXE interrupt?
jne Int2f?iret ; yes, do installation check
Int2f?14: ;; MUX-14 -- NLSFUNC API
;; all functions are passed to syscall_MUX14
push bp ; Preserve BP later on
call _syscall_MUX14
pop bp ; Discard incoming AX
push ax ; Correct stack for POP$ALL
mov bp, sp
or ax, ax
jnz Int2f?14?1 ; must return set carry
;; -6 == -2 (CS), -2 (IP), -2 (flags)
;; current SP = on old_BP
and BYTE [bp-6], 0feh ; clear carry as no error condition
pop bp
Int2f?14?1: or BYTE [bp-6], 1
pop bp
; DRIVER.SYS calls - now only 0803.
extern _Dyn:wrt DGROUP
cmp al, 3
jne Int2f?iret
mov di, seg _Dyn
mov ds, di
mov di, _Dyn+2
jmp short Int2f?iret
; internal doscalls INT2F/11xx - handled through C
; set up register frame
;struct int2f12regs
; [space for 386 regs]
; UWORD es,ds;
; UWORD di,si,bp,bx,dx,cx,ax;
; UWORD ip,cs,flags;
; UWORD callerARG1;
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
%ifdef WATCOM
mov si,fs
mov di,gs
mov ax,DGROUP
mov ds,ax
extern _int2F_12_handler:wrt HGROUP
call _int2F_12_handler
%ifdef WATCOM
mov fs,si
mov gs,di
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
; Int 2F Multipurpose Remote System Calls
; added by James Tabor jimtabor@infohwy.com
; changed by Bart Oldeman
; assume ss == ds after setup of stack in entry
; sumtimes return data *ptr is the push stack word
global _remote_rmdir
mov al, 01h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_mkdir
mov al, 03h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_chdir
mov al, 05h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_close
mov al, 06h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_commit
mov al, 07h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_read
_remote_read: mov al, 08h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_write
_remote_write: mov al, 09h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_getfree
mov al, 0ch
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_setfattr
mov al, 0eh
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_getfattr
mov al, 0fh
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_rename
mov al, 11h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_delete
mov al, 13h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_open
mov al, 16h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_creat
mov al, 17h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_findfirst
mov al, 1bh
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_findnext
mov al, 1ch
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_close_all
mov al, 1dh
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_doredirect
mov al, 1eh
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_printset
mov al, 1fh
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_flushall
mov al, 20h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_lseek
mov al, 21h
jmp short call_int2f
global _QRemote_Fn
mov al, 23h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_printredir
mov al, 25h
jmp short call_int2f
global _remote_extopen
mov al, 2eh
mov ah, 11h
push bp
mov bp,sp
push es
push si
push di
push cx
push bx
cmp al, 0eh
je remote_setfattr
cmp al, 0fh
je remote_getfattr
cmp al, 1eh
je print_doredir
cmp al, 1fh
je print_doredir
cmp al, 25h
je remote_printredir
les di, [bp+4]
cmp al, 08h
je remote_rw
cmp al, 09h
je remote_rw
cmp al, 0ch
je remote_getfree
cmp al, 21h ; 21h, Lseek from eof
je lseekeof
cmp al, 23h
je qremote_fn
push word [bp+8] ; very fakey, HaHa ;)
xor cx, cx ; set to succeed; clear carry and CX
int 2fh
pop bx
jc no_clear_ax
mov ax, cx ; extended open -> status from CX in AX
; otherwise CX was set to zero above
jmp short no_neg_ax
neg ax
pop bx
pop cx
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop bp
mov dx, [bp+8]
mov cx, [bp+10]
; "fall through"
clc ; set to succeed
int 2fh
jc no_clear_ax
jmp short no_neg_ax
push word [bp+4]
jmp short int2f_call
push ds
mov si,[bp+14]
les di,[bp+10]
mov dx,[bp+8]
mov cx,[bp+6]
mov bx,[bp+4]
mov ds, [bp+18]
push word [bp+16] ; very fakey, HaHa ;)
clc ; set to succeed
int 2fh
pop bx
pop ds
jc no_clear_ax
xor cx, cx
jmp short clear_ax
clc ; set to succeed
int 2fh
jc no_clear_ax
mov di,[bp+8]
mov [di],ax
mov [di+2],bx
mov [di+4],cx
mov [di+6],dx
xor cx, cx
jmp short clear_ax
mov dx, [bp+4]
push word [bp+6]
jmp short int2f_call
remote_rw: jmp short remote_rw1
push ds
lds si,[bp+8]
int 2fh
pop ds
mov ax,0xffff
jc no_neg_ax
xor cx, cx
jmp short clear_ax
remote_rw1: mov cx, [bp+8]
clc ; set to succeed
int 2fh
jc int2f_carry
xor ax, ax
int2f_carry: neg ax
mov di, [bp+10]
mov [di], ax
mov ax, cx
jmp no_neg_ax
global _remote_process_end
_remote_process_end: ; Terminate process
mov ds, [_cu_psp]
mov al, 22h
call call_int2f
push ss
pop ds
%if 0
; int_2f_111e_call(iregs FAR *iregs)
; set up all registers to the int21 entry registers
; call int2f/111e
; copy returned registers into int21 entry registers back
; disabled: does not work better than previous implementation
global _int_2f_111e_call
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
push ds
lds si, [bp+4] ; ds:si -> iregs
mov ax, [si ]
mov bx, [si+2]
mov cx, [si+4]
mov dx, [si+6]
push word [si+8] ; si
mov di, [si+10]
mov bp, [si+12]
mov es, [si+16]
mov ds, [si+14]
pop si
push ax
mov ax, 111eh
int 2fh
jc fault
pop ax ; restore orig value of ax if no errors
push ax
push ds
push si
push bp
mov bp,sp
lds si,[bp+4+6+10] ; 4=fun, 6=si,di,ds, 10 additional bytes on stack
pop word [si+12] ; bp
pop word [si+ 8] ; si
pop word [si+14] ; ds
pop word [si+22] ; flags
add sp,2 ; pushed function value
mov [si ],ax
cmp ax, 5f02h ; 5f02 is special: it manipulates the user stack directly
je skip5f02
mov [si+2],bx
mov [si+4],cx
mov [si+6],dx
mov [si+10],di
mov [si+16],es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; Test to see if a umb driver has been loaded.
; if so, retrieve largest available block+size
; From RB list and Dosemu xms.c.
; Call the XMS driver "Request upper memory block" function with:
; AH = 10h
; DX = size of block in paragraphs
; Return: AX = status
; 0001h success
; BX = segment address of UMB
; DX = actual size of block
; 0000h failure
; BL = error code (80h,B0h,B1h) (see #02775)
; DX = largest available block
; (Table 02775)
; Values for XMS error code returned in BL:
; 00h successful
; 80h function not implemented
; B0h only a smaller UMB is available
; B1h no UMB's are available
; B2h UMB segment number is invalid
segment INIT_TEXT
; int UMB_get_largest(UCOUNT *seg, UCOUNT *size);
global _UMB_get_largest
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,4 ; for the far call
mov ax,4300h ; is there a xms driver installed?
int 2fh
cmp al,80h
jne umbt_error
mov ax,4310h
int 2fh
mov [bp-2],es ; save driver entry point
mov [bp-4],bx
mov dx,0xffff ; go for broke!
mov ax,1000h ; get the umb's
call far [bp-4] ; Call the driver
; bl = 0xB0 and ax = 0 so do it again.
cmp bl,0xb0 ; fail safe
jne umbt_error
and dx,dx ; if it returns a size of zero.
je umbt_error
mov ax,1000h ; dx set with largest size
call far [bp-4] ; Call the driver
cmp ax,1
jne umbt_error
; now return the segment
; and the size
mov cx,bx ; *seg = segment
mov bx, [bp+4]
mov [bx],cx
mov bx, [bp+6] ; *size = size
mov [bx],dx
mov sp,bp
pop bp
ret ; this was called NEAR!!
umbt_error: xor ax,ax
jmp short umbt_ret
; Log: int2f.asm,v
; Revision 1.4 2000/03/31 05:40:09 jtabor
; Added Eric W. Biederman Patches
; Revision 1.3 2000/03/09 06:07:11 kernel
; 2017f updates by James Tabor
; Revision 1.2 1999/08/10 17:57:12 jprice
; ror4 2011-02 patch
; Revision 1999/03/29 15:40:59 jprice
; New version without IPL.SYS
; Revision 1.4 1999/02/08 05:55:57 jprice
; Added Pat's 1937 kernel patches
; Revision 1.3 1999/02/01 01:48:41 jprice
; Clean up; Now you can use hex numbers in config.sys. added config.sys screen function to change screen mode (28 or 43/50 lines)
; Revision 1.2 1999/01/22 04:13:26 jprice
; Formating
; Revision 1999/01/20 05:51:01 jprice
; Imported sources
; Rev 1.2 06 Dec 1998 8:48:12 patv
; Bug fixes.
; Rev 1.1 29 May 1996 21:03:46 patv
; bug fixes for v0.91a
; Rev 1.0 19 Feb 1996 3:34:38 patv
; Initial revision.
; EndLog