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2024-08-04 01:28:15 +02:00
; update.txt
; This file along with update.inx are used to constuct the
; update.inf and hotfix.inf files used by service pack
; and hotfix install (update.exe).
; The sections contained in this file are merged with the
; update.inx file using the following utilities in order.
; * C Precompiler processes and #if conditions
; * Infmerge.exe to insert the sections into update.inf
; * Prodfilt.exe to process platform and type conditions
; The prodfilt utility uses the following syntax and
; order of precedence is:
; Platform = @i: - i386
; = @m: - ia64
; = @a: - alpha
; = @x: - axp64
; = @n: - NEC98
; Hotfix/ServicePack = @h: - Hotfix
; = @u: - Service Pack
; @@ - represents any
; Localization Considerations:
; - No blanks immediately following @@:@u: and @@:@h:
; - No blanks lines with @@:@u: and @@:@h: are permitted
; - Move all sections to precede the [Strings] section
; - No indents before macro IDs
; This section is for non-FE (chs,cht,jpn,kor) builds. So english, german, ...
@@:@u:HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters", "EnableDBCS", 0x00010003, 0
LangTypeValue = 0x41
WSEDIR = "1055"
TSCLIENTDIR = "Terminal Hizmetleri <20>stemcisi"
PORTUGAL = "Portekiz"
FALKLANDS = "Falkland Adalar<61>"
@*: These are used for constructing directory names used in build 2600.
@*: They should be correct as is, and shouldn't be modified.
LCID = "041F"
W32ID = "0009"
ACCESSDIR = "accessories"
@@:@u:SP_TITLE = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1"
@@:@u:SP_SHORT_TITLE = "Service Pack 1"
@@:@u:ServicePackSourceFiles = "Windows 2003 Service Pack 1 Kaynak Dosyalar<61>"
@@:@u:USER_NAME = "Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD> Ad<41>:"
@@:@u:PASSWORD = "Parola:"
@@:@u:DOMAIN = "Etki Alan<61>:"
@@:@u:CREDENTIALS = "Dinamik DNS kayd<79> i<>in kullan<61>lan kimlik bilgisi:"
@@:@h:ServicePackSourceFiles = "Windows Server 2003 D<>zeltme Kaynak Dosyalar<61>"
@@:@h:SP_TITLE = "Windows Server 2003 D<>zeltme Paketi [Ek bilgi i<>in bkz. %QNUM%]"
; AutoUpdate
@*: Needs to be localized exactly as the task scheduler job created by CUN
WUCUN_TS_JOBFILE = "windows <20>nemli y<>kseltme bildirim i<>i.job"
BITS_DISPLAY_NAME = "Arka Plan Ak<41>ll<6C> Aktar<61>m Hizmeti"
BITS_DESCRIPTION = "Bo<42>taki a<> bant geni<6E>li<6C>ini kullanarak dosyalar<61> arka planda aktar<61>r. Hizmet durdurulursa, Windows Update ve MSN Explorer gibi <20>zellikler program ve di<64>er bilgileri kendili<6C>inden indiremez. Bu hizmet devred<65><64><EFBFBD> b<>rak<61>l<EFBFBD>rsa, a<><61>k<EFBFBD>a ba<62><61>ml<6D> olan hizmetlerin, BITS devred<65><64><EFBFBD> b<>rak<61>ld<6C><64><EFBFBD>nda IE yoluyla dosya aktarmak i<>in sorunsuz bir d<>zene<6E>i yoksa, dosya aktaramayabilir."
BITS_CLASS_NAME = "Arka Plan Ak<41>ll<6C> Aktar<61>m Denetim S<>n<EFBFBD>f<EFBFBD> 1.0"
LEGACY_BITS_CLASS_NAME = "Eski Arka Plan Ak<41>ll<6C> Aktar<61>m Hizmeti Denetim S<>n<EFBFBD>f<EFBFBD>"
AU_DESCRIPTION = "<22>nemli Windows g<>ncelle<6C>tirmelerinin indirilmesini ve y<>klenmesini etkinle<6C>tirir. Hizmet devre d<><64><EFBFBD>ysa, i<>letim sistemini Windows Update Web sitesinden kendiniz g<>ncelle<6C>tirebilirsiniz."
AU_DISPLAY_NAME = "Otomatik G<>ncelle<6C>tirme"
@*: Update registry with changes between XP Gold (2600) and XP SP1 (current builds)
@*: Needs to be localized exactly as hive???.txt
@@:@u:MICROSOFT_PASSPORT_CONFIG_FILE="Microsoft Passport yap<61>land<6E>rma dosyas<61>"
@*: hivesys.inf
@@:@u:MOUNTMGR_SERVICE = "Ba<42>lama Noktas<61> Y<>neticisi"
@@:@u:PARTMGR_SERVICE = "B<>l<EFBFBD>m Y<>neticisi"
@@:@u:VGASAVE_DESCRIPTION = "Temel g<>r<EFBFBD>nt<6E>leme yeteneklerini sa<73>lamak i<>in VGA ekran ba<62>da<64>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> denetler."
@*: hivesft.inf
@@:@u:GMT_MINUS_07_B_DAYLIGHT = "Meksika Yaz Saati 2"
@@:@u:GMT_MINUS_07_B_STANDARD = "Meksika Standart Saati 2"