/**************************************************************************** * * File: dispinfo.cpp * Project: DxDiag (DirectX Diagnostic Tool) * Author: Mike Anderson (manders@microsoft.com) * Purpose: Gather information about the display(s) on this machine * * (C) Copyright 1998-1999 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #define COMPILE_MULTIMON_STUBS // for multimon.h #include #define DIRECTDRAW_VERSION 5 // run on DX5 and later versions #include #include #include #include "sysinfo.h" // for BIsPlatformNT #include "reginfo.h" #include "dispinfo.h" #include "dispinfo8.h" #include "fileinfo.h" // for GetFileVersion #include "sysinfo.h" #include "resource.h" // Taken from DirectDraw's ddcreate.c // This is the first GUID of secondary display devices static const GUID DisplayGUID = {0x67685559,0x3106,0x11d0,{0xb9,0x71,0x0,0xaa,0x0,0x34,0x2f,0x9f}}; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* LPDIRECTDRAWCREATE)(GUID FAR *lpGUID, LPDIRECTDRAW FAR *lplpDD, IUnknown FAR *pUnkOuter); static VOID GetRegDisplayInfo9x(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo); static VOID GetRegDisplayInfoNT(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo); static HRESULT GetDirectDrawInfo(LPDIRECTDRAWCREATE pDDCreate, DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo); static HRESULT CALLBACK EnumDevicesCallback(GUID* pGuid, LPSTR pszDesc, LPSTR pszName, D3DDEVICEDESC* pd3ddevdesc1, D3DDEVICEDESC* pd3ddevdesc2, VOID* pvContext); static BOOL FindDevice(INT iDevice, TCHAR* pszDeviceClass, TCHAR* pszDeviceClassNot, TCHAR* pszHardwareKey); static BOOL GetDeviceValue(TCHAR* pszHardwareKey, TCHAR* pszKey, TCHAR* pszValue, BYTE *buf, DWORD cbbuf); static HRESULT CheckRegistry(RegError** ppRegErrorFirst); static BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc( HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData ); static VOID GetRegDisplayInfoWhistler(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo, TCHAR* szKeyVideo, TCHAR* szKeyImage ); static VOID GetRegDisplayInfoWin2k(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo, TCHAR* szKeyVideo, TCHAR* szKeyImage ); /**************************************************************************** * * GetBasicDisplayInfo - Get minimal info on each display * ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT GetBasicDisplayInfo(DisplayInfo** ppDisplayInfoFirst) { DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo; DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfoNew; TCHAR szHardwareKey[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDriver[MAX_PATH]; // Check OS version. Win95 cannot use EnumDisplayDevices; Win98/NT5 can: if( BIsWinNT() || BIsWin3x() ) return S_OK; // NT4 and earlier and pre-Win95 not supported if( BIsWin95() ) { // Win95: if (!FindDevice(0, TEXT("Display"), NULL, szHardwareKey)) return E_FAIL; pDisplayInfoNew = new DisplayInfo; if (pDisplayInfoNew == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(pDisplayInfoNew, sizeof(DisplayInfo)); *ppDisplayInfoFirst = pDisplayInfoNew; pDisplayInfoNew->m_bCanRenderWindow = TRUE; pDisplayInfoNew->m_hMonitor = NULL; // Win95 doesn't like multimon lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szKeyDeviceID, szHardwareKey); if (GetDeviceValue(szHardwareKey, NULL, TEXT("Driver"), (LPBYTE)szDriver, sizeof(szDriver))) { lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szKeyDeviceKey, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\")); if( lstrlen(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szKeyDeviceKey) + lstrlen(szDriver) < 200 ) lstrcat(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szKeyDeviceKey, szDriver); } GetDeviceValue(szHardwareKey, NULL, TEXT("DeviceDesc"), (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDescription, sizeof(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDescription)); HDC hdc; hdc = GetDC(NULL); if (hdc != NULL) { wsprintf(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayMode, TEXT("%d x %d (%d bit)"), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL)); lstrcpy( pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayModeEnglish, pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayMode ); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); pDisplayInfoNew->m_dwWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES); pDisplayInfoNew->m_dwHeight = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES); pDisplayInfoNew->m_dwBpp = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL); } // On Win98 and NT, we get the monitor key through a call to EnumDisplayDevices. // On Win95, we have to use the registry to get the monitor key. HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD cbData; TCHAR szKey[200]; ULONG ulType; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Enum\\MONITOR\\DEFAULT_MONITOR\\0001"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { cbData = sizeof szKey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TEXT("Driver"), 0, &ulType, (LPBYTE)szKey, &cbData) && szKey[0]) { lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szMonitorKey, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\")); if( lstrlen(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szMonitorKey) + lstrlen(szKey) < 200 ) lstrcat(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szMonitorKey, szKey); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } else { // Win98 / NT5: LONG iDevice = 0; DISPLAY_DEVICE dispdev; DISPLAY_DEVICE dispdev2; ZeroMemory(&dispdev, sizeof(dispdev)); dispdev.cb = sizeof(dispdev); ZeroMemory(&dispdev2, sizeof(dispdev2)); dispdev2.cb = sizeof(dispdev2); while (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, iDevice, (DISPLAY_DEVICE*)&dispdev, 0)) { // Mirroring drivers are for monitors that echo another display, so // they should be ignored. NT5 seems to create a mirroring driver called // "NetMeeting driver", and we definitely don't want that. if (dispdev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER) { iDevice++; continue; } // Skip devices that aren't attached since they cause problems if ( (dispdev.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP) == 0 ) { iDevice++; continue; } pDisplayInfoNew = new DisplayInfo; if (pDisplayInfoNew == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(pDisplayInfoNew, sizeof(DisplayInfo)); if (*ppDisplayInfoFirst == NULL) { *ppDisplayInfoFirst = pDisplayInfoNew; } else { for (pDisplayInfo = *ppDisplayInfoFirst; pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext != NULL; pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext) { } pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext = pDisplayInfoNew; } pDisplayInfoNew->m_bCanRenderWindow = TRUE; pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid = DisplayGUID; pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data1 += iDevice; lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDeviceName, dispdev.DeviceName); lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDescription, dispdev.DeviceString); lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szKeyDeviceID, TEXT("Enum\\")); lstrcat(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szKeyDeviceID, dispdev.DeviceID); lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szKeyDeviceKey, dispdev.DeviceKey); DEVMODE devmode; ZeroMemory(&devmode, sizeof(devmode)); devmode.dmSize = sizeof(devmode); if (EnumDisplaySettings(dispdev.DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &devmode)) { pDisplayInfoNew->m_dwWidth = devmode.dmPelsWidth; pDisplayInfoNew->m_dwHeight = devmode.dmPelsHeight; pDisplayInfoNew->m_dwBpp = devmode.dmBitsPerPel; wsprintf(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayMode, TEXT("%d x %d (%d bit)"), devmode.dmPelsWidth, devmode.dmPelsHeight, devmode.dmBitsPerPel); lstrcpy( pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayModeEnglish, pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayMode ); if (devmode.dmDisplayFrequency > 0) { TCHAR sz[50]; wsprintf(sz, TEXT(" (%dHz)"), devmode.dmDisplayFrequency); lstrcat(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayMode, sz); lstrcat(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDisplayModeEnglish, sz); pDisplayInfoNew->m_dwRefreshRate = devmode.dmDisplayFrequency; } } // Call EnumDisplayDevices a second time to get monitor name and monitor key if (EnumDisplayDevices(dispdev.DeviceName, 0, &dispdev2, 0)) { lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szMonitorName, dispdev2.DeviceString); lstrcpy(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szMonitorKey, dispdev2.DeviceKey); } // Try to figure out the m_hMonitor pDisplayInfoNew->m_hMonitor = NULL; EnumDisplayMonitors( NULL, NULL, MonitorEnumProc, (LPARAM) pDisplayInfoNew ); iDevice++; } } // Now look for non-display devices (like 3dfx Voodoo): HKEY hkey; HKEY hkey2; DWORD dwIndex; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cb; DWORD dwType; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Hardware\\DirectDrawDrivers"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { dwIndex = 0; while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkey, dwIndex, szName, MAX_PATH+1)) { BOOL bGoodDevice = FALSE; TCHAR szDriverName[200]; HDC hdc; if (lstrcmp(szName, TEXT("3a0cfd01-9320-11cf-ac-a1-00-a0-24-13-c2-e2")) == 0 || lstrcmp(szName, TEXT("aba52f41-f744-11cf-b4-52-00-00-1d-1b-41-26")) == 0) { // 24940: It's a Voodoo1, which will succeed GetDC (and crash later) if // no Voodoo1 is present but a Voodoo2 is. So instead of the GetDC test, // see if a V1 is present in registry's CurrentConfig. INT i; for (i=0 ; ; i++) { TCHAR szDevice[MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING]; if (FindDevice(i, NULL, TEXT("Display"), szDevice)) { if (_tcsstr(szDevice, TEXT("VEN_121A&DEV_0001")) != NULL) { bGoodDevice = TRUE; break; } } else { break; } } } else { // To confirm that this is a real active DD device, create a DC with it if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, szName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey2)) { cb = 200; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey2, TEXT("DriverName"), NULL, &dwType, (CONST LPBYTE)szDriverName, &cb) && cb > 0) { // I think the following "if" will always fail, but we're about to ship so // I'm being paranoid and doing everything that DDraw does: if (szDriverName[0] == '\\' && szDriverName[1] == '\\' && szDriverName[2] == '.') hdc = CreateDC( NULL, szDriverName, NULL, NULL); else hdc = CreateDC( szDriverName, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hdc != NULL) { bGoodDevice = TRUE; DeleteDC(hdc); } } RegCloseKey(hkey2); } } if (!bGoodDevice) { dwIndex++; continue; } pDisplayInfoNew = new DisplayInfo; if (pDisplayInfoNew == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(pDisplayInfoNew, sizeof(DisplayInfo)); if (*ppDisplayInfoFirst == NULL) { *ppDisplayInfoFirst = pDisplayInfoNew; } else { for (pDisplayInfo = *ppDisplayInfoFirst; pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext != NULL; pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext) { } pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext = pDisplayInfoNew; } pDisplayInfoNew->m_bCanRenderWindow = FALSE; pDisplayInfoNew->m_hMonitor = NULL; if( _stscanf(szName, TEXT("%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x"), &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data1, &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data2, &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data3, &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[0], &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[1], &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[2], &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[3], &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[4], &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[5], &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[6], &pDisplayInfoNew->m_guid.Data4[7]) == 11 ) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, szName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey2)) { cb = sizeof(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDescription); RegQueryValueEx(hkey2, TEXT("Description"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDescription, &cb); cb = sizeof(pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDriverName); RegQueryValueEx(hkey2, TEXT("DriverName"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDriverName, &cb); RegCloseKey(hkey2); } } dwIndex++; } RegCloseKey(hkey); } return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************** * * MonitorEnumProc * ****************************************************************************/ BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc( HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData ) { DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfoNew = (DisplayInfo*) dwData; // Get the MONITORINFOEX for this HMONITOR MONITORINFOEX monInfo; ZeroMemory( &monInfo, sizeof(MONITORINFOEX) ); monInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX); GetMonitorInfo( hMonitor, &monInfo ); // Compare the display device for this HMONITOR and the one // we just enumed with EnumDisplayDevices if( lstrcmp( monInfo.szDevice, pDisplayInfoNew->m_szDeviceName ) == 0 ) { // If they match, then record the HMONITOR pDisplayInfoNew->m_hMonitor = hMonitor; return FALSE; } // Keep looking... return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************** * * GetExtraDisplayInfo * ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT GetExtraDisplayInfo(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfoFirst) { HRESULT hr; DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo; BOOL bDDAccelEnabled; BOOL bD3DAccelEnabled; BOOL bAGPEnabled; BOOL bNT = BIsPlatformNT(); bDDAccelEnabled = IsDDHWAccelEnabled(); bD3DAccelEnabled = IsD3DHWAccelEnabled(); bAGPEnabled = IsAGPEnabled(); for (pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfoFirst; pDisplayInfo != NULL; pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext) { if (bNT) GetRegDisplayInfoNT(pDisplayInfo); else GetRegDisplayInfo9x(pDisplayInfo); pDisplayInfo->m_bDDAccelerationEnabled = bDDAccelEnabled; pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationEnabled = bD3DAccelEnabled; pDisplayInfo->m_bAGPEnabled = bAGPEnabled; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegistry(&pDisplayInfo->m_pRegErrorFirst))) return hr; } return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************** * * GetDDrawDisplayInfo * ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT GetDDrawDisplayInfo(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfoFirst) { HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrRet = S_OK; DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; HINSTANCE hInstDDraw; LPDIRECTDRAWCREATE pDDCreate; GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\ddraw.dll")); hInstDDraw = LoadLibrary(szPath); if (hInstDDraw == NULL) return E_FAIL; pDDCreate = (LPDIRECTDRAWCREATE)GetProcAddress(hInstDDraw, "DirectDrawCreate"); if (pDDCreate == NULL) { FreeLibrary(hInstDDraw); return E_FAIL; } // Init D3D8 so we can use GetDX8AdapterInfo() InitD3D8(); for (pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfoFirst; pDisplayInfo != NULL; pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext) { pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationExists = FALSE; // until proven otherwise if (FAILED(hr = GetDirectDrawInfo(pDDCreate, pDisplayInfo))) hrRet = hr; // but keep going } // Cleanup the D3D8 library CleanupD3D8(); FreeLibrary(hInstDDraw); return hrRet; } /**************************************************************************** * * DestroyDisplayInfo * ****************************************************************************/ VOID DestroyDisplayInfo(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfoFirst) { DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo; DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfoNext; for (pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfoFirst; pDisplayInfo != NULL; pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfoNext) { DestroyReg( &pDisplayInfo->m_pRegErrorFirst ); pDisplayInfoNext = pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext; delete pDisplayInfo; } } /**************************************************************************** * * GetRegDisplayInfo9x - Uses the registry keys to get more info about a * display adapter. * ****************************************************************************/ VOID GetRegDisplayInfo9x(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo) { TCHAR szFullKey[200]; HKEY hkey; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwType; // set to n/a by default _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVddDate, TEXT("n/a") ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceID, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szManufacturer); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Mfg"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szManufacturer, &cbData); RegCloseKey(hkey); } if (pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate == 0) { wsprintf(szFullKey, TEXT("%s\\Modes\\%d\\%d,%d"), pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey, pDisplayInfo->m_dwBpp, pDisplayInfo->m_dwWidth, pDisplayInfo->m_dwHeight); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szFullKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { TCHAR szRefresh[100]; TCHAR szRefresh2[100]; TCHAR szRefreshEnglish2[100]; cbData = sizeof(szRefresh); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("RefreshRate"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szRefresh, &cbData)) { if( _stscanf(szRefresh, TEXT("%d"), &pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate) != 1 ) pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate = 0; if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("0")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_DEFAULTREFRESH, szRefresh2, 100); else if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("-1")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_OPTIMALREFRESH, szRefresh2, 100); else wsprintf(szRefresh2, TEXT("(%sHz)"), szRefresh); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMode, TEXT(" ")); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMode, szRefresh2); if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("0")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_DEFAULTREFRESH_ENGLISH, szRefreshEnglish2, 100); else if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("-1")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_OPTIMALREFRESH_ENGLISH, szRefreshEnglish2, 100); else wsprintf(szRefreshEnglish2, TEXT("(%sHz)"), szRefresh); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayModeEnglish, szRefreshEnglish2); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayModeEnglish, TEXT(" ")); if (pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate == 0) pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate = 1; // 23399: so it doesn't check again } RegCloseKey(hkey); } } lstrcpy(szFullKey, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey); lstrcat(szFullKey, TEXT("\\DEFAULT")); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szFullKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { // If no specific refresh rate was listed for the current mode, report the // default rate. if (pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate == 0) { TCHAR szRefresh[100]; TCHAR szRefresh2[100]; TCHAR szRefreshEnglish2[100]; cbData = sizeof(szRefresh); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("RefreshRate"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szRefresh, &cbData)) { if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("0")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_DEFAULTREFRESH, szRefresh2, 100); else if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("-1")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_OPTIMALREFRESH, szRefresh2, 100); else wsprintf(szRefresh2, TEXT("(%sHz)"), szRefresh); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMode, TEXT(" ")); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMode, szRefresh2); if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("0")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_DEFAULTREFRESH_ENGLISH, szRefreshEnglish2, 100); else if (lstrcmp(szRefresh, TEXT("-1")) == 0) LoadString(NULL, IDS_OPTIMALREFRESH_ENGLISH, szRefreshEnglish2, 100); else wsprintf(szRefreshEnglish2, TEXT("(%sHz)"), szRefresh); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayModeEnglish, szRefreshEnglish2); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayModeEnglish, TEXT(" ")); if (pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate == 0) pDisplayInfo->m_dwRefreshRate = 1; // 23399: so it doesn't check again } } cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("drv"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName, &cbData); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName) > 0) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); GetFileVersion(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverAttributes, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguageLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguage, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverBeta, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverDebug); FileIsSigned(szPath, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSigned, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSignedValid); GetFileDateAndSize(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDateLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDate, &pDisplayInfo->m_cbDriver); } cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szVdd); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("vdd"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szVdd, &cbData); cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVdd); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("minivdd"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVdd, &cbData); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVdd) > 0) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\drivers\\")); lstrcat(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVdd); TCHAR szDateLocal[100]; GetFileDateAndSize( szPath, szDateLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVddDate, &pDisplayInfo->m_cbMiniVdd ); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } lstrcpy(szFullKey, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey); lstrcat(szFullKey, TEXT("\\INFO")); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szFullKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { cbData = sizeof pDisplayInfo->m_szChipType; RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("ChipType"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szChipType, &cbData); cbData = sizeof pDisplayInfo->m_szDACType; RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("DACType"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szDACType, &cbData); cbData = sizeof pDisplayInfo->m_szRevision; RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Revision"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szRevision, &cbData); if (cbData > 0) { lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szChipType, TEXT(" Rev ")); lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szChipType, pDisplayInfo->m_szRevision); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion) == 0) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT(".drv")); GetFileVersion(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverAttributes, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguageLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguage); FileIsSigned(szPath, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSigned, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSignedValid); GetFileDateAndSize(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDateLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDate, &pDisplayInfo->m_cbDriver); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion) != 0) { lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName, TEXT(".drv")); } else { GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("32.dll")); GetFileVersion(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverAttributes, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguageLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguage); FileIsSigned(szPath, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSigned, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSignedValid); GetFileDateAndSize(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDateLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDate, &pDisplayInfo->m_cbDriver); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion) != 0) { lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName, TEXT("32.dll")); } else { GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT(".dll")); GetFileVersion(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverAttributes, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguageLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguage); FileIsSigned(szPath, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSigned, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSignedValid); GetFileDateAndSize(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDateLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDate, &pDisplayInfo->m_cbDriver); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion) != 0) { lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName, TEXT(".dll")); } } } } // Use monitor key to get monitor max resolution (and monitor name, if we don't have it yet) if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorKey) > 0) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorMaxRes); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("MaxResolution"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorMaxRes, &cbData); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorName) == 0) { cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorName); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("DriverDesc"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorName, &cbData); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } } } /**************************************************************************** * * GetRegDisplayInfoNT - Uses the registry keys to get more info about a * display adapter. * ****************************************************************************/ VOID GetRegDisplayInfoNT(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo) { TCHAR* pch; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; TCHAR szKeyVideo[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szKeyImage[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1]; HKEY hkey; HKEY hkeyInfo; // set to n/a by default _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVddDate, TEXT("n/a") ); // On NT, m_szKeyDeviceID isn't quite as specific as we need--must go // one level further in the registry. lstrcpy(szKey, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\")); lstrcat(szKey, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceID); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkey, 0, szName, MAX_PATH+1)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, szName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyInfo)) { cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szManufacturer); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("Mfg"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szManufacturer, &cbData); RegCloseKey(hkeyInfo); } } RegCloseKey(hkey); } // Forked path due to bug 182866: dispinfo.cpp makes an invalid assumption // about the structure of video key. // szKey will be filled with where the video info is. // either "\System\ControlSet001\Services\[Service]\Device0", // or "\System\ControlSet001\Video\[GUID]\0000" depending on // pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey if( _tcsstr( pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey, TEXT("\\Services\\") ) != NULL ) GetRegDisplayInfoWin2k( pDisplayInfo, szKeyVideo, szKeyImage ); else GetRegDisplayInfoWhistler( pDisplayInfo, szKeyVideo, szKeyImage ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyVideo, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyInfo)) { WCHAR wszChipType[200]; WCHAR wszDACType[200]; TCHAR szDriver[200]; cbData = 200 * sizeof(WCHAR); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("HardwareInformation.ChipType"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wszChipType, &cbData)) { #ifdef UNICODE lstrcpy(pDisplayInfo->m_szChipType, wszChipType); #else WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszChipType, -1, pDisplayInfo->m_szChipType, 200, NULL, NULL); #endif } cbData = 200 * sizeof(WCHAR); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("HardwareInformation.DacType"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wszDACType, &cbData)) { #ifdef UNICODE lstrcpy(pDisplayInfo->m_szDACType, wszDACType); #else WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wszDACType, -1, pDisplayInfo->m_szDACType, 200, NULL, NULL); #endif } DWORD dwDisplayMemory; cbData = sizeof(dwDisplayMemory); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("HardwareInformation.MemorySize"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwDisplayMemory, &cbData)) { // Round to nearest 512K: dwDisplayMemory = ((dwDisplayMemory + (256 * 1024)) / (512 * 1024)); // So dwDisplayMemory is (number of bytes / 512K), which makes the // following line easier. wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemory, TEXT("%d.%d MB"), dwDisplayMemory / 2, (dwDisplayMemory % 2) * 5); lstrcpy(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemoryEnglish, pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemory ); } cbData = 200; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("InstalledDisplayDrivers"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szDriver, &cbData)) { _tcsncpy(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName, szDriver, 150); pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName[149] = 0; lstrcat(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName, TEXT(".dll")); TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\")); if( lstrlen(szPath) + lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName) < MAX_PATH ) lstrcat(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); GetFileVersion(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverVersion, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverAttributes, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguageLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverLanguage, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverBeta, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverDebug); FileIsSigned(szPath, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSigned, &pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSignedValid); GetFileDateAndSize(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDateLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverDate, &pDisplayInfo->m_cbDriver); } RegCloseKey(hkeyInfo); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyImage, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyInfo)) { TCHAR szImagePath[MAX_PATH]; cbData = MAX_PATH; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("ImagePath"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szImagePath, &cbData)) { pch = _tcsrchr(szImagePath, TEXT('\\')); if( pch != NULL ) { lstrcpy(pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVdd, pch + 1); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVdd) > 0) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSystemDirectory(szPath, MAX_PATH); lstrcat(szPath, TEXT("\\drivers\\")); lstrcat(szPath, pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVdd); TCHAR szDateLocal[100]; GetFileDateAndSize( szPath, szDateLocal, pDisplayInfo->m_szMiniVddDate, &pDisplayInfo->m_cbMiniVdd ); } } } RegCloseKey(hkeyInfo); } // Use monitor key to get monitor max resolution (and monitor name, if we don't have it yet) if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorKey) > 18) { // Note: Have to skip first 18 characters of string because it's "Registry\Machine\" if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorKey + 18, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyInfo)) { cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorMaxRes); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("MaxResolution"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorMaxRes, &cbData); if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorName) == 0) { cbData = sizeof(pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorName); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyInfo, TEXT("DriverDesc"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pDisplayInfo->m_szMonitorName, &cbData); } RegCloseKey(hkeyInfo); } } } /**************************************************************************** * * GetRegDisplayInfoWhistler - Returns string location of video struct and * ImageInfo info in registry * ****************************************************************************/ VOID GetRegDisplayInfoWhistler(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo, TCHAR* szKeyVideo, TCHAR* szKeyImage ) { TCHAR* pch; TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; HKEY hkeyService; // m_szKeyDeviceKey will be something like // "\Registry\Machine\System\ControlSet001\Video\[GUID]\0000", // The "\Registry\Machine\" part is useless, so we skip past the // first 18 characters in the string. if( lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey) <= 18 ) { lstrcpy( szKeyImage, TEXT("") ); lstrcpy( szKeyVideo, TEXT("") ); return; } lstrcpy(szKey, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey + 18); // Slice off the "\0000" and add "\Video" to get the service pch = _tcsrchr(szKey, TEXT('\\')); if (pch != NULL) *pch = 0; lstrcat(szKey, TEXT("\\Video\\")); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyService)) { TCHAR szService[MAX_PATH]; cbData = MAX_PATH; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkeyService, TEXT("Service"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szService, &cbData)) { lstrcpy(szKeyImage, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\") ); if( lstrlen(szKeyImage) + lstrlen(szService) < MAX_PATH ) lstrcat(szKeyImage, szService); } RegCloseKey(hkeyService); } // return something like "\System\ControlSet001\Services\atirage\Device0". lstrcpy(szKeyVideo, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey + 18); } /**************************************************************************** * * GetRegDisplayInfoWin2k - Returns string location of video struct and * ImageInfo info in registry * ****************************************************************************/ VOID GetRegDisplayInfoWin2k(DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo, TCHAR* szKeyVideo, TCHAR* szKeyImage ) { TCHAR* pch; // m_szKeyDeviceKey will be something like // "\Registry\Machine\System\ControlSet001\Services\atirage\Device0". // The "\Registry\Machine\" part is useless, so we skip past the // first 18 characters in the string. if( lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey) <= 18 ) { lstrcpy( szKeyImage, TEXT("") ); lstrcpy( szKeyVideo, TEXT("") ); return; } lstrcpy(szKeyImage, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey + 18); // Slice off the "\Device0" to get the miniport driver path pch = _tcsrchr(szKeyImage, TEXT('\\')); if (pch != NULL) *pch = 0; // return something like "\System\ControlSet001\Services\atirage\Device0". lstrcpy(szKeyVideo, pDisplayInfo->m_szKeyDeviceKey + 18); } /**************************************************************************** * * GetDirectDrawInfo * ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT GetDirectDrawInfo(LPDIRECTDRAWCREATE pDDCreate, DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo) { HRESULT hr; LPDIRECTDRAW pdd = NULL; GUID* pGUID; DDCAPS ddcaps; DWORD dwDisplayMemory; if (pDisplayInfo->m_guid == GUID_NULL) pGUID = NULL; else pGUID = &pDisplayInfo->m_guid; if (FAILED(hr = pDDCreate(pGUID, &pdd, NULL))) goto LFail; ddcaps.dwSize = sizeof(ddcaps); if (FAILED(hr = pdd->GetCaps(&ddcaps, NULL))) goto LFail; // If AGP is disabled, we won't be able to tell if AGP is supported because // the flag will not be set. So in that case, assume that AGP is supported. // If AGP is not disabled, check the existence of AGP and note that we are // confident in the knowledge of whether AGP exists or not. I know, it's yucky. if (pDisplayInfo->m_bAGPEnabled) { pDisplayInfo->m_bAGPExistenceValid = TRUE; if (ddcaps.dwCaps2 & DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEM) pDisplayInfo->m_bAGPExists = TRUE; } if( ddcaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_NOHARDWARE ) pDisplayInfo->m_bNoHardware = TRUE; else pDisplayInfo->m_bNoHardware = FALSE; // 28873: if( DDCAPS_NOHARDWARE && m_bDDAccelerationEnabled ) then GetAvailableVidMem is wrong. if( pDisplayInfo->m_bNoHardware && pDisplayInfo->m_bDDAccelerationEnabled ) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_NA, pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemory, 100); wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemoryEnglish, TEXT("n/a") ); } else { if (lstrlen(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemory) == 0) { // 26678: returns wrong vid mem for 2nd monitor, so ignore non-hardware devices if( (ddcaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_NOHARDWARE) == 0 ) { // 24351: ddcaps.dwVidMemTotal sometimes includes AGP-accessible memory, // which we don't want. So use GetAvailableVidMem whenever we can, and // fall back to ddcaps.dwVidMemTotal if that's a problem. dwDisplayMemory = 0; LPDIRECTDRAW2 pdd2; if (SUCCEEDED(pdd->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDraw2, (VOID**)&pdd2))) { DDSCAPS ddscaps; ddscaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY | DDSCAPS_LOCALVIDMEM; pdd2->GetAvailableVidMem(&ddscaps, &dwDisplayMemory, NULL); pdd2->Release(); } if (dwDisplayMemory == 0) { dwDisplayMemory = ddcaps.dwVidMemTotal; } // Add GDI memory except on no-GDI cards (Voodoo-type cards) if (pDisplayInfo->m_bCanRenderWindow) { DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); if (FAILED(hr = pdd->GetDisplayMode(&ddsd))) goto LFail; dwDisplayMemory += ddsd.dwWidth * ddsd.dwHeight * (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8); } // Round to nearest 512K: dwDisplayMemory = ((dwDisplayMemory + (256 * 1024)) / (512 * 1024)); // So dwDisplayMemory is (number of bytes / 512K), which makes the // following line easier. wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemory, TEXT("%d.%d MB"), dwDisplayMemory / 2, (dwDisplayMemory % 2) * 5); lstrcpy(pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemoryEnglish, pDisplayInfo->m_szDisplayMemory ); } } } // 24427: Detect driver DDI version // 24656: Also detect D3D acceleration without DDCAPS_3D, since that flag is // sometimes sensitive to the current desktop color depth. // First, see if DD/D3D are disabled, and if so, briefly re-enable them BOOL bDDDisabled; BOOL bD3DDisabled; HKEY hkeyDD; HKEY hkeyD3D; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; bDDDisabled = FALSE; bD3DDisabled = FALSE; hkeyDD = NULL; hkeyD3D = NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DirectDraw"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyDD)) { dwSize = sizeof(dwData); dwData = 0; RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDD, TEXT("EmulationOnly"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)&dwData, &dwSize); if (dwData != 0) { bDDDisabled = TRUE; // Re-enable DD dwData = 0; RegSetValueEx(hkeyDD, TEXT("EmulationOnly"), 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwData, sizeof(dwData)); } // Note: don't close key yet } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\Drivers"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyD3D)) { dwSize = sizeof(dwData); dwData = 0; RegQueryValueEx(hkeyD3D, TEXT("SoftwareOnly"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)&dwData, &dwSize); if (dwData != 0) { bD3DDisabled = TRUE; // Re-enable D3D dwData = 0; RegSetValueEx(hkeyD3D, TEXT("SoftwareOnly"), 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwData, sizeof(dwData)); } // Note: don't close key yet } LPDIRECT3D pd3d; if (SUCCEEDED(pdd->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3D, (VOID**)&pd3d))) { DWORD dwVersion = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(pd3d->EnumDevices(EnumDevicesCallback, (VOID*)&dwVersion))) { pDisplayInfo->m_dwDDIVersion = dwVersion; } pd3d->Release(); } // While were in this function wrapped with crash protection try to // get adapter info from D3D8, and match it up with the DisplayInfo list. // This will also tell us if m_dwDDIVersion==8. GetDX8AdapterInfo(pDisplayInfo); switch (pDisplayInfo->m_dwDDIVersion) { case 0: wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDDIVersion, TEXT("Unknown")); break; case 7: if( IsD3D8Working() ) wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDDIVersion, TEXT("7")); else wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDDIVersion, TEXT("7 (or higher)")); break; case 8: wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDDIVersion, TEXT("8 (or higher)")); break; default: wsprintf(pDisplayInfo->m_szDDIVersion, TEXT("%d"), pDisplayInfo->m_dwDDIVersion); break; } if (pDisplayInfo->m_dwDDIVersion != 0) pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationExists = TRUE; // Re-disable DD and D3D, if necessary dwData = 1; if (bDDDisabled) RegSetValueEx(hkeyDD, TEXT("EmulationOnly"), 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwData, sizeof(dwData)); if (bD3DDisabled) RegSetValueEx(hkeyD3D, TEXT("SoftwareOnly"), 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwData, sizeof(dwData)); if (hkeyDD != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkeyDD); if (hkeyD3D != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkeyD3D); pdd->Release(); return S_OK; LFail: if (pdd != NULL) pdd->Release(); return hr; } /**************************************************************************** * * EnumDevicesCallback * ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CALLBACK EnumDevicesCallback(GUID* pGuid, LPSTR pszDesc, LPSTR pszName, D3DDEVICEDESC* pd3ddevdesc1, D3DDEVICEDESC* pd3ddevdesc2, VOID* pvContext) { DWORD* pdwVersion = (DWORD*)pvContext; DWORD dwDevCaps; if (pd3ddevdesc1->dcmColorModel == D3DCOLOR_RGB) { dwDevCaps = pd3ddevdesc1->dwDevCaps; if (dwDevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_DRAWPRIMITIVES2EX) *pdwVersion = 7; else if (dwDevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_DRAWPRIMITIVES2) *pdwVersion = 6; else if (dwDevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_DRAWPRIMTLVERTEX) *pdwVersion = 5; else if (dwDevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_FLOATTLVERTEX) *pdwVersion = 3; } return D3DENUMRET_OK; } /**************************************************************************** * * IsDDHWAccelEnabled * ****************************************************************************/ BOOL IsDDHWAccelEnabled(VOID) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; BOOL bResult = TRUE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DirectDraw"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("EmulationOnly"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)&dwData, &dwSize)) { if (dwData != 0) bResult = FALSE; RegCloseKey(hkey); } } return bResult; } /**************************************************************************** * * IsD3DHWAccelEnabled * ****************************************************************************/ BOOL IsD3DHWAccelEnabled(VOID) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; BOOL bIsD3DHWAccelEnabled = TRUE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\Drivers"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("SoftwareOnly"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)&dwData, &dwSize)) { if (dwData != 0) bIsD3DHWAccelEnabled = FALSE; RegCloseKey( hkey ); } } return bIsD3DHWAccelEnabled; } /**************************************************************************** * * IsAGPEnabled * ****************************************************************************/ BOOL IsAGPEnabled(VOID) { HKEY hkey; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; BOOL bIsAGPEnabled = TRUE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DirectDraw"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { dwSize = sizeof(dwData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("DisableAGPSupport"), NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *)&dwData, &dwSize)) { if (dwData != 0) bIsAGPEnabled = FALSE; RegCloseKey( hkey ); } } return bIsAGPEnabled; } // // GetDeviceValue // // read a value from the HW or SW of a PnP device // BOOL GetDeviceValue(TCHAR* pszHardwareKey, TCHAR* pszKey, TCHAR* pszValue, BYTE *buf, DWORD cbbuf) { HKEY hkeyHW; HKEY hkeySW; BOOL f = FALSE; DWORD cb; TCHAR szSoftwareKey[MAX_PATH]; *(DWORD*)buf = 0; // // open the HW key // if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszHardwareKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyHW) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // try to read the value from the HW key // *buf = 0; cb = cbbuf; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyHW, pszValue, NULL, NULL, buf, &cb) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { f = TRUE; } else { // // now try the SW key // static TCHAR szSW[] = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class\\"); lstrcpy(szSoftwareKey, szSW); cb = sizeof(szSoftwareKey) - sizeof(szSW); TCHAR* sz = szSoftwareKey; sz += lstrlen(szSW); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyHW, TEXT("Driver"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)sz, &cb); if (pszKey) { lstrcat(szSoftwareKey, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szSoftwareKey, pszKey); } if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSoftwareKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeySW) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *buf = 0; cb = cbbuf; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeySW, pszValue, NULL, NULL, buf, &cb) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { f = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hkeySW); } } RegCloseKey(hkeyHW); } return f; } // // FindDevice // // enum the started PnP devices looking for a device of a particular class // // iDevice what device to return (0= first device, 1=second et) // szDeviceClass what class device (ie "Display") NULL will match all // szDeviceID buffer to return the hardware ID (MAX_PATH bytes) // // return TRUE if a device was found. // // example: // // for (int i=0; FindDevice(i, "Display", DeviceID); i++) // { // } // BOOL FindDevice(INT iDevice, TCHAR* pszDeviceClass, TCHAR* pszDeviceClassNot, TCHAR* pszHardwareKey) { HKEY hkeyPnP; HKEY hkey; DWORD n; DWORD cb; DWORD dw; TCHAR ach[MAX_PATH+1]; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_DYN_DATA, TEXT("Config Manager\\Enum"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyPnP) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; for (n=0; RegEnumKey(hkeyPnP, n, ach, MAX_PATH+1) == 0; n++) { static TCHAR szHW[] = TEXT("Enum\\"); if (RegOpenKey(hkeyPnP, ach, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; lstrcpy(pszHardwareKey, szHW); cb = MAX_PATH - sizeof(szHW); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("HardwareKey"), NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)pszHardwareKey + sizeof(szHW) - 1, &cb); dw = 0; cb = sizeof(dw); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Problem"), NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&dw, &cb); RegCloseKey(hkey); if (dw != 0) // if this device has a problem skip it continue; if (pszDeviceClass || pszDeviceClassNot) { GetDeviceValue(pszHardwareKey, NULL, TEXT("Class"), (BYTE*)ach, sizeof(ach)); if (pszDeviceClass && DXUtil_strcmpi(pszDeviceClass, ach) != 0) continue; if (pszDeviceClassNot && DXUtil_strcmpi(pszDeviceClassNot, ach) == 0) continue; } // // we found a device, make sure it is the one the caller wants // if (iDevice-- == 0) { RegCloseKey(hkeyPnP); return TRUE; } } RegCloseKey(hkeyPnP); return FALSE; } /**************************************************************************** * * CheckRegistry * ****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CheckRegistry(RegError** ppRegErrorFirst) { HRESULT hr; HKEY HKLM = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; HKEY HKCR = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; TCHAR szVersion[100]; HKEY hkey; DWORD cbData; ULONG ulType; DWORD dwMajor = 0; DWORD dwMinor = 0; DWORD dwRevision = 0; DWORD dwBuild = 0; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\DirectX"), 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { cbData = 100; RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Version"), 0, &ulType, (LPBYTE)szVersion, &cbData); RegCloseKey(hkey); if (lstrlen(szVersion) > 6 && lstrlen(szVersion) < 20) { if( _stscanf(szVersion, TEXT("%d.%d.%d.%d"), &dwMajor, &dwMinor, &dwRevision, &dwBuild) != 4 ) { dwMajor = 0; dwMinor = 0; dwRevision = 0; dwBuild = 0; } } } // No registry checking on DX versions before DX7 if (dwMinor < 7) return S_OK; // From ddraw.inf (compatibility hacks not included): if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("DirectDraw"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("DirectDraw\\CLSID"), TEXT(""), TEXT("{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT(""), TEXT("ddraw.dll"), CRF_LEAF))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{D7B70EE0-4340-11CF-B063-0020AFC2CD35}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT("ThreadingModel"), TEXT("Both")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("DirectDrawClipper"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("DirectDrawClipper\\CLSID"), TEXT(""), TEXT("{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT(""), TEXT("ddraw.dll"), CRF_LEAF))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{593817A0-7DB3-11CF-A2DE-00AA00B93356}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT("ThreadingModel"), TEXT("Both")))) return hr; if (!BIsPlatformNT()) { // We can't check for the following entry on Win2000 because it is missing. if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4FD2A832-86C8-11d0-8FCA-00C04FD9189D}"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; } if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4FD2A832-86C8-11d0-8FCA-00C04FD9189D}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT(""), TEXT("ddrawex.dll"), CRF_LEAF))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4FD2A832-86C8-11d0-8FCA-00C04FD9189D}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT("ThreadingModel"), TEXT("Both")))) return hr; // From d3d.inf: TCHAR* pszHALKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\Drivers\\Direct3D HAL"); BYTE bArrayHALGuid[] = { 0xe0, 0x3d, 0xe6, 0x84, 0xaa, 0x46, 0xcf, 0x11, 0x81, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x20, 0x15, 0x6e }; TCHAR* pszRampKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\Drivers\\Ramp Emulation"); BYTE bArrayRampGuid[] = { 0x20, 0x6b, 0x08, 0xf2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xa3, 0x1a, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x33, 0x56 }; TCHAR* pszRGBKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\Drivers\\RGB Emulation"); BYTE bArrayRGBGuid[] = { 0x60, 0x5c, 0x66, 0xa4, 0x73, 0x26, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xa3, 0x1a, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xb9, 0x33, 0x56 }; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszHALKey, TEXT("Base"), TEXT("hal")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszHALKey, TEXT("Description"), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegBinary(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszHALKey, TEXT("GUID"), bArrayHALGuid, sizeof(bArrayHALGuid)))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszRampKey, TEXT("Base"), TEXT("ramp")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszRampKey, TEXT("Description"), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegBinary(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszRampKey, TEXT("GUID"), bArrayRampGuid, sizeof(bArrayRampGuid)))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszRGBKey, TEXT("Base"), TEXT("rgb")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszRGBKey, TEXT("Description"), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegBinary(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, pszRGBKey, TEXT("GUID"), bArrayRGBGuid, sizeof(bArrayRGBGuid)))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\DX6TextureEnumInclusionList\\16 bit Bump DuDv"), TEXT("ddpf"), TEXT("00080000 0 16 ff ff00 0 0")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\DX6TextureEnumInclusionList\\16 bit BumpLum DuDv"), TEXT("ddpf"), TEXT("000C0000 0 16 1f 3e0 fc00 0")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\DX6TextureEnumInclusionList\\16 bit Luminance Alpha"), TEXT("ddpf"), TEXT("00020001 0 16 ff 0 0 ff00")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\DX6TextureEnumInclusionList\\24 bit BumpLum DuDv"), TEXT("ddpf"), TEXT("000C0000 0 24 ff ff00 ff0000 0")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKLM, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Direct3D\\DX6TextureEnumInclusionList\\8 bit Luminance"), TEXT("ddpf"), TEXT("00020000 0 8 ff 0 0 0")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("Direct3DRM"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("Direct3DRM\\CLSID"), TEXT(""), TEXT("{4516EC41-8F20-11d0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4516EC41-8F20-11d0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4516EC41-8F20-11d0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT(""), TEXT("d3drm.dll")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4516EC41-8F20-11d0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT("ThreadingModel"), TEXT("Both")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("DirectXFile"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("DirectXFile\\CLSID"), TEXT(""), TEXT("{4516EC43-8F20-11D0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4516EC43-8F20-11D0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}"), TEXT(""), TEXT("*")))) return hr; if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4516EC43-8F20-11d0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT(""), TEXT("d3dxof.dll")))) return hr; if (BIsPlatformNT()) { // 23342: This setting is missing on Win9x. if (FAILED(hr = CheckRegString(ppRegErrorFirst, HKCR, TEXT("CLSID\\{4516EC43-8F20-11d0-9B6D-0000C0781BC3}\\InprocServer32"), TEXT("ThreadingModel"), TEXT("Both")))) return hr; } return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************** * * DiagnoseDisplay * ****************************************************************************/ VOID DiagnoseDisplay(SysInfo* pSysInfo, DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfoFirst) { DisplayInfo* pDisplayInfo; TCHAR sz[300]; TCHAR szEnglish[300]; TCHAR szFmt[300]; BOOL bShouldReinstall = FALSE; for (pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfoFirst; pDisplayInfo != NULL; pDisplayInfo = pDisplayInfo->m_pDisplayInfoNext) { if (pDisplayInfo->m_bDDAccelerationEnabled) { if( pDisplayInfo->m_bNoHardware ) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELUNAVAIL, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELUNAVAIL_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } else { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELENABLED, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELENABLED_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } } else { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELDISABLED, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELDISABLED_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szDDStatus, sz ); _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szDDStatusEnglish, szEnglish ); if (pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationExists) { if (pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationEnabled) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELENABLED, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELENABLED_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } else { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELDISABLED, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELDISABLED_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } } else { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELUNAVAIL, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELUNAVAIL_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szD3DStatus, sz ); _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szD3DStatusEnglish, szEnglish ); if ( (pDisplayInfo->m_bAGPExistenceValid && !pDisplayInfo->m_bAGPExists) || (!pDisplayInfo->m_bDDAccelerationEnabled) ) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELUNAVAIL, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELUNAVAIL_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } else { if (pDisplayInfo->m_bAGPEnabled) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELENABLED, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELENABLED_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } else { LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELDISABLED, sz, 100); LoadString(NULL, IDS_ACCELDISABLED_ENGLISH, szEnglish, 100); } } _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szAGPStatus, sz ); _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szAGPStatusEnglish, szEnglish ); _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, TEXT("") ); _tcscpy( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, TEXT("") ); // Report any problems: BOOL bProblem = FALSE; if( pSysInfo->m_bNetMeetingRunning && !pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationExists ) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_NETMEETINGWARN, szFmt, MAX_PATH); wsprintf(sz, szFmt, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_NETMEETINGWARN_ENGLISH, szFmt, MAX_PATH); wsprintf(sz, szFmt, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); bProblem = TRUE; } if (pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSignedValid && !pDisplayInfo->m_bDriverSigned) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_UNSIGNEDDRIVERFMT1, szFmt, MAX_PATH); wsprintf(sz, szFmt, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_UNSIGNEDDRIVERFMT1_ENGLISH, szFmt, MAX_PATH); wsprintf(sz, szFmt, pDisplayInfo->m_szDriverName); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); bProblem = TRUE; } if (pDisplayInfo->m_pRegErrorFirst != NULL) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_REGISTRYPROBLEM, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_REGISTRYPROBLEM_ENGLISH, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); bProblem = TRUE; bShouldReinstall = TRUE; } if( bShouldReinstall ) { BOOL bTellUser = FALSE; // Figure out if the user can install DirectX if( BIsPlatform9x() ) bTellUser = TRUE; else if( BIsWin2k() && pSysInfo->m_dwDirectXVersionMajor >= 8 ) bTellUser = TRUE; if( bTellUser ) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_REINSTALL_DX, sz, 300); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz); LoadString(NULL, IDS_REINSTALL_DX_ENGLISH, sz, 300); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz); } } if (!bProblem) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_NOPROBLEM, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_NOPROBLEM_ENGLISH, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); } // Report any DD test results: if (pDisplayInfo->m_testResultDD.m_bStarted && !pDisplayInfo->m_testResultDD.m_bCancelled) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_DDRESULTS, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, pDisplayInfo->m_testResultDD.m_szDescription ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, TEXT("\r\n") ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_DDRESULTS_ENGLISH, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, pDisplayInfo->m_testResultDD.m_szDescription ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, TEXT("\r\n") ); } else { LoadString(NULL, IDS_DDINSTRUCTIONS, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_DDINSTRUCTIONS_ENGLISH, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); } // Report any D3D test results: TestResult* pTestResult; if( pDisplayInfo->m_dwTestToDisplayD3D == 7 ) pTestResult = &pDisplayInfo->m_testResultD3D7; else pTestResult = &pDisplayInfo->m_testResultD3D8; if (pTestResult->m_bStarted && !pTestResult->m_bCancelled) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_D3DRESULTS, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, pTestResult->m_szDescription ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, TEXT("\r\n") ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_D3DRESULTS_ENGLISH, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, pTestResult->m_szDescription ); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, TEXT("\r\n") ); } else { if( pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationExists && pDisplayInfo->m_b3DAccelerationEnabled ) { LoadString(NULL, IDS_D3DINSTRUCTIONS, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotes, sz ); LoadString(NULL, IDS_D3DINSTRUCTIONS_ENGLISH, sz, MAX_PATH); _tcscat( pDisplayInfo->m_szNotesEnglish, sz ); } } } }