/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: dhcpsapi.h -*/ #ifndef _DHCPSAPI_ #define _DHCPSAPI_ #if defined(MIDL_PASS) #define LPWSTR [string] wchar_t * #endif #if (_MSC_VER >= 800) #define DHCP_API_FUNCTION __stdcall #else #define DHCP_API_FUNCTION #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #define DHCP_CONST const extern "C" { #else #define DHCP_CONST #endif // __cplusplus typedef DWORD DHCP_IP_ADDRESS, *PDHCP_IP_ADDRESS, *LPDHCP_IP_ADDRESS; typedef DWORD DHCP_IP_MASK; typedef DWORD DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE; typedef DWORD DHCP_OPTION_ID; typedef struct _DATE_TIME { DWORD dwLowDateTime; DWORD dwHighDateTime; } DATE_TIME, *LPDATE_TIME; typedef struct _DWORD_DWORD { DWORD DWord1; DWORD DWord2; } DWORD_DWORD, *LPDWORD_DWORD; typedef struct _DHCP_BINARY_DATA { DWORD DataLength; #if defined(MIDL_PASS) [size_is(DataLength)] #endif // MIDL_PASS BYTE *Data; } DHCP_BINARY_DATA, *LPDHCP_BINARY_DATA; typedef DHCP_BINARY_DATA DHCP_CLIENT_UID; #define DHCP_ENDPOINT_FLAG_CANT_MODIFY 0x01 typedef struct _DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT { ULONG Flags; BOOL fBoundToDHCPServer; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS AdapterPrimaryAddress; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS AdapterSubnetAddress; LPWSTR IfDescription; ULONG IfIdSize; #if defined (MIDL_PASS) [size_is(IfIdSize)] #endif // MIDL_PASS LPBYTE IfId; } DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT, *LPDHCP_BIND_ELEMENT; typedef struct _DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT_ARRAY { DWORD NumElements; #if defined (MIDL_PASS) [size_is(NumElements)] #endif // MIDL_PASS LPDHCP_BIND_ELEMENT Elements; //array } DHCP_BIND_ELEMENT_ARRAY, *LPDHCP_BIND_ELEMENT_ARRAY; typedef enum _DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_TYPE { DhcpClientIpAddress, DhcpClientHardwareAddress, DhcpClientName } DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE, *LPDHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE; typedef struct _DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_INFO { DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE SearchType; #if defined(MIDL_PASS) [switch_is(SearchType), switch_type(DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE)] union _DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_UNION { [case(DhcpClientIpAddress)] DHCP_IP_ADDRESS ClientIpAddress; [case(DhcpClientHardwareAddress)] DHCP_CLIENT_UID ClientHardwareAddress; [case(DhcpClientName)] LPWSTR ClientName; [default] ; } SearchInfo; #else union _DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_UNION { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS ClientIpAddress; DHCP_CLIENT_UID ClientHardwareAddress; LPWSTR ClientName; } SearchInfo; #endif // MIDL_PASS } DHCP_SEARCH_INFO, *LPDHCP_SEARCH_INFO; typedef enum _DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE { DhcpDefaultOptions, DhcpGlobalOptions, DhcpSubnetOptions, DhcpReservedOptions, DhcpMScopeOptions } DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE, *LPDHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE; typedef struct _DHCP_RESERVED_SCOPE { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS ReservedIpAddress; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS ReservedIpSubnetAddress; } DHCP_RESERVED_SCOPE, *LPDHCP_RESERVED_SCOPE; typedef struct _DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO { DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE ScopeType; #if defined(MIDL_PASS) [switch_is(ScopeType), switch_type(DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE)] union _DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_UNION { [case(DhcpDefaultOptions)] ; // PVOID DefaultScopeInfo; [case(DhcpGlobalOptions)] ; // PVOID GlobalScopeInfo; [case(DhcpSubnetOptions)] DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetScopeInfo; [case(DhcpReservedOptions)] DHCP_RESERVED_SCOPE ReservedScopeInfo; [case(DhcpMScopeOptions)] LPWSTR MScopeInfo; [default] ; } ScopeInfo; #else union _DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_UNION { PVOID DefaultScopeInfo; // must be NULL PVOID GlobalScopeInfo; // must be NULL DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetScopeInfo; DHCP_RESERVED_SCOPE ReservedScopeInfo; LPWSTR MScopeInfo; } ScopeInfo; #endif // MIDL_PASS } DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO, *LPDHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO; typedef struct _DHCP_HOST_INFO { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress; // minimum information always available LPWSTR NetBiosName; // optional information LPWSTR HostName; // optional information } DHCP_HOST_INFO, *LPDHCP_HOST_INFO; typedef struct _DHCP_CLIENT_INFO { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS ClientIpAddress; // currently assigned IP address. DHCP_IP_MASK SubnetMask; DHCP_CLIENT_UID ClientHardwareAddress; LPWSTR ClientName; // optional. LPWSTR ClientComment; DATE_TIME ClientLeaseExpires; // UTC time in FILE_TIME format. DHCP_HOST_INFO OwnerHost; // host that distributed this IP address. } DHCP_CLIENT_INFO, *LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO; typedef struct _DHCP_CLIENT_INFO_ARRAY { DWORD NumElements; #if defined(MIDL_PASS) [size_is(NumElements)] #endif // MIDL_PASS LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO *Clients; // array of pointers } DHCP_CLIENT_INFO_ARRAY, *LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO_ARRAY; typedef struct _DHCP_IP_ARRAY { DWORD NumElements; #if defined(MIDL_PASS) [size_is(NumElements)] #endif // MIDL_PASS LPDHCP_IP_ADDRESS Elements; //array } DHCP_IP_ARRAY, *LPDHCP_IP_ARRAY; // // Subnet State. // // Currently a Subnet scope can be Enabled or Disabled. // // If the state is Enabled State, // The server distributes address to the client, extends leases and // accepts releases. // // If the state is Disabled State, // The server does not distribute address to any new client, and does // extent (and sends NACK) old leases, but the servers accepts lease // releases. // // The idea behind this subnet state is, when the admin wants to stop // serving a subnet, he moves the state from Enbaled to Disabled so // that the clients from the subnets smoothly move to another servers // serving that subnet. When all or most of the clients move to // another server, the admin can delete the subnet without any force // if no client left in that subnet, otherwise the admin should use // full force to delete the subnet. // typedef enum _DHCP_SUBNET_STATE { DhcpSubnetEnabled = 0, DhcpSubnetDisabled, DhcpSubnetEnabledSwitched, DhcpSubnetDisabledSwitched, DhcpSubnetInvalidState } DHCP_SUBNET_STATE, *LPDHCP_SUBNET_STATE; // // Subnet related data structures. // typedef struct _DHCP_SUBNET_INFO { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetAddress; DHCP_IP_MASK SubnetMask; LPWSTR SubnetName; LPWSTR SubnetComment; DHCP_HOST_INFO PrimaryHost; DHCP_SUBNET_STATE SubnetState; } DHCP_SUBNET_INFO, *LPDHCP_SUBNET_INFO; // // DHCP Options related data structures. // typedef enum _DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE { DhcpByteOption, DhcpWordOption, DhcpDWordOption, DhcpDWordDWordOption, DhcpIpAddressOption, DhcpStringDataOption, DhcpBinaryDataOption, DhcpEncapsulatedDataOption } DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE, *LPDHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE; typedef struct _DHCP_OPTION_DATA_ELEMENT { DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE OptionType; #if defined(MIDL_PASS) [switch_is(OptionType), switch_type(DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE)] union _DHCP_OPTION_ELEMENT_UNION { [case(DhcpByteOption)] BYTE ByteOption; [case(DhcpWordOption)] WORD WordOption; [case(DhcpDWordOption)] DWORD DWordOption; [case(DhcpDWordDWordOption)] DWORD_DWORD DWordDWordOption; [case(DhcpIpAddressOption)] DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddressOption; [case(DhcpStringDataOption)] LPWSTR StringDataOption; [case(DhcpBinaryDataOption)] DHCP_BINARY_DATA BinaryDataOption; [case(DhcpEncapsulatedDataOption)] DHCP_BINARY_DATA EncapsulatedDataOption; [default] ; } Element; #else union _DHCP_OPTION_ELEMENT_UNION { BYTE ByteOption; WORD WordOption; DWORD DWordOption; DWORD_DWORD DWordDWordOption; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddressOption; LPWSTR StringDataOption; DHCP_BINARY_DATA BinaryDataOption; DHCP_BINARY_DATA EncapsulatedDataOption; // for vendor specific information option. } Element; #endif // MIDL_PASS } DHCP_OPTION_DATA_ELEMENT, *LPDHCP_OPTION_DATA_ELEMENT; typedef struct _DHCP_OPTION_DATA { DWORD NumElements; // number of option elements in the pointed array #if defined(MIDL_PASS) [size_is(NumElements)] #endif // MIDL_PASS LPDHCP_OPTION_DATA_ELEMENT Elements; //array } DHCP_OPTION_DATA, *LPDHCP_OPTION_DATA; typedef struct _DHCP_OPTION_VALUE { DHCP_OPTION_ID OptionID; DHCP_OPTION_DATA Value; } DHCP_OPTION_VALUE, *LPDHCP_OPTION_VALUE; DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpGetVersion( LPWSTR ServerIpAddress, LPDWORD MajorVersion, LPDWORD MinorVersion ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpSetServerBindingInfo( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, ULONG Flags, LPDHCP_BIND_ELEMENT_ARRAY BindElementInfo ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpGetServerBindingInfo( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, ULONG Flags, LPDHCP_BIND_ELEMENT_ARRAY *BindElementsInfo ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpCreateClientInfo( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_CONST DHCP_CLIENT_INFO *ClientInfo ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpSetClientInfo( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_CONST DHCP_CLIENT_INFO *ClientInfo ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpGetClientInfo( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_CONST DHCP_SEARCH_INFO *SearchInfo, LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO *ClientInfo ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpDeleteClientInfo( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_CONST DHCP_SEARCH_INFO *ClientInfo ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpEnumSubnetClients( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetAddress, DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE *ResumeHandle, DWORD PreferredMaximum, LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO_ARRAY *ClientInfo, DWORD *ClientsRead, DWORD *ClientsTotal ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpEnumSubnets( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE *ResumeHandle, DWORD PreferredMaximum, LPDHCP_IP_ARRAY *EnumInfo, DWORD *ElementsRead, DWORD *ElementsTotal ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpGetSubnetInfo( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_IP_ADDRESS SubnetAddress, LPDHCP_SUBNET_INFO * SubnetInfo ); DWORD DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpGetOptionValue( DHCP_CONST WCHAR *ServerIpAddress, DHCP_OPTION_ID OptionID, DHCP_CONST DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO *ScopeInfo, LPDHCP_OPTION_VALUE *OptionValue ); VOID DHCP_API_FUNCTION DhcpRpcFreeMemory( PVOID BufferPointer ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _DHCPSAPI_