
499 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

[OS Files - Always Delete]
mfc42loc.dll, INSYSDIR, BINFILEVER("6.00.8168.0"), FILESIZE(0x0000B000), CHECKSUM(0xB9182185)
@*: Codepage should be changed to the localized language codepage
@*: during localization. This is used to implement the ability to
@*: append/replace inf files at run time based on infs which
@*: were not present when the cd was made.
@*: Adaptec
Adaptec_Easy_CD_Creator_4 = Adaptec Easy CD Creator
Adaptec_EZ_SCSI = "Adaptec EZ-SCSI 5.0 CD Player 与安装不兼容。"
@*: Adobe
adobe_type_mgr = "在升级过程中,安装程序将卸载 ATM 控制面板程序,因为 Windows XP 识别 Adobe Type Manager 字体。在升级之后,用 Windows XP 控制面板来管理您的 ATM 字体。"
@*: AMI (American Megatrends)
AMI_HyperDisk = "AMI Hyperdisk RAID Controller"
@*: Ati
ATI_Player = "您将无法打开 MPEG 文件。"
@*: Autodesk
3D_Studio_Max_r2_5 = "Sentinel 并行端口卡的 Windows XP 驱动程序必须在升级之后被安装。这些驱动程序可以在 3D Studio Max CD 的 Sentinel\Win_nt50 文件夹中找到。请参考 3D Studio Max 的帮助文件以便获得额外的信息。"
@*: Borland
BCC50_winspctr = "在运行 WinSpector 时将无法使用帮助。"
borland_turbo_dbg = "在升级到 Windows XP 之后需要重新安装 Borland Turbo Debugger因为该软件使用了不支持 Windows XP 的驱动程序。在升级之前,请检查产品包看是否支持 Windows NT 4.0 以及以上版本。"
@*: removed because of 417344
@*:Borland_DD = "You will encounter display problems while using this program."
@*:Delphi_20 = "You will encounter display problems while using Object Inspector."
qpro56 = "在升级之后,将不能使用 WYSIWYG 模式。"
@*: 365466,417537
BoundsChecker_6.03 = "Bounds Checker 6.03"
@*: 36434
BoundsChecker_6.2 = "Bounds Checker 6.2"
@*: Cheyenne
Cheyenne_ARCServe_Agent = "Cheyenne Client Agent for Windows 95"
@*: 356893 - Cirque
Cirque_Glidepoint="Cirque Glidepoint Touchpad Drivers"
@*: CosmoPlayer
CosmoPlayer = "Cosmo Software CosmoPlayer"
@*: Crystal SoundFusion - 205660
Crystal_SoundFusion(tm) = "Crystal SoundFusion(tm)"
crystal_soundfusion_msg = "Windows XP 支持 Crystal Semiconductor SoundFusion(TM) 的音频、MIDI 以及混音功能,但不支持加速功能。在升级后,您的计算机会具备声音功能,但该设备 PCI 部分提供的功能将不可用。请联络 Crystal Semiconductor Corporation 以获得详细信息。"
@*: Corel WordPerfect 8 - 318611
@*: removed because of 418320
@*:COREL_wpwin8 = "After upgrading to Windows XP you will be unable to use macros."
@*: Dell
Dell_OpenManage_Client="Dell OpenManage Client"
@*: NewTek Lightwave 5.5 - 360025
NewTek_Lightwave_5.5="Sentinel 并行端口卡的 Windows XP 驱动程序必须在应用程序升级之后被重新安装。这些驱动程序可以在 URL 中找到:"
@*: NTBUG9: eMachines - 307558
eMachines_Keyboard_Software = "eMachines Keyboard Hotbutton Support"
@*: HASP - 297408
HASP = "HASP - Windows 9x Security Drivers"
@*: Helix
Helix_Nuts_and_Bolts = "Nuts & Bolts"
@*: Highpoint
HPT366 = "Highpoint HPT366 Ultra DMA Controller"
@*: HP
HP_Brio_Keyboard.Loc = "Hewlett Packard Brio Keyboard"
hpbriokbd = "支持 Hewlett Packard Brio 键盘的软件不是为 Windows XP 设计的。在升级后键盘将正常工作,但是键盘上的 Suspend 和 Help 按钮将不起作用。与 Hewlett Packard 联系以获得更新。"
HP_Multimedia_Keyboard.Loc = "Hewlett Packard Multimedia Keyboard"
hpmmkbd = "支持 Hewlett Packard 多媒体键盘的软件不是为 Windows XP 设计的。在升级后扩展功能将不可用。与 Hewlett Packard 联系以获得升级软件。"
HP_Registration_Wizard = "HP Personal Guide and Registration Wizard"
@*: IBM
ibmaptezkbd = "IBM Aptiva 键盘的扩展功能是为 Windows 95 设计的。与 IBM 联系以获得在 Windows XP 上运行的替代软件。"
IBM_Aptiva_Extended_Keyboard = "IBM Aptiva Extended Keyboard"
@*: Iomega
Iomega_Tools = "Iomega Zip Software"
Iomega_Tools_Msg = "您需要支持 Windows XP 新的 Iomega Zip Software 版本。请浏览 <A HREF=""""></A> 并且下载新的软件。"
IOMEGA_CLIK = "Iomega Clik! Parallel Port Interface"
@*: Kensington
Kensington_Input_Device = "Kensington (MouseWorks or Webracer) Input Drivers"
@*: Logitech
Logitech_WingMan_3.25 = "Logitech WingMan 3.25"
Logitech_Mouseware = "Logitech MouseWare Drivers"
@*: Lotus
Lotus_SmartSuite_96 = "Lotus SmartSuite"
lotus_ssuite_96 = "为了保证与 Microsoft Windows XP 操作系统的最佳兼容性Lotus 推荐您升级到 Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition 9.5 或以上版本。要升级到这个 SmartSuite 版本,在美国请打 1-800-343-5414。在美国之外请联系本地的客户服务部门代表。您也可以通过网页来与我们联络浏览\home.nsf\welcome\customerservice。"
@*: Mayo Clinic
mayo_clinic = "在使用这个程序时您将碰到一些小的显示问题。"
@*: Mediamatics
Mediamatics_MPEG_VideoCD_Player = "当该程序显示驱动程序列表时可以使用标点符号而不是字符。"
@*: Micrographx - disabled (416718)
@*: mgxs3d2 = "Micrografx Simply 3D 2 displays an incorrect error message when starting. You can safely ignore the message. Contact Micrografx for updated files."
@*: Microsoft
msasimov = "在升级到 Windows XP 后,全屏幕模式工作不正确。"
msbhuman = "在安装完成之后,必须禁用全屏幕动画模式。"
msgolf3 = "在配置多人游戏时,可能会碰到显示问题。"
msbasket = "程序的视频部分在 Windows XP 上不工作。"
odbc25 = "在运行 16 位管理员程序时,您将无法使用帮助。"
Microsoft_Proxy_Client_1.0 = "Microsoft Proxy Client"
Microsoft_Proxy_Client_2.0 = "Microsoft Proxy Client"
MSFURY3 = "在升级到 Windows XP 后,全屏幕模式工作不正确。"
Microsoft_FrontPage_98 = "Microsoft FrontPage 98"
msmoney97 = "您需要在升级到 Windows XP 后重新安装 Microsoft Money 97 的 Home Banking 选项。"
Microsoft_Outlook_2000 = "Microsoft Outlook 2000"
Microsoft_Network_2 = "Microsoft Network"
Microsoft_Network_5 = "Microsoft Network"
Microsoft_Windows_CE_Services = "Windows CE Services"
Microsoft_Windows_CE_Help = "您的 Windows CE 设备需要更新的软件。在升级到 Windows XP 之前,请浏览 <A HREF=""""></A> 并且访问 Windows CE 产品页。"
Microsoft_SQL_Server_7.0 = "Microsoft SQL Server 7.0"
Microsoft_Windows_Messaging = "Microsoft Exchange 收件箱"
mswms = "在安装程序完毕后,您的 Microsoft Exchange 收件箱将不工作。请考虑使用 Microsoft Outlook Express。"
msol2000 = "在 Windows XP 安装完毕后,您必须重新安装 Microsoft Outlook 2000。您只要启动 Outlook重新安装将自动进行。如果 Outlook 2000 在您的“启动”文件夹中,在您第一次登录到 Windows XP 时重新安装过程将自动进行。重新安装将需要一段时间,并且安装进度指示栏会重新启动多次。"
SBSFaxClient_45 = "Microsoft Fax Server Client"
SBSFaxClient_45Msg.1 = "现有的 Microsoft 传真应用程序 (Small Business Server 4.5 Fax Client) 在升级到 Windows XP 后将无法工作。请使用控制面板上的“添加/删除程序”卸载此应用程序并重新启动。要在升级到 Windows XP 后使用此传真应用程序,您需要下载其更新版本。"
SBSFaxClient_45Msg.2 = "此更新版本在 <A HREF=></A> 上。您需要为应用程序的此版本重新配置现有的传真设置。"
SBSFaxClient_50 = "Microsoft Shared Fax Client"
SBSFaxClient_50Msg = "升级到 Windows XP 之后,现有的 Microsoft 传真应用程序将不可用并会由 Windows XP Fax 所替换。请使用控制面板上的“添加/删除程序”卸载此应用程序,然后重新启动升级。将保存您当前的传真设置和数据。升级之后,您可使用 Windows XP Fax 访问现有的传真服务器。"
@*: Mijenix
fs10 = "Mijenix Free Space 在 Windows XP 上使用了不同的压缩方法。为了确保在升级过程中不丢失数据,您必须解压缩所有用 Free Space 压缩的文件和文件夹,然后卸载该产品。在迁移完成后,您可以重新安装 Free Space 并且正常使用该产品。"
@*: Norton
yeo = "在升级到 Windows XP 过程中Norton Your Eyes Only 可能造成严重问题。因为这些不兼容问题,您必须在继续之前从系统中卸载这个程序。"
@*: Packard Bell Navigator Assistant
Mouse_Suite = "IBM Mouse Valueadd Software"
PB_Nav_Assistant = "该应用程序的某些部分在升级之后将无法正常工作。例如,单击 ""软件"" 按钮打开软件应用程序的功能将会丢失。"
@*: Novell.
Novell_Groupwise_5 = "Novell Groupwise Version 5"
@*: Peachtree Software, Inc.
ptacc60 = "在升级到 Windows XP 之后,您将无法访问该程序的帮助。重新安装 Peachtree Accounting 将解决这个问题。"
@*: PowerQuest
Power_Quest_Boot_Magic="PowerQuest BootMagic"
Power_Quest_Partition_Magic_4="PowerQuest PartitionMagic 4"
Power_Quest_Partition_Magic_5.0="PowerQuest PartitionMagic 5.0"
@*: V Communications
sc40 = "在升级到 Windows XP 的过程中 System Commander 可能造成严重的问题。因为这些不兼容的问题,您必须在继续前从系统中卸载 System Commander。"
@*: Quarterdeck
Quarterdeck_Clean_Sweep_40 = "Quarterdeck Clean Sweep 4.0"
@*: **** Misc apps ****
Agate_Technologies_Tioman_ProSwap = "Agate Technologies Tioman ProSwap"
America_Online_3 = "America Online 3.0"
America_Online_4 = "America Online 4.0"
Compaq_Intelligent_Manageability = "Compaq Intelligent Manageability"
Compuserve_4 = "Compuserve 4.0"
CI5="在升级到 Windows XP 中该应用程序可能造成严重的问题。由于这样,您必须在继续之前,斜载 ControlIt。在安装完成之后您可以重新安装该应用程序。"
dashboard_95="Dashboard 95 的某些部分不支持 Windows XP。在安装完成后您将无法使用 Programs 或 Win Tools 面板。另外,某些图标不能显示在 Dashboard Quick Launch Bar (快速启动栏上)。"
Puma_Technology_Intellisync = "Puma Technology Intellisync"
stbvision95 = "与视频卡一起的 STB Vision 95 工具不支持 Windows XP。尽管视频卡可以工作您将无法使用这个工具。"
HP_Message_Board = "程序中 Learn About HP Message Board 部分,包含指南,不支持 Windows XP。"
Videobrush_Whiteboard="您将无法使用 AVI 文件作为输出。"
v3pro98 ="该病毒检测程序对升级到 Windows XP 会造成严重问题。在继续之前,您必须卸载 V3 Professional 98。"
Mortice_Kern_Systems_Toolkit_6.2 = "MKS Toolkit"
Phoenix_BaySwap = "在升级到 Windows XP 的过程中会删除 BaySwap并由 Windows XP native functionality 替代。"
PowerDesk_98_FileFinder = "Mijenix PowerDesk 98"
pdesk98ff = "PowerDesk File Finder 在 Windows XP 上将无法显示 Viewer Pane (浏览者面板)。"
Creative_Labs_SB_Accessories = "Creative Labs SoundBlaster Accessories"
Logitech_Mouseware_Control_Center = "Logitech Mouseware Control Center"
Panda_Antivirus="Panda Antivirus"
Reachout_Enterprise_8.01 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
Reachout_Enterprise_8.02 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
Reachout_Enterprise_8.41 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
Reachout_Enterprise_8.42 = "Stac Reachout Enterprise"
SCM_USB_Compact_Flash = "SCM/Memorex USB CompactFlash Card Reader"
Sony_Digital_Video = "Sony Digital Video Applications"
Sony_Media_Bar = "Sony Media Bar"
Sony_Notebook_Setup = "Sony Notebook Setup"
Sony_Picture_Gear = "Sony PictureGear"
Sony_Programmable_Power_Key = "Sony Programmable Power Key"
Sony_Smart_Capture = "Sony Smart Capture"
Dr_Solomon_AntiVirus = "Dr. Solomon's AntiVirus"
SystemSoft_VoiceView_Customer_Support = "SystemSoft VoiceView Customer Support Application"
Traveling_Software_LapLink_2000_3.0 = "LapLink 2000"
Trend_Micro_Virus_Buster = "Trend Micro Virus Buster"
WUCUN_TS_JOBFILE = "Windows 重要更新通知.job"
HPOneTouchApp="HP OneTouch"
HPONETOUCHCOMPATMSG="HP OneTouch 同此 Windows 版本有已知的兼容问题。有关此软件的详细信息,请浏览 <A ID=""HPUrl"" HREF="""" TITLE=""Go to"" target=""_new"">Hewlett Packard 的网站</a>."
PQSecondChance = "Power Quest Second Chance"
Silicon_Motion_Control_Utility = "Silicon Motion Control Utility"
@*: WinXP Bug# 402083
@*: This string is in a Silent Uninstall Section so it does not appear in the report
@*: The app is being auto-uninstalled, as 3Com no longer supports it on any OS
@*: and they have specifically requested we not direct customers to them for updates
@*: **** Misc devices ****
ati_mach_64 = "您的 ATI Mach 64VT 视频卡具有的“控制面板”和“设备管理器”的扩展能力只为 Windows 95 或者 Windows 98 设计的。请联系 ATI 索取 Windows XP 的更新驱动程序。"
AdB_Multi_Wave_Digital_Dev = "Multi!Wav PRO 系列 (多媒体设备)"
condev = "安装程序已检测到视频卡和计算机主板的不兼容性。因此,在升级后计算机可能无法启动。请联络硬件厂商以获得技术协助。"
Diamond_Monster_Control_Panel="Diamond Monster Sound II Control Panel"
@*: **** DVD Movie Players ***
ATI_3.1_DVD_Player = "ATI Multimedia Center"
Chromatic_mpact_DVD = "Chromatic Mpact DVD Movie Player"
Creative_DXR3_DVD_Player = "Creative DXR3 DVD Movie Player"
Creative_Labs_DVD_Player = "Creative Labs DVD Movie Player"
CyberLink_Power_DVD = "CyberLink Power DVD Movie Player"
Diamond_DVD_Navigator = "Diamond DVD Navigator"
Divicore_Decoder = "Divicore DVD Movie Player"
Electronic_Arts_DVD_Player = "Electronic Arts DVD Player"
Intervideo_WinDVD = "Intervideo WinDVD Movie Player"
LuxSonor_Inc_DVD = "LuxSonor Inc. DVD Movie Player"
LuxSonor_Creative_Mix = "DVD Movie Player"
Margi_DVD-to-Go = "Margi DVD-to-Go Movie Player"
Mediamatics_Inc_DVD_Player = "Mediamatics Inc. DVD Movie Player"
MGI_DVD_Max = "MGI DVD Max Movie Player"
@*: 421357:
Nec_Z1_DVD = "NEC DVD Video Player"
Quadrant_International_DVD_Player = "Quadrant Intl. DVD Movie Player"
Ravisent_DVD_Player = "Ravisent DVD Player"
Sigma_Designs_RealMagic_Hollywood_Plus = "Sigma Designs RealMagic Hollywood Plus"
Sigma_Designs_RealMagic_Ventura = "Sigma Designs RealMagic Ventura"
Software_Dynamics_DVD_Player = "Software Dynamics DVD Movie Player"
Sony_DVD_Player = "Sony DVD Movie Player"
Sony_DVD_Player_2 = "Sony Media Bar DVD Movie Player"
@*: 353805,417537
Symantec_InternetFastFind = "Internet FastFind"
Toshiba_DVD_player = "Toshiba DVD Movie Player"
VaroVision_DVD_Player = "VaroVision DVD Movie Player"
Xing_DVD_Player_v1 = "Xing DVD Movie Player"
Xing_DVD_Player_v2 = "Xing DVD Movie Player"
Zoran_SoftDVD_Player = "Zoran SoftDVD Movie Player"
@*: Imaging Device Software
Contact_Manufacturer_MSG = "当前为此设备安装的驱动程序可能不是最新版本。请同厂商联系以获得升级软件。"
Kodak_DC240_DC280 = "Kodak DC 240/280 ZOOM Acquire"
Pacific_Imaging_630P = "Pacific Imaging 630P"
Epson_TWAIN = "Epson TWAIN"
Foto_BEE = "I/O Magic 420 Foto Bee Software"
Umax_Astra_Cam = "UMAX Astra Cam"
HP_5200C = "HP Precision Scan"
Kodak_DC265 = "Kodak DC 265 ZOOM Acquire"
Artec_Viewstation_AS6E = "Artec Viewstation AS6E"
@*: Screen savers
@*: These are the names of the files for US Win95 and Win98. If the names are localized on Win95 (Win98),
@*: or have different names, please change accordingly.
SS3DFOB = "三维飞行物.scr"
SS3DFLB = "三维变形物.scr"
SS3DMAZ = "三维迷宫.scr"
SS3DTEX = "三维文字.scr"
SSCUCOL = "多彩曲线.scr"
SSFLYTS = "星空模拟.scr"
SSMMIND = "变幻线.scr"
SSSCROL = "滚动字幕.scr"
SS3DFOB98 = "三维飞行物.scr"
SS3DFLB98 = "三维变形物.scr"
SS3DMAZ98 = "三维迷宫.scr"
SS3DTEX98 = "三维文字.scr"
SSCUCOL98 = "多彩曲线.scr"
SSFLYTS98 = "星空模拟.scr"
SSMMIND98 = "变幻线.scr"
SSSCROL98 = "滚动字幕.scr"
@*: Active desktop wallpapers
@*: These are the names of the files used as Active desktop wallpapers for both Win98 and NT.
@*: These are HTM files located in %windir%\web\wallpaper directory.
@*: If the names are localized or have different names, please change accordingly.
ActiveDesktopWallpaper9x = "windows98.htm"
ActiveDesktopWallpaperNT = "Windows XP.bmp"
@*: This is Accessories folder from within Program Files (e.g. C:\Program Files\Accessories).
@*: Do not touch if not localized for your language.
Accessories = Accessories
@*: After you install IE5 from Microsoft Web page, there will be a directory created
@*: (usually called "Windows Update Setup Files") which has some backup files. Inside this
@*: folder there is a file called "This folder is safe to delete.txt". Please replace the
@*: name with the localized one on your build (if appropriate).
SafeToDeleteFile = "删除这个文件夹是安全的.txt"
@*: Online_Services is the name of the directory created on the desktop that has LNKs
@*: to connect to various online services.
@*: About_Online_Services is the name of a TXT file named (on US systems) "About The Online
@*: Services.txt".
@*: Please localize accordingly. (If the dir or file does not exist, please don't touch).
About_Online_Services = 关于在线服务.txt
Online_Services = 在线服务
@*: When a user installs Plus!98 on a machine several new screen savers are installed. The next entries
@*: are part of the fix needed to make those screen savers work. The screen savers involved are (US names):
@*: Architecture.scr
@*: Science Fiction (high color).scr
@*: Falling Leaves (high color).scr
@*: Geometry (high color).scr
@*: Rock-n-Roll (high color).scr
@*: Each screen saver has a corresponding SCN file usually located somewhere in %ProgramFiles%\Plus!\Themes
@*: For example the SCN file for Architecture.SCR is %ProgramFiles%\Plus!\Themes\Architec\Architec.scn.
@*: The SCN files have a section called (US name) "Description" and a key in that section called "Name".
@*: the CA_SCR_SECTION and CA_SCR_KEY keys below need to be modified if either the section or the key are localized.
@*: IMPORTANT! Please do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_Archit_LONG item below is the name of the "Architecture" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_Archit_SHORT item below is the name of the "Architecture" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_SciFi_LONG item below is the name of the "Science Fiction (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_SciFi_SHORT item below is the name of the "Science Fiction (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_FallingL_LONG item below is the name of the "Falling Leaves (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_FallingL_SHORT item below is the name of the "Falling Leaves (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_Geometry_LONG item below is the name of the "Geometry (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_Geometry_SHORT item below is the name of the "Geometry (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_RockRoll_LONG item below is the name of the "Rock-n-Roll (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in long file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
@*: The CA_SCR_RockRoll_SHORT item below is the name of the "Rock-n-Roll (high color)" screen saver (without the SCR extension)
@*: in short file format. Please replace if localized. IMPORTANT! do not use quotes!!!!
CA_SCR_SECTION = Description
CA_SCR_Archit_LONG = Architecture
CA_SCR_SciFi_LONG = Science Fiction (high color)
CA_SCR_FallingL_LONG = Falling Leaves (high color)
CA_SCR_Geometry_LONG = Geometry (high color)
CA_SCR_RockRoll_LONG = Rock-n-Roll (high color)
@*: Localized screen saver names -- localize to match Win9x
Scr_Dangerous_Creatures = "危险动物.scr"
Scr_Inside_your_Computer = "电脑探密.scr"
Scr_Leonardo_da_Vinci = "达芬奇.scr"
Scr_The_60s_USA = "六十年代的美国.scr"
Scr_The_Golden_Era = "黄金时代.scr"
Scr_Underwater = "水底世界.scr"
Scr_Windows_95 = "Windows 95.scr"
Scr_Windows_98 = "Windows 98.scr"
Scr_Baseball = "棒球.scr"
Scr_Jungle = "丛林.scr"
Scr_Mystery = "神秘之物.scr"
Scr_Nature = "大自然.scr"
Scr_Space = "太空.scr"
Scr_Sports = "运动.scr"
Scr_Travel = "旅行.scr"