2024-07-10 21:11:53 +02:00
( comments refer to the Pascal implementation )
2024-07-09 18:07:02 +02:00
2024-07-10 21:11:53 +02:00
8190 CONSTANT SIZE ( const size = 8190; )
VARIABLE FLAGS SIZE ALLOT ( flagType = array[ 0..size ] of boolean; var flags : flagType )
: SIEVE ( program sieve{ OUTPUT }; )
10 0 DO ( for iter := 1 to 10 do begin )
FLAGS SIZE -1 FILL ( for i := 0 to size do flags[ i ] := true; )
0 ( count := 0; -- push it on the stack )
SIZE 0 DO ( for i := 0 to size do begin )
I FLAGS + C@ IF ( if flags[ i ] then begin -- do loop index is i, c@ reads byte from flags element i )
I I + 3 + ( prime := i + i + 3; )
DUP I + ( k := i + prime; -- DUP duplicates the top of stack )
BEGIN DUP SIZE < WHILE ( while k <= size do begin )
DUP FLAGS + 0 SWAP C! ( flags[ k ] := false; -- c! writes to address with value both on stack )
OVER + ( k := k + prime; -- OVER copies second item [prime] to the top )
DROP DROP ( remove k and prime from stack )
1 + ( count := count + 1; -- count is on the top of the stack )
THEN ( end the if block )
." count of primes: " . ( writeln{ 'count of primes: ', count }; )
; ( end. )
2024-07-09 18:07:02 +02:00