dos_compilers/Borland Turbo C++ v1/UTIL.DOC

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HOW TO USE THIS FILE: This file has a table of contents and
an index that refer to "pages" in this file. If your editor
has a search facility, you can use it to search for the page
numbers listed in either the table of contents or in the index.
The phrase "Page n" (where n represents the actual page number)
appears at the bottom left of the "page" it refers to. Thus, at
the bottom of page 1, you'll find "Page 1" as the last item on
that "page."
Overview 1 The OBJXREF command-line
BGIOBJ: Conversion utility for options . . . . . . . . . 22
graphics drivers and fonts . . 1 Control options . . . . 23
Adding the new .OBJ files to Report options . . . . 24
GRAPHICS.LIB . . . . . . . . 2 Response files . . . . . . 26
Registering the drivers and Free-form response
fonts . . . . . . . . . . . 2 files . . . . . . . . . . 26
An example . . . . . . . . 3 Project files . . . . . . 26
The /F option . . . . . . . 4 Linker response files . . 27
Advanced features . . . . . 5 Sample OBJXREF reports . . 28
Report by public names (/
RP) . . . . . . . . . . . 29
CPP: The preprocessor Report by module (/RM) . 29
utility . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Report by reference (/
CPP as a macro RR) . . . . . . . . . . . 30
preprocessor . . . . . . . . 9 Report by external
An example . . . . . . . . 10 references (/RX) . . . . 30
GREP: A text-search utility . 10 Report of module sizes (/
Command-line syntax . . . 11 RS) . . . . . . . . . . . 31
GREP options . . . . . . . 11 Report by class type (/
Order of precedence . . 13 RC) . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The search string . . . . 14 Report of unreferenced
Operators in regular symbol names (/RU) . . . 32
expressions . . . . . . 14 Verbose reporting (/RV) . 33
File specifications . . . 16 Examples of how to use
Some GREP examples . . . . 16 OBJXREF . . . . . . . . . . 33
Example 1 . . . . . . . 16 Example 1 . . . . . . . . 33
Example 2 . . . . . . . 17 Example 2 . . . . . . . . 33
Example 3 . . . . . . . 17 Example 3 . . . . . . . . 34
Example 4 . . . . . . . 18 Example 4 . . . . . . . . 34
Example 5 . . . . . . . 18 OBJXREF error messages and
Example 6 . . . . . . . 19 warnings . . . . . . . . . 34
Example 7 . . . . . . . 19 Error messages . . . . . 35
Example 8 . . . . . . . 20 Warnings . . . . . . . . 35
OBJXREF: The object module THELP . . . . . . . . . . . 36
cross-reference utility . . 21 TRIGRAPH . . . . . . . . . . 37
The OBJXREF command line . 21 Index 41
Appendix: Project conversion utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . A
Your Turbo C++ package supplies much more than just two versions of
the fastest C compiler available. It also provides twelve powerful
standalone utility programs that you can use with your Turbo C++
files or your other modules. Of these, MAKE, TLIB, TLINK, and TOUCH
are documented in the User's Guide. The rest of them, listed below,
are documented in this file.
BGIOBJ converts graphics drivers and fonts
CPP is the Turbo C++ preprocessor
GREP searches files for text strings
OBJXREF is an object module cross-referencer
PRJCNVT converts Turbo C 2.0 project files to Turbo C++ format
PRJ2MAK converts Turbo C++ project files to MAKE files
THELP is the Turbo Help utility
TRIGRAPH supports character conversion
BGIOBJ: Conversion utility for graphics drivers and fonts
You can use BGIOBJ to convert graphics driver files and character
sets (stroked font files) to object (.OBJ) files. Once they're con-
verted, you can link them into your program, making them part of
the executable file. This is in addition to the graphics package's
dynamic loading scheme, in which your program loads graphics
drivers and character sets (stroked fonts) from disk at run time.
Linking drivers and fonts directly into your program is advanta-
geous because the executable file contains all (or most) of the
Page 1
drivers and/or fonts it might need, and doesn't need to access the
driver and font files on disk when running. However, linking the
drivers and fonts into your executable file increases its size.
To convert a driver or font file to a linkable object file, use the
BGIOBJ.EXE utility. This is the simplified syntax:
BGIOBJ source_file
where source_file is the driver or font file to be converted to an
object file. The object file created has the same file name as the
source file, with the extension .OBJ; for example, EGAVGA.BGI
yields EGAVGA.OBJ, SANS.CHR gives SANS.OBJ, and so on.
Adding the new
.OBJ files to
You should add the driver and font object modules to GRAPHICS.LIB,
so the linker can locate them when it links in the graphics
routines. If you don't add these new object modules to
GRAPHICS.LIB, you'll have to add them to the list of files in the
TC project (.PRJ) file, on the TCC command line, or on the TLINK
command line. To add these object modules to GRAPHICS.LIB, invoke
TLIB with the following command line:
tlib graphics + object_file_name [+ object_file_name ...]
where object_file_name is the name of the object file created by
BGIOBJ.EXE (such as CGA, EGAVGA, GOTH, and so forth). The .OBJ
extension is implied, so you don't need to include it. You can add
several files with one command line to save time; see the example
in the following section.
Registering the
drivers and
After adding driver and font object modules to GRAPHICS.LIB, you
have to register all the drivers and fonts that you want linked in;
you do this by calling registerbgidriver and registerbgifont in
your program (before calling initgraph). This informs the graphics
system of the presence of those files, and ensures that they will
be linked in when the executable file is created by the linker.
The registering routines each take one parameter; a symbolic name
defined in graphics.h. Each registering routine returns a
nonnegative value if the driver or font is successfully registered.
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The following table shows the names to be used with
registerbgidriver and registerbgifont. It is a complete list of
drivers and fonts included with Turbo C++.
Driver file registerbgidriver Font file registerbgifont
(*.BGI) symbolic name (*.CHR) symbolic name
CGA CGA_driver TRIP triplex_font
EGAVGA EGAVGA_driver LITT small_font
HERC Herc_driver SANS sansserif_font
ATT ATT_driver GOTH gothic_font
PC3270 PC3270_driver
IBM8514 IBM8514_driver
An example
Suppose you want to convert the files for the CGA graphics driver,
the gothic font, and the triplex font to object modules, then link
them into your program. Here's what you do:
1. Convert the binary files to object files using BGIOBJ.EXE, as
shown in the following separate command lines:
bgiobj cga
bgiobj trip
bgiobj goth
This creates three files: CGA.OBJ, TRIP.OBJ, and GOTH.OBJ.
2. You can add these object files to GRAPHICS.LIB with this TLIB
command line:
tlib graphics +cga +trip +goth
3. If you don't add the object files to GRAPHICS.LIB, you must add
the object file names CGA.OBJ, TRIP.OBJ, and GOTH.OBJ to your
project list (if you are using Turbo C++'s integrated
environment), or to the TCC command line. For example, the TCC
command line would look like this:
tcc niftgraf graphics.lib cga.obj trip.obj goth.obj
4. You register these files in your graphics program like this:
Page 3
If you ever get a linker error "Segment exceeds 64K" after linking
in some drivers and/or fonts, refer to the following section.
/* Header file declares CGA_driver, triplex_font & gothic_font
#include <graphics.h>
/* Register and check for errors (one never knows...) */
if (registerbgidriver(CGA_driver) < 0) exit(1);
if (registerbgifont(triplex_font) < 0) exit(1);
if (registerbgifont(gothic_font) < 0) exit(1);
/* ... */
initgraph(....); /* initgraph should be called
after registering */
/* ... */
The /F option
This section explains what steps to take if you get the linker
error "Segment exceeds 64K" (or a similar error) after linking in
several driver and/or font files (especially with small- and
compact-model programs).
By default, the files created by BGIOBJ.EXE all use the same
segment (called _TEXT). This can cause problems if your program
links in many drivers and/or fonts, or when you're using the small
or compact memory model.
To solve this problem, you can convert one or more of the drivers
or fonts with the BGIOBJ /F option. This option directs BGIOBJ to
use a segment name of the form filename_TEXT, so that the default
segment is not overburdened by all the linked-in drivers and fonts
(and, in small and compact model programs, all the program code).
For example, the following two BGIOBJ command lines direct BGIOBJ
to use segment names of the form EGAVGA_TEXT and SANS_TEXT.
bgiobj /F egavga
bgiobj /F sans
When you select /F, BGIOBJ also appends F to the target object file
name (EGAVGAF.OBJ, SANSF.OBJ, and so forth), and appends _far to
the name that will be used with registerfarbgidriver and
registerfarbgifont. (For example, EGAVGA_driver becomes
For files created with /F, you must use these far registering
routines instead of the regular registerbgidriver and
registerbgifont. For example,
Page 4
if (registerfarbgidriver(EGAVGA_driver_far) < 0) exit(1);
if (registerfarbgifont(sansserif_font_far) < 0) exit(1);
This section explains some of BGIOBJ's advanced features, and the
routines registerfarbgidriver and registerfarbgifont. Only
experienced users should use these features.
This is the full syntax of the BGIOBJ.EXE command line:
BGIOBJ [/F] source destination public-name seg-name seg-class
This table describes each component of the BGIOBJ command line.
Component Description
/F or -F This option instructs BGIOBJ.EXE to use a
segment name other than _TEXT (the
default), and to change the public name and
destination file name. (See page 4 for a
detailed discussion of /F.)
source This is the driver or font file to be
converted. If the file is not one of the
driver/font files shipped with Turbo C++,
you should specify a full file name
(including extension).
destination This is the name of the object file to be
produced. The default destination file name
is source.OBJ, or sourceF.OBJ if you use
the /F option.
public-name This is the name that will be used in the
program in a call to registerbgidriver or
registerbgifont (or their respective far
versions) to link in the object module.
The public name is the external name used
by the linker, so it should be the name
used in the program, prefixed with an
underscore. If your program uses Pascal
calling conventions, use only uppercase
letters, and do not add an underscore.
Page 5
seg-name This is an optional segment name; the
default is _TEXT (or filename_TEXT if /F is
seg-class This is an optional segment class; the
default is CODE.
All parameters except source are optional. However, if you need to
specify an optional parameter, all the parameters preceding it must
also be specified.
If you choose to use your own public name(s), you have to add
declaration(s) to your program, using one of the following forms:
void public_name(void); /* if /F not used, */
/* default segment name used */
extern int far public_name[]; /* if /F used, or */
/* segment name not _TEXT */
In these declarations, public_name matches the public-name you used
when converting with BGIOBJ. The graphics.h header file contains
declarations of the default driver and font public names; if you
use those default public names you don't have to declare them as
just described.
After these declarations, you have to register all the drivers and
fonts in your program. If you don't use the /F option and don't
change the default segment name, you should register drivers and
fonts through registerbgidriver and registerbgifont; otherwise, use
registerfarbgidriver and registerfarbgifont.
Here is an example of a program that loads a font file into memory:
/* Example of loading a font file into memory */
#include <graphics.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <alloc.h>
void *gothic_fontp; /* points to font buffer in memory
int handle; /* file handle used for I/O */
unsigned fsize; /* size of file (and buffer) */
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int errorcode;
int graphdriver;
int graphmode;
/* open font file */
handle = open("GOTH.CHR", O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
if (handle == -1)
printf("unable to open font file 'GOTH.CHR'\n");
/* find out size of the file */
fsize = filelength(handle);
/* allocate buffer */
gothic_fontp = malloc(fsize);
if (gothic_fontp == NULL)
printf("unable to allocate memory for font file
/* read font into memory */
if (read(handle, gothic_fontp, fsize) != fsize)
printf("unable to read font file 'GOTH.CHR'\n");
/* close font file */
/* register font */
if (registerfarbgifont(gothic_fontp) != GOTHIC_FONT)
printf("unable to register font file 'GOTH.CHR'\n");
/* detect and initialize graphix */
graphdriver = DETECT;
initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "..");
errorcode = graphresult();
if (errorcode != grOk)
printf("graphics error: %s\n",grapherrormsg(errorcode));
settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT);
settextstyle(GOTHIC_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4);
"Borland Graphics Interface (BGI)");
/* press a key to terminate */
/* shut down graphics system */
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Page 8
CPP: The preprocessor utility
CPP produces a list (in a file) of a C source program in which
include files and #define macros have been expanded. It is not
needed for normal compilations of C programs.
Often, when the compiler reports an error inside a macro or an
include file, you can get more information about what the error is
if you can see the include files or the results of the macro
expansions. In many multi-pass compilers, a separate pass performs
this work, and the results of the pass can be examined. Since Turbo
C++ uses an integrated single-pass compiler, we provided CPP to
supply the first-pass functionality found in other compilers.
You use CPP just as you would use TCC, the standalone compiler. CPP
reads the same TURBOC.CFG file for default options, and accepts the
same command-line options as TCC.
The TCC options that don't pertain to CPP are simply ignored by
CPP. To see the list of arguments handled by CPP, type cpp at the
DOS prompt.
With one exception, the file names listed on the CPP command line
are treated like they are in TCC, with wildcards allowed. The
exception to this is that all files are treated as C source files.
There is no special treatment for .OBJ, .LIB, or .ASM files.
For each file processed by CPP, the output is written to a file in
the current directory (or the output directory named by the -n
option) with the same name as the source name but with an extension
of .I.
This output file is a text file containing each line of the source
file and any include files. Any preprocessing directive lines have
been removed, along with any conditional text lines excluded from
the compile. Unless you use a command-line option to specify other-
wise, text lines are prefixed with the file name and line number of
the source or include file the line came from. Within a text line,
any macros are replaced with their expansion text.
The resulting output of CPP cannot be compiled because of the file
name and line number prefix attached to each source line.
CPP as a macro
The -P option to CPP tells it to prefix each line with the source
file name and line number. If you give it -P* (turning this option
off), CPP omits this line number information. With this option
Page 9
turned off, CPP can be used as a macro preprocessor; the resulting
.I file can then be compiled with TC or TCC.
An example
The following simple program illustrates how CPP preprocesses a
file, first with -P selected, then with -P*.
Source file: HELLOJOE.C
#define NAME "Joe Smith"
#define BEGIN {
#define END }
printf("%s\n", NAME);
Command line used to invoke CPP as a preprocessor:
cpp hellojoe.c
hellojoe.c 1:
hellojoe.c 2:
hellojoe.c 3:
hellojoe.c 4:
hellojoe.c 5: main()
hellojoe.c 6: {
hellojoe.c 7: printf("%s\n","Joe Smith");
hellojoe.c 8: }
Command line used to invoke CPP as a macro preprocessor:
cpp -P* hellojoe.c
printf("%s\n","Joe Smith");
GREP: A text-search utility
GREP (Global Regular Expression Print) is a powerful text-search
program derived from the UNIX utility of the same name. GREP
searches for a text pattern in one or more files or in its standard
input stream.
Page 10
Here's a quick example of a situation where you might want to use
GREP. Suppose you wanted to find out which text files in your
current directory contained the string "Elisabeth." You would issue
the command
grep Elisabeth *.txt
and GREP would respond with a list of the lines in each file (if
any) that contained the string "Elisabeth." The strings "elisabeth"
and "ELISABETH" would not be considered matches.
GREP can do a lot more than match a single, fixed string. In the
section that follows, you'll see how to make GREP search for any
string that matches a particular pattern.
The general command-line syntax for GREP is
grep [options] searchstring [filespec ... ]
options consist of one or more letters, preceded by a hyphen (*),
that let you change various aspects of GREP's behavior.
searchstring gives the pattern to search for.
filespec (a list of file specifications) tells GREP which files to
search. (If no file is specified, GREP searches its standard input;
this lets you use GREP with pipes and redirection.)
In addition, the command
prints a brief help screen showing GREP's command-line options,
special characters, and defaults. (See the description of the -u
command-line option for information on how to change GREP's
GREP options
In the command line, options are one or more single characters
preceded by a hyphen (*). Each individual character is a switch
that you can turn on or off: A plus symbol (+) after a character
turns the option on; a hyphen (*) after the character turns the
option off.
The default is on; for example, -r means the same thing as -r+. You
can list multiple options individually (like this: -i -d -l), or
Page 11
you can combine them (like this: -ild or -il, -d, and so on); it's
all the same to GREP.
Here are the GREP option characters and their meanings:
Option Meaning
-c Count only: Prints only a count of matching lines.
For each file that contains at least one matching
line, GREP prints the file name and a count of the
number of matching lines. Matching lines are not
-d Directories: For each filespec specified on the
command line, GREP searches for all files that
match the file specification, both in the directory
specified and in all subdirectories below the
specified directory. If you give a filespec without
a path, GREP assumes the files are in the current
-i Ignore case: GREP ignores upper/lowercase
differences (case folding). GREP treats all letters
a to z as identical to the corresponding letters A
to Z in all situations.
-l List match files: Prints only the name of each file
containing a match. After GREP finds a match, it
prints the file name and processing immediately
moves on to the next file.
-n Numbers: Each matching line that GREP prints is
preceded by its line number.
-o UNIX output format: Changes the output format of
matching lines to support more easily the UNIX
style of command-line piping. All lines of output
are preceded by the name of the file that contained
the matching line.
-r Regular expression search: The text defined by
searchstring is treated as a regular expression
instead of as a literal string. This option is on
by default.
-u Update options: GREP will combine the options given
on the command line with its default options and
write these to the GREP.COM file as the new
defaults. (In other words, GREP is self-
configuring.) This option allows you to tailor the
Page 12
default option settings to your own taste. If you
want to see what the defaults are in a particular
copy of GREP.COM, type
at the DOS prompt. Each option on the help screen
will be followed by a + or a - depending on its
default setting.
-v Nonmatch: Prints only nonmatching lines. Only lines
that do not contain the search string are
considered to be nonmatching lines.
-w Word search: Text found that matches the regular
expression is considered a match only if the
character immediately preceding and following
cannot be part of a word. The default word
character set includes A to Z, 0 to 9, and the
underscore ( _ ).
An alternate form of this option lets you specify
the set of legal word characters. Its form is -
w[set], where set is any valid regular expression
set definition.
If you define the set with alphabetic characters,
it is automatically defined to contain both the
uppercase and lowercase values for each letter in
the set (regardless of how it is typed), even if
the search is case-sensitive. If you use the -w
option in combination with the -u option, the new
set of legal characters is saved as the default
-z Verbose: GREP prints the file name of every file
searched. Each matching line is preceded by its
line number. A count of matching lines in each file
is given, even if the count is zero._______________
Order of
Remember that each of GREP's options is a switch: Its state
reflects the way you last set it. At any given time, each option
can only be on or off. Each occurrence of a given option on the
command line overrides its previous definition. Given this command
grep -r -i* -d -i -r* main( my*.c
Page 13
GREP runs with the -d option on, the -i option on, and the -r
option off.
You can install your preferred default setting for each option in
GREP.COM with the -u option. For example, if you want GREP to
always do a verbose search (-z on), you can install it with the
following command:
grep -u -z
The search
To use GREP well, you'll need to become proficient at writing
search strings. The value of searchstring defines the pattern GREP
searches for. A search string can be either a regular expression or
a literal string.
In a regular expression, certain characters have special meanings:
They are operators that govern the search.
In a literal string, there are no operators: Each character is
treated literally.
You can enclose the search string in quotation marks to prevent
spaces and tabs from being treated as delimiters. The text matched
by the search string cannot cross line boundaries; that is, all the
text necessary to match the pattern must be on a single line.
A regular expression is either a single character or a set of
characters enclosed in brackets. A concatenation of regular
expressions is a regular expression.
Operators in
When you use the -r option (on by default), the search string is
treated as a regular expression (not a literal expression). The
following characters take on special meanings:
Page 14
Option Meaning
^ A circumflex at the start of the expression matches
the start of a line.
$ A dollar sign at the end of the expression matches
the end of a line.
. A period matches any character.
* An expression followed by an asterisk wildcard
matches zero or more occurrences of that
expression. For example, in to*, the * operates on
the expression o; it matches t, to, too, etc. (t
followed by zero or more os), but doesn't match ta.
+ An expression followed by a plus sign matches one
or more occurrences of that expression: to+ matches
to, too, etc., but not t.
[ ] A string enclosed in brackets matches any character
in that string, but no others. If the first
character in the string is a circumflex (^), the
expression matches any character except the
characters in the string.
For example, [xyz] matches x, y, or z, while [^xyz]
matches a and b, but not x, y, or z. You can
specify a range of characters with two characters
separated by a hyphen (*). These can be combined to
form expressions (like [a*bd*z?], which matches the
? character and any lowercase letter except c).
\ The backslash escape character tells GREP to search
for the literal character that follows it. For
example, \. matches a period instead of "any
character." The backslash can be used to quote
itself; that is, you can use \\ to indicate a
literal backslash character in a GREP expression.
Four of the "special" characters ($, ., *, and +) don't have any
special meaning when used within a bracketed set. In addition, the
character ^ is only treated specially if it immediately follows the
beginning of the set definition (immediately after the [
Any ordinary character not mentioned in the preceding list matches
that character (> matches >, # matches #, and so on).
Page 15
filespec tells GREP which files (or groups of files) to search.
filespec can be an explicit file name, or a "generic" file name
incorporating the DOS ? and * wildcards. In addition, you can enter
a path (drive and directory information) as part of filespec. If
you give filespec without a path, GREP searches the current
If you don't specify any file specifications, input to GREP must
come from redirection (<) or a vertical bar (|).
The following examples show how to combine GREP's features to do
different kinds of searches. They assume GREP's default settings
are unchanged.
Example 1
The search string here tells GREP to search for the word main with
no preceding lowercase letters ([^a*z]), followed by zero or more
occurrences of blank spaces (\ *), then a left parenthesis.
Since spaces and tabs are normally considered to be command-line
delimiters, you must quote them if you want to include them as part
of a regular expression. In this case, the space after main is
quoted with the backslash escape character. You could also
accomplish this by placing the space in double quotes.
Command line:
grep -r [^a*z]main\ *( *.c
Matches: main(i:integer)
if (main ()) halt;
Does not match:
Files searched:
*.C in current directory.
Page 16
Example 2
Because the backslash (\) and period (.) characters usually have
special meaning in path and file names, you must place
the backslash escape character immediately in front of them if
you want to search for them. The -i option is used here, so
the search is not case sensitive.
Command line:
grep -ri [a*c]:\\data\.fil
*.c *.inc
Matches: A:\data.fil
Does not match:
Files searched:
*.C and *.INC in current
Example 3
This format basically defines how to search for a given word.
Command line:
grep -ri [^a*z]word[^a*z]
Matches: every new word must be on a new line.
word--smallest unit of speech.
In the beginning there was
the WORD, and the WORD
Does not match:
Each file has at least 2000 words.
He misspells toward as toword.
Page 17
Files searched:
*.DOC in the current directory.
Example 4
This format defines a basic "word" search.
Command line:
grep -iw word *.doc
Matches: every new word must be on a new line. However,
word: smallest unit of speech which conveys
In the beginning there was the WORD, and
Does not match:
each document contains at least 2000 words!
He seems to continually misspell "toward" as "toword."
Files searched:
*.DOC in the current directory.
Example 5
This is an example of how to search for a string with embedded spaces.
Command line:
grep "search string with spaces" *.doc *.c a:\work\myfile.*
Matches: This is a search string with spaces in it.
Does not match:
This search string has spaces in it, too.
Page 18
Files searched:
*.DOC and *.C in the current directory, and MYFILE.* in a
directory called \WORK on drive A.
Example 6
This example searches for any one of the characters " . : ? ' and ,
at the end of a line.
The double quote within the range is preceded by an escape character,
so it is treated as a normal character instead of as the ending quote
for the string. Also, the $ character appears outside of the quoted
string. This demonstrates how regular expressions can be concatenated
to form a longer expression.
Command line:
grep -rd "[ ,.:?'\"]"$ \*.doc
Matches: He said hi to me.
Where are you going?
In anticipation of a unique situation,
Examples include the following:
"Many men smoke, but fu man chu."
Does not match:
He said "Hi" to me
Where are you going? I'm headed to the
Files searched:
*.DOC in the root directory and all its subdirectories on
the current drive.
Example 7
This example ignores case and just prints the names of any files
that contain at least one match. The three command-line examples
show different ways of specifying multiple options.
Page 19
Command line:
grep -ild " the " \*.doc
grep -i -l -d " the " \*.doc
grep -il -d " the " \*.doc
Matches: Anyway, this is the time we have
do you think? The main reason we are
Does not match:
He said "Hi" to me just when I
Where are you going? I'll bet you're headed
Files searched:
*.DOC in the root directory and all its subdirectories on
the current drive.
Example 8
This example redefines the current set of legal characters for a word
as the assignment operator (=) only, then does a word search. It matches
C assignment statements, which use a single equal sign (=), but not
equality tests, which use a double equal sign (==).
Command line:
grep -w[=] = *.c
Matches: i = 5;
i += j;
Does not match:
if (i == t) j++;
/* ======================= */
Files searched:
*.C in the current directory.
Page 20
OBJXREF: The object module cross-reference utility
OBJXREF examines a list of object files and library files and
produces reports on their contents. One type of report lists
definitions of public names and references to them. The other type lists
the segment sizes defined by object modules.
There are two categories of public names: global variables and function
names. The TEST1.C and TEST2.C files in the section "Sample OBJXREF
reports" (page 28) illustrate definitions of public names and external
references to them.
Object modules are object (.OBJ) files produced by TC, TCC or TASM. A
library (.LIB) file contains multiple object modules. An object module
generated by TC is given the same name as the .C source file it was
compiled from. This is also true for TCC, unless a different output
file name is specifically indicated with the -o TCC command-line option.
The OBJXREF command line
The OBJXREF command line consists of the word OBJXREF followed by a
series of command-line options and a list of object and library file
names, separated by a space or tab character. The syntax is as
OBJXREF options filename filename ...
The command-line options determine the kind of reports that OBJXREF will
generate and the amount of detail that OBJXREF will provide. They are
discussed in more detail in the next section.
Each option begins with a forward slash (/) followed by a one- or
two-character option name.
Page 21
Object files and library files may be specified either on the command
line or in a response file. On the command line, file names are
separated by a space or a tab. All object modules specified as .OBJ
files are included in reports. Like TLINK, however, OBJXREF includes only
those modules from .LIB files which contain a public name referenced by an
.OBJ file or by a previously included module from a .LIB file.
As a general rule, you should list all the .OBJ and .LIB files that
are needed if the program is to link correctly, including the startup
.OBJ file and one or more C libraries.
File names may include a drive and directory path. The DOS ? and * wildcard
characters may be used to identify more than one file. File names may
refer to .OBJ object files or to .LIB library files. (If you don't
give a file extension, the .OBJ extension is assumed.)
Options and file names may occur in any order in the command line.
OBJXREF reports are written to the DOS standard output. The default is the
screen. The reports can be sent to a printer (as with >LPT1:) or to a
file (as with >lstfile) with the DOS redirection character (>).
Entering OBJXREF with no file names or options produces a summary of
available options.
OBJXREF command-line options fall into two categories: control options and
report options.
Page 22
Control options
Control options modify the default behavior of OBJXREF (the default is that
none of these options are enabled).
Option Meaning
/I Ignore case differences in public
names. Use this option if you use
TLINK without the /C option (which
makes case differences
/D Look for .OBJ files in another
directory. If you want OBJXREF to
look for .OBJ files in a directory
other than the current one,
include the directory name on the
command line, prefixed with /D:
OBJXREF /Ddir1 [; dir2 [; dir3]]
OBJXREF /Ddir1 [/Ddir2] [/Ddir3]
OBJXREF will search each of the
directories in the specified order
for all object and library files.
If you don't use a /D option,
OBJXREF will search only the
current directory. If you do use a
/D option, however, the current
directory will not be searched
unless it is included in the
directory list. For example, if
you wanted OBJXREF to search first
the BORLAND directory and then the
current directory for files, you
would enter
OBJXREF /Dborland;.
Page 23
The period denotes the current directory.
/F Include full library. All object
modules in specified .LIB files
are included even if they do not
contain public names that are
referenced by an object module
being processed by OBJXREF. This
provides information on the entire
contents of a library file. (See
example 4 in the section "OBJXREF
/O Allows you to specify an output
file where OBJXREF will send any
reports generated. Its syntax is
as follows:
OBJXREF filename.obj /report
option /Ooutputfilename.ext
By default all output is sent to
the screen.
/V Verbose output. Lists names of
files read and displays totals of
public names, modules, segments,
and classes.
/Z Include zero-length segment
definitions. Object modules may
define a segment without
allocating any space in it.
Listing these zero length segment
definitions normally makes the
module size reports harder to use
but it can be valuable if you are
trying to remove all definitions
of a segment.
Report options
Report options govern what sort of report is generated, and the
amount of detail that OBJXREF provides.
Page 24
Option Report generated
/RC Report by class type: Module sizes ordered by class type
of segment.
/RM Report by module: Public names ordered by defining module.
/RP Report by public names: Public names in order with
defining module name.
This is the default.
/RR Report by reference: Public name definitions and
references ordered by name.
/RS Report of module sizes: Module sizes ordered by segment name.
/RU Report of unreferenced symbol names: Unreferenced public
names ordered by defining module.
/RV Verbose reporting: OBJXREF produces a report of every type.
/RX Report by external reference: External references ordered
by referencing module name.
Public names defined in .C files appear in reports with a leading
underscore in the reports unless the -U* option was specified when
the file was compiled (main appears as _main).
You can limit the modules, segments, classes, or public names that OBJXREF
reports on by entering the appropriate name on the command line prefixed with
the /N option. For example,
OBJXREF filelist /RM /NC0
tells OBJXREF to generate a report listing information only for the module
named C0.
Page 25
Response files
The command line is limited by DOS to a maximum of 128 characters. If
your list of options and file names will exceed this limit, you must
place your file names in a response file.
A response file is a text file that you make with a text editor. Since
you may already have prepared a list of the files that make up your
program for other Turbo C++ programs, OBJXREF recognizes several
response file types.
Response files are called from the command line using one of the following
options. The response file name must follow the option without an
intervening space (so, for example, you would type /Lresp, not /L resp).
You can specify more than one response file on the command line;
additional .OBJ and .LIB file names can precede or follow them.
response files
You can create a free-form response file with a text editor. Just list
the names of all .OBJ and .LIB files needed to make your .EXE file.
Any file name listed in the response file without an extension is
assumed to be an .OBJ file. To use free-form files with OBJXREF, type
in each response file name on the command line, preceded by an @, and
separate it from other command-line entries with a space or tab:
@filename @filename ...
Project files
Page 26
You can also use project files of the type generated by Turbo C++'s
integrated environment as response files. In the command line, precede
the project file name with /P, like this:
If the file name does not include an explicit extension, a .PRJ extension
is assumed.
File names in the project file with a .C extension or no extension are
interpreted as specifying the corresponding .OBJ file. You need not
remove file dependencies specified inside parentheses; they are ignored
By itself, the list of files in a .PRJ file does not specify a complete
program--you must also specify a startup file (C0x.OBJ) and one or more
Turbo C++ library files (MATHX.LIB, EMU.LIB, and CX.LIB, for example).
In addition, you may need to use the /D option to specify the directory
where OBJXREF should look for your .OBJ files.
Linker response
Files in TLINK response-file format can also be used by OBJXREF. A linker
response file called from the command line is preceded by /L, like so:
To see how to use one of these files, refer to Example 2 in the section
"Examples of how to use OBJXREF."
Page 27
Suppose you have two source files in your Turbo C++ directory, and want to
generate OBJXREF reports on the object files compiled from them. The source
files are called TEST1.C and TEST2.C, and they look like this:
/* test1.c */
int i1; /* defines i1 */
extern int i2; /* refers to i2 */
static int i3; /* not a public name */
extern void look(void); /* refers to look */
void main(void) /* defines main */
int i4; /* not a public name */
look(); /* refers to look */
/* test2.c */
#include <process.h>
extern int i1; /* refers to i1 */
int i2; /* defines i2 */
void look(void) /* defines look */
exit(i1); /* refers to exit... */
} /* and to i1 */
The object modules compiled from these source files are TEST1.OBJ and
TEST2.OBJ. You can tell OBJXREF what kind of report to generate about
these .OBJ files by entering the file names on the command line,
followed by a /R and a second letter denoting report type.
Page 28
Note: The following examples show only useful parts of the output.
Report by public names (/RP)
A report by public names lists each of the public names defined in
the object modules being reported on, followed by the name of the
module in which it is defined.
If you enter this on the command line:
OBJXREF /RP test1 test2
OBJXREF generates a report that looks like this:
_i1 TEST1
_i2 TEST2
_look TEST2
_main TEST1
Report by module (/RM)
A report by module lists each object module being reported on, followed
by a list of the public names defined in it.
If you enter this on the command line:
OBJXREF /RM test1 test2
OBJXREF generates a report that looks like this:
MODULE: TEST1 defines the following symbols:
public: _i1
public: _main
MODULE: TEST2 defines the following symbols:
public: _i2
public: _look
Page 29
Report by
reference (/RR)
A report by reference lists each public name with the defining module in
parentheses on the same line. Modules that refer to this public name are
listed on following lines indented from the left margin.
This is the default if no report option is specified.
If you enter this on the command line:
OBJXREF /RR C0 test1 test2 CS.LIB
OBJXREF generates a report that looks like this:
_exit (EXIT)
_i1 (TEST1)
_i2 (TEST2)
_look (TEST2)
_main (TEST1)
Report by
references (/RX)
A report by external references lists each module followed by a list of
external references it contains.
If you enter this on the command line:
OBJXREF /RX C0 test1 test2 CS.LIB
OBJXREF generates a report that looks like this:
MODULE: C0 references the following symbols:
MODULE: TEST1 references the following symbols:
Page 30
MODULE: TEST2 references the following symbols:
Report of module
sizes (/RS)
A report by sizes lists segment names followed by a list of modules that
define the segment. Sizes in bytes are given in decimal and hexadecimal
notation. The word uninitialized appears where no initial values are
assigned to any of the symbols defined in the segment. Segments
defined at absolute addresses in a .ASM file are flagged Abs to the
left of the segment size.
If you enter this on the command line:
OBJXREF /RS test1 test2
OBJXREF generates a report that looks like this:
These files were compiled using the large memory model.
6 (00006h) TEST1
6 (00006h) total
10 (0000Ah) TEST2
10 (0000Ah) total
4 (00004h) TEST1, uninitialized
2 (00002h) TEST2, uninitialized
6 (00006h) total
Report by class
type (/RC)
A report by class type lists segment size definitions by segment class.
The CODE class contains instructions, DATA class contains initialized
data and BSS class contains uninitialized data. Segments
Page 31
which do not have a class type will be listed under the notation No
class type.
If you enter this on the command line:
OBJXREF /RC C0 test1 test2 CS.LIB
OBJXREF generates a report that looks like this:
4 (00004h) TEST1
2 (00002h) TEST2
132 (00084h) total
6 (00006h) TEST1
10 (0000Ah) TEST2
16 (00010h) total
143 (0008Fh) C0
143 (0008Fh) total
Report of
symbol names (/
A report of unreferenced symbol names lists modules that define public names
not referenced in other modules. Such a symbol is either:
1. referenced only from within the defining module and does not need to be
defined as a public symbol (in that case, if the module is in C, the keyword
static should be added to the definition; if the module is in TASM, just
remove the public definition).
2. never used (therefore, it can be deleted to save code or data space).
If you enter this on the command line:
OBJXREF /RU test1 test2
OBJXREF generates a report that looks like this:
Page 32
MODULE: TEST2 defines the unreferenced symbol _i2.
reporting (/RV)
If you enter /RV on the command line, OBJXREF generates one report of each
Examples of how
to use OBJXREF
These examples assume that the application files are in the current
directory of the default drive and that the Turbo C++ startup files
(C0x.OBJ) and the library files are in the \TURBOC\LIB directory.
Example 1
C>OBJXREF \turboc\lib\c0l test1 test2 \turboc\lib\cl.lib
In this example, the TEST1.OBJ and TEST2.OBJ files and the Turbo C++ startup
file \TURBOC\LIB\C0L.OBJ and the library file \TURBOC\LIB\CL.LIB are
specified. Since no report type is specified, the resulting report is
the default report by reference, listing public names and the modules
that reference them.
Example 2
C>OBJXREF /RV /Ltest1.arf
The TLINK response file TEST1.ARF contains the same list of files as the
command line in Example 1. The /RV option is specified, so a report of
every type will be generated. TEST1.ARF contains
test1 test2
Page 33
Example 3
C>OBJXREF /RC B:c0s /Ptest1 @libs
The TC project file TEST1.PRJ specifies TEST1.OBJ and TEST2.OBJ. The response
file @libs specifies libraries on a disk in the B drive. TEST1.PRJ contains
The file LIBS contains
b:maths.lib b:emu.lib b:cs.lib
The startup and library files specified depend on the memory model and
floating point options used in compilation. The /RC causes a report of
class type to be output.
Example 4
C>OBJXREF /F /RV \turboc\lib\cs.lib
This example reports on all the modules in the Turbo C++ library file CS.LIB;
OBJXREF can produce useful reports even when the files specified do not make a
complete program. The /F causes all modules in CS.LIB file to be included in
the report.
messages and
OBJXREF generates two sorts of diagnostic messages: error messages
and warnings.
Page 34
Error messages
Out of memory
OBJXREF performs its cross referencing in
RAM memory and may run out of memory even
if TLINK is able to link the same list of
files successfully. When this happens,
OBJXREF aborts. Remove memory resident
programs to get more space, or add more
WARNING: Unable to open input file <filename>
The input file filename could not be
located or opened. OBJXREF proceeds to
the next file.
WARNING: Unknown option - <option>
The option name option is not recognized
by OBJXREF. OBJXREF ignores the option.
WARNING: Unresolved symbol <symbol> in module <module>
The public name symbol referenced in
module module is not defined in any of
the .OBJ or .LIB files specified. OBJXREF
flags the symbol in any reports it
generates as being referenced but not
WARNING: Invalid file specification <filename>
Some part of the file name filename is
invalid. OBJXREF proceeds to the next
WARNING: No files matching <filename>
The file named filename listed on the
command line or in a response file could
not be located or opened. OBJXREF skips
to the next file.
WARNING: Symbol <symbol> defined in <module1> duplicated in <module2>
Public name symbol is defined in modules
module1 and module2. OBJXREF ignores the
second definition.
Page 35
This file explains how to use THELP.COM. THELP is a memory-resident
utility that provides online help for Turbo C++. If you are using
Turbo Debugger, for example, you can load THELP, then run Turbo
Debugger and get online help for Turbo C++ while you are debugging.
Table of Contents
1. Starting THELP
2. Command-line Options Summary
3. Detailed Explanation of Keys Used When THELP is Active
4. Detailed Explanation of Command line Options
1. Starting THELP
Load THELP at the DOS command line simply by typing THELP. Make sure
the Turbo help file is in the current directory or use the /F command
line option (described below). The INSTALL program inserts the correct
path information in THELP.
Memory usage
THELP requires about 21K bytes.
Default hot key
The default hot key is Numeric-Keypad-5 (scan code 4ch,
shift state 00h).
If you are using SideKick Plus or SideKick 1.x, make sure you
load THELP before you load SideKick.
2. Command-line Options Summary
USAGE: THELP [options]
Here is a summary of THELP's command-line options. If you use more
than one option, you must separate them with spaces.
/C#xx Select color: #=color number, xx=hex color value
/Fname Full path and file name of help file
/H,/?,? Display this help screen
/Kxxyy Change hot key: xx=shift state(hex), yy=scan code(hex)
/S+ Enable snow checking for video (useful for older CGA adapters).
/S- Disable snow checking for video (for snappier displays).
/U Remove THELP from memory
/W Write options to THELP.COM and exit
3. Detailed Explanation of Keys Used When THELP is Active
Arrow keys: Move the cursor.
PgUp/PgDn: Move the cursor.
Shift-Arrow keys: Move the cursor while marking a block.
TAB: Moves the cursor to the next keyword.
Shift-TAB: Moves the cursor to the previous keyword.
HOME: Go to the beginning of the line.
END: Go to the end of the line.
ENTER: Select help entry for the item highlighted in the
current help screen.
ESC: End Help.
Shift-F1: Help Index. F1 from any help screen brings up
the Help Index. You can search for a specific keyword
incrementally. For example, you can find "printf" by
typing p r i. With each letter you type, the list
jumps to the keyword that starts with p, then to pr,
then to pri, etc.
ALT-F1: Displays in reverse order the last 20 screens you
have reviewed.
CTRL-P key: Pastes the marked block or the example text into
the application.
4. Detailed Explanation of Command-line Options
/C#xx Select color: #=color number, xx=hex color value
There are twelve possible colors, described as follows:
0 = Color border attribute
1 = Monochrome border attribute
2 = Color text attribute
3 = Monochrome text attribute
4 = Color keyword attribute
5 = Monochrome keyword attribute
6 = Color selected keyword attribute
7 = Monochrome selected keyword attribute
8 = Color example text attribute
9 = Monochrome example text attribute
A = Color marked block attribute
B = Monochrome marked block attribute
The color numbers for a standard IBM-compatible Color Display are
as follows:
First Digit (Background) Second Digit (Foreground)
0 -- Black 0 -- Black
1 -- Blue 1 -- Blue
2 -- Green 2 -- Green
3 -- Cyan 3 -- Cyan
4 -- Red 4 -- Red
5 -- Magenta 5 -- Magenta
6 -- Brown 6 -- Brown
7 -- Grey 7 -- Grey
8 -- Intense Black
ORing the color value with 9 -- Intense Blue
Hex 80 produces a blinking A -- Intense Green
color unless blinking has been B -- Intense Cyan
disabled. C -- Intense Red
D -- Intense Magenta
E -- Intense Brown (Yellow)
F -- Intense Grey (White)
On monochrome monitors, the attribute values can differ widely,
so some experimentation would be needed.
/Fname Full path and name of help file
The name that follows the /F option should be the full
drive/directory path name of the help file to use; e.g.,
By default, THELP looks for the help file on the logged drive and
/H,/?,? Display help screen
This option displays a summary of THELP's command-line options
/Kxxyy Change hot key: xx=shift state, yy=scan code
Virtually any shift state/scan code combination may be selected. A
quick summary of some common shift-states and scan codes follows:
Shift States (may be OR'ed together)
right shift 01h
left shift 02h
control 04h
alt 08h
Scan Codes
A --- 1eh N --- 31h 0 --- 0bh F1 --- 3bh
B --- 30h O --- 18h 1 --- 02h F2 --- 3ch
C --- 2eh P --- 19h 2 --- 03h F3 --- 3dh
D --- 20h Q --- 10h 3 --- 04h F4 --- 3eh
E --- 12h R --- 13h 4 --- 05h F5 --- 3fh
F --- 21h S --- 1fh 5 --- 06h F6 --- 40h
G --- 22h T --- 14h 6 --- 07h F7 --- 41h
H --- 23h U --- 16h 7 --- 08h F8 --- 42h
I --- 17h V --- 2fh 8 --- 09h F9 --- 43h
J --- 24h W --- 11h 9 --- 0ah F10 --- 44h
K --- 25h X --- 2dh
L --- 26h Y --- 15h
M --- 32h Z --- 2ch
Enhanced Keyboards only (may not work with all computers, keyboards)
F11 --- 57h
F12 --- 58h
/S Controls snow-checking logic for video.
Some older CGA have a tendency to produce a "snow" effect when
software tries to write directly into their memory space. If you see
this snow you should start up THELP with /S+ to enable the snow
checking code. You may want to use the /W switch (see below) to make
it permanent. Snow checking takes time and it is better to live
without it. To disable snow checking use /S-; this is the default.
/U Remove THELP from memory
This option removes THELP from memory. If other TSRs have been
loaded after THELP, make sure to remove them before removing
/W Write Options to THELP.COM and exit
The /W parameter creates a new version of THELP that uses the
options you desire as a default. All options may be specified
and made "permanent."
Page 36
Trigraphs are three-character sequences that replace certain
characters used in C that are not available on some keyboards.
Translating trigraphs in the compiler would slow compilation down
considerably, yet trigraph support is required by ANSI C. So
Turbo C++ provides a filer named TRIGRAPH.EXE to handle trigraph
sequences when you need to. The syntax for invoking this program is
TRIGRAPH [-u] <filespec> [<filespec> ...]
The following table shows the trigraph sequences that TRIGRAPH.EXE
Trigraph Character
??= #
??( [
??) ]
??< {
??> }
??/ \
??' ^
??! |
??- ~
TRIGRAPH.EXE works in two directions: It can convert all trigraphs
to their single-character representation, and it can convert single
characters to their trigraph representation. Ordinarily, TRIGRAPH.EXE
converts trigraphs to single characters. You can specify the inverse
conversion with the -u (undo) command-line option, which must come
before any file name on the command line.
TRIGRAPH.EXE accepts any number of file specifiers, including wildcards,
on the command line. For each file specified, it creates a backup copy
of the file with the original file name and an extension .BAK, and then
creates a new file with the original file name and the appropriate
conversions performed. For example,
trigraph test.c test1.c
removes all trigraphs from the two files TEST.C and TEST1.C, and creates
backup files TEST.BAK and TEST1.BAK.
As another example, the following command inserts trigraphs into all the
files with the extension .C, and makes backup copies of all those files,
giving them the extension .BAK.
trigraph -u *.c
Page 37
Page 38 through Page 40
Note: This index does not include entries for PRJCNVT, THELP, or TRIGRAPH.
ASCII characters files
[ ] GREP operator 15 files
$ GREP operator 15 compiling 10
* GREP operator 15 -P option (source file names
+ GREP operator 15 and line numbers) 9
. GREP operator 15 wildcards and 9
\ GREP operator 15
^ GREP operator 15
-d GREP option (directories) 12
B /D OBJXREF option (directory)
BGIOBJ (graphics converter) 1-8 23
advanced features 5 debugging
command-line syntax 2, 5 include files 9
components 5 macros 9
example 3 directories
graphics.h and 6 CPP (preprocessor) 9
options GREP option 12
destination file 5 .OBJ files 23
/F 5
file name 5
file name (/F) 4 E
public name 5 errors
segment class 6 linker
segment name 5 graphics drivers and fonts
source file 5 4
OBJXREF (list) 34
-c GREP option (count only) 12
case sensitivity
GREP option 12 F
/F BGIOBJ option 5
/F BGIOBJ option (far routines)
command line /F OBJXREF option (include full
syntax library) 24
CPP 9 files
configuration files destination
CPP (preprocessor) and 9 BGIOBJ 5
TCC file 9 linker response, used by OBJXREF
CPP (preprocessor) 9-10 27, 33
command-line options and macros
syntax 9 expanded 9
directory 9 matching
example of use 10 GREP option 12
Page 41
files linker
names -o (UNIX output format) 12
printing (GREP) 13 precedence 13
output, generated by OBJXREF regular expression search
24 (-r) 12
searching 10-20 UNIX format (-o) 12
source updating (-u) 12
BGIOBJ 5 -v 13
fonts -v (nonmatching lines) 13
adding to graphics library 2 verbose 13
files, converting to .OBJ word search (-w) 13
files 2 search strings 14
included with Turbo C++ 3 white space in 16
linker errors and 4 using 11
linking 1-8 wildcards and 16
registering 2, 6 GREP.COM 14
stroked 1-8
linking 1
header files
G graphics.h 6
graphics drivers help
adding to graphics library 2 GREP (file searcher) 11
converting to .OBJ files 2, OBJXREF 22
included with Turbo C++ 3
linker I
errors and 4 -i GREP option (case
linking 1 sensitivity) 12
registering 2, 6 /I OBJXREF option (case
graphics.h (header file) sensitivity) 23
BGIOBJ and 6 include files
GRAPHICS.LIB debugging 9
adding to 2
GREP (file searcher) 10-20
examples 16 L
files to search 16 -l GREP option (list matching
help 11 files) 12
literal character 15 /L OBJXREF command (linker
matches 15 response file) 27
operators 14 libraries
optimizing use of 14 files 21
options contents of 21
case sensitivity (-i) 12 graphics
count only (-c) 12 adding driver and font
default 12, 14 files to 2
discussion 11 OBJXREF
file names (printing) 13 including all 24
-i (case sensitivity) 12 lines
line numbers (-n) 12 numbering
lines, nonmatching (-v) 13 printing (GREP) 12
list matching files (-l) 12 linker
-n (line numbers) 12 error: segment exceeds 64K 4
Page 42
linker OBJXREF
response files options 21
used by OBJXREF 27, 33 /N (limit information) 25
linking /RV 25
graphics drivers 1 /RC 31
control 23
directories (/D) 23
M /F (include full library)
macros 24
CPP (preprocessor) and 9 ignore case (/I) 23
debugging 9 include full library (/F)
expanded 24
list of 9 include zero-length segment
preprocessing 9 definitions (/Z) 24
preprocessor 9 list file names (/V) 24
modified reports 25
/O (output file) 24
N reports 24
-n command-line compiler option by class type (/RC) 25,
CPP (preprocessor) and 9 31, 34
-n GREP option (line numbers) by external reference (/
12 RX) 25, 30
/N OBJXREF option (limit by module (/RM) 25, 29
reports) 25 by public names (/RP) 25,
by reference (/RR) 25,
O 30, 33
-o GREP option (UNIX format default type 33
output) 12 examples 28-33
/O OBJXREF option (output file of all types (/RV) 25
for reports) 24 of module sizes (/RS) 25,
.OBJ files 31
converting font files into 2 of unreferenced symbol
converting graphics drivers names (/RU) 25, 32
files into 2 output file (/O) 24
defined 21 verbose (/RV) 25, 33, 34
directories 23 /V (verbose output) 24
names 21 verbose report (/RV) 33
response files and 26 /Z (include zero-length
object modules segment definitions) 24
defined 21 project files
names 21 as response files 27
OBJXREF (object module cross- project files (/P) 27
referencer) 21-35 reports 22
directories 23 examples 28-33
error messages 34 modifying 25
examples of reports 29, 30, output file for (/O) 24
31, 32, 33 response files 21, 26
help 22 example 33
/L command (linker response linker 27
files) 27 warnings 35
linker files wildcards and 22
as response files 27
Page 43
operators /Z OBJXREF option
operators /RV OBJXREF option (reports) 25
GREP 14 /RX OBJXREF option (reports) 25
output file
generated by OBJXREF 24
P text files 10-20
-P CPP (preprocessor) option standalone utilities
(source file names and line list 1
numbers) 10 strings
/P OBJXREF command (project searching for
files) 27 as expressions (GREP) 12
precedence in text files 10-20
GREP options 13 syntax
project files CPP 9
converting Page A
OBJXREF and 27
used by OBJXREF 34
public names T
defined 21 text files
searching 10-20
TLINK (linker)
R response files
-r GREP option (regular OBJXREF and 27
expression search) 12 TURBOC.CFG 9
/RC OBJXREF option (report) 31
/RC OBJXREF option (reports) 25
registerbgidriver (function) U
BGIOBJ and 2, 6 -u GREP option (updating) 12
registerbgifont (function) UNIX
BGIOBJ and 2, 6 format (GREP) 12
registerfarbgidriver (function)
BGIOBJ and 4, 5, 6
registerfarbgifont (function) V
BGIOBJ and 4, 5, 6 -v GREP option (nonmatching
response files lines) 13
file-name extensions and 26 /V OBJXREF option (verbose
formats 26 output) 24
free-form 26
example 34
linker files and 27 W
OBJXREF and 21, 26, 27 -w GREP option (word search) 13
example 33 wildcards
project files and 27 CPP (preprocessor) and 9
/RM OBJXREF option (reports) 25
/RP OBJXREF option (reports) 25
/RR OBJXREF option (reports) 25 Z
/RS OBJXREF option (reports) 25 -z GREP option (verbose) 13
/RU OBJXREF option (reports) 25 /Z OBJXREF option (include
zero-length segment
definitions) 24
Page 44
Appendix A: Project conversion utilities
Converts Turbo C 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 project files to Turbo C++
project files.
PRJCNVT infile[.prj] [outfile[.prj]]
PRJCNVT infile[.tc] [outfile[.prj]]
If you specify a configuration file as input, it must have a
project file defined. The compiler options in the .CFG file
and the dependencies in the Turbo C 2.0 .PRJ file will be placed
into the corresponding Turbo C++ .PRJ file.
If you specify a project file as input, only dependencies
information will be placed into the Turbo C++ .PRJ file. All
compiler options will remain default.
If you don't provide an extension, .TC is assumed. If PRJCVNT
can't find a .TC file, it looks for a .PRJ file.
The default name of the output file is the base name of the
input file with the extension .PRJ. For example, STARS.TC will
turn into STARS.PRJ. If the input and the output name are the
same, the old file will be renamed to a .BAK file.
This utility converts a .PRJ file to a .MAK file (containing all
relevant switches and settings) for use with the MAKE utility.
These files can be re-used without accessing the Programmer's
Platform (the IDE).
PRJ2MAK <project-file>[.PRJ] [<makefile>[.MAK] [<config>[.CFG]]]
The extension for project file name is assumed to be .PRJ unless
you specify otherwise.
The default name for the new MAKE file is the base file name of the .PRJ
file with the extension .MAK. The default name for the new .CFG file is
the base file name of the .MAK file with the extension .CFG.
To change the names of the makefile and cfg files, just specify
different names on the command line.
Examples of valid execution:
This execution will cause a makefile called makefile.mak to be
created, and a config file called turboc.cfg.
This execution will cause a makefile called makefile.mak to be
created, and a config.file called myproj.cfg.
This execution will cause a makefile called myproj.mak to be
created, and a config file called myproj.cfg.
The makefile that PRJ2MAK creates will set up a redirection
file for the linker response file, and for the .CFG file. They
will be created when the user runs the makefile which is generated.
The linker response file that is generated is a temporary file,
and will be deleted. The .CFG file will be left as a file on disk.
PRJ2MAK will place the following options into the .CFG file:
Those that are not default to the Turbo C++ command-line compiler
AND have been selected in the project file.
PRJ2MAK will attempt to locate all of the libraries to be included,
through the "Library Directories" path that is specified in the .PRJ
file. A comment will be written to the screen noting any of the files
which cannot be located. When this happens, a special make dependency
will be generated at the top of the makefile. When the makefile is
run, it will print out the listing of files which were not be located,
and then the makefile will terminate. You may correct the library
locations in the makefile and delete this "comment" dependency in
order to continue.
Page A