dos_compilers/Microsoft muLISP-86 v51/E.LSP

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2024-07-05 17:30:14 +02:00
; Compute e to 192 digits
(setq digits 200)
(setq high digits)
(setq count 0)
(setq x 0)
(setq n (- high 1))
(defmacro m-ignore (fun &body body)
"ignores the return value of a function"
`(progn (,fun ,@body)
(defun rune() (prog ()
(setf (aref a n) 1)
(cond ((plusp n)
(setq n (sub1 n))
(go _nextn_))
(setf (aref a 1) 2)
(setf (aref a 0) 0)
(setq high (sub1 high))
(setq n high)
(setf (aref a n) (mod x n))
(setq x (+ (* 10 (aref a (sub1 n))) (truncate (/ x n))))
(cond ((> n 1)
(setq n (sub1 n))
(go _nextn2_))
(princ x)
(cond ((> high 9)
(go _nexthigh_))
(return "")
(setq a (make-array digits :initial-element 0 ))
(setq startTime (time))
(princ "elapsed hundredths of a second: ") (- (time) startTime) (TERPRI)