dos_compilers/Zortech C++ v30r1/SAMPLE/FILESPEC.H

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2024-07-02 17:01:21 +02:00
/*_ filespec.h Fri Jul 8 1988 Modified by: bright */
/* $Header: /proj/products/merlin/port/RCS/filespec.h,v 1.12 89/07/03 13:44:48 bright Exp Locker: bright $ */
/* Copyright (C) 1986-1987 by Northwest Software */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Written by Walter Bright */
#ifndef FILESPEC_H
#define FILESPEC_H 1
#ifndef P
#include "toolkit.h"
* String compare of filenames.
#if MSDOS || __OS2__ || VMS
#define filespeccmp(f1,f2) strcmpl((f1),(f2))
#define filespeccmp(f1,f2) strcmp((f1),(f2))
* Combine path and filename to form a filespec.
* Input:
* path Path, with or without trailing /
* (can be NULL)
* filename Cannot be NULL
* Returns:
* filespec mem_malloc'd file specification
* NULL Out of memory
char * pascal filespecaddpath P((char *,char *));
/******************************* filespecrootpath **************************
* Purpose: To expand a relative path into an absolute path.
* Side Effects: mem_frees input string.
* Returns: mem_malloced string with absolute path.
* NULL if some failure.
char * pascal filespecrootpath P((char *));
* Add extension onto filespec, if one isn't already there.
* Input:
* filespec Cannot be NULL
* ext Extension (without the .)
* Returns:
* mem_malloc'ed string (NULL if error)
char * pascal filespecdefaultext P((char *,char *));
* Return string that is the dot and extension.
* The string returned is NOT mem_malloc'ed.
* Return pointer to the 0 at the end of filespec if dot isn't found.
* Return NULL if filespec is NULL.
char * pascal filespecdotext P((char *));
* Force extension onto filespec.
* Input:
* filespec String that may or may not contain an extension
* ext Extension that doesn't contain a .
* Returns:
* mem_malloc'ed string (NULL if error)
* NULL if filespec is NULL
* If ext is NULL, return mem_strdup(filespec)
char * pascal filespecforceext P((char *,char *));
* Get root name of file name.
* That is, return a mem_strdup()'d version of the filename without
* the .ext.
char * pascal filespecgetroot P((char *));
* Return string that is the filename plus dot and extension.
* The string returned is NOT mem_malloc'ed.
char * pascal filespecname P((char *));
* If first character of filespec is a ~, perform tilde-expansion.
* Output:
* Input filespec is mem_free'd.
* Returns:
* mem_malloc'd string
#if MSDOS || __OS2__
#define filespectilde(f) (f)
char * pascal filespectilde P((char *));
* Expand all ~ in the given string.
* Output:
* Input filespec is mem_free'd.
* Returns:
* mem_malloc'd string
#if MSDOS || __OS2__
#define filespecmultitilde(f) (f)
char * pascal filespecmultitilde P((char *));
* Convert filespec into a backup filename appropriate for the
* operating system. For instance, under MS-DOS path\filename.ext will
* be converted to path\filename.bak.
* Input:
* filespec String that may or may not contain an extension
* Returns:
* mem_malloc'ed string (NULL if error)
* NULL if filespec is NULL
char * pascal filespecbackup P((char *));
#endif /* FILESPEC_H */