604 lines
7.7 KiB
604 lines
7.7 KiB
; Version 2.2
; AUG 89
; TSR for Zortech C/C++ Toolkit Assembler Module
; (c)1989 Walter Bright, written by Kevin Powis.
ifdef I8086S
public __tsrdisk,_tsr_initialize,_tsr_dta_on,_tsr_dta_off,_tsr_no_pop
public _tsr_service
public __tsr_bypass,__tsr_debug
extrn _tsr_dosseg:word
extrn _tsr_dosoff:word
extrn _tsr_running:word
extrn _tsr_reqflag:word
extrn __tsr_timeslice:word
extrn _TSR_HOTSHIFT:word
extrn _TSR_HOTSCAN:byte
dgroup group _data
_data segment word public 'DATA'
__tsrdisk db 0
db 0
__tsr_bypass dw 0
__tsr_debug dw 0 ;set this to 1 for debug & 0 for none
dtaes dw 0
dtabx dw 0
localdta db 130 dup(0)
_data ends
_text segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_text,ds:dgroup
mpointer dw ?
critms db ' Critical Error',0
db ' Press a key to retry.',26
below_od db ' DOS function < 0dh',0
db ' Press a key.',26
close_std db ' Attempt to close std',0
db ' handle..press key',26
memory_fn db ' Memory allocation?',0
db ' Not inside TSR!',26
quitit db ' EXIT detected!!',0
db ' use RETURN instead',26
critbuff db 200 dup(?)
_tsr_initialize proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,3513h
int 21h
mov cs:olddisk,bx
mov cs:olddisk[2],es
mov ax,3508h
int 21h
mov cs:tsrold8,bx
mov cs:tsrold8[2],es
mov ax,3509h
int 21h
mov cs:tsrold9,bx
mov cs:tsrold9[2],es
mov dx,offset cs:tsr_newint13
mov ah,25h
mov al,13h
int 21h
mov dx,offset cs:tsr_newint8
mov ah,25h
mov al,08h
int 21h
mov dx,offset cs:tsr_newint9
mov ah,25h
mov al,09h
int 21h
mov ah,34h
int 21h
pop ds
mov ds:_tsr_dosseg,es
mov ds:_tsr_dosoff,bx
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop bp
_tsr_initialize endp
tsr_newint8 proc far
db 09ah
tsrold8 dw ?,?
push bp
push ds
push ax
mov ax,dgroup
mov ds,ax
cmp ds:_tsr_running,0
je tsrn8_0
mov ax,ds:__tsr_bypass
and ds:_tsr_reqflag,ax
jmp tsrn8_8
cmp ds:_tsr_reqflag,0
jne tsrn8_1
cmp ds:__tsr_bypass,0
je @F
push di
push ds
mov di,ds:_tsr_dosoff
mov ax,ds:_tsr_dosseg
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0
mov al,ds:[di]
pop ds
pop di
or al,ds:__tsrdisk
cmp al,0
je tsr_go
call _tsr_no_pop
jmp @F
int 28h
mov ds:_tsr_reqflag,0
pop ax
pop ds
pop bp
tsr_newint8 endp
tsr_newint9 proc
db 09ah
tsrold9 dw ?,?
push ax
push ds
mov ax,dgroup
mov ds,ax
mov ah,2
int 16h
and ax,15
cmp ax,ds:_TSR_HOTSHIFT
jne @F
cmp ds:_TSR_HOTSCAN,0
je tsr_n9_req
mov ah,1
int 16h
jz @F
cmp ah,ds:_TSR_HOTSCAN
jne @F
mov ah,0
int 16h
mov ds:_tsr_reqflag,1
pop ds
pop ax
tsr_newint9 endp
tsr_newint13 proc far
push ax
push ds
mov ax,seg __tsrdisk
mov ds,ax
mov ds:__tsrdisk,1
pop ds
pop ax
db 09ah
olddisk dw ?,?
push ax
push ds
mov ax,seg __tsrdisk
mov ds,ax
mov ds:__tsrdisk,0
pop ds
pop ax
ret 2
tsr_newint13 endp
tsr_newint21 proc
; Attempt to trap and report any functions that could
; cause problems to a TSR
; This procedure will not correct any problems, but it
; will alert the programmer.
push ax
push dx
push ds
push ax
mov ax,dgroup
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:__tsr_debug ;only provide this service if set
cmp ax,1
pop ax
jne tsr_old21
push cs
pop ds
cmp ah,0dh ;first NO calls below 0D allowed
ja @F
mov di,offset cs:below_OD
call winmess
jmp tsr_old21
cmp ah,3eh ;close invalid?
jne @F
cmp bx,5
jae @F
mov di,offset cs:close_std
call winmess
jmp tsr_old21
cmp ah,48h
jne @F ;now test memory allocation
mov di,offset cs:memory_fn
call winmess
jmp tsr_old21
cmp ah,4ch ;terminate?
jne @F
mov di,offset cs:quitit
call winmess
jmp tsr_old21
pop ds
pop dx
pop ax
db 0eah
dosfarip dw 0
dosfarcs dw 0
tsr_newint21 endp
tsr_newint24 proc far
jmp @F
oldcrit dw ?,?
push ds
push es
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push bp
mov di,offset cs:critms
call winmess
mov al,1 ;retry
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop es
pop ds
tsr_newint24 endp
_tsr_dta_on proc near
push bp
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
mov ah,2fh
int 21h
mov ax,dgroup
mov ds,ax
mov ds:dtaes,es
mov ds:dtabx,bx
mov dx,offset ds:localdta
mov ah,1ah
int 21h
mov ax,3524h
int 21h
mov cs:oldcrit,bx
mov cs:oldcrit[2],es
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset cs:tsr_newint24
mov ah,25h
mov al,24h
int 21h
mov ax,3521h ;get the DOS int 21h vector
int 21h
mov cs:dosfarip,bx ;save the contents
mov cs:dosfarcs,es
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset tsr_newint21 ;and point the vector to our code
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp
_tsr_dta_on endp
_tsr_dta_off proc near
push bp
push ax
push bx
push dx
push es
push ds
mov ax,dgroup
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:dtaes
mov dx,ds:dtabx
mov ds,ax
mov ah,1ah
int 21h
mov dx,cs:oldcrit[2]
mov ds,dx
mov dx,cs:oldcrit
mov ax,2524h
int 21h
mov dx,cs:dosfarcs
mov ds,dx
mov dx,cs:dosfarip
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
pop ds
pop es
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp
_tsr_dta_off endp
_tsr_no_pop proc
push bp
push bx
push cx
push di
push ds
mov ax,dgroup
mov ds,ax
cmp ds:__tsr_bypass,0
jne tsr_n99
mov cx,10
mov bx,1
mov di,200
call sound
add di,10
inc bx
loop @B
pop ds
pop di
pop cx
pop bx
pop bp
_tsr_no_pop endp
_tsr_service proc
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
int 28h
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
_tsr_service endp
sound proc
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
mov al,0b6h
out 43h,al
mov dx,14h
mov ax,4f38h
div di
out 42h,al
mov al,ah
out 42h,al
in al,61h
mov ah,al
or al,3
out 61h,al
swait: mov cx,2801
spkron: loop spkron
dec bx
jnz swait
mov al,ah
out 61h,al
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
sound endp
winmess proc
; call with cs:di pointing at message
; to be placed in window on screen
; routine will display and wait for keypress
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push si
push di
mov cs:mpointer,di
mov dx,0b800h
mov ah,0fh
int 10h
mov bx,(64*256)+' '
cmp al,7
jne @F
mov dx,0b000h
mov bx,(112*256)+' '
mov es,dx
mov si,(10*160)+48
push si
mov di,offset cs:critbuff
mov cx,4
push cx
mov cx,24
mov ax,es:[si]
mov es:[si],bx
mov cs:[di],ax
add si,2
add di,2
loop @B
add si,160-(24*2)
pop cx
loop wmess_save_row
pop si
add si,160
push si
mov di,cs:mpointer
mov al,cs:[di]
inc di
cmp al,26
je wmess_getkey
cmp al,0
jne @F
pop si
add si,160
push si
jmp wmess_show_message
mov es:[si],al
add si,2
jmp wmess_show_message
pop si
mov ah,0
int 16h
mov di,(10*160)+48
mov si,offset cs:critbuff
mov cx,4
push cx
mov cx,24
mov ax,cs:[si]
mov es:[di],ax
add si,2
add di,2
loop @B
add di,160-48
pop cx
loop wmess_rest_row
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
winmess endp
_text ends
endif ;I8086S