dos_compilers/Borland Turbo Pascal v7/DOC/DOS.INT

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2024-07-02 17:21:37 +02:00
{ }
{ Turbo Pascal Version 7.0 }
{ DOS Interface Unit }
{ }
{ Copyright (C) 1988,92 Borland International }
{ }
unit Dos;
{ Flags bit masks }
FCarry = $0001;
FParity = $0004;
FAuxiliary = $0010;
FZero = $0040;
FSign = $0080;
FOverflow = $0800;
{ File mode magic numbers }
fmClosed = $D7B0;
fmInput = $D7B1;
fmOutput = $D7B2;
fmInOut = $D7B3;
{ File attribute constants }
ReadOnly = $01;
Hidden = $02;
SysFile = $04;
VolumeID = $08;
Directory = $10;
Archive = $20;
AnyFile = $3F;
{ String types }
ComStr = string[127]; { Command line string }
PathStr = string[79]; { File pathname string }
DirStr = string[67]; { Drive and directory string }
NameStr = string[8]; { File name string }
ExtStr = string[4]; { File extension string }
{ Registers record used by Intr and MsDos }
Registers = record
case Integer of
0: (AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags: Word);
1: (AL,AH,BL,BH,CL,CH,DL,DH: Byte);
{ Typed-file and untyped-file record }
FileRec = record
Handle: Word;
Mode: Word;
RecSize: Word;
Private: array[1..26] of Byte;
UserData: array[1..16] of Byte;
Name: array[0..79] of Char;
{ Textfile record }
TextBuf = array[0..127] of Char;
TextRec = record
Handle: Word;
Mode: Word;
BufSize: Word;
Private: Word;
BufPos: Word;
BufEnd: Word;
BufPtr: ^TextBuf;
OpenFunc: Pointer;
InOutFunc: Pointer;
FlushFunc: Pointer;
CloseFunc: Pointer;
UserData: array[1..16] of Byte;
Name: array[0..79] of Char;
Buffer: TextBuf;
{ Search record used by FindFirst and FindNext }
SearchRec = record
Fill: array[1..21] of Byte;
Attr: Byte;
Time: Longint;
Size: Longint;
Name: string[12];
{ Date and time record used by PackTime and UnpackTime }
DateTime = record
Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec: Word;
{ Error status variable }
DosError: Integer;
{ DosVersion returns the DOS version number. The low byte of }
{ the result is the major version number, and the high byte is }
{ the minor version number. For example, DOS 3.20 returns 3 in }
{ the low byte, and 20 in the high byte. }
function DosVersion: Word;
{ Intr executes a specified software interrupt with a specified }
{ Registers package. }
procedure Intr(IntNo: Byte; var Regs: Registers);
{ MsDos invokes the DOS function call handler with a specified }
{ Registers package. }
procedure MsDos(var Regs: Registers);
{ GetDate returns the current date set in the operating system. }
{ Ranges of the values returned are: Year 1980-2099, Month }
{ 1-12, Day 1-31 and DayOfWeek 0-6 (0 corresponds to Sunday). }
procedure GetDate(var Year,Month,Day,DayOfWeek: Word);
{ SetDate sets the current date in the operating system. Valid }
{ parameter ranges are: Year 1980-2099, Month 1-12 and Day }
{ 1-31. If the date is not valid, the function call is ignored. }
procedure SetDate(Year,Month,Day: Word);
{ GetTime returns the current time set in the operating system. }
{ Ranges of the values returned are: Hour 0-23, Minute 0-59, }
{ Second 0-59 and Sec100 (hundredths of seconds) 0-99. }
procedure GetTime(var Hour,Minute,Second,Sec100: Word);
{ SetTime sets the time in the operating system. Valid }
{ parameter ranges are: Hour 0-23, Minute 0-59, Second 0-59 and }
{ Sec100 (hundredths of seconds) 0-99. If the time is not }
{ valid, the function call is ignored. }
procedure SetTime(Hour,Minute,Second,Sec100: Word);
{ GetCBreak returns the state of Ctrl-Break checking in DOS. }
{ When off (False), DOS only checks for Ctrl-Break during I/O }
{ to console, printer, or communication devices. When on }
{ (True), checks are made at every system call. }
procedure GetCBreak(var Break: Boolean);
{ SetCBreak sets the state of Ctrl-Break checking in DOS. }
procedure SetCBreak(Break: Boolean);
{ GetVerify returns the state of the verify flag in DOS. When }
{ off (False), disk writes are not verified. When on (True), }
{ all disk writes are verified to insure proper writing. }
procedure GetVerify(var Verify: Boolean);
{ SetVerify sets the state of the verify flag in DOS. }
procedure SetVerify(Verify: Boolean);
{ DiskFree returns the number of free bytes on the specified }
{ drive number (0=Default,1=A,2=B,..). DiskFree returns -1 if }
{ the drive number is invalid. }
function DiskFree(Drive: Byte): Longint;
{ DiskSize returns the size in bytes of the specified drive }
{ number (0=Default,1=A,2=B,..). DiskSize returns -1 if the }
{ drive number is invalid. }
function DiskSize(Drive: Byte): Longint;
{ GetFAttr returns the attributes of a file. F must be a file }
{ variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which has been assigned }
{ a name. The attributes are examined by ANDing with the }
{ attribute masks defined as constants above. Errors are }
{ reported in DosError. }
procedure GetFAttr(var F; var Attr: Word);
{ SetFAttr sets the attributes of a file. F must be a file }
{ variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which has been assigned }
{ a name. The attribute value is formed by adding (or ORing) }
{ the appropriate attribute masks defined as constants above. }
{ Errors are reported in DosError. }
procedure SetFAttr(var F; Attr: Word);
{ GetFTime returns the date and time a file was last written. }
{ F must be a file variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which }
{ has been assigned and opened. The Time parameter may be }
{ unpacked throgh a call to UnpackTime. Errors are reported in }
{ DosError. }
procedure GetFTime(var F; var Time: Longint);
{ SetFTime sets the date and time a file was last written. }
{ F must be a file variable (typed, untyped or textfile) which }
{ has been assigned and opened. The Time parameter may be }
{ created through a call to PackTime. Errors are reported in }
{ DosError. }
procedure SetFTime(var F; Time: Longint);
{ FindFirst searches the specified (or current) directory for }
{ the first entry that matches the specified filename and }
{ attributes. The result is returned in the specified search }
{ record. Errors (and no files found) are reported in DosError. }
procedure FindFirst(Path: PathStr; Attr: Word; var F: SearchRec);
{ FindNext returs the next entry that matches the name and }
{ attributes specified in a previous call to FindFirst. The }
{ search record must be one passed to FindFirst. Errors (and no }
{ more files) are reported in DosError. }
procedure FindNext(var F: SearchRec);
{ UnpackTime converts a 4-byte packed date/time returned by }
{ FindFirst, FindNext or GetFTime into a DateTime record. }
procedure UnpackTime(P: Longint; var T: DateTime);
{ PackTime converts a DateTime record into a 4-byte packed }
{ date/time used by SetFTime. }
procedure PackTime(var T: DateTime; var P: Longint);
{ GetIntVec returns the address stored in the specified }
{ interrupt vector. }
procedure GetIntVec(IntNo: Byte; var Vector: Pointer);
{ SetIntVec sets the address in the interrupt vector table for }
{ the specified interrupt. }
procedure SetIntVec(IntNo: Byte; Vector: Pointer);
{ FSearch searches for the file given by Path in the list of }
{ directories given by DirList. The directory paths in DirList }
{ must be separated by semicolons. The search always starts }
{ with the current directory of the current drive. The returned }
{ value is a concatenation of one of the directory paths and }
{ the file name, or an empty string if the file could not be }
{ located. }
function FSearch(Path: PathStr; DirList: String): PathStr;
{ FExpand expands the file name in Path into a fully qualified }
{ file name. The resulting name consists of a drive letter, a }
{ colon, a root relative directory path, and a file name. }
{ Embedded '.' and '..' directory references are removed. }
function FExpand(Path: PathStr): PathStr;
{ FSplit splits the file name specified by Path into its three }
{ components. Dir is set to the drive and directory path with }
{ any leading and trailing backslashes, Name is set to the file }
{ name, and Ext is set to the extension with a preceding dot. }
{ Each of the component strings may possibly be empty, if Path }
{ contains no such component. }
procedure FSplit(Path: PathStr; var Dir: DirStr;
var Name: NameStr; var Ext: ExtStr);
{ EnvCount returns the number of strings contained in the DOS }
{ environment. }
function EnvCount: Integer;
{ EnvStr returns a specified environment string. The returned }
{ string is of the form "VAR=VALUE". The index of the first }
{ string is one. If Index is less than one or greater than }
{ EnvCount, EnvStr returns an empty string. }
function EnvStr(Index: Integer): String;
{ GetEnv returns the value of a specified environment variable. }
{ The variable name can be in upper or lower case, but it must }
{ not include the '=' character. If the specified environment }
{ variable does not exist, GetEnv returns an empty string. }
function GetEnv(EnvVar: String): String;
{ SwapVectors swaps the contents of the SaveIntXX pointers in }
{ the System unit with the current contents of the interrupt }
{ vectors. SwapVectors is typically called just before and just }
{ after a call to Exec. This insures that the Exec'd process }
{ does not use any interrupt handlers installed by the current }
{ process, and vice versa. }
procedure SwapVectors;
{ Keep (or Terminate Stay Resident) terminates the program and }
{ makes it stay in memory. The entire program stays in memory, }
{ including data segment, stack segment, and heap. The ExitCode }
{ corresponds to the one passed to the Halt standard procedure. }
procedure Keep(ExitCode: Word);
{ Exec executes another program. The program is specified by }
{ the Path parameter, and the command line is specified by the }
{ CmdLine parameter. To execute a DOS internal command, run }
{ COMMAND.COM, e.g. "Exec('\COMMAND.COM','/C DIR *.PAS');". }
{ Note the /C in front of the command. Errors are reported in }
{ DosError. When compiling a program that uses Exec, be sure }
{ to specify a maximum heap size as there will otherwise not be }
{ enough memory. }
procedure Exec(Path: PathStr; ComLine: ComStr);
{ DosExitCode returns the exit code of a sub-process. The low }
{ byte is the code sent by the terminating process. The high }
{ byte is zero for normal termination, 1 if terminated by }
{ Ctrl-C, 2 if terminated due to a device error, or 3 if }
{ terminated by the Keep procedure (function call 31 hex). }
function DosExitCode: Word;