dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v1/REMLINE.BAS

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2024-07-01 15:02:54 +02:00
' REMLINE.BAS is a program to remove line number from Microsoft BASIC
' Programs. It removes only those line numbers that are not the object
' of a goto, gosub or if-then
' REMLINE is run by typing:
' REMLINE [<input file> [, <output file>]]
' where <input file> is any input file name and <output file> is
' is any output file name. If <output file> is no present
' the output goes to the console. If <input file> is not
' present the input is from the keyboard. If <output file>
' is present <input file> has to be present.
' It makes several assumptions about the program
' 1. Program is correct syntactically, and runs in an MS Interpreter.
' 2. 200 limit on referenced line numbers. If larger, change LineTable
' declaration.
' 3. The first number encountered on a line is considered a line num-
' ber; thus some continuation lines (in a compiler specific
' construct) may not work correctly.
' 4. Remember that ERL assumes the existence of line numbers, so
' REMLINE should not be used on programs which depend on ERL.
DEFINT a - z
DIM SHARED KeyWordTable$( 6 )
DIM SHARED LineTable( 400 )
DIM KeyWordCount, LineCount, Seps$
DIM KeyBoard, Console
DIM InputFile$, OutputFile$
' FNToUpper$ - Convert string to upper case
' Description:
' This routine converts a string to upper case. If already upper case
' nothing is done. Returns a null string if input is null
' Input:
' InString$ - string to convert
' Output:
' FNToUpper$ - upper case string
' Uses:
' AscChar - temp used to hold ASCII form of character
' LenInString - Length of input string
' IndexInstring - Current index into input string
Def FNToUpper$(InString$)
LenInString = len(InString$)
' Exit if input string is empty (null)
if (LenInString = 0) then FNToUpper$ = "" : Exit Def
for IndexInstring = 1 to LenInString
AscChar = asc(mid$(InString$, IndexInstring, 1))
' &hdf is special bit pattern that converts from lower to upper
if ((AscChar >= asc("a")) and (AscChar <= asc("z"))) then _
AscChar = AscChar and &hdf: _
mid$(InString$, IndexInstring, 1) = chr$(AscChar)
next IndexInString
FNToUpper$ = InString$
End Def
' FNStrSpn - Get the index of the first character within InString$ that is
' NOT one of the characters from Separater$
' Description:
' This routine will search the parameter string InString$ until it finds
' a character that is not part of the Separater string. This can be used
' with FNStrBrk to isolate strings within strings that are separated by
' blanks, comma etc. whatever is specified in Separater$. This is especially
' helpfull in extracting parameters from the command line. See FNGetToken$
' for example of use.
' Input:
' InString$ = string to search
' Separater$ = string of Separater
' Output:
' FNStrSpn = index into InString$ if 0 then all character in Separater$
' are in InString$
' Uses:
' LenInString, LenSeprater = length parameter strings
' ChTemp$ = temp used for current character from InString$
' StartFound = Logical flag if search was successful
' IndexSeparater, IndexInString = current indexes into parameter strings
Def FNStrSpn(InString$, Separater$)
LenInString = Len(InString$)
LenSeparater = Len(Separater$)
' Examine each character from InString$ to see if it is in Separater$
for IndexInString = 1 to LenInString
ChTemp$ = Mid$(InString$, IndexInString, 1)
StartFound = false
' search all of the Separaters to see of any equal this character
for IndexSeparater = 1 to LenSeparater
if (ChTemp$ = Mid$(Separater$, IndexSeparater, 1)) then _
goto NextChar
next IndexSeparater
' found a character not equal to one of the Separaters$
' exit from loops
StartFound = true
goto EndStrSpn
Next IndexInString
if (StartFound) then _
FNStrSpn = IndexInString _
else FnStrSpn = 0
End Def
' FNStrBrk - finds the first occurance of any character in string2$ in
' string1$
' Description:
' This routine is the opposite to FNStrSpn. It finds the first occurance
' of one of the characters from String2$ within String$. It is used
' generally for search from specific strings within strings. See FNSeparater
' on use. See FNGetToken$ to see the routines in use.
' Input:
' string1$ = string to search for first occurance
' string2$ = string of characters to search for
' Output:
' FNStrBrk = index to character in string1$ of first occurance
' Uses:
' LenString1 = length parameter string
' ChTemp$ = temp used for current character from String1$
' IndexString1 = current indexes into parameter string
Def FNStrBrk(String1$, String2$)
LenString1 = Len(String1$)
' Search String1$ until one of the characters from String2$ is found
' or run out of characters from String$2
for IndexString1 = 1 to LenString1
ChTemp$ = Mid$(String1$, IndexString1, 1)
if (instr(String2$, ChTemp$)) then _
StartFound = true: _
FNStrBrk = IndexString1: _
Exit Def
Next IndexString1
FnStrBrk = 0
End Def
' FNGetToken$ - Extract a token for a string.
' Description:
' This routine extracts tokens from strings. A token is a word that is
' surrounded by separaters, such as spaces or commas. It is us ually the
' word of interest and examining sentences or commands. If the string
' to search for tokens "Search$" is null (.i.e "") then the last
' non-null string passed will be used. The allows for multiple calls
' to FNGetToken$ to move through the string. The sequences then of calls
' would be:
' token$ = FNGetToken$("token string, a short one", " ,")
' while (token$ <> "")
' print token$
' token$ = FNGetToken$("", " ,")
' wend
' This will return "token", "string", "a", "short", "one"
' Note that the token is returned as an UPPER case character string.
' Input:
' Search$ = string to search
' InSeps$ = String of Seps$
' Output:
' FNGetToken$ = next token
' Uses:
' TokenString$ = last non-null string passed as parameter (do not modify)
' TokenIndex2 = index to last separater (do not modify)
' TokenIndex1 = index to last token
def FNGetToken$(Search$, InSeps$)
' Null strings indicate use of last string used
' TokenString$ is set to last string if Search$ is not null
if (Search$ = "") then _
Search$ = TokenString$ _
else TokenIndex2 = 1: _
TokenString$ = Search$
' If last separater position is past end of search string then no more
' tokens can be on string, since searching is started from this position
' Exit with null return in this case
if (TokenIndex2 >= len(Search$)) then _
FNGetToken$ = "": Exit Def
' Section out a token from the search string. This is done by finding the
' start of a token then locating it's end by the start of separaters
TokenIndex1 = FNStrSpn(mid$(Search$, TokenIndex2, len(Search$)), InSeps$)
' If no more token bump to end of line so we move past current point
if (TokenIndex1 = 0) then _
TokenIndex1 = len(Search$): _
else TokenIndex1 = TokenIndex1 + TokenIndex2 - 1
TokenIndex2 = FNStrBrk(mid$(Search$, TokenIndex1, len(Search$)), InSeps$)
' If separater position (end of token) came back zero the token must be
' up against end of string. Set the separater position one past string
' length so that size of token computation is correct and next call
' with same string will return null for no more tokens
if (TokenIndex2 = 0) then _
TokenIndex2 = len(Search$) + 1 _
else TokenIndex2 = TokenIndex1 + TokenIndex2 - 1
' Cut out token from search string and convert to upper case.
' It is converted to upper case since string compares are case sensitive
FNGetToken$ = FNToUpper$(mid$(Search$,TokenIndex1,TokenIndex2 - TokenIndex1))
end def
' FNIsNumber - Checks to see if character a number or alpha
' Description:
' This routine returns true if character passed in the range 0 - 9
' It returns false if not. It is used to tell wither a token is
' a number or apha.
' Input:
' Char - character to check
' Output:
' FNIsNumber - true if within 0 - 9
def FNIsNumber(Char$)
if (Char$ = "") then _
FNIsNumber = false: _
else CharAsc = asc(Char$): _
FNIsNumber = ((CharAsc >= asc("0")) and (CharAsc <= asc("9")))
end def
' GetFileNames - Parses the input and output file names from command$
' Description:
' This routine retrieves the input and output file names. These should
' be separated by a comma with the input file name coming first.
' Input:
' Command$ - Command line
' true, false - logical flags
' Output:
' Console - flag if no output file
' InputFile$, OutputFile$ - Input/Output file name
sub GetFileNames static
shared Console, InputFile$, OutputFile$, Seps$, true, false
Console = false
if (Command$ = "") then _
print "No Input file. ": Inputfile$ = "": goto ExitGet
InputFile$ = FNGetToken$(Command$, Seps$)
OutputFile$ = FNGetToken$("", Seps$)
if (OutputFile$ = "") then _
Console = true
end sub
' BuildTable - Build a table of line numbers that are references
' Description:
' This routine examines all of the text file looking for line numbers
' that are the object of goto, gosub etc. As each is found it is entered
' into a table of these line numbers. This table is used during a second
' pass at the source to remove all line numbers not in this list
' Input:
' KeyWordTable$ - array of keyword that have line number following them
' KeyWordCount - number of entries in KeyWordTable$
' Seps$ - current token Seps$
' true, false - true, false flags
' Output:
' LineTable - table of references line numbers
' LineCount - number of lines in LineTable
sub BuildTable static
shared KeyWordCount, Seps$, LineCount, false, true
LINE INPUT #1, inlin$
token$ = FNGetToken$(inlin$, Seps$)
WHILE (token$ <> "")
for KeyIndex = 0 to KeyWordCount
if (KeyWordTable$(KeyIndex) <> token$) then goto KeyNotFound
token$ = FNGetToken$("", Seps$)
' loop through looking for multiple lines in the case
' of a computed gosub or goto. A non-numeric will terminate
' search (another keyword etc.)
while (FNIsNumber(Left$(token$,1)))
LineCount = LineCount + 1
LineTable(LineCount) = val(token$)
token$ = FNGetToken$("", Seps$)
next KeyIndex
token$ = FNGetToken$("", Seps$)
end Sub
' GenOutFile - Generate output file
' Description:
' This routine generates the output file removing the unreferenced line
' numbers.
' Input:
' LineTable - Table of line number that are referenced
' LineCount - number of entries in LineTable
' Seps$ - Separaters used between keywords
' Console - flags if output to file
' false, true - logical flags
sub GenOutFile static
shared false, true, Seps$, LineCount, Console
LINE INPUT #1, inlin$
if (inlin$ = "") then goto NoLine
token$ = FNGetToken$(inlin$, Seps$)
if (not FNIsNumber(Left$(token$,1))) then goto NoLine
LineNumber = VAL(token$)
FoundNumber = false
for index = 1 to LineCount
if (LineNumber = LineTable(index)) then _
FoundNumber = true
next index
if (not FoundNumber) then _
mid$(inlin$,FNStrSpn(inlin$,Seps$),len(token$)) = space$(len(token$))
if (Console) then _
PRINT inlin$ _
else Print #2, inlin$
end sub
' initialize the system
SUB initsys STATIC
SHARED true, false, KeyWordCount, Seps$, KeyWordTable$()
Seps$ = " ,:": true = -1: false = 0
RESTORE keydata 'keywords
' Initialize the keyword table. Keywords are recognized so that
' the difference between a line number and a numeric contstant can
' be determined
KeyWordCount = 0
READ KeyWord$
WHILE KeyWord$ <> ""
KeyWordCount = KeyWordCount + 1
KeyWordTable$( KeyWordCount ) = KeyWord$
READ KeyWord$
' keyword search data
CALL initsys
CALL GetFileNames
if (InputFile$ = "") goto ExitMain
call BuildTable
if (not Console) then _
call GenOutFile