-- SAMPLE1.ADA uses the standard package TEXT_IO with TEXT_IO; use TEXT_IO; procedure SAMPLE1 is package INTIO is new INTEGER_IO (INTEGER); F : FILE_TYPE; begin NEW_LINE (3); PUT_LINE ("This is a string output to the standard file CON."); NEW_LINE; -- No parameter means default file and default number of lines PUT ("Following this string is an integer => "); INTIO . PUT (100); -- default width and base NEW_LINE; PUT ("... and the same integer in base 2 => "); INTIO . PUT (100, 10, 2); -- width 10 and base 2 NEW_LINE (2); PUT_LINE ("Creating the file TEMP.TMP on default drive and directory."); CREATE (F, OUT_FILE, "TEMP.TMP"); -- No FORM for I in 1..15 loop PUT (F, "Line "); INTIO . PUT (F, I, 3); NEW_LINE (F); end loop; NEW_LINE; PUT_LINE ("The creation of TEMP.TMP was successful."); NEW_LINE (2); exception when NAME_ERROR => PUT_LINE ("This is an exception handler for NAME_ERROR."); end SAMPLE1;