{ Copyright (c) 1985, 87 by Borland International, Inc. } unit MCDISPLY; interface uses Crt, Dos, MCVars, MCUtil; var InsCursor, ULCursor, NoCursor, OldCursor : Word; procedure MoveToScreen(var Source, Dest; Len : Word); { Moves memory to screen memory } procedure MoveFromScreen(var Source, Dest; Len : Word); { Moves memory from screen memory } procedure WriteXY(S : String; Col, Row : Word); { Writes text in a particular location } procedure MoveText(OldX1, OldY1, OldX2, OldY2, NewX1, NewY1 : Word); { Moves text from one location to another } procedure Scroll(Direction, Lines, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Attrib : Word); { Scrolls an area of the screen } function GetCursor : Word; { Returns the current cursor } procedure SetCursor(NewCursor : Word); { Sets a new cursor } function GetSetCursor(NewCursor : Word) : Word; { Sets a new cursor and returns the current one } procedure SetColor(Color : Word); { Sets the foreground and background color based on a single color } procedure PrintCol; { Prints the column headings } procedure PrintRow; { Prints the row headings } procedure ClearInput; { Clears the input line } procedure ChangeCursor(InsMode : Boolean); { Changes the cursor shape based on the current insert mode } procedure ShowCellType; { Prints the type of cell and what is in it } procedure PrintFreeMem; { Prints the amount of free memory } procedure ErrorMsg(S : String); { Prints an error message at the bottom of the screen } procedure WritePrompt(Prompt : String); { Prints a prompt on the screen } function EGAInstalled : Boolean; { Tests for the presence of an EGA } implementation const MaxLines = 43; type ScreenType = array[1..MaxLines, 1..80] of Word; ScreenPtr = ^ScreenType; var DisplayPtr : ScreenPtr; procedure MoveToScreen; external; procedure MoveFromScreen; external; {$L MCMVSMEM.OBJ} procedure WriteXY; begin GotoXY(Col, Row); Write(S); end; { WriteXY } procedure MoveText; var Counter, Len : Word; begin Len := Succ(OldX2 - OldX1) shl 1; if NewY1 < OldY1 then begin for Counter := 0 to OldY2 - OldY1 do MoveFromScreen(DisplayPtr^[OldY1 + Counter, OldX1], DisplayPtr^[NewY1 + Counter, NewX1], Len) end else begin for Counter := OldY2 - OldY1 downto 0 do MoveFromScreen(DisplayPtr^[OldY1 + Counter, OldX1], DisplayPtr^[NewY1 + Counter, NewX1], Len) end; end; { MoveText } procedure Scroll; begin if Lines = 0 then Window(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) else begin case Direction of UP : begin MoveText(X1, Y1 + Lines, X2, Y2, X1, Y1); Window(X1, Succ(Y2 - Lines), X2, Y2); end; DOWN : begin MoveText(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 - Lines, X1, Y1 + Lines); Window(X1, Y1, X2, Pred(Y1 + Lines)); end; LEFT : begin MoveText(X1 + Lines, Y1, X2, Y2, X1, Y1); Window(Succ(X2 - Lines), Y1, X2, Y2); end; RIGHT : begin MoveText(X1, Y1, X2 - Lines, Y2, X1 + Lines, Y1); Window(X1, Y1, Pred(X1 + Lines), Y2); end; end; { case } end; SetColor(Attrib); ClrScr; Window(1, 1, 80, ScreenRows + 5); end; { Scroll } function GetCursor; var Reg : Registers; begin with Reg do begin AH := 3; BH := 0; Intr($10, Reg); GetCursor := CX; end; { Reg } end; { GetCursor } procedure SetCursor; var Reg : Registers; begin with Reg do begin AH := 1; BH := 0; CX := NewCursor; Intr($10, Reg); end; { with } end; { SetCursor } function GetSetCursor; begin GetSetCursor := GetCursor; SetCursor(NewCursor); end; { GetSetCursor } procedure SetColor; begin TextAttr := ColorTable[Color]; end; { SetColor } procedure InitColorTable(BlackWhite : Boolean); { Sets up the color table } var Color, FG, BG, FColor, BColor : Word; begin if not BlackWhite then begin for Color := 0 to 255 do ColorTable[Color] := Color; end else begin for FG := Black to White do begin case FG of Black : FColor := Black; Blue..LightGray : FColor := LightGray; DarkGray..White : FColor := White; end; { case } for BG := Black to LightGray do begin if BG = Black then BColor := Black else begin if FColor = White then FColor := Black; BColor := LightGray; end; ColorTable[FG + (BG shl 4)] := FColor + (BColor shl 4); end; end; for FG := 128 to 255 do ColorTable[FG] := ColorTable[FG - 128] or $80; end; end; { InitColorTable } procedure PrintCol; var Col : Word; begin Scroll(UP, 0, 1, 2, 80, 2, HEADERCOLOR); for Col := LeftCol to RightCol do WriteXY(CenterColString(Col), ColStart[Succ(Col - LeftCol)], 2); end; { PrintCol } procedure PrintRow; var Row : Word; begin SetColor(HEADERCOLOR); for Row := 0 to Pred(ScreenRows) do WriteXY(Pad(WordToString(Row + TopRow, 1), LEFTMARGIN), 1, Row + 3); end; { PrintRow } procedure ClearInput; begin SetColor(TXTCOLOR); GotoXY(1, ScreenRows + 5); ClrEol; end; { ClearInput } procedure ChangeCursor; begin if InsMode then SetCursor(InsCursor) else SetCursor(ULCursor); end; { ChangeCursor } procedure ShowCellType; var ColStr : String[2]; S : IString; Color : Word; begin FormDisplay := not FormDisplay; S := CellString(CurCol, CurRow, Color, NOFORMAT); ColStr := ColString(CurCol); SetColor(CELLTYPECOLOR); GotoXY(1, ScreenRows + 3); if CurCell = Nil then Write(ColStr, CurRow, ' ', MSGEMPTY, ' ':10) else begin case CurCell^.Attrib of TXT : Write(ColStr, CurRow, ' ', MSGTEXT, ' ':10); VALUE : Write(ColStr, CurRow, ' ', MSGVALUE, ' ':10); FORMULA : Write(ColStr, CurRow, ' ', MSGFORMULA, ' ':10); end; { case } end; SetColor(CELLCONTENTSCOLOR); WriteXY(Pad(S, 80), 1, ScreenRows + 4); FormDisplay := not FormDisplay; end; { ShowCellType } procedure PrintFreeMem; begin SetColor(MEMORYCOLOR); GotoXY(Length(MSGMEMORY) + 2, 1); Write(MemAvail:6); end; { PrintFreeMem } procedure ErrorMsg; var Ch : Char; begin Sound(1000); { Beeps the speaker } Delay(500); NoSound; SetColor(ERRORCOLOR); WriteXY(S + ' ' + MSGKEYPRESS, 1, ScreenRows + 5); GotoXY(Length(S) + Length(MSGKEYPRESS) + 3, ScreenRows + 5); Ch := ReadKey; ClearInput; end; { ErrorMsg } procedure WritePrompt; begin SetColor(PROMPTCOLOR); GotoXY(1, ScreenRows + 4); ClrEol; Write(Prompt); end; { WritePrompt } procedure InitDisplay; { Initializes various global variables - must be called before using the above procedures and functions. } var Reg : Registers; begin Reg.AH := 15; Intr($10, Reg); ColorCard := Reg.AL <> 7; if ColorCard then DisplayPtr := Ptr($B800, 0) else DisplayPtr := Ptr($B000, 0); InitColorTable((not ColorCard) or (Reg.AL = 0) or (Reg.AL = 2)); end; { InitDisplay } function EGAInstalled; var Reg : Registers; begin Reg.AX := $1200; Reg.BX := $0010; Reg.CX := $FFFF; Intr($10, Reg); EGAInstalled := Reg.CX <> $FFFF; end; { EGAInstalled } begin InitDisplay; NoCursor := $2000; OldCursor := GetSetCursor(NoCursor); OldMode := LastMode; if (LastMode and Font8x8) <> 0 then ScreenRows := 38 else ScreenRows := 20; Window(1, 1, 80, ScreenRows + 5); if ColorCard then begin ULCursor := $0607; InsCursor := $0507; end else begin ULCursor := $0B0C; InsCursor := $090C; end; if EGAInstalled then begin UCommandString := UCOMMAND; UMenuString := UMNU; end else begin UCommandString := Copy(UCOMMAND, 1, 2); UMenuString := Copy(UMNU, 1, 23); end; end.