/* The following functions are NOT in core */ /* * Math and Standard library functions as of 9/2/87. */ _fheapchk _fheapset _fheapwalk _nheapchk _nheapset _nheapwalk _heapchk _heapset _heapwalk _lrotl _makepath _lrotr _rotl _rotr _searchenv _splitpath abs alloca asctime bsearch cgets chsize clock cprintf cscanf ctime daylight difftime div dup dup2 ecvt fcloseall fcvt fdopen fgetchar fgetpos fputchar freopen fsetpos ftime gcvt getpid getw gmtime inp inpw labs ldiv lfind localtime locking lsearch memicmp mktemp mktime outp outpw perror putenv putw qsort rand rename spawnlp spawnlpe spawnvp srand stat strerror strnicmp strtod strtol strtoul swab tempnam umask ungetch utime /* * Floating point routines as of 7/2/87 */ asin atan atan2 cabs ceil cos cosh dieeetomsbin dmsbintoieee exp fabs fieeetomsbin floor fmod fmsbintoieee frexp hypot j0 j1 jn ldexp log log10 matherr modf pow sin sinh sqrt tan tanh y0 y1 yn _clear87 _control87 _status87 /* * New DOS Interface Functions as of 7/29/87 */ _chain_intr _disable _dos_allocmem _dos_close _dos_creat _dos_creatnew _dos_findfirst _dos_findnext _dos_freemem _dos_getdate _dos_getdiskfree _dos_getdrive _dos_getfileattr _dos_getftime _dos_getvect _dos_keep _dos_open _dos_setblock _dos_setdate _dos_setdrive _dos_setfileattr _dos_setftime _dos_settime _dos_setvect _enable _harderr _hardresume _hardretn /* * New BIOS Interface Functions as of 7/29/87 */ _bios_serialcom _bios_disk _bios_equiplist _bios_keybrd _bios_memsize _bios_printer _bios_timeofday /* * Graphics rouines as of 6/25/87 */ $graphics _arc _displaycursor _floodfill _getcolor _getfillmask _getlinestyle _getphyscoord _gettextcolor _getvideoconfig _lineto _outtext _putimage _remapallpalette _selectpalette _setbkcolor _setcolor _setfillmask _setlogorg _settextcolor _settextwindow _setviewport _wrapon _clearscreen _ellipse _getbkcolor _getcurrentposition _getimage _getlogcoord _getpixel _gettextposition _imagesize _moveto _pie _rectangle _remappalette _setactivepage _setcliprgn _setlinestyle _setpixel _settextposition _setvideomode _setvisualpage