Zortech C++ Compiler Version 2.xx Sample Code Disk. ZTCSETUP will not install this sample code disk at present. It may be installed using the DOS XCOPY command. This is a collection of packages that are extremely useful for C programming. They are: TOOLKIT.H General definitions for all packages. HOST.H For compilers other than Zortech. TOOLKIT.MAK Build MAKEDEP.COM and MENU.EXE. FILE.H Various common operations on files. FILE.C FILESPEC.H Manipulate path and file names. FILESPEC.C LIST.H Singly linked lists. LIST.C MAKEDEP.C Demo program: makefile dependency list generator MAKEDEP.COM Executable MEM.H Shell around malloc/free to add extensive debugging support. MEM.C MENU.H Simple menuing system. Works with keyboard and mouse. MENU.C Implementation of menuing system. MENU.EXE Demo program for menus. VEC.H Arrays of bits. VEC.C These are not put into the ZL?.LIB libraries because they are not part of ANSI C, and adding everything in would make the libraries unbearably large. Feel free, however, to put them in if you want to. The most useful one by far is MEM. With it, you can catch up to 75% of common mistakes in using dynamic memory allocation. Additional notes: Due to space requirements, the following utilities have been moved to this directory. These are the standard "simple" but useful user programs (SD, 10/14/89) MAKEFILE Build the following utilities WC.C Word, char, line count. DUMP.C Dump hex file to screen. DUMPOBJ.C Dump object file records. CHMOD.C Change file permissions ZCMORE.C Replacement for MORE TIMER.C Time executions FREQ.C Word Frequency counter. Handle demo!