MEMO To: MS-DOS Users of MS-Pascal From: Microsoft OEM Support Date: January 5, 1982 Files on this distribution: README This Memo PAS1.EXE Pascal Compiler Pass 1 PAS2.EXE Pascal Compiler Pass 2 LINK.EXE Microsoft Linker for .OBJ files M86.EXE Microsoft MACRO-86 assembler C86.EXE Assembler cross-reference generator LIB.EXE Microsoft library manager (note: same as LIB86.EXE specified in User Manual) PASCAL.LIB MS-Pascal runtime library PASKEY MS-Pascal predeclarations FINU Declarations of low level file system routines (the Unit U interface) FINK Declaration of the common fields of the generic file control block type, FCBFQQ FINKXM Declaration of the version specific file control block ENTX6L.ASM Assembler source of the execution control module which initializes and terminates every program PASCAL.MAP Map of the MS-Pascal runtime library PRIMES.PAS Prime number generator program