== 0,0,23,79,0,,C =,11,1,15,12,0,14,0 8,10,16,69,0,BetterBASIC versus PC-BASIC (BASICA),F Since the BASIC you are now using is almost certainly Microsoft's BASICA or a derivative such as GW-BASIC, we feel that a comparison betwen BetterBASIC and Microsoft's BASIC is in order. % == 0,0,23,79,0,,C =,11,1,15,12,0,14,0 0,0,7,25,500,Memory Support,F !BetterBASIC: 640K Microsoft: 64K % 0,54,7,79,500,Execution Speed,F Sieve of Erastosthenes: !BetterBASIC: 31.9 secs Microsoft: 191.1 secs % 16,54,23,79,500,8087 Support ?,F !BetterBASIC: Option Microsoft: NO % 16,0,23,25,500,Syntax Check,F !BetterBASIC: On Entry Microsoft: At Runtime % 0,26,7,53,500,WINDOWS Support,F !BetterBASIC: YES Microsoft: NO % 8,54,15,79,500,DOS/BIOS Calls ?,F !BetterBASIC: YES Microsoft: NO % 16,26,23,53,500,Cross References ?,F !BetterBASIC: YES Microsoft: NO % 8,0,15,25,500,Nested Overlays ?,F !BetterBASIC: YES Microsoft: NO % 8,26,15,53,0,, ! BetterBASIC really is ! BETTER ! ====== % =,12,0,10,12,0,15,0 5,15,18,64,0,Microsoft BASIC Data-Types:,F * INTEGER * REAL - IEEE format * STRINGS to 255 characters * N-dimensional Arrays of above types. % 5,15,18,64,0,BetterBASIC Data-Types:,F ! * BYTE, INTEGER ! * REAL ! - Variable Precision Decimal ! - High Speed Binary ! - IEEE format with 8087 ! * STRINGS to 32767 characters ! * STRUCTURE / RECORD ! * POINTER ! * N-Dimensional ARRAYS of all types ! * Arrays of ARRAYS. ! * Static or Dynamic Variables % 5,15,18,64,0,Support for Structured Programming ?,F !BetterBASIC: * Block Structures ! * Indented Listings ! * Procedures ! * Functions ! * Local Variables Microsoft: None of the above % 5,15,18,64,0,Support for Modular Programming ?,F !BetterBASIC: * Procedures ! * Functions ! * Separately compiled ! Program Modules Microsoft: None of the above % 5,15,18,64,0,Support for Overlays ?,F ! BetterBASIC: !Supports nested overlays with COMMON !variables and AUTOMATIC save/restore to disk !of all non-common variables. Allows recursive !overlays. GW-BASIC: Simple CHAIN only % 5,15,18,64,0,Support for DOS/BIOS calls ?,F ! BetterBASIC: !Allows calls to DOS or the machine BIOS !(Basic Input Output System) directly from !BetterBASIC. Provides direct access to all !CPU registers by name. GW-BASIC: Not supported. % 5,15,18,64,0,Create your own BASIC statements ?,F ! BetterBASIC: !Create your own Modules containing Procedures !and Functions designed to extend BetterBASIC !into new applications such as Graphics, !Process Control, and so on. Microsoft BASIC: Can't be done. % 5,15,18,64,0,If you are an OEM:,F !With BetterBASIC you can create your own !support for hardware features which make your !computer different from all the others. !- or, you can tailor-fit BetterBASIC to a !particular market that you are targeting, !such as business, laboratory, automation, and !so on ..... With Microsoft BASIC you're stuck !! % =,0,0,0,14,0,0,0 5,15,18,64,1,,F % =,0,0,0,10,0,0,0 6,17,17,62,1,,F % =,0,0,0,9,0,0,0 7,19,16,60,1,,F % =,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 8,21,15,58,1,,F % =,15,0,0,12,0,0,0 9,23,14,56,2000,,F BetterBASIC really is BETTER !!! #