C++ Tools Version 2 These disks contain the following files. C++ Tools Disk 1 \ PACKING.LST - This file INSTALL.BAT \lib CPPTS.LIB - Ready built libraries, small CPPTM.LIB - medium, CPPTC.LIB - compact, CPPTL.LIB - large C++ Tools Disk 2 \ INSTALL.BAT \tools MAKEFILE - You only need use these if you have made MAKEALL.BAT - alterations to the sources. READ.ME - *** Please read this file *** TESTP.BAT \tools\source - Class source and test files SLIST.CPP DLIST.CPP DYNARR.CPP BINTREE.CPP HASH.CPP BCD.CPP VMA.CPP VMS.CPP TIME.CPP RTC.CPP DIR.CPP FNAME.CPP INTVEC.CPP CRITERR.CPP SEDIT.CPP DATEDIT.CPP WINDOW.CPP TEXT.CPP USDATE.CPP DEFERR.CPP EVENT.CPP EQ.CPP - global event queue MONEY.CPP BCDLOW.ASM - Low level stuff for BCD BVTEST.CPP - Demo programmes SLTEST.CPP QSTEST.CPP DLTEST.CPP DYNTEST.CPP BINTEST.CPP - Needs a text file argument to run the test HSHTEST.CPP - ditto BCDTEST.CPP VMATEST.CPP VMSTEST.CPP TIMTEST.CPP RTCTEST.CPP DIRTEST.CPP FNTEST.CPP IVTEST.CPP CETEST.CPP SETEST.CPP WINTEST.CPP DATTEST.CPP TEXTTEST.CPP ETEST1.CPP ETEST2.CPP - Event class demos MONTEST.CPP - Money demo \include - Class header files BITVEC.HPP SLIST.HPP DLIST.HPP DYNARR.HPP BINTREE.HPP HASH.HPP BCD.HPP VMA.HPP VMS.HPP TIME.HPP RTC.HPP DIR.HPP FNAME.HPP INTVEC.HPP CRITERR.HPP SEDIT.HPP DATEDIT.HPP WINDOW.HPP TEXT.HPP EVENT.HPP MONEY.HPP ERRN.HPP - Error numbers Packing.lst ends.