ECHO OFF IF "%1" == "" GOTO UsageExit IF "%2" == "" GOTO UsageExit %1 IF EXIST %2\*.* GOTO DoSetup md %2 :DoSetup cd %2 copy a:setup1.bat setup1 %1 %2 %3 %4 :UsageExit CLS ECHO Usage: A:SETUP drive workDir [exeDir [libDir] ] ECHO ÿ ECHO Where ECHO drive is the drive on which QuickBASIC is to be ECHO installed (ex: C:) ECHO workDir is the pathname to where you want your ECHO QuickBASIC source programs to go (ex: \QB4) ECHO exeDir is the pathname to where you want the ECHO executeable files to go (ex: \BIN) ECHO libDir is the pathname to where you want the ECHO library files to go (ex: \LIB) ECHO ÿ ECHO Examples: a:setup c: \qb4 \bin \lib ECHO a:setup c: \qb4 (copies ALL files to c:\qb4) ECHO ÿ ECHO Note: This setup batch file is intended only for assisting you ECHO in installing QuickBASIC onto your hard disk. Its use is ECHO optional; you can just copy all the files to the directory(s) ECHO of your choice, if you wish. If you do not have a hard disk, ECHO see the section entitled 'Installing QuickBASIC: Floppy-Disk ECHO Setup' in the 'Learning and Using QuickBASIC' manual.