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RUN                      Execute Program

 RUN [{linenum | filespec}]

    Executes the current program from the beginning or from a specified
    line number; or loads a program from disk and runs it.

     linenum    A program line number.

    filespec    A string expression that follows DOS file naming


      Notes:    If no argument is given, Quick BASIC begins execution at
                the lowest numbered line. This line must be part of the
                main program (not in a subprogram or multiline function).
                Program execution may be started from a specified line
                number, but not from a specified alphanumeric label.

                If a program is run from disk (RUN filespec), QuickBASIC
                first erases the program currently in memory. It also
                closes any files left open by the current program (the
                Interpreter's ,R option is not supported by QuickBASIC).

See Also: CHAIN
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson