(* Version 1.10, Nov 1984 *) DEFINITION MODULE Keyboard; (* Default driver for terminal input. [Private module of the Modula-2 system] Derived from the Lilith Modula-2 system developed by the group of Prof. N. Wirth at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. *) EXPORT QUALIFIED Read, KeyPressed; PROCEDURE Read (VAR ch: CHAR); (* - Read a character from the keyboard. out: ch character read If necessary, Read waits for a character to be entered. Characters that have been entered are returned immediately, with no echoing, editing or buffering. - Ctrl-C terminates the current program - ASCII.cr is transformed into ASCII.EOL *) PROCEDURE KeyPressed (): BOOLEAN; (* - Test if a character is available from the keyboard. out: returns TRUE if a character is available for reading *) END Keyboard.