DEFINITION MODULE DurationOps; (* This module defines a Duration type and the relevant units. It allows comparisons, addition and substraction on the Duration type, and a way to do conversion between units with ease. *) TYPE Unit = (Millenium, Century, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Tenth, Hundredth, Thousandth); (* Year = mean solar time year: 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds 31 556 952 seconds Month = Year / 12 : 2 629 746 seconds *) TYPE Duration = ARRAY Unit OF REAL; (* Each cell of this array will hold the real amount of the relevant unit. *) TYPE UnitSet = SET OF Unit; CONST FullUnitSet = UnitSet {Millenium, Century, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Tenth, Hundredth, Thousandth}; EmptyUnitSet = UnitSet {}; PROCEDURE Clear (VAR duration : Duration); (* Set duration to zero *) PROCEDURE Format (VAR duration : Duration; format : UnitSet); (* Formatting of duration in format. Allows conversions between duration units. Unit cells of duration not in format are set to 0.0. Those in format are set to the greatest possible 'integer' value, except for the smallest unit which contains the remainder which may not be integer. If format is empty, duration is reformatted with the same units. *) PROCEDURE FormatOf (duration : Duration): UnitSet; (* Returns the format of duration, i.e. the set of the non zero unit cells. *) PROCEDURE Sum (left, right : Duration; format : UnitSet; VAR result : Duration); (* Addition of left and right, result being formatted with format. If format is empty then result is formatted with the union of left and right formats *) PROCEDURE Diff (left, right : Duration; format : UnitSet; VAR result : Duration); (* Substraction of left and right, result being formatted with format. If format is empty then result is formatted with the union of left and right formats *) PROCEDURE Equal (left, right : Duration; accuracy : Unit) : BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if left and right are equal within accuracy *) PROCEDURE Greater (left, right : Duration; accuracy : Unit) : BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if left is greater than right within accuracy *) PROCEDURE GreaterOrEqual (left, right : Duration; accuracy : Unit) : BOOLEAN; (* Returns TRUE if left is greater or equal than right within accuracy *) END DurationOps.