DEFINITION MODULE SimpleTerm; (* test implementation for release 3.0 *) (* *) (* AR, le 31.12.86 *) (* All the procedures above use the standard console device from MS-DOS *) (* and thus can be redirected as DOS allows it *) EXPORT QUALIFIED Read, KeyPressed, ReadAgain, ReadString, Write, WriteString, WriteLn; PROCEDURE WriteString( s : ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Displays the string s on DOS standard output *) PROCEDURE WriteLn; (* Displays an end of line on DOS standard output *) PROCEDURE Write( ch: CHAR ); (* Displays the character ch on DOS standard output *) PROCEDURE Read( VAR ch: CHAR ); (* Reads a character from DOS standard input *) PROCEDURE KeyPressed(): BOOLEAN; (* Tests if any character is ready from DOS standard input *) PROCEDURE ReadString( VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR ); (* Gets a string from DOS standard input : ESC or RETURN ends the input *) PROCEDURE ReadAgain; END SimpleTerm.