QUICK C COMPILER AND ASSEMBLER OPTIONS -MEMORY MODEL- /AT tiny model (.COM) /AS small model (default) /AC compact model /AM medium model /AL large model -OPTIMIZATION- /O enable optimization (same as /Ot) /Od disable optimizations /Ol enable loop optimizations /Ox enable optimization (same as /Otl) /Ot enable optimization -CODE GENERATION- /G0 8086 instructions (default) /G2 286 instructions /Gc Pascal style function calls /Gi incremental compilation /Gs no stack checking /Gt[number] data size threshold -OUTPUT FILES- /Fb[bound executable file] /Fe /Fm[map file] /Fo -C PREPROCESSOR- /C don't strip comments /D[=text] define macro /E preprocess to stdout /EP same as /E but no #line /I add #include path /P preprocess to file /U remove predefined macro /u remove all predefined macros /X ignore "standard places" -C LANGUAGE- /Za disable extensions /Ze enable extensions (default) /Zl remove default library info /Zp pack structures /Zr enable pointer checking /Zs syntax check only -DEBUGGING- /Zd line number information /Zi symbolic debugging information -FLOATING POINT- /FPi inline with emulator (default) /FPi87 inline with 8087 -MISCELLANEOUS- /c compile or assemble only, no link /v verbose messages /W warning level /w equivalent to /W0 -LINKING- /F stack size (hex. bytes) /Lc link compatibility mode executable /Li incremental linking /Lr link compatibility mode executable /Lp link protect mode executable /link [linker_options_and_libraries] -ASSEMBLY LISTING- /Fl generate listing file /l listing file with default name /Sa list all lines in macros /Sd create pass 1 listing /Se editor-oriented listing /Sn omit symbol table from listing /Sq line-number index in listing /Sx omit listing of false conditionals -MISCELLANEOUS ASSEMBLER OPTIONS- /a place segments in alphabetical order /Cu convert all names to uppercase /Cx preserve case of externals /Cl preserve case of all symbols /P1 one-pass assembly /s place segments in order they appear /t no messages if assembly successful