{* WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING Do not try to use the MsDos function call unless you are very familiar with the operating system and have technical information available to you! The following program uses the MsDos command in Turbo to retrieve the system date. This is achieved via DOS function call 42 (or 2A hex). The function call is placed in the AH register according to the technical reference manual. Type in the following code. The only output is the date at the top of your screen.*} program GetDate; type DateStr = string[10]; function Date: DateStr; type regpack = record ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,di,ds,es,flags: integer; end; var recpack: regpack; {record for MsDos call} month,day: string[2]; year: string[4]; dx,cx: integer; begin with recpack do begin ax := $2a shl 8; end; MsDos(recpack); { call function } with recpack do begin str(cx,year); {convert to string} str(dx mod 256,day); { " } str(dx shr 8,month); { " } end; date := month+'/'+day+'/'+year; end; begin writeln(date); end.