REM $Title:'Microsoft PPRINT- Formatted Print Utility' REM $Subtitle:'Introduction' ' ' Microsoft PPRINT- Formatted Print Utility ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation - 1986 ' ' This program is designed to format QuickBASIC source files that include ' the formatting metacommands found in QuickBASIC V1.00 and earlier ' Microsoft BASIC Compilers. ' ' The Metacommands processed by PPRINT are: ' ' TITLE: 'title' Prints 'title' at the top of each page ' SUBTITLE: 'subtitle' Prints 'subtitle' below the title area ' LINESIZE:n Sets output line width to n ' PAGESIZE:n Sets the output page size to n ' PAGE Skips to next page ' PAGEIF:n Skips to next page if there are fewer than n ' lines left on current page ' SKIP[:n] Skips n lines or to top of next page ' LIST- Turns OFF output of lines ' LIST+ Turns ON output of lines ' ' ' USAGE: The PPRINT Utility has the following usage: ' ' PPRINT InputFile, [OutputFile] ' ' If the OutputFile is ommitted, LPT1: is the default ' ' COMPILATION: ' ' Since the PPRINT utility is distributed in source form (PPRINT.BAS) ' You must compile it before using. Suggested compilation procedures are ' as follows: ' ' 1) Load PPRINT.BAS into the QuickBASIC editor ' 2) Select "Compile..." from the RUN Menu ' 3) Select ".EXE" from the output options section ' 4) press the "Compile" button or press return ' ' These 4 steps should create a file PPRINT.EXE on your default ' drive. ' ' REVISION HISTORY: ' ' 12/1/86- GEL - Fixed TARs # 57720 & 56937 ' rem $subtitle:'Global Declarations' rem $page DEFINT a - z DIM KeyWordCount, LineCount, Seps$ DIM KeyBoard, Console DIM InputFile$, OutputFile$ DIM Temp$,x ' temp variables ' ' global variables for handling metacommands DIM Out.Title$, Out.Subtitle$, MetaCommand.On DIM Out.LineSize, Out.Pagesize, Out.List, Out.LineCount, Out.BlankBottom DIM Out.PageNum REM $subtitle:'FnToUpper- Converts To Uppercase' rem $page ' ' FNToUpper$ - Convert string to uppercase ' Description: ' This routine converts a string to uppercase. If already uppercase ' nothing is done. Returns a null string if input is null ' Input: ' InString$ - string to convert ' Output: ' FNToUpper$ - uppercase string Def FNToUpper$(InString$) static LenInString, AscChar, Index, IndexInString LenInString = len(InString$) ' Exit if input string is empty (null) if (LenInString = 0) then FNToUpper$ = "" Exit Def end if for IndexInstring = 1 to LenInString AscChar = asc(mid$(InString$, IndexInstring, 1)) ' &hdf is special bit pattern that converts from lower to upper if ((AscChar >= asc("a")) and (AscChar <= asc("z"))) then AscChar = AscChar and &hdf mid$(InString$, IndexInstring, 1) = chr$(AscChar) end if next IndexInString FNToUpper$ = InString$ End Def rem $subtitle:'FnTabsToBlanks- Converts TABs to Blanks' rem $page ' ' FnTabsToBlanks- turns TABs into blanks in the given string ' ' Input: Source$ ' Output Source$ with ALL TABs as 3 Blanks ' Note: If TABs are set at a value different from 3, change the following ' procedure in the 'Then' part of the IF statement ' DEF FNTabsToBlanks$(source$) STATIC Temp$,i Temp$ = "" If Instr(Source$, Chr$(9)) = 0 Then FnTabsToBlanks$ = Source$: Exit Def For i = 1 to Len(source$) If ASC(Mid$(Source$,i,1)) = 9 Then Temp$ = Temp$ + Space$(3) ' replace with 3 spaces Else Temp$ = Temp$ + Mid$(source$,i,1) End If Next i FnTabsToBlanks$ = Temp$ End Def rem $subtitle:'FnStrSpn- String Spanner' rem $page ' ' FNStrSpn - Get the index of the first character within InString$ that is ' NOT one of the characters from Separater$ ' Description: ' This routine will search the parameter string InString$ until it finds ' a character that is not part of the Separater string. This can be used ' with FNStrBrk to isolate strings within strings that are separated by ' blanks, comma etc. whatever is specified in Separater$. This is especially ' helpful in extracting parameters from the command line. See FNGetToken$ ' for example of use. ' ' Input: ' InString$ = string to search ' Separater$ = string of Separater ' ' Output: ' FNStrSpn = index into InString$ if 0 then all character in Separater$ ' are in InString$ Def FNStrSpn(InString$, Separater$) static LenInString, LenSeparater, StartFound, IndexSeparater, IndexInString static ChTemp$ LenInString = Len(InString$) LenSeparater = Len(Separater$) ' Examine each character from InString$ to see if it is in Separater$ for IndexInString = 1 to LenInString ChTemp$ = Mid$(InString$, IndexInString, 1) StartFound = false ' search all of the Separaters to see of any equal this character for IndexSeparater = 1 to LenSeparater if (ChTemp$ = Mid$(Separater$, IndexSeparater, 1)) then goto NextChar end if next IndexSeparater ' found a character not equal to one of the Separaters$ ' exit from loops StartFound = true goto EndStrSpn NextChar: Next IndexInString EndStrSpn: if (StartFound) then FNStrSpn = IndexInString else FNStrSpn = 0 end if End Def rem $subtitle:'FnStrBrk- String Breaker' rem $page ' ' FNStrBrk - finds the first occurance of any character in string2$ in ' string1$ ' Description: ' This routine is the opposite to FNStrSpn. It finds the first occurance ' of one of the characters from String2$ within String$. It is used ' generally for search from specific strings within strings. See FNSeparater ' on use. See FNGetToken$ to see the routines in use. ' ' Input: ' string1$ = string to search for first occurance ' string2$ = string of characters to search for ' Output: ' FNStrBrk = index to character in string1$ of first occurance ' ' Uses: ' LenString1 = length parameter string ' ChTemp$ = temp used for current character from String1$ ' IndexString1 = current indices into parameter string ' Def FNStrBrk(String1$, String2$) static LenString1, IndexString1, StartFound static ChTemp$ LenString1 = Len(String1$) ' Search String1$ until one of the characters from String2$ is found ' or run out of characters from String$2 for IndexString1 = 1 to LenString1 ChTemp$ = Mid$(String1$, IndexString1, 1) if (instr(String2$, ChTemp$)) then StartFound = true FNStrBrk = IndexString1 Exit Def end if Next IndexString1 FnStrBrk = 0 End Def rem $subtitle:'FnGetToken- Gets a Token' rem $page ' ' FNGetToken$ - Extract a token for a string. ' Description: ' This routine extracts tokens from strings. A token is a word that is ' surrounded by separaters, such as spaces or commas. It is usually the ' word of interest and examining sentences or commands. If the string ' to search for tokens "Search$" is null (.i.e "") then the last ' non-null string passed will be used. The allows for multiple calls ' to FNGetToken$ to move through the string. EG: The sequences of calls ' would be: ' token$ = FNGetToken$("token string, a short one", " ,") ' while (token$ <> "") ' print token$ ' token$ = FNGetToken$("", " ,") ' wend ' This will return "token", "string", "a", "short", "one" ' ' Note that the token is returned as an Uppercase character string. ' ' Input: ' Search$ = string to search ' InSeps$ = String of Seps$ ' Output: ' FNGetToken$ = next token ' Uses: ' TokenString$ = last non-null string passed as parameter (do not modify) ' TokenIndex2 = index to last separater (do not modify) ' def FNGetToken$(Search$, InSeps$) static TokenIndex1 ' Null strings indicate use of last string used ' TokenString$ is set to last string if Search$ is not null if (Search$ = "") then Search$ = TokenString$ else TokenIndex2 = 1 TokenString$ = Search$ end if ' If last separater position is past end of search string then no more ' tokens can be in string, since searching is started from this position ' Exit with null return in this case if (TokenIndex2 >= len(Search$)) then FNGetToken$ = "" Exit Def end if ' Section out a token from the search string. This is done by finding the ' start of a token then locating it's end by the start of separaters TokenIndex1 = FNStrSpn(mid$(Search$, TokenIndex2, len(Search$)), InSeps$) ' If no more token bump to end of line so we move past current point if (TokenIndex1 = 0) then TokenIndex1 = len(Search$) else TokenIndex1 = TokenIndex1 + TokenIndex2 - 1 end if TokenIndex2 = FNStrBrk(mid$(Search$, TokenIndex1, len(Search$)), InSeps$) ' If separater position (end of token) came back zero the token must be ' up against end of string. Set the separater position one past string ' length so that size of token computation is correct and next call ' with same string will return null for no more tokens if (TokenIndex2 = 0) then TokenIndex2 = len(Search$) + 1 else TokenIndex2 = TokenIndex1 + TokenIndex2 - 1 end if ' Cut out token from search string and convert to uppercase. ' It is converted to uppercase since string compares are case sensitive FNGetToken$ = mid$(Search$,TokenIndex1,TokenIndex2 - TokenIndex1) end def rem $subtitle:'FnIsNumber- Is a Number?' rem $page ' ' FNIsNumber - Checks to see if character a number or alpha ' Description: ' This routine returns true if character passed is in the range 0 - 9 ' It returns false if not. It is used to tell wither a token is ' a number or alpha. ' Input: ' Char - character to check ' Output: ' FNIsNumber - true if within 0 - 9 ' def FNIsNumber(Char$) static CharAsc if (Char$ = "") then FNIsNumber = false else CharAsc = asc(Char$) FNIsNumber = ((CharAsc >= asc("0")) and (CharAsc <= asc("9"))) end if end def rem $subtitle:'FnIsChar- Is a character?' rem $page def FNIsChar(Char$) static CharAsc CharAsc = asc(Char$) FNIsChar = ((CharAsc >= asc("A")) and (CharAsc <= asc("z"))) end def rem $subtitle:'FnIsKeyword- Is a Keyword?' rem $page ' FNIsKeyWord - returns true if specified string is a BASIC key word ' Description: ' Checks keyword list agains String$, non-zero return if keyword ' def FNIsKeyWord(Key$) static KeyWord$, AscCh, t if (len(Key$) > 0) then t = asc(key$) while t < 33 AND Key$ <> "" ' strip off all spaces and below key$= mid$(key$,2) If key$ <> "" then t = asc(key$) Else FNIsKeyword=0: Exit Def wend Key$ = FNToUpper$(Key$) AscCh = (asc(Key$) - asc("A") + 1) if ((AscCh >= 0 ) and (AscCh <= 24)) then on (AscCh) gosub AKey, BKey, CKey, DKey, EKey, FKey, GKey, HKey, _ IKey, JKey, KKey, LKey, MKey, NKey, OKey, PKey, _ QKey, RKey, SKey, TKey, UKey, VKey, WKey, XKey, _ YKey, ZKey read KeyWord$ while (KeyWord$ <> "") if (KeyWord$ = Key$) then FNIsKeyWord = TRUE exit def end if read KeyWord$ wend end if end if FNIsKeyWord = FALSE exit def AKey: DATA ABS, AND, APPEND, AS, ASC, ATN, AUTO, "" restore AKey: return BKey: DATA BEEP, BLOAD, BSAVE, "" restore BKey: return CKey: DATA CALL, CALLS, CDBL, CHAIN, CHDIR, CHR$, CINT, CIRCLE, CLEAR DATA CLOSE, CLS, COLOR, COM, COMMAND$, COMMON, CONT, COS, CSNG DATA CSRLIN, CVD, CVI, CVS, "", "" restore CKey: return DKey: DATA DATA, DATE$, DEF, DEFDBL, DEFINT, DEFSNG, DEFSTR, DEF FN, DEF USR, DELETE DATA DIM, DRAW, "" restore DKey: return EKey: DATA EDIT, ELSE, END, ENVIRON, ENVIRON$, EOF, EQV, ERASE DATA ERL, ERR, ERROR, EXIT, EXP, "" restore EKey: return FKey: DATA FIELD, FILES, FIX, FOR, FRE, "" restore FKey: return GKey: DATA GET, GO, GOSUB, GOTO, "" restore GKey: return HKey: DATA HEX$, "" restore HKey: return IKey: DATA IF, IMP, INKEY$, INP, INPUT, INPUT$, INPUT$, INSTR, INT, "" restore IKey: return JKey: DATA "" restore JKey: return KKey: DATA KEY, KILL, "" restore KKey: return LKey: DATA LCOPY, LEFT$, LEN, LET, LINE, LIST, LBOUND, LLIST, LOAD DATA LOC, LOCAL, LOCATE, LOCK, LOF, LOG, LPOS, LPRINT, LSET, "" restore LKey: return MKey: DATA MERGE, MID$, MKD$, MKI$, MKS$, MKDIR, MOD, MOTOR, "" restore MKey: return NKey: DATA NAME, NEW, NEXT, NOT NULL, "" restore NKey: return OKey: DATA OCT$, ON, OPEN, OPTION, OR, OUT, OUTPUT, "" restore OKey: return PKey: DATA PAINT, PALETTE, PEEK, PEN, PLAY, PMAP DATA POINT, POKE, POS, PRESET, PRINT, PSET, PUT, "" restore PKey: return QKey: DATA "" restore QKey: return RKey: DATA RANDOMIZE, READ, REDIM, REM, RENUM, REM, RENUM DATA RESTORE, RESUME, RETURN, RIGHT$, RMDIR, RND, RSET, RUN, "" restore RKey: return SKey: DATA SAVE, SCREEN, SEG, SGN, SHARED, SHELL, SIN, SOUND, SPACE DATA SPC, SQR, STATIC, STEP, STICK, STOP, STR, STRIG, STRING DATA SUB, SWAP, SYSTEM, "" restore SKey: return TKey: DATA TAB, TAN, THEN, TIME, TIMER, TO, TROFF, TRON, "" restore TKey: return UKey: DATA UBOUND, UNLOCK, USING, "" restore UKey: return VKey: DATA VAL, VARPTR, VIEW, "" restore VKey: return WKey: DATA WAIT, WEND, WHILE, WIDTH, WINDOW, WRITE, "" restore WKey: return XKey: DATA XOR, "" restore XKey: return YKey: DATA "" restore YKey: return ZKey: DATA "" restore ZKey: return end def rem $subtitle:'FnIsMetacommand- Is a Metacommand?' rem $page 'FNIsMetaCommand- returns non-zero if source$ is a meta command of ' the form "'$metacommand" or "$metacommand" ' ' Input: ' Source$ - source string to determine if metacommand ' def FnIsMetacommand(source$) ' The following is a list of the metacommands processed by this program Meta$ = "TITLE SUBTITLE LINESIZE PAGESIZE PAGE PAGEIF SKIP LIST- LIST+ LIST" if (mid$(source$,1,1)) = "'" then source$=mid$(source$,2) if ((mid$(source$,1,1)) <> "$") OR (len(source$) < 4 ) then FnIsMetacommand = 0 exit def else source$=Mid$(source$,2) ' get rid of the $ source$ = FnToUpper$(source$) 'convert to uppercase x = instr(meta$,source$) if x <> 0 then FnIsMetacommand = -1 else FnIsMetacommand = 0 end if end def rem $subtitle:'InQuote' rem $page ' InQuote- determines whether or not we are in the middle of a ' quoted literal ' ' Input: Target$- string to see if it contains a double quote character ' Output: either 1 or 0, toggles state of Quoted.Literal ' SUB InQuote(Target$, Quoted.Literal) STATIC STATIC x,xi x= INSTR(1,target$,chr$(34)) ' is there a quote in the string?? IF x = 0 then Exit SUB ' no quote chracters, exit... ELSE x1 = Instr(x+1, target$,chr$(34)) ' look for a 2nd quote if x1 = 0 then quoted.Literal = NOT Quoted.Literal END IF END SUB rem $subtitle:'Write.Outputfile- writes 1 line' rem $page ' Write.Outputfile- Writes one line to the output file, handling all the ' all the parameters set up by metacommands. ' Assumptions:- This routine assumes that channel #2 has been opened for output ' ' Input: ' OutputLine$ - The line to output ' Output: ' None ' Uses: ' Out.Title$, Out.SubTitle$, Out.LineSize, Out.PageSize, Out.List, ' Out.LineCount, Out.BlankBottom, MetaCommand.On, True, False SUB Write.Outputfile(outputLine$) STATIC SHARED Out.Title$, Out.SubTitle$, Out.LineSize, Out.PageSize, Out.List SHARED Out.LineCount, Out.BlankBottom, MetaCommand.On, True, False If Out.List = False THEN Exit Sub 'Listing is OFF If MetaCommand.On Then MetaCommand.On = False: Exit Sub ' Don't Print the metacommand line IF Out.LineCount = 0 Then CALL Out.Header 'must be first time into this routine ' Convert all TABs in the line to Blanks OutputLine$ = FnTabsToBlanks$(outputline$) 'Output the line, given the page width OutLine.Length = Len(outputLine$) While OutLine.Length > Out.LineSize-1 IF (Out.LineCount > (Out.PageSize-Out.BlankBottom)) AND (Out.PageSize <> 255) THEN CALL Out.Header PRINT #2, Mid$(OutputLine$,1,Out.LineSize-1) OutputLine$ = Mid$(OutputLine$,Out.LineSize) 'start at next char OutLine.Length = Len(outputLine$) Out.LineCount = Out.LineCount + 1 Wend IF (Out.LineCount > (Out.PageSize-Out.BlankBottom)) AND (Out.PageSize <> 255) THEN CALL Out.Header PRINT #2, Mid$(OutputLine$,1,Out.LineSize-1) Out.LineCount = Out.LineCount + 1 End Sub rem $subtitle:'Out.Header- Writes the Header Info' rem $page ' Out.Header - Output the header to the output file ' ' Assumptions- Assumes Channel #2 is open for output ' Input: ' None ' Output: ' None ' Uses: ' Out.Title$, Out.SubTitle$, Out.LineSize, Out.PageSize, Out.List, ' Out.LineCount SUB Out.Header STATIC SHARED Out.Title$, Out.SubTitle$, Out.LineSize SHARED Out.LineCount, Out.PageNum, Out.List If Out.List = 0 Then exit sub ' first update the screen Locate 2,5:print "Microsoft PPRINT: Formatted Print Utility" locate 4,5:print space$(60) locate 4,5:print "Currently printing Page: ";Out.Pagenum if out.pagenum > 1 then Print #2, Chr$(12) ' The FF character Print #2, Mid$(Out.Title$,1,Out.LineSize); page$ = "Page"+string$(4-len(str$(out.pagenum))," ")+str$(out.PageNum) print #2,Tab(Out.LineSize-len(page$));Page$ print #2, Mid$(Out.Subtitle$,1,Out.LineSize);$ = left$(date$,6)+right$(date$,2) print #2, Tab(Out.LineSize-8);$ print #2, Tab(Out.LineSize-8);Time$ Print #2,Tab(Out.LineSize-35);"Microsoft QuickBASIC Compiler V2.01" Print #2, "" ' add a blank line Out.LineCount = 7 Out.PageNum = Out.PageNum + 1 END SUB rem $subtitle:'ProcessMetacommand- Process 1 Metacommand' rem $page ' ProcessMetaCommand- Determines which meta command it is and takes ' the appropriate action(s) ' ' Input ' Token$- Last token found ' Output ' None, except the action associated with the metacommand ' SUB ProcessMetaCommand( Token$) STATIC SHARED Out.Title$, Out.SubTitle$, Out.LineSize, Out.PageSize, Out.List SHARED Out.LineCount, Out.BlankBottom, MetaCommand.On, True, False SHARED OutputFile$ STATIC X, Meta1$ ' Each item in the following list is an a 10 character boundary so that ' I can find the index, divide by 10, and use the ON...GOTO contruct meta1$ = " TITLE SUBTITLE LINESIZE PAGE PAGESIZE PAGEIF SKIP LIST- LIST+" if (mid$(token$,1,1)) = "'" then token$=mid$(token$,2) token$=Mid$(token$,2) ' get rid of the $ token$ = FnToUpper$(token$) 'convert to uppercase MetaCommand.On = -1 x = instr(Meta1$,token$)/10 ON x GOTO Title, Subtitle, LineSize, Page, PageSize, Pageif, Skip, ListOff, ListOn Title: arg$=FnGetToken$("","'"): Arg$=FnGetToken$("","'") Out.Title$ = Arg$ Exit Sub Subtitle: arg$=FnGetToken$("","'"): Arg$=FnGetToken$("","'") Out.SubTitle$ = Arg$ Exit Sub LineSize: arg$=FnGetToken$("","': ") Out.LineSize=Val(arg$) IF OutputFile$ = "LPT1:" THEN WIDTH #2,Out.LineSize 'FIX #57720 Exit Sub Page: CALL Out.Header Exit Sub PageSize: arg$=FnGetToken$("","': ") Out.PageSize=Val(arg$) Out.LineCount = Out.LineCount MOD Out.PageSize Exit Sub Pageif: arg$=FnGetToken$("","': ") x =Val(arg$) If (Out.PageSize-Out.BlankBottom-x) <= Out.LineCount Then CALL Out.Header Exit Sub Skip: arg$=FnGetToken$("","': ") x =Val(arg$) IF (Out.LineCount+x) > (Out.PageSize-Out.BlankBottom) Then Call Out.Header Else For i=1 to x Call Write.OutputFile(" ") Next i END IF MetaCommand.On = -1 ' Fix #56937 Exit Sub ListOff: Out.List = False Exit Sub ListOn: Out.List= True Exit Sub END SUB rem $subtitle:'GetFilenames- Gets the I/O filenames' rem $page ' ' GetFileNames - Parses the input and output file names from command$ ' Description: ' This routine retrieves the input and output file names. These should ' be separated by a comma with the input file name coming first. ' Input: ' Command$ - Command line ' true, false - logical flags ' Output: ' InputFile$, OutputFile$ - Input/Output file name ' sub GetFileNames static shared InputFile$, OutputFile$, Seps$, true, false if (Command$ = "") then print " Microsoft PPrint: Formatted Print Utility" print " " Input " Input Filename (return to terminate)";InputFile$ If inputfile$ = "" Then Exit Sub Input " Output Filename (default is LPT1:)";OutputFile$ CLS else InputFile$ = FNGetToken$(Command$, Seps$) OutputFile$ = FNGetToken$("", " ") 'next token is outputfilename end if ExitGet: 'Add .bas if filename has no extension if Instr(InputFile$,".") = 0 then InputFile$ = InputFile$ + ".bas" if (OutputFile$ = "") then OutputFile$ = "LPT1:" end sub rem $subtitle:'InitSys- Initialize the System' rem $page ' ' initialize the system ' SUB initsys STATIC SHARED true, false, KeyWordCount, Seps$ SHARED Out.Title$, Out.SubTitle$, Out.LineSize, Out.PageSize, Out.List, Out.LineCount, Out.BlankBottom, Out.PageNum Seps$ = " ,: ": true = -1: false = 0 Out.Title$ = "" Out.SubTitle$ = "" Out.LineSize = 80 Out.PageSize = 66 Out.List = true Out.LineCount = 0 Out.BlankBottom = 6 '6 lines are left blank at the bottom of each ' page unless pagesize=255 meaning an infinate ' page. Out.PageNum = 1 MetaCommand.On = 0 END SUB rem $subtitle:'MAIN PROGRAM' rem $page main: Call InitSys Call GetFileNames If Inputfile$ = "" Then goto Exitmain open InputFile$ for input as #1 open outputfile$ for output as #2 while not eof(1) line input #1, LineCur$ outputLine$ = LineCur$ OutputIndex = 1 TokenCur$ = FNGetToken$(LineCur$, Seps$) while (TokenCur$ <> "") CALL InQuote(TokenCur$,Quoted.Literal) IF FNIsKeyWord(TokenCur$) then ' Make uppercase ' stuff into line at appropriate position ' Temp$=FNToUpper$(TokenCur$) x = Instr(OutputIndex,OutputLine$,TokenCur$) IF NOT Quoted.Literal THEN MID$(OutPutLine$,x) = Temp$ 'replace with uppercase OutputIndex = x + len(temp$) ELSEIF FnIsMetacommand(tokencur$) Then OutputIndex = OutputIndex + Len(TokenCur$) ' process the metacommand Call ProcessMetaCommand(TokenCur$) ELSE 'move index across line OutputIndex = OutputIndex + Len(TokenCur$) END IF TokenCur$ = FNGetToken$("", Seps$) wend Call Write.Outputfile(OutputLine$) wend Print #2,chr$(12) 'send one last FF character CLOSE ' Close all files Exitmain: end