The directory \startup and its subdirectories contain the files necessary for building the startup portion of the C runtime library. The \startup directory contains the startup source files, the memory model independent include files, the batch file and the make file used to build the startup object files. The subdirectories of \startup contain the memory model dependent include file ( for the startup and are the repositories for the object files that get created by the startup batch file. The startup object files can be built by invoking startup.bat. This batch file assumes that the \startup directory and its subdirectories S, M, C, and L exist and that make.exe, the C compiler and the assembler are in the execution path. MASM 4.0 or later is required to build the startup sources with the makefile invoked by startup.bat. The batch file also assumes that the startup sources are in the same directory as startup.bat. The include files stdio.h and ctype.h are required for building the startup source file wild.c but are not included on the \startup directory because they exist on the directory containing the standard include files. A make variable called CINC controls where the makefile looks for these include files. CINC is currently set to look for these include files in the \startup directory by the line "CINC=.." in the makefile. The value of CINC can be changed appropriately if the includes are placed elsewhere. The message "" is generated when some of the assembly language source files are assembled. This message is expected and is totally benign. The startup batch file requires arguments as described in the header of startup.bat. Invoking startup.bat with no arguments will also give usage information. The following files are contained in the \startup directory: Startup source files: chkstk.asm chksum.asm crt0.asm crt0dat.asm crt0fp.asm crt0msg.asm execmsg.asm nmsghdr.asm setargv.asm stdalloc.asm stdenvp.asm stdargv.asm _wild.asm wild.c Startup include files: register.h Tools: dosseg.exe Make and batch files: startup.bat: invokes make file to build objs and link to null program makefile: contains rules for building startup sources nulbody.c: null c program nulbody.lnk: link script for linking null program Documentation: readme.doc: information about \startup directory structure and contents