dos_compilers/Manx Aztec C86 v52a/LIB/DOS/EXEC.ASM
2024-07-02 08:25:54 -07:00

262 lines
5.2 KiB

; Copyright (C) 1984 by Manx Software Systems
; :ts=8
include lmacros.h
extrn _sigfix_:far
extrn _sigfix_:near
e_magic equ 0
e_used equ 2 ;number of bytes used in final sector of file
e_pages equ 4 ;size of file in 512-byte pages
e_nreloc equ 6 ;number relocation table items
e_hsize equ 8 ;size of header in 16-byte paragraphs
e_min equ 10 ;minimum # of para required above program
e_max equ 12 ;maximum # of para " " "
e_ss equ 14 ;offset of stack segment in load module
e_sp equ 16 ;initial SP value
e_csum equ 18 ;negative sum of all words in the file
e_ip equ 20 ;starting IP for program
e_cs equ 22 ; " CS "
e_freloc equ 24 ;offset of first relocation item
e_ovly equ 26 ;overlay number
ldrsize equ 1024
header equ ldrsize-30
reloc equ 26
startad equ 0
dataseg segment word public 'data'
extrn _PSP_:word
dataseg ends
; NOTE: This function never returns, even if the exec
; fails.
procdef exec,<<fd,word>,<cline,ptr>,<fcb1,ptr>,<fcb2,ptr>,<head,ptr>>
; copy cmd line and fcb's into PSP
load proc far ;so returns are far
push ds
call _sigfix_ ;restore int 22,23 vectors
mov es,ds:_PSP_ ;fetch segment of PSP
ldptr si,cline,ds
mov di,80h
mov cx,64
rep movsw ;copy command line
ldptr si,fcb1,ds
mov di,5ch
mov cx,8
rep movsw ;copy fcb1
ldptr si,fcb2,ds
mov cx,8
rep movsw ;copy fcb2
mov bx,0ffffh ;ask for all of memory
mov ah,4ah
int 21h
mov ah,4ah ;then ask for what we can get
int 21h
mov dx,fd ;file handle
ldptr si,head,ds ;exe header from file
cmp ds:word ptr [si+e_magic],5a4dh ;check magic #
je exefile
mov bp,bx ;compute new SP
cmp bp,4096 ;check size of segment
jbe smallstk
mov bp,4096
mov cx,4
shl bp,cl ;new SP
mov cx,es
add bx,cx ;end of our segment
sub bx,8 ;get 128 bytes for loader and stack
mov es,bx
pop si ; get old ds value back
mov ss,bx
mov sp,128
push si ; push old ds on stack for later use
mov cx,cs
mov ds,cx
mov si,offset com_loader
sub di,di
mov cx,offset com_ldend
sub cx,si
rep movsb
mov bx,dx ;handle into bx for io calls
sub cx,cx
sub dx,dx
mov ax,4200H
int 21H ;rewind file
mov dx,100H ;address to read data into
lea cx,[bp-256] ;byte count to read in
pop ds
mov ax,ds:_PSP_ ;segment of PSP
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
push ss
sub ax,ax
push ax
mov ah,3fH
; this block of code is moved to the top of available memory
; and jumped to with the registers for a read call setup
int 21h
jnc ok
mov ax,4cfeh
int 21h
mov ah,3eH
int 21h ;close the file
mov ax,ds
mov ss,ax
mov sp,bp
push ax ;push new cs
mov ax,100h
push ax ;push new ip
mov cx,es
add bx,cx ;end of our segment
sub bx,ldrsize/16 ;get mem for loader, header, and stack
mov es,bx
mov di,header
mov cx,13
rep movsw ;copy 26 byte file header
pop si ; get old ds value
mov ss,bx
mov sp,header
push si ; push old ds value on new stack for later use
mov cx,cs
mov ds,cx
mov si,offset exe_loader
sub di,di
mov cx,offset exe_ldend
sub cx,si
rep movsb
pop ds
mov ax,ds:_PSP_ ;segment of PSP
push ax ;ES, DS value for program
add ax,10h
mov ds,ax ;place to load program
mov bp,ax
mov bx,dx ;get handle into bx for int 21h
mov di,header
mov dx,ss:e_hsize[di] ;compute offset of program
sub ax,ax
mov cl,4
shl dx,1
rcl ax,1
loop lshift
mov cx,ax
mov ax,4200H
int 21h ;lseek to load module
jc punt
mov si,ss:e_pages[di]
mov cl,5
shl si,cl ;# paragraphs in file
sub si,ss:e_hsize[di] ;now, # para in program
push ss ;CS for loader
sub ax,ax
push ax ;IP for loader
ret ;far return to code at top of mem
; this code is moved to the top of our segment and jumped to
; with the following registers setup:
; bx - file handle of program
; ds, bp - where to load the program
; di - points to the exe header
; si - # para to read in
; PSP address pushed onto stack
mov ah,3fH
mov cx,0fff0h ;read as much as possible at once
cmp si,0fffh ;check how much is left to read
ja cx_ok
mov cl,4 ;if less, then compute remaining
shl si,cl
mov cx,si
mov si,0fffh
sub dx,dx
int 21h
jnc read_ok
mov ax,4cfeh
int 21h
test ax,ax
jz load_done
mov ax,ds
add ax,0fffh
mov ds,ax
sub si,0fffh
ja exe_loader
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
cmp word ptr e_nreloc[di],0
jz reloc_done
mov dx,e_freloc[di]
sub cx,cx
mov ax,4200H
int 21H ;lseek to relocation info
jc punt
lea dx,reloc[di]
mov cx,4
mov ah,3fH
int 21H
jc punt
cmp ax,4
jne punt
mov si,reloc[di]
mov ax,reloc+2[di]
add ax,bp
mov es,ax
add es:[si],bp
dec word ptr e_nreloc[di]
jnz relocate
mov ah,3eH
int 21h ;close file
add e_ss[di],bp ;relocate stack segment
add e_cs[di],bp ;relocate starting CS
pop ax ;get PSP address before changing stack
mov ss,e_ss[di]
mov sp,e_sp[di]
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
jmp cs:dword ptr e_ip[di]
load endp
pend exec