dos_compilers/Manx Aztec C86 v52a/LIB/MATH/CHK87.ASM
2024-07-02 08:25:54 -07:00

51 lines
1.3 KiB

;Copyright (C) Manx Software Systems, Inc. 1987. All rights reserved.
; :ts=8
include lmacros.h
dataseg segment word public 'data'
public chop_ctl, round_ctl, rdown_ctl
chop_ctl dw 0fbfH ;control word for Chop mode
round_ctl dw 03bfH ;control word for Round nearest mode
rdown_ctl dw 07bfh ;control word for Round Down mode
mess db "8087/80287 is absent or not functional!"
db 10 ; newline
MESSLEN equ 40
dataseg ends
public $maxdigit ; this must be in CODESEG
$maxdigit dw 16 ;maximum # of digits for ftoa() to produce.
assume ds:dataseg
public _chk87_, $fltinit
$fltinit proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2
fnstcw word ptr -2[bp]
mov cx,50
w1loop: loop w1loop ; wait for a while
and word ptr -2[bp],01f3fh ; clear unused bits
cmp word ptr -2[bp],0033fh ; is 8087 there?
jnz notthere ; no, return error to caller
fstsw word ptr -2[bp]
mov cx,50
w2loop: loop w2loop ; wait for a while
test word ptr -2[bp],0b8bfh ; all status bits should be off
jz ok_8087 ; 8087 is there!!
stc ;bad status, no 8087 present
jmp short exit
;note: the carry is cleared by the test instr. above
fldcw word ptr round_ctl ;set initial control
mov sp,bp
pop bp
$fltinit endp