dos_compilers/Manx Aztec C86 v52a/MON86/PCIO.ASM
2024-07-02 08:25:54 -07:00

513 lines
12 KiB

; Copyright (C) 1989 by Manx Software Systems, Inc.
; Module:
; pcio.asm
; Description:
; PCIO, which is linked into both RDB and the monitor,
; accesses the serial port on behalf of the packet routines.
; These routines assume that both programs are running on IBM PC-type
; systems. The routines can be initialized to access either COM1 or COM2,
; and can drive the serial line at any rate up to the maximum 115k baud.
; The PCIO routines usually access the serial port using "sense-status"
; loops instead of interrupts. The only time serial interrupts are enabled
; is on the target system, when the user program is executing. Then the
; serial interrupt allows the host system's operator to break into the
; execution of the user program.
; During receipt of a packet, interrupts are disabled. This is needed
; to achieve high data transmission rates.
; A disadvantage is that all interrupts,
; including those of the clock and keyboard, are disabled on the receiving
; system during receipt of a packet.
; PCIO can be used in both small code and large code programs.
; Special equates:
; MODEL Defines pcio's memory model (used by procdef macro).
; ALLOW_INT 1=Allow break into executing program.
; 0=Don't allow break.
include lmacros.h
dataseg segment word public 'data'
BASE equ 3f8H ;COM1's base port address
; Serial port registers:
; These are stored as DW's rather than EQU's, so that they can be
; changed to use COM2's addresses during syytem startup, if desired.
DATA dw BASE+0 ;data register
INTENAB dw BASE+1 ;interrupt enable register
DIVLAT dw BASE+0 ;divisor latch (least sig. byte)
INTID dw BASE+2 ;interrupt identification register
LINECTL dw BASE+3 ;line control register
MODCTL dw BASE+4 ;modem control register
LINSTAT dw BASE+5 ;line status register
MODSTAT dw BASE+6 ;modem status register
; 8259 Interrupt controller information:
INTNUM db 12 ;COM1 interrupt vector #
INTMASK db 10H ;bit mask for 8259.
INTCTL equ 20h ;8259 control register
INTCHIP equ 21h ;8259 mask register
i db 0
vec_save dd ?
intr_reg db ?
intr_chp db ?
dataseg ends
assume cs:codeseg, ds:dataseg
codeseg segment
; Procedure:
; FirstThing_
; Purpose:
; Do special initialization, after reset and before any other system
; initialization. When FirstThing is entered, no other initialization
; has yet been done. In particular, the dataseg segment hasn't been
; initialized, bss segment hasn't been cleared, and the DS, ES, SS segment
; registers haven't been set up.
; Input:
; None.
; Output:
; None.
; Changes:
; AX, DX, DS
procdef FirstThing
pend FirstThing
; Procedure:
; comPutChar_
; Purpose:
; Output one byte.
; Input:
; The byte to be sent is on the stack.
; Output:
; The byte is sent to the serial port.
; Changes:
; AX.
procdef comPutChar,<<outvalue,word>>
push dx
mov dx,LINSTAT
comput1: ;wait until transmitter is ready
in al,dx
and ax,20H
jz comput1
mov ax,outvalue ;get caller's char.
mov dx,DATA
out dx,al ;output the data
pop dx
pend comPutChar
; Procedure:
; comGetChar_
; Purpose:
; Input one byte.
; Input:
; None.
; Return values:
; Carry flag: Set if error occurred, reset if not.
; AH: -1 if an error occurred, 0 if not.
; AL: Line status if error occurred, input byte if not.
; Changes:
; AX, DX.
procdef comGetChar
mov dx,LINSTAT
in al,dx
and al,15 ;check for data avail & errors
jz comGC1 ;loop until something happens
test al,14 ;check for errors
jnz comGC_err
mov dx,DATA
in al,dx ;get the character
xor ah,ah ;Make result positive to report
;no error to C callers.
clc ;Clear carry to report no error
;to asm callers.
mov ah,-1 ;Make AX negative to report an error
;to C callers.
stc ;Set carry to report an error
;to asm callers.
pend comGetChar
; Procedure:
; comGetBunch_
; Purpose:
; Called by GetPacket() to read some characters from the serial line.
; Input:
; CX = number of characters to read.
; ES:DI = Pointer to location where characters are to be placed.
; Output:
; - The input characters are stored in the place pointed at by ES:DI.
; - Return values:
; ES:DI Address of the byte following the last stored byte.
; Carry flag
; Set if an error occurred.
; Reset if no error.
; AX Line status. (0 if no error).
; Changes:
; AX, DX.
; Notes:
; Interrupts are disabled while in comGetBunch. For low transmission
; rates (e.g. 9600 and lower) interrupts could be enabled and still
; not lose data.
procdef comGetBunch
mov dx,LINSTAT
in al,dx
and al,15 ;check for data avail & errors
jz GB1 ;loop until something happens
test al,14 ;check for errors
jnz GBerr
mov dx,DATA
in al,dx ;get the character
stosb ;save the received char
loop GB0
clc ;say no error occurred
xor ax,ax
; Come here if an input error occurs.
xor ah,ah ;AX = line status
pret ;return error to caller
pend comGetBunch
; Procedure:
; comStatus_
; Purpose:
; Get status of COM port.
; Input:
; None.
; Output:
; The low order four bits of the serial port's line status register
; are returned in AX.
; Changes:
; AX, DX
procdef comStatus
xor ah,ah
mov dx,LINSTAT
in al,dx
and al,15
pend comStatus
; Procedure:
; comInit_
; Purpose:
; Initialize COM port.
; Input:
; baud rate - The word on the stack that's just above the
; return address. This is normally the actual baud rate;
; e.g. 9600, 1200. But there are two special values:
; 0 - Don't send baud rate selection to serial port.
; 1 - Set baud rate to 115k baud.
; serial port - The serial port to use. 1 signifies COM1, 2 COM2.
; Output:
; None.
; Changes:
; AX, BX, CX, DX
procdef comInit, <<speed,word>,<channel,word>>
cmp channel,1
je skipfix
; we are using SERIAL2, adjust I/O ports, and Int vectors
mov bx,offset DATA
mov al,2
mov byte ptr 1[bx],al
add bx,2
cmp bx,offset MODSTAT
jbe fixloop
dec INTNUM ;serial2 uses IRQ3
mov dx,INTENAB ;get contents of interupt enable reg.
in al,dx
mov intr_reg,al ;sav contents of interupt enable reg.
mov al,0 ;disable interupts
out dx,al
ifdef ROM
; Initialize the 8259 chip for a PC clone-type system
; First send Initialization command words
mov al,13h ;ICW1: edge, sngl, icw4
out INTCTL,al
mov al,8 ;ICW2: IRQ0 is interrupt 8
out INTCHIP,al
mov al,9 ;ICW4: buffrd, 8086 mode
out INTCHIP,al
; Now send operation control word 1
mov al,0ffh ;mask off all but COM1 interrupts
; mov al,INTMASK ;mask off all but COM1 interrupts
out INTCHIP,al
; The following isn't needed:
; mov al,20h ;signal EOI to interrupt controller
; out INTCTL,al
cmp speed,0
je nosetup
cmp speed, 1 ;special case check for 115200 baud
jne cominit1
mov al,80H
mov dx,LINECTL
out dx,al
mov ax,1
jmp cominit2
mov al,80H
mov dx,LINECTL
out dx,al
mov ax,0c200H
mov dx,1 ;dividend = 0x1c200
div speed ;compute baud rate divisor
mov dx,DIVLAT
out dx,al ;setup com port to given baud rate
mov al,ah
inc dx ;second byte of divisor latch
out dx,al
; clear any pending interrupts
mov dx,DATA
in al,dx ;just in case one was waiting for us
mov dx,LINSTAT
in al,dx ;clear status interrupts
mov dx,MODSTAT
in al,dx
; setup line and modem control registers
mov al,03H ;set 8 data, 1 stop, no parity
mov dx,LINECTL
out dx,al
mov dx,MODCTL
mov al,03h ;turn on DTR, RTS, disable serial interrupts
out dx,al
pend comInit
; Procedure:
; comRestore
; Purpose:
; Restore com port to original condition.
; This is done by setting the 8259 registers back to their
; initial state.
; Input:
; None.
; Output:
; The 8259 is set back in its original state.
; Changes:
; AX, DX.
procdef comRestore
mov al,intr_reg
mov dx,INTENAB
out dx,al
if 0
mov al,intr_chp
mov dx,INTCHIP
out dx,al
pend comRestore
; Procedure:
; comIsrSet
; Purpose:
; Set the serial interrupt vector.
; This routine is called by the monitor, before control of the
; processor is passed to the user program, in order to allow the host
; operator to break into the user program.
; Input:
; CS:AX - The new serial interrupt vector.
; Output:
; The serial interrupt vector is modified.
; Changes:
; None.
dataseg segment
saveser dw 0,0
dataseg ends
procdef comIsrSet
push dx
push bx ;save registers
push es
push ax
mov bx,0 ;point es:bx at serial vector
mov es,bx
mov bl,INTNUM
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
mov ax,es:[bx] ;save current vector in saveser
mov saveser,ax
mov ax,es:[bx+2]
mov saveser+2,ax
mov ax,cs ;set CS:AX in vector
mov es:[bx+2],ax
pop ax
mov es:[bx],ax
; enable serial interrupts on the 8250
mov dx,LINECTL ;clear any pending serial ints
in al,dx
mov dx,DATA
in al,dx
mov dx,MODCTL
mov al,0bh ;turn on DTR, RTS, and allow ints
out dx,al
mov dx,INTENAB ;interrupt on receipt of character
mov al,1
out dx,al
; enable serial interrupts on the 8259
mov dx,INTCHIP ;get contents of interupt chip
in al,dx
mov intr_chp,al ;sav contents of interupt chip
mov cl,INTMASK
not cl
and al,cl
out dx,al ;turn on interupt chip
; restore registers and return
pop es ;restore regs
pop bx
pop dx
pret ;return to caller
pend comIsrSet
; Procedure:
; comIsrReset
; Purpose:
; Reset the serial interrupt vector to the value it had before
; comIsrSet was called.
; Input:
; None.
; Output:
; The serial interrupt vector is restored.
; Changes:
; None.
procdef comIsrReset
push es ;save registers
push dx
push bx
push ax
mov bx,0 ;point es:bx at vector
mov es,bx
mov bl,INTNUM
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
mov ax,saveser ;restore saved vector
mov es:[bx],ax
mov ax,saveser+2
mov es:[bx+2],ax
; disable serial interrupts on the 8250
mov dx,INTENAB
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov dx,MODCTL
mov al,3 ;turn on just DTR, RTS
out dx,al
; disable serial interrupts on the 8259
mov al,intr_chp
mov dx,INTCHIP
out dx,al
; restore registers and return
pop ax ;restore registers
pop bx
pop dx
pop es
pend comIsrReset
; Procedure:
; comIsrClear_
; Purpose:
; Clear the serial input port, after interrupt
; Input:
; None.
; Output:
; None.
procdef comIsrClear
push dx
push ax
mov dx,DATA ;flush the input port
in al,dx
mov al,20h ;signal EOI to interrupt controller
out INTCTL,al
pop ax
pop dx
pend comIsrClear
codeseg ends