dos_compilers/Microsoft C v4/STDALLOC.ASM
2024-07-01 10:35:17 -07:00

96 lines
2.5 KiB

title stdalloc - memory allocation routine for stdargv, stdenvp
; Microsoft C Compiler Runtime for MS-DOS
; (C)Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1984, 1986
sBegin data
assumes ds,data
externW _psp ; PSP segment #
externW _abrktb ; break table for allocation
externW _asizds ; break table for allocation end
sEnd data
sBegin code
assumes ds,data
assumes cs,code
externNP _amsg_exit ; write error and die routine
;*** myalloc - used to allocate heap space, without the overhead of
; malloc for both wildcard arguments and environment strings, ptrs.
; bp contains number of bytes in table ( argv/ or envp )
; ax contains total number of bytes to allocate table and strings
; di contains error message number in case of death.
; bp points to table, ax is size of table in bytes.
; tries to find space in heap, failing this calls dos to extend
; heap and tries again, failing this spits out error message and
; dies.
cProc _myalloc,<NEAR,PUBLIC>,<>
cBegin nogen
assumes ds,data
mov dx,ax ; save size of environment
add ax,[_abrktb].sz ; ax = DS offset of end of environment
jc _hpovr ; environment won't fit w/in 64k
; give error
cmp [_asizds],ax ; will env fit in allocated mem?
jnc _hpok ; yes, go move it
; need more memory
add ax,15d ; round up to nearest paragraph
push ax ; save this for later
rcr ax,1 ; shift right including carry from add
mov cl,3
shr ax,cl ; convert to # of paragraphs
mov cx,ds
mov bx,[_psp]
sub cx,bx ; DGROUP - _PSP
add ax,cx ; make # of paragraphs _PSP relative
mov es,bx ; seg addr of mem area
mov bx,ax ; set up for OS call
callos setmem ; change size of mem block to bx paras
pop ax ; restore (env size + 15)
jc _hpovr ; not enough memory, give error
and al,0F0h ; round down to nearest paragraph addr
dec ax
mov [_asizds],ax ; store new last byte of DGROUP
xchg ax,bp ; ax = size of env ptr table
mov bp,[_abrktb].sz ; bp points to mem for storing env ptrs
add [_abrktb].sz,dx ; update bottom of heap
mov ax,di ; error 2009/2008: no space for enviroment/arguments
jmp _amsg_exit ; give error and die
cEnd nogen
sEnd code