dos_compilers/Microsoft COBOL v45/DEMO/TTDEMO.CMD
2024-07-24 07:18:17 -07:00

146 lines
7.6 KiB

echo off
rem Batch File to Compile, Link and Run the TICTAC demonstration program.
rem This batch file can be run from your OS/2 prompt. If you specify the
rem "animate" parameter to the batch file then the TICTAC program will be
rem compiled and then ANIMATED.
echo .
echo *------------------* TICTAC demonstration program *-------------------*
echo * *
echo * Please ensure that you have followed the installation instructions *
echo * for COBOL, which are found in the COBOL/2 Getting Started manual. *
echo * This means that you have included the directory containing *
echo * containing your COBOL Compiler on your OS/2 PATH and you *
echo * will have set up the COBDIR environment variable to also include *
echo * the COBOL Compiler directory. *
echo * *
echo * Press Ctrl+C to exit if you have NOT properly installed your *
echo * COBOL Compiler, or copied the required files. *
echo * *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo .
if not exist TICTAC.CBL goto errtic
if %1. == animate. goto doanim
if %1. == ANIMATE. goto doanim
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Compiling the TICTAC demonstration program *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo on
echo off
if errorlevel 1 goto nocob
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Compiling successfully completed *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Linking the TICTAC program *
echo * *
echo * Notice inclusion of ADIS. *
echo * *
if %1. == lcobol. goto ltxtl
if %1. == LCOBOL. goto ltxtl
echo * The program will be linked to run with the shared run-time, *
echo * COBLIB. The EXE file created requires the file COBLIB.DLE to be *
echo * present in the COBOL system directories in order to operate. *
echo * *
echo * Restart this batch file with the parameter, LCOBOL, to see the *
echo * program statically linked so that it is independent of any other *
echo * files at run-time. (i.e. enter TTDEMO LCOBOL) *
goto ltxte
echo * The program will be statically linked. That is, the COBOL run-time *
echo * support required for this program is linked into the EXE file *
echo * making it independent of any other files at run-time. *
echo * *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
if %1. == lcobol. goto linkl
if %1. == LCOBOL. goto linkl
echo on
echo off
goto linke
echo on
echo off
echo off
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Linking successfully completed *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Running TICTAC *
echo * *
echo * Can you beat the Program? It is possible !! *
echo * *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo on
echo off
echo .
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * *
echo * Have you tried the COBOL ANIMATOR ? *
echo * *
echo * For an example of how to get going with the ANIMATOR, rerun this *
echo * batch file with the "animate" parameter. That is, type the *
echo * following: "TTDEMO ANIMATE" *
echo * *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo .
goto endtic
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Compiling the TICTAC demonstration program for Animation *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo on
echo off
if errorlevel 1 goto nocob
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Compiling successfully completed *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Animating the TICTAC program *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo on
echo off
if errorlevel 1 goto nocob
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * Animating successfully completed *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
goto endtic
echo ***********************************************************************
echo * *
echo * An error occured while running the Compiler. Please ensure that you *
echo * have installed all the necessary files. *
echo * *
echo ***********************************************************************
echo ***********************************************************************
echo * *
echo * The TICTAC program is not in the current directory. Either change *
echo * directory or copy TICTAC.CBL from your issue disks. *
echo * *
echo ***********************************************************************
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
echo * End of TICTAC Demonstration *
echo *---------------------------------------------------------------------*