dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ng1ca3c.html
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<B>NEXT End Definition of FOR/NEXT Loop</B>
<B>FOR</B> counter = <U>start</U> <B>TO</B> <U>end</U> [STEP <U>increment</U>]
. [<U>statements</U>]
<B>NEXT</B> [<U>counter</U> [,<U>counter</U>...]]
Terminates the definition of a FOR/NEXT loop.
<U>counter</U> A numeric variable to be used as the loop counter. All
numeric types are allowed, but the loop executes fastest
if counter is an integer variable.
<U>start</U> A numeric expression; the starting value of counter.
<U>end</U> A numeric expression; the ending value of counter.
<U>increment</U> A numeric expression; the value by which counter is
incremented or decremented with each iteration of the
loop. Defaults to +1.
<B>Notes:</B> BASIC begins processing of the FOR/NEXT block by setting
<U>counter</U> equal to start. Then, if <U>increment</U> is positive and
<U>counter</U> is less than end, the statements between the FOR
statement and the NEXT statement are executed. When the
NEXT statement is encountered, <U>counter</U> is increased by
<U>increment</U>, and the process is repeated. Execution passes
to the statement following the NEXT statement if <U>counter</U>
is equal to or greater than end.
If <U>increment</U> is negative, execution of the FOR/NEXT loop
is terminated whenever <U>counter</U> becomes equal to or less
than end.
If <U>increment</U> is 0, execution of the FOR/NEXT loop
continues until Ctrl-Break is pressed (unless one of the
repeated instructions itself increments <U>counter</U>).
Note that changes made within the FOR/NEXT loop to <U>counter</U>
affect the number of times the loop instructions are
executed; changes made to <U>start</U>, <U>end</U>, and <U>increment</U>,
however, do not have this effect.
There must be one and only one NEXT statement for each FOR
statement. Inclusion of <U>counter</U> in the NEXT statement is
optional; if <U>counter</U> is omitted, its value is assumed to
be that of <U>counter</U> in the most recent FOR statement.
FOR/NEXT loops may be nested within one another. Each FOR
must be given a unique <U>counter</U> value and each nested FOR
must have its NEXT statement appear within the enclosing
FOR-NEXT block.
Nested loops that have a common termination point may use
a single NEXT statement with values of <U>counter</U> matching
the values for each FOR statement.
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="nge1c2.html">DO</A>
<A HREF="ng11abb.html">FOR</A>
<A HREF="ng1982e.html">LOOP</A>
<A HREF="ng33204.html">WEND</A>
<A HREF="ng335b1.html">WHILE</A>
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Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>