dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ng2bf9a.html
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<B>RUN Execute Program</B>
<B>RUN</B> [{<U>linenum</U> | <U>filespec</U>}]
Executes the current program from the beginning or from a specified
line number; or loads a program from disk and runs it.
<U>linenum</U> A program line number.
<U>filespec</U> A string expression that follows DOS file naming
<B>Notes:</B> If no argument is given, Quick BASIC begins execution at
the lowest numbered line. This line must be part of the
main program (not in a subprogram or multiline function).
Program execution may be started from a specified line
number, but not from a specified alphanumeric label.
If a program is run from disk (RUN <U>filespec</U>), QuickBASIC
first erases the program currently in memory. It also
closes any files left open by the current program (the
Interpreter's ,R option is not supported by QuickBASIC).
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="ng6e8b.html">CHAIN</A>
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Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>