dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ng32510.html
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<B>VIEW Define Screen Window</B>
<B>VIEW</B> [[SCREEN][(<U>x1</U>,<U>y1</U>)-(<U>x2</U>,<U>y2</U>)[,[<U>color</U>][,[<U>border</U>]]]]]
Defines a screen subset, or viewport.
SCREEN If omitted, the coordinates of all subsequent graphics
statements are measured relative to the defined viewport,
whose upper left corner becomes 0,0. If included, 0,0 is
still the upper left corner of the screen, but only those
points that fall within the defined viewport are visible.
<U>x1</U>,<U>y1</U>,<U>x2</U>,<U>y2</U> Corner coordinates of the viewport.
<U>colo</U>r If included, QuickBASIC fills the viewport with the
specified color. Allowed values are 0 to 3 in medium
resolution, 0-1 in high resolution.
<U>borde</U>r If included, QuickBASIC draws a border, in a specified
color, around the defined viewport. Allowed values are 0
to 3 in medium resolution, 0-1 in high resolution.
<B>Notes:</B> QuickBASIC sorts the coordinates <U>x1</U>, <U>x2</U>, <U>y1</U>, and <U>y2</U>, so
that the lower value of <U>x</U> and the lower value of y specify
the upper left corner, regardless of how the coordinates
are presented; i.e., VIEW (280,120)-(140,180) would be
equivalent to VIEW (140,120)-(280,180).
VIEW with no argument redefines the viewport to the full
Multiple viewports may be defined, but only the most
recent definition is active.
A defined viewport is disabled by a RUN statement or a
change in SCREEN attributes.
With a viewport in effect, CLS clears only the viewport,
not the entire screen.
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="ng33e32.html">WINDOW</A>
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Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>