dos_compilers/Microsoft QuickBASIC v3/manual/ngf203.html
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<B>ENVIRON Modify Environment Table</B>
<B>ENVIRON</B> <U>stringexpr</U>
Adds a statement to or deletes a statement from the current
environment table.
<U>stringexpr</U> A string expression of the form "<U>name</U> = <U>parameter</U>".
<B>Notes:</B> If <U>name</U> already exists in the environment table, its
current setting is replaced with the new setting. If <U>name</U>
does not exist, the new statement is added at the end of
the environment table.
To delete an entry from the environment table, make
parameter a semicolon (i.e. "name = ;").
<U>parameter</U> is case-sensitive.
The new environment variable added, deleted, or modified
by this procedure will only take effect for SHELLed copies
of COMMAND.COM that are activated after this statement.
After the program exits, the environment table will be
exactly the same as before the program executed, no matter
what changes were made with ENVIRON.
<B>See Also:</B>
<A HREF="ngf619.html">ENVIRON$</A>
<A HREF="ng2e004.html">SHELL</A>
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Written by <A HREF="">Dave Pearson</A>